117 research outputs found


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    Les chevaux de l’Afrique du Nord, connus sous le nom gĂ©nĂ©rique de chevaux barbes, sont considĂ©rĂ©s par les anciens hippiatres, dĂšs le xviie siĂšcle, comme constituant une race dĂ©terminĂ©e et dĂ©jĂ  en 1733 La GuĂ©riniĂšre, Ă©numĂ©rant les races de chevaux de diffĂ©rents pays, note les qualitĂ©s du cheval barbe et le considĂšre comme meilleur Ă©talon que le cheval andalou. Le nom de « barbe » qui a Ă©tĂ© donnĂ© par les EuropĂ©ens aux chevaux de l’Afrique du Nord, dĂ©rive du nom des « États Barbaresques », ce qu..


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    Toponymie Le mot latin qui dĂ©signe l’église a laissĂ© une postĂ©ritĂ© dans la toponymie actuelle du Maghreb, Ă  la fois dans les rĂ©gions berbĂ©rophones et dans celles oĂč l’arabisation a recouvert les dĂ©nominations antiques. Pour les premiĂšres, c’est bien Ă  ecclesia qu’il faut rapporter les noms de lieux comme Henchir Tagliz, Henchir Taglissi en Tripolitaine, Henchir Tarlist auprĂšs de Zraia ou Taglisiya dans le royaume rostĂ©mide, en AlgĂ©rie centrale et occidentale. Il n’est pas impossible que le to..

    Onomastique : période romaine

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    Optat (Saint)

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    La ville antique de Cillium (Kasserine, Tunisie) se trouve dans la Haute Steppe, Ă  une altitude d’environ 600 mĂštres. Elle est entourĂ©e de djebels interrompus par la trouĂ©e de Kasserine, cĂ©lĂšbre par les combats de 1943. La sĂ©cheresse du climat (320 m/m d’eau par an) n’a longtemps permis Ă  la rĂ©gion qu’une Ă©conomie pastorale accompagnĂ©e de quelques cultures vivriĂšres, du moins avant la conversion liĂ©e au dĂ©veloppement de l’olĂ©iculture au dĂ©but de notre Ăšre d’abord, puis au dĂ©but de ce siĂšcle. ..

    On the Bohr inequality

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    The Bohr inequality, first introduced by Harald Bohr in 1914, deals with finding the largest radius rr, 0<r<10<r<1, such that ∑n=0∞∣an∣rn≀1\sum_{n=0}^\infty |a_n|r^n \leq 1 holds whenever ∣∑n=0∞anznâˆŁâ‰€1|\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nz^n|\leq 1 in the unit disk D\mathbb{D} of the complex plane. The exact value of this largest radius, known as the \emph{Bohr radius}, has been established to be 1/3.1/3. This paper surveys recent advances and generalizations on the Bohr inequality. It discusses the Bohr radius for certain power series in D,\mathbb{D}, as well as for analytic functions from D\mathbb{D} into particular domains. These domains include the punctured unit disk, the exterior of the closed unit disk, and concave wedge-domains. The analogous Bohr radius is also studied for harmonic and starlike logharmonic mappings in D.\mathbb{D}. The Bohr phenomenon which is described in terms of the Euclidean distance is further investigated using the spherical chordal metric and the hyperbolic metric. The exposition concludes with a discussion on the nn-dimensional Bohr radius

    Super-heavy fermion material as metallic refrigerant for adiabatic demagnetization cooling

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    Low-temperature refrigeration is of crucial importance in fundamental research of condensed matter physics, as the investigations of fascinating quantum phenomena, such as superconductivity, superfluidity and quantum criticality, often require refrigeration down to very low temperatures. Currently, cryogenic refrigerators with 3^3He gas are widely used for cooling below 1 Kelvin. However, usage of the gas is being increasingly difficult due to the current world-wide shortage. Therefore, it is important to consider alternative methods of refrigeration. Here, we show that a new type of refrigerant, super-heavy electron metal, YbCo2_2Zn20_{20}, can be used for adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration, which does not require 3He gas. A number of advantages includes much better metallic thermal conductivity compared to the conventional insulating refrigerants. We also demonstrate that the cooling performance is optimized in Yb1−x_{1-x}Scx_xCo2_2Zn20_{20} by partial Sc substitution with x∌x\sim0.19. The substitution induces chemical pressure which drives the materials close to a zero-field quantum critical point. This leads to an additional enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in low fields and low temperatures enabling final temperatures well below 100 mK. Such performance has up to now been restricted to insulators. Since nearly a century the same principle of using local magnetic moments has been applied for adiabatic demagnetization cooling. This study opens new possibilities of using itinerant magnetic moments for the cryogen-free refrigeration
