2,886 research outputs found

    Biological Rhythms Workshop I: Introduction to Chronobiology

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    In this chapter, we present a series of four articles derived from a Introductory Workshop on Biological Rhythms presented at the 72nd Annual Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology: Clocks and Rhythms. A diverse range of species, from cyanobacteria to humans, evolved endogenous biological clocks that allow for the anticipation of daily variations in light and temperature. The ability to anticipate environmental variation promotes optimal performance and survival. In the first article, Introduction to Chronobiology, we present a brief historical timeline of how circadian concepts and terminology have emerged since the early observation of daily leaf movement in plants made by an astronomer in the 1700s. Workshop Part IA provides an overview of the molecular basis for rhythms generation in several key model organisms, Workshop Part IB focuses on how biology built a brain clock capable of coordinating the daily timing of essential brain and physiological processes, and Workshop Part IC gives key insight into how researchers study sleep and rhythms in humans

    Domain Wall Spacetimes: Instability of Cosmological Event and Cauchy Horizons

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    The stability of cosmological event and Cauchy horizons of spacetimes associated with plane symmetric domain walls are studied. It is found that both horizons are not stable against perturbations of null fluids and massless scalar fields; they are turned into curvature singularities. These singularities are light-like and strong in the sense that both the tidal forces and distortions acting on test particles become unbounded when theses singularities are approached.Comment: Latex, 3 figures not included in the text but available upon reques

    Control of star formation by supersonic turbulence

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    Understanding the formation of stars in galaxies is central to much of modern astrophysics. For several decades it has been thought that stellar birth is primarily controlled by the interplay between gravity and magnetostatic support, modulated by ambipolar diffusion. Recently, however, both observational and numerical work has begun to suggest that support by supersonic turbulence rather than magnetic fields controls star formation. In this review we outline a new theory of star formation relying on the control by turbulence. We demonstrate that although supersonic turbulence can provide global support, it nevertheless produces density enhancements that allow local collapse. Inefficient, isolated star formation is a hallmark of turbulent support, while efficient, clustered star formation occurs in its absence. The consequences of this theory are then explored for both local star formation and galactic scale star formation. (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)Comment: Invited review for "Reviews of Modern Physics", 87 pages including 28 figures, in pres

    Genomic tools development for Aquilegia: construction of a BAC-based physical map

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genus <it>Aquilegia</it>, consisting of approximately 70 taxa, is a member of the basal eudicot lineage, Ranuculales, which is evolutionarily intermediate between monocots and core eudicots, and represents a relatively unstudied clade in the angiosperm phylogenetic tree that bridges the gap between these two major plant groups. <it>Aquilegia </it>species are closely related and their distribution covers highly diverse habitats. These provide rich resources to better understand the genetic basis of adaptation to different pollinators and habitats that in turn leads to rapid speciation. To gain insights into the genome structure and facilitate gene identification, comparative genomics and whole-genome shotgun sequencing assembly, BAC-based genomics resources are of crucial importance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BAC-based genomic resources, including two BAC libraries, a physical map with anchored markers and BAC end sequences, were established from <it>A. formosa</it>. The physical map was composed of a total of 50,155 BAC clones in 832 contigs and 3939 singletons, covering 21X genome equivalents. These contigs spanned a physical length of 689.8 Mb (~2.3X of the genome) suggesting the complex heterozygosity of the genome. A set of 197 markers was developed from ESTs induced by drought-stress, or involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis or floral development, and was integrated into the physical map. Among these were 87 genetically mapped markers that anchored 54 contigs, spanning 76.4 Mb (25.5%) across the genome. Analysis of a selection of 12,086 BAC end sequences (BESs) from the minimal tiling path (MTP) allowed a preview of the <it>Aquilegia </it>genome organization, including identification of transposable elements, simple sequence repeats and gene content. Common repetitive elements previously reported in both monocots and core eudicots were identified in <it>Aquilegia </it>suggesting the value of this genome in connecting the two major plant clades. Comparison with sequenced plant genomes indicated a higher similarity to grapevine (<it>Vitis vinifera</it>) than to rice and <it>Arabidopsis </it>in the transcriptomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <it>A. formosa </it>BAC-based genomic resources provide valuable tools to study <it>Aquilegia </it>genome. Further integration of other existing genomics resources, such as ESTs, into the physical map should enable better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying adaptive radiation and elaboration of floral morphology.</p

    HIV-1 is budded from CD4+ T lymphocytes independently of exosomes

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    The convergence of HIV-1 budding and exosome biogenesis at late endosomal compartments called multivesicular bodies has fueled the debate on whether HIV-1 is budded from its target cells and transmitted in the form of exosomes. The point of contention appears to primarily derive from the types of target cells in question and lack of a well-defined protocol to separate exosomes from HIV-1. In this study, we adapted and established a simplified protocol to define the relationship between HIV-1 production and exosome biogenesis. Importantly, we took advantage of the newly established protocol to unequivocally show that HIV-1 was produced from CD4+ T lymphocytes Jurkat cells independently of exosomes. Thus, this study not only presents a simplified way to obtain highly purified HIV-1 virions for identification of host proteins packaged into virions, but also provides a technical platform that can be employed to define the relationship between exosome biogenesis and budding of HIV-1 or other viruses and its contributions to viral pathogenesis

    Snake Bite in South Asia: A Review

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    Snake bite is one of the most neglected public health issues in poor rural communities living in the tropics. Because of serious misreporting, the true worldwide burden of snake bite is not known. South Asia is the world's most heavily affected region, due to its high population density, widespread agricultural activities, numerous venomous snake species and lack of functional snake bite control programs. Despite increasing knowledge of snake venoms' composition and mode of action, good understanding of clinical features of envenoming and sufficient production of antivenom by Indian manufacturers, snake bite management remains unsatisfactory in this region. Field diagnostic tests for snake species identification do not exist and treatment mainly relies on the administration of antivenoms that do not cover all of the important venomous snakes of the region. Care-givers need better training and supervision, and national guidelines should be fed by evidence-based data generated by well-designed research studies. Poorly informed rural populations often apply inappropriate first-aid measures and vital time is lost before the victim is transported to a treatment centre, where cost of treatment can constitute an additional hurdle. The deficiency of snake bite management in South Asia is multi-causal and requires joint collaborative efforts from researchers, antivenom manufacturers, policy makers, public health authorities and international funders

    Spontaneous Voice Gender Imitation Abilities in Adult Speakers

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    Background The frequency components of the human voice play a major role in signalling the gender of the speaker. A voice imitation study was conducted to investigate individuals' ability to make behavioural adjustments to fundamental frequency (F0), and formants (Fi) in order to manipulate their expression of voice gender. Methodology/Principal Findings Thirty-two native British-English adult speakers were asked to read out loud different types of text (words, sentence, passage) using their normal voice and then while sounding as ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ as possible. Overall, the results show that both men and women raised their F0 and Fi when feminising their voice, and lowered their F0 and Fi when masculinising their voice. Conclusions/Significance These observations suggest that adult speakers are capable of spontaneous glottal and vocal tract length adjustments to express masculinity and femininity in their voice. These results point to a “gender code”, where speakers make a conventionalized use of the existing sex dimorphism to vary the expression of their gender and gender-related attributes

    Politische Dimensionen von MilitĂ€rĂŒbungen und Manövern – ein Projektbericht

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    Die virtuellen Kriege und Operationen, die in MilitĂ€rĂŒbungen gespielt und geprobt werden, können entweder der Abschreckung dienen oder aber Angriffe vorbereiten bzw. zur Maskierung tatsĂ€chlicher Angriffe dienen. FĂŒr Beobachter ist es vielfach nicht offensichtlich, um welche Art von MilitĂ€rĂŒbung es sich handelt. Die Ergebnisse eines vierjĂ€hrigen internationalen Projektes zu politischen Dimensionen von MilitĂ€rĂŒbungen richten das Schlaglicht insbesondere auf MissverstĂ€ndnisse und deren ungewollte politische Auswirkungen, die im Extremfall unbeabsichtigt zum Krieg fĂŒhren können

    Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions

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    Our ability to understand and predict the response of ecosystems to a changing environment depends on quantifying vegetation functional diversity. However, representing this diversity at the global scale is challenging. Typically, in Earth system models, characterization of plant diversity has been limited to grouping related species into plant functional types (PFTs), with all trait variation in a PFT collapsed into a single mean value that is applied globally. Using the largest global plant trait database and state of the art Bayesian modeling, we created fine-grained global maps of plant trait distributions that can be applied to Earth system models. Focusing on a set of plant traits closely coupled to photosynthesis and foliar respiration - specific leaf area (SLA) and dry mass-based concentrations of leaf nitrogen (Nm) and phosphorus (Pm), we characterize how traits vary within and among over 50,000 ∌50×50-km cells across the entire vegetated land surface. We do this in several ways - without defining the PFT of each grid cell and using 4 or 14 PFTs; each model's predictions are evaluated against out-of-sample data. This endeavor advances prior trait mapping by generating global maps that preserve variability across scales by using modern Bayesian spatial statistical modeling in combination with a database over three times larger than that in previous analyses. Our maps reveal that the most diverse grid cells possess trait variability close to the range of global PFT means

    Landscape structure, human disturbance and crop management affect foraging ground selection by migrating geese

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    It is well known that agricultural intensification has caused severe population declines among bird species which use farmland for breeding and overwintering, while migrating bird species may benefit from intensive farming, but in turn damage crops. Knowledge of the habitat selection of migrating birds is important from both a conservation and agro-economic point of view. We investigated the habitat preferences of three common migrating goose species: White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons, Bean Goose A. fabalis and Greylag Goose A. anser during the autumn of 2009 in western Poland. A total of 24 flocks of these species were identified. Geese preferred large, elevated fields that were remote from forests and human settlements but in close proximity to a lake. Geese selected maize stubbles and avoided winter cereals. They selected sites in landscapes with a lower diversity of crops. Flock size was negatively correlated with the proportion of pastures in the landscape, but it increased with field size, distance to forest and distance to town. Our results are in contrast with the paradigm that less intensive farmland positively influences habitat use by birds during foraging. We advise the delayed ploughing of stubbles with the aim of creating appropriate foraging habitats for geese and minimizing damage to cereal crops
