86 research outputs found


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    Maintenance and production interact. The ideal way of accounting for this interaction, when estimating production functions, is by picking the temporal length of observations so that they embed integer multiples of the production—maintenance cycles for all inputs. In contrast to labor and land, the production—maintenance cycles of capital sometimes vary tremendously in temporal length, which can make it impossible to implement the ideal method of accounting for the interaction between maintenance and production. This paper empirically tests four second best methods of accounting for maintenance, when the ideal method is impossible. The output elasticities of all inputs (not just the input undergoing maintenance), which emerge from these tests, vary tremendously. This implies that the way that maintenance is incorporated into the analysis (including the standard approach of ignoring maintenance) drastically affects the profit maximizing combinations of inputs derived from production function estimations.maintenance; efficiency; electricity; production and cost functions

    Optimizing Hydrogen Sulfide Removal and Biogas Production Using the Water Wash Method

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    Biogas forms from decomposing organic material in agricultural digesters, landfills, and wastewater treatment plant digesters. Biogas is mostly composed of methane, and can be used as a carbon-based fuel. Microorganisms that consume organics in these waste streams also produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as part of the biogas, in varying trace amounts. H2S is corrosive to engines and pipes for machinery, a human health hazard when inhaled, and an aquatic hazard when dissolved in water. Water washing is an absorption process that dissolves hydrogen sulfide and other water soluble compounds in this process and carries it away from the gas, thereby purifying it. A water wash absorption column process at Jones Island in Milwaukee is being tested to purify landfill biogas by varying gas and water flowrates, as well as the gas pressure, resulting in an observed 90-99% removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas was observed

    Globalization and Thailand\u27s Financial Crisis

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    Political Instability and the Effectiveness of Economic Policies: The Case of Thailand from 1993-2013

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    Between 1993 and 2013, the Thai economy suffered from massive changes in its economy, political situation, and external environment. Given data constraints and the rapidity of the changing situation, it is impossible to create an adequate macroeconomic model for Thailand during this time period. Thus we use a statistical method designed to solve the omitted variables problem with regression analysis. This method produces a separate slope estimate for every observation which makes it possible to see how omitted variables are affecting the estimated relationships over time. We use this method to estimate dGDP/dG, dGDP/dMB, dGDP/dX, dGDP/de, and dGDP/dReserves using quarterly Thai data from 1993 to 2013 where GDP is gross domestic product, G is government consumption, MB is the monetary base, X is exports, e is the baht/US$ exchange rate, and Reserves are foreign reserves. We find that the pro-equality policies of the Thaksin regime were helpful and that export driven growth is no longer a viable option for Thailand. Although we approve of Thaksin’s economic policies, we disapprove of other aspects of his regime

    The Meckel-Gruber syndrome protein TMEM67 controls basal body positioning and epithelial branching morphogenesis in mice via the non-canonical Wnt pathway

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    Ciliopathies are a group of developmental disorders that manifest with multi-organ anomalies. Mutations in TMEM67 (MKS3) cause a range of human ciliopathies, including Meckel-Gruber and Joubert syndromes. In this study we describe multi-organ developmental abnormalities in the Tmem67(tm1Dgen/H1) knockout mouse that closely resemble those seen in Wnt5a and Ror2 knockout mice. These include pulmonary hypoplasia, ventricular septal defects, shortening of the body longitudinal axis, limb abnormalities, and cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundle orientation and basal body/kinocilium positioning defects. The basal body/kinocilium complex was often uncoupled from the hair bundle, suggesting aberrant basal body migration, although planar cell polarity and apical planar asymmetry in the organ of Corti were normal. TMEM67 (meckelin) is essential for phosphorylation of the non-canonical Wnt receptor ROR2 (receptor-tyrosine-kinase-like orphan receptor 2) upon stimulation with Wnt5a-conditioned medium. ROR2 also colocalises and interacts with TMEM67 at the ciliary transition zone. Additionally, the extracellular N-terminal domain of TMEM67 preferentially binds to Wnt5a in an in vitro binding assay. Cultured lungs of Tmem67 mutant mice failed to respond to stimulation of epithelial branching morphogenesis by Wnt5a. Wnt5a also inhibited both the Shh and canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathways in wild-type embryonic lung. Pulmonary hypoplasia phenotypes, including loss of correct epithelial branching morphogenesis and cell polarity, were rescued by stimulating the non-canonical Wnt pathway downstream of the Wnt5a-TMEM67-ROR2 axis by activating RhoA. We propose that TMEM67 is a receptor that has a main role in non-canonical Wnt signalling, mediated by Wnt5a and ROR2, and normally represses Shh signalling. Downstream therapeutic targeting of the Wnt5a-TMEM67-ROR2 axis might, therefore, reduce or prevent pulmonary hypoplasia in ciliopathies and other congenital conditions

    Bank ownership structure, regulations and risk-taking : evidence from commercial banks in Pakistan

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    This paper conducts the first empirical assessment of the theories concerning the influence of ownership structure on bank risk-taking in the presence of regulations in Pakistan. The sample used in this paper comprises a panel data of 26 banks in Pakistan, for the period from 2000 to 2014. The analysis provides evidence that increase in ownership concentration leads to an increase in bank risk-taking. Managerial ownership is associated with high risk-taking at low and high levels of managerial ownership while at intermediate level, managerial ownership has negative impact on bank risk-taking. Different types of ownership of banks in Pakistan have different impact on risk-taking. While government, family and institutional ownership have a positive impact on bank risk-taking, foreign own- ership has a negative impact on bank risk-taking. Furthermore, the results show that capital regulations are important in influencing bank risk-taking with regard to higher ownership concentration. The findings of this paper suggest that the relation between bank risk-taking and capital regulations typically depends on the type of ownership.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Changing Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

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    In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many countries are hoping that massive increases in their money supplies will revive their economies. Evaluating the effectiveness of this strategy using traditional statistical methods would require the construction of an extremely complex economic model of the world that showed how each country’s situation affected all other countries. No matter how complex that model was, it would always be subject to the criticism that it had omitted important variables. Omitting important variables from traditional statistical methods ruins all estimates and statistics. This paper uses a relatively new statistical method that solves the omitted variables problem. This technique produces a separate slope estimate for each observation which makes it possible to see how the estimated relationship has changed over time due to omitted variables. I find that the effectiveness of monetary policy has fallen between the first quarter of 2003 and the fourth quarter of 2012 by 14%, 36%, 38%, 32%, 29% and 69% for Japan, the UK, the USA, the Euro area, Brazil, and the Russian Federation respectively. I hypothesize that monetary policy is suffering from diminishing returns because it cannot address the fundamental problem with the world’s economy today; that problem is a global glut of savings that is either sitting idle or funding speculative bubbles