78 research outputs found

    Beneficial Effects of Olive Oil Enriched with Lycopene on the Plasma Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Profile of Hypercholesterolemic Patients

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    Olive oil and lycopene are foods that have potent antioxidant activity. The objective was to determine the effects of consumption of olive oil enriched with lycopene on oxidative stress biomarkers in hypercholesterolemic subjects. We examined the effects of oil enriched with lycopene extract daily intake during 1 month on plasma antioxidant capacity, lipids profile (triacylgycerols, total cholesterol, cHDL; cLDL, ox-LDL), biomarkers of oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers related with atherosclerosis risk (C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6; sDC4L) in subjects hypercholesteremics (cholesterol > 220 mg/dL). In the group consuming olive oil-lycopene, significant increases (p < 0.05) in the levels of plasma lycopene concentration (0.146 ± 0.03 versus 0.202 ± 0.04 (µmol/L)), α-carotene (0.166 ± 0.064 versus 0.238 ± 0.07) and in β-carotene (0.493 ± 0.187 versus 0.713 ± 0.221) were observed. These results are linked with the increases of plasma antioxidants and decreases biomarkers of oxidative stress (carbonyl groups, malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-deoxiguanosine) observed in hypercholesterolemic group. In relation to lipid profile, a significant decrease was observed in the levels of ox-LDL (781 ± 302 versus 494 ± 200), remaining unchanged the levels of TG, cholesterol, HDL and LDL-c. Regarding inflammatory biomarkers, the levels of CRP and IL-6 decreased significantly. The positive results obtained in this study support the use of olive oil enriched with lycopene to reduce the risk of coronary disease

    Asia1a, herramienta en línea para analizar el abandono universitario

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    L’abandonament acadèmic és un problema que preocupa a totes les universitats. A Espanya, les taxes d’abandonament oscil·len entre el 30 i el 50%, segons les dades de la Conferència de Rectors.  Per això, moltes institucions estudien les causes de l’abandonament i desenvolupen programes de retenció, sobretot dirigits als estudiants de nou ingrés, ja que nombrosos estudis confirmen que el percentatge més gran d’abandonament es concentra en el primer any de carrera.En aquest treball es presenta l’aplicació informàtica en línia ASIA1a i els resultats de la seva aplicació per trobar el diagnòstic del problema de l’abandonament de primer any en les titulacions de grau de la Universidad de Oviedo. L’ús d’ASIA1a ha permès detectar la nota d’accés i el rendiment acadèmic com a variables significatives i identificar les titulacions que requereixen una anàlisi més profunda. Com a conseqüència, el grau en Dret s’ha estudiat amb detall amb el paquet estadístic SPSS, identificant el nombre de crèdits superats el primer any com a principal predictor de la permanència. Es conclou que ASIA1a afavoreix la presa de decisions, per part de l’Administració Educativa, ja que permet l’avaluació sistemàtica de l’indicador de qualitat Taxa de permanència i de l’impacte sobre l’esmentat indicador dels programes de retenció implementats. Així mateix, permet identificar les variables amb major influència en l’abandonament i les titulacions que requereixen un seguiment més gran, assentant les bases per guiar l’acció orientadora i afavorint l’eficàcia de les intervencions realitzades en aquest sentit.All higher education institutions are concerned about dropout. In Spain, dropout rates fluctuate between 30 and 50%, according to data from the Spanish Universities Rectors Conference. Therefore, many universities perform studies to analyse its causes and develop retention programs, often fostering and counseling their freshmen, since numerous studies confirm that the highest dropout rates correspond to first-year students. This paper presents the online software ASIA1a and the results obtained by applying it in order to facilitate the diagnosis of the first-year dropout problem at the Oviedo University. Using ASIA1a, we have detected the score for access to university and academic achievement as significant variables and identified those degrees that require more in-depth diagnosis, therefore further analysis about Law degree have been implemented using SPSS statistical package, identifying the number of credits passed as the best predictor of student persistence. ASIA1a favors the decision-making process to be developed by the Educational Administration, in order to improve retention, with the systematic evaluation of the persistence rate, and the impact on this indicator of retention programs. Furthermore, it allows to identify the more relevant variables and those degrees that need further study, laying the foundation that should direct the student guiding actions and promoting the effectiveness of these interventions.El abandono académico es un problema que preocupa a todas las universidades. En España, las tasas de abandono oscilan entre el 30 y el 50%, según datos de la Conferencia de Rectores.  Por ello, muchas instituciones estudian las causas del abandono y desarrollan programas de retención, con frecuencia dirigidos a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso, ya que numerosos estudios confirman que el mayor porcentaje de abandono se concentra en el primer año de carrera.En este trabajo se presenta la aplicación informática en línea ASIA1a y los resultados de su aplicación, para el diagnóstico del problema del abandono de primer año, en las titulaciones de grado de la Universidad de Oviedo.El uso de ASIA1a ha permitido detectar la nota de acceso y el rendimiento académico como variables significativas e identificar las titulaciones que requieren un análisis más profundo. Como consecuencia, el grado en Derecho ha sido estudiado en detalle, con el paquete estadístico SPSS, identificando el número de créditos superados el primer año como el mejor predictor de la permanencia.Se concluye que ASIA1a favorece la toma de decisiones, por parte de la Administración Educativa, ya que permite la evaluación sistemática del indicador de calidad Tasa de permanencia y del impacto sobre dicho indicador de los programas de retención implementados. Así mismo permite identificar las variables con mayor influencia en el abandono y las titulaciones que requieren un mayor seguimiento, sentando las bases para guiar la acción orientadora y favoreciendo la eficacia de las intervenciones realizadas en este sentido

    Trends and Outcomes in Lung Transplantation in Patients with and without Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Spain during the Period 2016–2020.

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    Background: This paper aims to assess temporal trends (2016–2020) in incidence, patient’s characteristics, complications, length of hospital stay (LOHS) and in-hospital mortality (IHM) among patients with and without idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) undergoing lung transplantation (LTx). We also analyse the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on LTx in these populations. (2) Methods: A retrospective, population-based observational study was conducted using the Spanish National Hospital Discharge Database. Multivariable adjustment was conducted with logistic regression to analyse the IHM. (3) Results: We identified 1777 admissions for LTx during the study period, of which 573 (32.2%) were performed in patients with IPF. The number of hospital admissions for LTx rose from 2016 to 2020, both in patients with and without IPF, but a marked reduction was observed from year 2019 to year 2020. Over time, the proportion of single LTx decreased and bilateral LTx increased significantly in both groups. The incidence of LTx complications increased significantly over time along with the increase in the incidence of IPF. No significant differences in the incidence of complications or in the IHM between patients with and without IPF were found. Suffering any complication of the LTx and pulmonary hypertension were conditions positively associated with IHM in patients with and without IPF. The IHM remained stable from 2016 to 2020 in both study populations and was not affected by the COVID pandemic. (4) Conclusions: Patients with IPF account for almost a third of all lung transplants. The number of LTx increased over time in patients with and without IPF, but a marked reduction was observed from 2019 to 2020. Although the proportion of LTx complications increased significantly over time in both groups, the IHM did not change. IPF was not associated with increased complications or IHM after LTx.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Sex Differences in the Incidence and Outcomes of Patients Hospitalized by Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in Spain from 2016 to 2019

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    (1) Background: To assess sex differences in the incidence, characteristics, procedures and outcomes of patients admitted with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF); and to analyze variables associated with in-hospital mortality (IHM). (2) Methods: We analyzed data collected by the Spanish National Hospital Discharge Database, 2016–2019. (3) Results: We identified 13,278 hospital discharges (66.4% men) of IPF (primary diagnosis 32.33%; secondary diagnosis: 67.67%). Regardless of the diagnosis position, IPF incidence was higher among men than women, increasing with age. Men had 2.74 times higher IPF incidence than women. Comorbidity was higher for men in either primary or secondary diagnosis. After matching, men had higher prevalence of pulmonary embolism and pneumonia, and women of congestive heart failure, dementia, rheumatoid disease and pulmonary hypertension. Invasive ventilation, bronchoscopy and lung transplantation were received more often by men than women. IHM was higher among men with IPF as primary diagnosis than among women and increased with age in both sexes and among those who suffered cancer, pneumonia or required mechanical ventilation. (4) Conclusions: Incidence of IPF was higher among men than women, as well as comorbidity and use of bronchoscopy, ventilation and lung transplantation. IHM was worse among men than women with IPF as primary diagnosis, increasing with age, cancer, pneumonia or mechanical ventilation use

    Impact of CD68/(CD3+CD20) Ratio at the Invasive Front of Primary Tumors on Distant Metastasis Development in Breast Cancer

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    Tumors are infiltrated by macrophages, T and B-lymphocytes, which may favor tumor development by promoting angiogenesis, growth and invasion. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical relevance of the relative amount of macrophages (CD68⁺), T-cells (CD3⁺ and B-cells (CD20⁺) at the invasive front of breast carcinomas, and the expression of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) either at the invasive front or at the tumor center. We performed an immunohistochemical study counting CD3, CD20 and CD68 positive cells at the invasive front, in 102 breast carcinomas. Also, tissue sections were stained with MMP-2, -9, -11, -14 and TIMP-2 antibodies, and immunoreactivity location, percentage of reactive area and intensity were determined at the invasive front and at the tumor center. The results showed that an increased CD68 count and CD68/(CD3+CD20) ratio were directly associated with both MMP-11 and TIMP-2 expression by mononuclear inflammatory cells at the tumor center (p = 0.041 and p = 0.025 for CD68 count and p = 0.001 and p = 0.045 for ratio, respectively for MMP-11 and TIMP-2). In addition, a high CD68/(CD3+CD20) ratio (>0.05) was directly associated with a higher probability of shortened relapse-free survival. Multivariate analysis revealed that CD68/(CD3+CD20) ratio was an independent factor associated with distant relapse-free survival (RR: 2.54, CI: (1.23-5.24), p<0.01). Therefore, CD68/(CD3+CD20) ratio at the invasive front could be used as an important prognostic marker

    La extrabuc: una colección extramuros, extravagante, extraordinaria

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    Comunicación presentada en las I Jornadas de Bibliotecas G9 sobre buenas prácticas en atención a espacios y usuarios, organizada por el Servicio de Bibliotecas de la UEx en Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres) los días 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2016Presentación de las acciones realizadas por la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cantabria para fomentar la lectura.Presentation of the actions taken by the Library of the University of Cantabria to promote reading

    Should inflammatory bowel disease clinicians provide their patients with e-Health resources?: patients' and professionals' perspectives

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    [Abstract] Introduction: The internet is emerging as a source of information for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, it is not always reliable and may cause anxiety. We aim to assess patients' information habits and patients' and professionals' perceptions of a national website integrated as an educational resource for the IBD unit. Methods: Patients aged 18-65 years, comfortable with the internet, and attending follow-ups at participating IBD units (March-June 2019) and their professionals were invited to evaluate a recommended website through an online survey. Results: Three hundred eighty-nine patients and 95 professionals completed the survey. The internet (n = 109; 27.4%) was the second preferred source of information after the health care team (n = 229; 57.5%). Eighty percent of patients searched the internet for information on their disease and 28.6% did so at least once a week (n = 114), especially newly diagnosed ones (<2 years). Patients valued a website recommended by their professional (n = 379; 95.2%) and endorsed by the National Working Group (n = 377; 94.7%). They would attend online educational initiatives on the website (n = 279; 70.1%) and complete periodical surveys to improve its usefulness (n = 338; 84.9%). According to IBD professionals, this type of website is the best patient source of supplementary information (n = 76; 80%) and they "prescribe" it to most patients (67.0 ± 25.2%), especially the newly diagnosed patients (52.7 ± 26.5%). It effectively integrates routine face-to-face education (n = 95; 100%). Conclusions: Patients of IBD units, especially newly diagnosed ones, appreciate a trusted e-Health resource to back up professional information. The favorable opinion of patients and professionals will allow its use in training interventions

    The prognostic significance of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, PD-L1, BRCA mutation status and tumor mutational burden in early-stage high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. A study by the Spanish Group for Ovarian Cancer Research (GEICO)

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    Early stages are under-represented in studies on the molecular and immune features of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC), and specific studies focused on early-stage HGSOC are required for a better prognostic stratification and to personalize chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic significance of CD8+ and CD4+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), tumoral cell PD-L1 expression, BRCA mutational status and tumor mutation burden (TMB) in early-stage HGSOC. A retrospective study was performed on stage I and II HGSOC from the Molecular Reclassification of Early Stages of Ovarian Cancer (RECLAMO) cohort from the Spanish Group of Ovarian Cancer Research (GEICO). Centralized histological typing was performed based on morphological and immunohistochemical features. Intraepithelial (i) and stromal (s) CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and PD-L1 were evaluated on tissue microarrays by immunohistochemistry. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status and TMB were analyzed in tumor DNA using next-generation sequencing. The study included 124 tumors. High iCD8+ (>20 TILs/core), low/intermediate CD4+ (35/core) were associated with favorable outcomes. Tumor cell PD-L1 expression (TPS ≥ 1) was present in only 8% of tumors. In total, 11 (16%) and 6 (9%) out of 69 HGSOC tested carried pathogenic or likely pathogenic BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, respectively. Median TMB of 40 tumors analyzed was 5.04 mutations/Mb and only 6 tumors had 10 or more mutations/Mb. BRCA status and TMB were not associated with TILs or prognosis. When compared with studies on advanced HGSOC, our results suggested that prognostic variables differed according to stage and that more studies focused on early stages of HGSOC are needed to better stratify these tumors: This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grants PI19/01331, PI22/01892 and PMP22/00054); CIBERONC (grant CB16/12/00316); European Development Re gional Fund ‘A way to achieve Europe’ (FEDER), Spanish Group of Research in Ovarian Cancer (GEICO group); and by the Spanish Association Against Cancer Scientific Foundation (AECC)

    Genetic analyses of aplastic anemia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients with short telomeres, possible implication of DNA-repair genes

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    Background: Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures present at the terminal region of the chromosomes. Mutations in genes coding for proteins involved in telomere maintenance are causative of a number of disorders known as telomeropathies. The genetic origin of these diseases is heterogeneous and has not been determined for a significant proportion of patients. Methods: This article describes the genetic characterization of a cohort of patients. Telomere length was determined by Southern blot and quantitative PCR. Nucleotide variants were analyzed either by high-resolution melting analysis and Sanger sequencing of selected exons or by massive sequencing of a panel of genes. Results: Forty-seven patients with telomere length below the 10% of normal population, affected with three telomeropathies: dyskeratosis congenita (4), aplastic anemia (22) or pulmonary fibrosis (21) were analyzed. Eighteen of these patients presented known pathogenic or novel possibly pathogenic variants in the telomere-related genes TERT, TERC, RTEL1, CTC1 and ACD. In addition, the analyses of a panel of 188 genes related to haematological disorders indicated that a relevant proportion of the patients (up to 35%) presented rare variants in genes related to DNA repair or in genes coding for proteins involved in the resolution of complex DNA structures, that participate in telomere replication. Mutations in some of these genes are causative of several syndromes previously associated to telomere shortening

    La necrópolis de Los Collados de Almedinilla (Córdoba). Historiografía de un cementerio complejo

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    The excavations in the Necropolis of Los Collados, carried out by Luis Maraver y Alfaro in the second half of the 19th century, and afterwards, those done by Pierre Paris and Arthur Engels at the beginning of the 20th century, serve to define archeologically that which would be considered Iberian culture. Since then, apart from a few reviews of materials, this site has been forgotten to the point that its exact location was unknown to researchers. It was because of this that prospecting work and excavation were carried out in May and July 2019 that allowed archeologists to locate the necropolis and recover various tombs and ritual deposits. In this work we present the preliminary results of both interventions