2,011 research outputs found

    Do business games foster skills? A cross-cultural study from learners’ views

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    Purpose: This study seeks to analyse students’ perception of the effectiveness of business games as an e-learning method in management training. This analysis of games’ effectiveness is centred in the generic and managerial skills acquired, through the comparison of students’ opinions in different cultural contexts within Europe. Design/methodology: The analysis focuses on 120 management students at postgraduate level who use the same business game at different universities in five European countries: Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Germany. Findings: The results indicate that students positively assessed the generic and specific managerial skills fostered by the business game. The generic skills most valued were information and decision-making, and leadership. Regarding the specific skills, the most valued were management skills and the least valued, skills related to planning and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. However, significant differences were found between students in different cultural contexts and education systems in the case of certain specific managerial skills. Practical implications: This finding suggests that the students’ perception of how a business game helps them acquire specific managerial skills is influenced by cultural aspects and previous exposure to experiential learning, which determine that the teachers’ role and the teaching process should be adapted to the students’ learning model. Originality/value: With this study, a better knowledge about the students’ perception of this e-learning method is obtained, not just considering a specific educational environment, but comparing opinions of students from different cultural contexts, which adds value to the analyses developed.Peer Reviewe

    Ayotzinapa: Viejas luchas, nuevas formas

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    En el presente documento se brinda una breve crĂłnica de lo acontecido cuando en septiembre de 2014, con la participaciĂłn de elementos de la fuerza pĂșblica, se desapareciĂł a 43 estudiantes de la Normal Rural Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. Se da cuenta tanto de las inconsistencias de la verdad histĂłrica presentada por el gobierno federal, como de la crisis de legitimidad que vive la actual administraciĂłn que, si bien llegĂł con el apoyo de un porcentaje muy bajo del electorado, con el paso de los años ha visto disolver su popularidad. Por otro lado, siguiendo las ideas de Raul Zibechi y Ana Esther Ceceña se menciona que lo sucedido en Ayotzinapa debe ser visto como un emblema del capitalismo neoextractivista que aqueja nuestra regiĂłn. En dicho sentido se hace Ă©nfasis a la agenda polĂ­tica y econĂłmica de la actual administraciĂłn, con el objetivo de dar cuenta de una agudizaciĂłn de las contradicciones sociales, sobre todo en territorios rurales de nuestro paĂ­s

    Epipelagic and mesopelagic fishes in the southern California Current System: Ecological interactions and oceanographic influences on their abundance

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    We use zooplankton and ichthyoplankton data from the~60-year CalCOFI time series to examine relationships of mesopelagic (i.e. midwater) fishes in the California Current System with midwater predators, potential competitors (epipelagic planktivorous fishes) and zooplankton prey, within the context of local and basin-scale oceanography. Equilibrium-based near-steady state models and the "wasp-waist" paradigm for eastern boundary currents predict tightly-coupled trophic interactions, with negative correlations between the abundance of planktivorous competitors and between dominant planktivores and their prey. Testing these hypotheses with the CalCOFI time series, we found them to be generally invalid. Potential competitors within the mesopelagic community (planktivorous vertical migrators (VMs) and non-migrators (NMs)) were highly positively correlated, as were these groups with the mesopelagic piscivores (e.g. dragonfishes) that prey on them. In addition, the abundance of VMs was mostly positively correlated with that of epipelagic planktivores, such as anchovy, mackerels and hake. The VMs and epipelagic planktivores were negatively correlated with key potential planktonic prey groups, indicating a lack of bottom-up forcing. However, neither do these negative correlations appear to signify top-down forcing, since they seem to be mediated through correlations with key environmental drivers, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), sea surface temperature, and the relative strength of the California Current. We suggest that the web of correlations linking key meso-and epipelagic planktivores, their predators and prey is mediated through common links with basin-scale oceanographic drivers, such as the PDO and ENSO cycles. Thus, the abundance of mesopelagic fishes in the California Current is closely tied to variation in the oxygen minimum zone, whose dynamics have been linked to the PDO. The PDO and other drivers are also linked to the transport of the California Current System, which influences the abundance of many dominant taxa off southern California that have broad biogeographic distributions linked to water masses that extend to the north (Transition Zone/sub-Arctic faunas) or the south (tropical/subtropical faunas)

    Propuesta Estratégica de Mejora en la Implementación de los Eståndares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa Eficacia S.A para el primer semestre del 2019

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    A través de este trabajo queremos plasmar los hallazgos encontrados en la empresa Eficacia S.A., la cual escogimos por ser una multinacional presente en todo el territorio Colombiano, que tiene contratado a mås de 40 mil personas a nivel nacional y 15 mil a nivel regional, a pesar de tener un organigrama y una estructura sólida por procesos ,presentan falencias en cuanto al sistema de SSTA, del cual profundizamos en el trabajo, logrando así un plan de mejora aplicando el ciclo PHVA, que consiste en un cronograma de actividades, auditorias, seguimientos, políticas para mejorar la calidad de vida del colaborador y el impacto económico que tenga dentro de la empresa apuntando a su rentabilidad.Through this work we want to capture the findings found in the company Eficacia SA, which we chose to be a multinational present throughout the Colombian territory, which has hired more than 40 thousand people nationwide and 15 thousand regionally, to Despite having an organization chart and a solid structure for processes, they have shortcomings in the SSTA system, which we deepened in the work, thus achieving an improvement plan by applying the PHVA cycle, which consists of a schedule of activities, audits, follow-ups , policies to improve the quality of life of the collaborator and the economic impact that has within the company pointing to its profitability

    Frequency of hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis among elderly patients with transthyretin cardiomyopathy

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    Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM) is increasingly recognized as a cause of heart failure in the elderly. Although wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis is the most frequent form of ATTR-CM found in the elderly, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv) can also occur. We sought to determine the prevalence of ATTRv among elderly ATTR-CM patients, identify predictors of ATTRv and evaluate the clinical consequences of positive genetic testing in this population. Prevalence of ATTRv in elderly ATTR-CM patients (≄70 years) was assessed in a cohort of 300 consecutive ATTR-CM patients (median age 78 years at diagnosis, 82% ≄70 years, 16% female, 99% Caucasian). ATTRv was diagnosed in 35 (12%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.1–8.8) and 13 (5.3%; 95% CI 5.6–26.7) patients in the overall cohort and in those ≄70 years, respectively. Prevalence of ATTRv among elderly female patients with ATTR-CM was 13% (95% CI 2.1–23.5). Univariate analysis identified female sex (odds ratio [OR] 3.66; 95% CI 1.13–11.85; p = 0.03), black ancestry (OR 46.31; 95% CI 3.52–Inf; p = 0.005), eye symptoms (OR 6.64; 95% CI 1.20–36.73; p = 0.03) and polyneuropathy (OR 10.05; 95% CI 3.09–32.64; p<0.001) as the only factors associated with ATTRv in this population. Diagnosis of ATTRv in elderly ATTR-CM patients allowed initiation of transthyretin-specific drug treatment in 5 individuals, genetic screening in 33 relatives from 13 families, and identification of 9 ATTRv asymptomatic carriers. Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis is present in a substantial number of ATTR-CM patients aged ≄70 years. Identification of ATTRv in elderly patients with ATTR-CM has clinical meaningful therapeutic and diagnostic implications. These results support routine genetic testing in patients with ATTR-CM regardless of ageThis study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the projects ‘PI18/0765 & PI20/01379’ (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund ‘A way to make Europe’/‘Investing in your future’). AMB receives grant support by ISCIII (CM20/002209). The CNIC is supported by the ISCIII, MCIN, the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and the Severo Ochoa grant (CEX2020-001041-S

    Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices to Enable Interoperability in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

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    The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (Ocean Decade) challenges marine science to better inform and stimulate social and economic development while conserving marine ecosystems. To achieve these objectives, we must make our diverse methodologies more comparable and interoperable, expanding global participation and foster capacity development in ocean science through a new and coherent approach to best practice development. We present perspectives on this issue gleaned from the ongoing development of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS). The OBPS is collaborating with individuals and programs around the world to transform the way ocean methodologies are managed, in strong alignment with the outcomes envisioned for the Ocean Decade. However, significant challenges remain, including: (1) the haphazard management of methodologies across their lifecycle, (2) the ambiguous endorsement of what is "best" and when and where one method may be applicable vs. another, and (3) the inconsistent access to methodological knowledge across disciplines and cultures. To help address these challenges, we recommend that sponsors and leaders in ocean science and education promote consistent documentation and convergence of methodologies to: create and improve context-dependent best practices; incorporate contextualized best practices into Ocean Decade Actions; clarify who endorses which method and why; create a global network of complementary ocean practices systems; and ensure broader consistency and flexibility in international capacity development

    The OTELO survey: A case study of [O III] lambda 4959,5007 emitters at z=0.83

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    Context. The OSIRIS Tunable Filter Emission Line Object (OTELO) survey is a very deep, blind exploration of a selected region of the Extended Groth Strip and is designed for finding emission-line sources (ELSs). The survey design, observations, data reduction, astrometry, and photometry, as well as the correlation with ancillary data used to obtain a final catalogue, including photo-z estimates and a preliminary selection of ELS, were described in a previous contribution. Aims. Here, we aim to determine the main properties and luminosity function (LF) of the [O III] ELS sample of OTELO as a scientific demonstration of its capabilities, advantages, and complementarity with respect to other surveys. Methods. The selection and analysis procedures of ELS candidates obtained using tunable filter pseudo-spectra are described. We performed simulations in the parameter space of the survey to obtain emission-line detection probabilities. Relevant characteristics of [O III] emitters and the LF ([O III]), including the main selection biases and uncertainties, are presented. Results. From 541 preliminary emission-line source candidates selected around z = 0.8, a total of 184 sources were confirmed as [O III] emitters. Consistent with simulations, the minimum detectable line flux and equivalent width in this ELS sample are ∌5 × 10−19 erg s−1 cm2 and ∌6 Å, respectively. We are able to constrain the faint-end slope (α = −1.03 ± 0.08) of the observed LF ([O III]) at a mean redshift of z = 0.83. This LF reaches values that are approximately ten times lower than those from other surveys. The vast majority (84%) of the morphologically classified [O III] ELSs are disc-like sources, and 87% of this sample is comprised of galaxies with stellar masses of M⋆ <  1010 M⊙

    Six hundred years of South American tree rings reveal an increase in severe hydroclimatic events since mid-20th century

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    South American (SA) societies are highly vulnerable to droughts and pluvials, but lack of long-term climate observations severely limits our understanding of the global processes driving climatic variability in the region. The number and quality of SA climate-sensitive tree ring chronologies have significantly increased in recent decades, now providing a robust network of 286 records for characterizing hydroclimate variability since 1400 CE. We combine this network with a self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI) dataset to derive the South American Drought Atlas (SADA) over the continent south of 12°S. The gridded annual reconstruction of austral summer scPDSI is the most spatially complete estimate of SA hydroclimate to date, and well matches past historical dry/wet events. Relating the SADA to the Australia–New Zealand Drought Atlas, sea surface temperatures and atmospheric pressure fields, we determine that the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) are strongly associated with spatially extended droughts and pluvials over the SADA domain during the past several centuries. SADA also exhibits more extended severe droughts and extreme pluvials since the mid-20th century. Extensive droughts are consistent with the observed 20th-century trend toward positive SAM anomalies concomitant with the weakening of midlatitude Westerlies, while low-level moisture transport intensified by global warming has favored extreme rainfall across the subtropics. The SADA thus provides a long-term context for observed hydroclimatic changes and for 21st-century Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections that suggest SA will experience more frequent/severe droughts and rainfall events as a consequence of increasing greenhouse gas emissions

    A Functional Role of RB-Dependent Pathway in the Control of Quiescence in Adult Epidermal Stem Cells Revealed by Genomic Profiling

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    Continuous cell renewal in mouse epidermis is at the expense of a pool of pluripotent cells that lie in a well defined niche in the hair follicle known as the bulge. To identify mechanisms controlling hair follicle stem cell homeostasis, we developed a strategy to isolate adult bulge stem cells in mice and to define their transcriptional profile. We observed that a large number of transcripts are underexpressed in hair follicle stem cells when compared to non-stem cells. Importantly, the majority of these downregulated genes are involved in cell cycle. Using bioinformatics tools, we identified the E2F transcription factor family as a potential element involved in the regulation of these transcripts. To determine their functional role, we used engineered mice lacking Rb gene in epidermis, which showed increased expression of most E2F family members and increased E2F transcriptional activity. Experiments designed to analyze epidermal stem cell functionality (i.e.: hair regrowth and wound healing) imply a role of the Rb-E2F axis in the control of stem cell quiescence in epidermis

    Direct RT-qPCR Assay for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva Samples

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    Since mid-2020 there have been complexities and difficulties in the standardisation and administration of nasopharyngeal swabs. Coupled with the variable and/or poor accuracy of lateral flow devices, this has led to increased societal ‘testing fatigue’ and reduced confidence in test results. Consequently, asymptomatic individuals have developed reluctance towards repeat testing, which remains the best way to monitor COVID-19 cases in the wider population. On the other hand, saliva-based PCR, a non-invasive, highly sensitive, and accurate test suitable for everyone, is gaining momentum as a straightforward and reliable means of detecting SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Here, we provide an itemised list of the equipment and reagents involved in the process of sample submission, inactivation and analysis, as well as a detailed description of how each of these steps is performed
