82 research outputs found

    Humpy LNRF-velocity profiles in accretion discs orbiting nearly extreme Kerr black holes. A possible relation to QPOs

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    Change of sign of the LNRF-velocity gradient has been found for accretion discs orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes with spin a > 0.9953 for Keplerian discs and a > 0.99979 for marginally stable thick discs. Aschenbach (2004) has identified the maximal rate of change of the orbital velocity within the "humpy" profile with a locally defined critical frequency of disc oscillations, but it has been done in a coordinate-dependent form. We define the critical "humpy" frequency H in general relativistic, coordinate independent form, and relate the frequency defined in the LNRF to distant observers. At radius of its definition, so-called "humpy" radius r_h, the "humpy" frequency H is compared to the radial (R) and vertical (V) epicyclic frequencies and the orbital frequency of the disc. For Keplerian thin discs, we show that the epicyclic resonance radii r_31 and r_41 (with V:R = 3:1 or 4:1) are located in vicinity of r_h where efficient triggering of oscillations with frequencies ~ H could be expected. Asymptotically (for 1-a < 10^(-4)) the ratio of the epicyclic and Keplerian frequencies and the humpy frequency is nearly constant, i.e., almost independent of spin, being for the radial epicyclic frequency R:H ~ 3:2. For thick discs the situation is more complex due to dependence on distribution of the specific angular momentum l determining the disc properties. For l = const tori and 1-a < 10^(-6) the frequency ratios of the humpy frequency and the orbital and epicyclic frequencies are again nearly constant and independent of both a and l, being for the radial epicyclic frequency R:H close to 4. In the limiting case of very slender tori (l ~ l_ms) the epicyclic resonance radius r_41 ~ r_h for spin 1-a < 2x10^(-4).Comment: 11 pages,10 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The influence of residual force enhancement on spinal and supraspinal excitability

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    Background Following active muscle lengthening, there is an increase in steady-state isometric force as compared with a purely isometric contraction at the same muscle length and level of activation. This fundamental property of skeletal muscle is known as residual force enhancement (RFE). While the basic mechanisms contributing to this increase in steady-state isometric force have been well documented, changes in central nervous system (CNS) excitability for submaximal contractions during RFE are unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate spinal and supraspinal excitability in the RFE isometric steady-state following active lengthening of the ankle dorsiflexor muscles. Methods A total of 11 male participants (20–28 years) performed dorsiflexions at a constant level of electromyographic activity (40% of maximum). Half of the contractions were purely isometric (8 s at an ankle angle of 130°), and the other half were during the RFE isometric steady-state following active lengthening (2 s isometric at 90°, a 1 s lengthening phase at 40°/s, and 5 s at 130°). Motor evoked potentials (MEPs), cervicomedullary motor evoked potentials (CMEPs), and compound muscle action potentials (M-waves) were recorded from the tibialis anterior during the purely isometric contraction and RFE isometric steady-state. Results Compared to the purely isometric condition, following active lengthening, there was 10% RFE (p 0.05). Discussion These results indicate that spinal excitability is reduced during submaximal voluntary contractions in the RFE state with no change in supraspinal excitability. These findings may have further implications to everyday life offering insight into how the CNS optimizes control of skeletal muscle following submaximal active muscle lengthening

    SHP-1 negatively regulates neuronal survival by functioning as a TrkA phosphatase

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    Nerve growth factor (NGF) mediates the survival and differentiation of neurons by stimulating the tyrosine kinase activity of the TrkA/NGF receptor. Here, we identify SHP-1 as a phosphotyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates TrkA. SHP-1 formed complexes with TrkA at Y490, and dephosphorylated it at Y674/675. Expression of SHP-1 in sympathetic neurons induced apoptosis and TrkA dephosphorylation. Conversely, inhibition of endogenous SHP-1 with a dominant-inhibitory mutant stimulated basal tyrosine phosphorylation of TrkA, thereby promoting NGF-independent survival and causing sustained and elevated TrkA activation in the presence of NGF. Mice lacking SHP-1 had increased numbers of sympathetic neurons during the period of naturally occurring neuronal cell death, and when cultured, these neurons survived better than wild-type neurons in the absence of NGF. These data indicate that SHP-1 can function as a TrkA phosphatase, controlling both the basal and NGF-regulated level of TrkA activity in neurons, and suggest that SHP-1 regulates neuron number during the developmental cell death period by directly regulating TrkA activity

    Conceptual Art

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    Providing a re-examination of what Osborne identifies as a major turning point in contemporary art, this monograph takes a chronological and stylistic look at conceptual art from its “pre-history” (1950-1960) to contemporary practices that use conceptual strategies. Osborne surveys the development of the movement in relation to the social, cultural and political contexts within which it evolved. With extended captions, key works are compiled according to ten themes that also serve to present a collection of critical texts, artists’ statements, interviews and commentaries. Includes biographical notes on artists (6 p.) and authors (2 p.), a bibliography (2 p.) and an onomastic index (4 p.) Circa 150 bibl. ref

    Trace analysis of environmental matrices by large-volume injection and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    The time-honored convention of concentrating aqueous samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) is being challenged by the increasingly widespread use of large-volume injection (LVI) liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) for the determination of traces of polar organic contaminants in environmental samples. Although different LVI approaches have been proposed over the last 40 years, the simplest and most popular way of performing LVI is known as single-column LVI (SC-LVI), in which a large-volume of an aqueous sample is directly injected into an analytical column. For the purposes of this critical review, LVI is defined as an injected sample volume that is ≥10% of the void volume of the analytical column. Compared with other techniques, SC-LVI is easier to set up, because it requires only small hardware modifications to existing autosamplers and, thus, it will be the main focus of this review. Although not new, SC-LVI is gaining acceptance and the approach is emerging as a technique that will render SPE nearly obsolete for many environmental applications.In this review, we discuss: the history and development of various forms of LVI; the critical factors that must be considered when creating and optimizing SC-LVI methods; and typical applications that demonstrate the range of environmental matrices to which LVI is applicable, for example drinking water, groundwater, and surface water including seawater and wastewater. Furthermore, we indicate direction and areas that must be addressed to fully delineate the limits of SC-LVI

    Documenting the initial appearance of domestic cattle in the Eastern Fertile Crescent (northern Iraq and western Iran)

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    In this paper we address the timing of and mechanisms for the appearance of domestic cattle in the Eastern Fertile Crescent (EFC) region of SW Asia through the analysis of new and previously published species abundance and biometric data from 86 archaeofaunal assemblages. We find that Bos exploitation was a minor component of animal economies in the EFC in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene but increased dramatically in the sixth millennium BC. Moreover, biometric data indicate that small-sized Bos, likely representing domesticates, appear suddenly in the region without any transitional forms in the early to mid sixth millennium BC. This suggests that domestic cattle were imported into the EFC, possibly associated with the spread of the Halaf archaeological culture, several millennia after they first appear in the neighboring northern Levant

    Transcribing "Le Pèlerinage de Damoiselle Sapience": Scholarly Editing Covid19-Style

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    This article describes a methodological experiment conducted during the 13th Annual (Virtual) Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania, November 18–20, 2020. The experiment consisted of a “relay style” event in which three teams transcribed, revised, and prepared for submission to this journal a full edition of the “Le Pèlerinage de Damoiselle Sapience” and other texts from UPenn Ms Codex 660, ff. 86r–95v within the three-day timespan of the conference. The project used methods typical of crowdsourcing and drew participants from all over the world and from all different stages of their careers. After one group completed its work, the results were passed into the hands of the next. The final result—in the form of a finished manuscript edition, ready for submission to Digital Medievalist—was presented on the last day of the conference. The main purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate how the work of the transcriber and editor might be structured as a short-term digital event that relied wholly on virtual interactions with both the source materials and among collaborators. This method also reveals the positive aspects of the many challenges posed by working simultaneously, remotely, and globally
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