28 research outputs found

    Merged phytosociological and geographical approach for multiple scale vegetation mapping as a baseline for public environmental policy in Mexico

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    Artículo Científico "Merged phytosociological and geographical approach for multiple scale vegetation mapping as a baseline for public environmental policy in Mexico" https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12595Questions: What is the potential use of maps derived from a merged geographical and phytosociological approach to support the design of public environmental policies? Do these approaches and data sources deliver complementary land-cover/vegetation maps? Objective: The present article documents a joint phytosociological and geographical approach to improve vegetation cartography in temperate-tropical transitional ecosystems. Location: The research was conducted at national (Mexico) and state (Michoacán) scales. Mexico and Michoacán have been recognized as regions of high ecogeographical complexity, where temperate-tropical conditions intermingle, creating large eco-socio-cultural mosaics. Conclusions: We discuss the scientific challenge of transitioning from land cover into vegetation maps and (dis)similarities of approaches reviewing concepts and analytical (quanti)qualitative instruments. The paper contrasts the present output with the experiences of other countries such as Canada, the United States, Bolivia, and Colombia. Finally, the results are discussed in light of their relevance for constructing public environmental policies, such as land use planning, establishment of protected areas, allocation of incentives for sustainable environmental services, and long-term conservation practices


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    Background: seasonally dry tropical forests are considered critical and important ecosystems because they harbor exceptional biological diversity. Mexico lacks sound phytosociological studies of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest and Michoacán is no exception. The present study may be regarded the first phytosociological in most of the Mexican pacific coast where seasonally dry tropical forests occurs

    Identification of threatened areas of environmental value in the Conservation Area of Mexico City, and setting priorities for their protection

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    Almost 60% of the Conservation Area of Mexico City is to the south within the Valley of Mexico; there is an extensive area of forests, scrub, wetlands, grasslands and agricultural zones. It is important for the city’s sustainability because of the environmental services provided such as aquifer recharge, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. It is being threatened by human activities despite a program of ecological regulation; this is partly because environmental problems are not always immediately visible to the government and general public in terms of the need for prompt action. The present study uses spatial evidence to identify and prioritize threatened environmentally valuable areas. Data from a variety of sources are combined, and information geo-referenced with Geographical Information Systems is verified in the field. The resultant maps show that the most threatened ecologically valuable areas are as follows: the oak wood and scrub relicts east of Milpa Alta; the forests west of Cuajimalpa, Álvaro Obregón and Magdalena Contreras; the forests of the Pelado and Malacatepec volcanoes in Tlalpan; and the forests of the Tláloc and Chichinautzin volcanoes in Milpa Alta. These results could be used by decision makers to design timely strategies to protect the Conservation Area and its supply of environmental services to Mexico City

    Identification of threatened areas of environmental value in the Conservation Area of Mexico City, and setting priorities for their protection

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    Dentro de la cuenca de México, principalmente hacia el sur, se extiende una extensa área de bosques, matorrales, humedales, pastizales y zonas agrícolas que conforman casi 60% del Distrito Federal (D.F.) denominada Suelo de Conservación (Sc). El SC, de gran importancia para la sustentabilidad de la ciudad de México por los servicios ambientales que proporciona (recarga del acuífero, captura de carbono, gran diversidad biológica, entre otros), está siendo amenazado por actividades humanas, a pesar de que existe un Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico. Esto, en parte, porque el gobierno y la población no visualizan espacialmente los problemas ambientales para diseñar estrategias puntuales. Por esta razón, aquí se identifican los sitios de valor ambiental que se encuentran amenazados y se prioriza su atención, a partir de la recopilación y homologación de la información existente. Se identificaron como zonas de valor ambiental amenazadas, con mayor prioridad de atención: los relictos de encinar y de matorral al oriente de la Delegación Milpa Alta, los bosques del poniente en las delegaciones Cuajimalpa, Álvaro Obregón y La Magdalena Contreras; los bosques de los volcanes Pelado y Malacatepec en la Delegación Tlalpan y los de los volcanes Tláloc y Chichinautzin en Milpa Alta

    Rayas de agua dulce (Potamotrygonidae) de Suramérica. Parte II. Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina

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    El libro es la continuación de una iniciativa de hace ya unos años (2012), donde varios países del área de distribución de la familia, decidieron unirse al ver como este recurso estaba disminuyendo o bien, era prácticamente desconocido. Este grupo tiene un gran impacto principalmente por su importancia como recurso pesquero ornamental, aunque también se usa como alimento, en la pesca deportiva y tiene incidencia en la salud pública. Para poder mitigar la posible sobreexplotación, surgió la necesidad de regular el comercio e intentar convertir la pesca ornamental de rayas en una actividad sostenible. Por ello, desde 2012 el IAvH junto a varios países propusieron la inclusión de varias especies al Apéndice III de Cites. Una de las limitantes de esta propuesta y por la cual no prosperó en su inicio, fue la falta de información sobre las especies.Bogotá, D. C

    Literary criticism in Brazil

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    Brazilian poetry from Modernism to the 1990s

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    The Brazilian theatre up to 1900

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    Brazilian popular literature (the literatura de cordel

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    Brazilian poetry from the 1830s to the 1880s

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