93 research outputs found

    Semiconductor Type Gas Sensors

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    Import 03/11/2016Cílem diplomové práce je návrh a realizace měřicího systému pro měření koncentrace oxidu uhelnatého, oxidu uhličitého a metanu v ovzduší. Naměřené hodnoty ze senzorů jsou teplotně kompenzovány a vizualizovány v programu Matlab. Měřicí systém je založený na platformě Arduino využívající mikrokontroléry od firmy Atmel. Měřicí systém je především určený jako výuková pomůcka, která demonstruje možnosti měření koncentrace plynů elektrochemickými a žhavenými polovodičovými senzory. Senzory jsou použity od firmy Figaro USA Inc.The object of this thesis is the design and implementation od measurement systém for measuring the concentration of carbon monoside, carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. Measured data from sensors are temperature compensated and visualized in Matlab. The measuring system is based on the Arduino platform using the Atmel microchips. The measuring system is primary intended as a teaching tool that demonstrates the measurement of gas concentrations electrochemical sensors and semiconductor sensors. Sensors are used from Figaro USA, Inc.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Possibilities of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Commercial Suburbanization Process on the Example of Prague Suburban Zone

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    Možnosti monitoringu a hodnocení procesu komerční suburbanizace na příkladu suburbánní zóny Prahy Abstrakt S přechodem na tržní hospodářství se v zázemí českých měst objevil zcela nový fenomén, který výrazným způsobem přispěl k transformaci vybraných sídel. Jedná se o proces komerční suburbanizace, který je charakterizován decentralizací ekonomických aktivit z jader metropolitních areálů. Selektivnost procesu komerční suburbanizace měla za následek diferencovanost jeho projevů a důsledků, které často nebyly pro příměstský prostor přínosné. Přes velký vliv, který tento proces na krajinu a obyvatelstvo má, se jeho studiu věnuje jen omezené množství literatury, což je z části dáno nedostatkem datových zdrojů vhodných k jeho monitoringu. Práce si klade za cíl hodnotit možnosti studia procesu a z dostupných datových zdrojů vytvořit konzistentní a opakovatelnou metodu pro analýzu procesu. Na jejím základě bude následně zpracována pilotní studie pro zvolené území. Prostřednictvím této studie bude ověřena vhodnost stanovené metody, nicméně její výsledky budou samonosné a sdělí nám, jaký vývoj, rozsah, podobu a důsledky proces ve vybraných lokalitách měl. Hodnocen bude i možný budoucí vývoj v těchto lokalitách. Klíčová slova: transformace osídlení, komerční suburbanizace, decentralizace ekonomických aktivit,...Possibilities of monitoring and evaluation of the commercial suburbanization process on the example of Prague suburban zone Abstract With a transition to the market economy, we can observe an entirely new phenomenon in the hinterland of Czech cities, which has significantly contributed to the transformation of the selected settlements. It is the commercial suburbanization process, which is characterized by a decentralization of the economic activities from the metropolitan cores. Selectivity of the commercial suburbanization process has resulted in its differential manifestation and consequences, which are not often beneficial for a suburban area. Despite the great influence of the process on landscape and population, there is a limited amount of literature dedicated to it, which is partly due to lack of appropriate data sources for its monitoring. The work aims to evaluate possibilities of the study of the process and to create a consistent and repeatable study method using available data sources. With this method a pilot study will be performed on the case of selected locality. Through this study, the suitability of the established method will be verified, but the results will be self-supporting and tell us about evolution, scope, form and the consequences of the process in the selected localities....Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Control of Alternate Driving System of the Line Following Mobile Robot

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato bakaláská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací mobilního robotu, který sleduje vodící áru a používá alternativní zdroje napájení. Nejdíve je provedena struná analýza používaných podvozk, pohon, senzor, navigace a zdroj energie. Na základ této analýzy jsou vybrány vhodné varianty. K ízení robotu a napájení jsou použity mikrokontroléry od firmy Atmel. K nabíjení Li-Pol akumulátoru jsou použity fotovoltaické lánky.This bachelor thesis focuses on creating mobile, drawn path following robot fueled by alternate-power generator. At first is analysis chassis, motors, sensors, navigation and power sources. Based on this informations suitable components are selected. Driving and powering the robot is handled by Atmel's microcontrolers. Photo-voltaic panels are used for charging Li-Pol battery.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Dissolution of Iron During Biochemical Leaching of Natural Zeolite

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    Natural zeolite, including clinoptilolite, often contains iron and manganese which decrease the whiteness of this sharp angular material.The biological treatment of zeolite enables its use as an substitute for tripolyphosphates in wash powders which have to comply with strict requirements as far as whiteness is concerned and rounded off grain content. Insoluble Fe3+ and Mn4+ in the zeolite could be reduced to soluble Fe2+ and Mn2+ by silicate bacteria of Bacillus spp. These metals were efficiently removed from zeolite as documented by Fe2O3 decrease (from 1.37% to 1.08%) and MnO decrease (from 0.022% to 0.005%) after bioleaching. The whiteness of zeolite was increased by 8%. The leaching effect, observed by scanning electron microscopy, caused also a chamfer of the edges of sharp angular grains. Despite the enrichment by fine-grained fraction, the decrease of the surface area of clinoptilolite grains from the value 24.94 m2/g to value 22.53 m2/g was observed. This fact confirms the activity of bacteria of Bacillus genus in the edge corrosion of mineral grains.Removal of iron and manganese as well as of sharp edges together with the whiteness increase would provide a product suitable for industrial applications

    Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of cements

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    Cement is the ubiquitous material upon which modern civilisation is built, providing long-term strength, impermeability and durability for housing and infrastructure. The fundamental chemical interactions which control the structure and performance of cements have been the subject of intense research for decades, but the complex, crystallographically disordered nature of the key phases which form in hardened cements has raised difficulty in obtaining detailed information about local structure, reaction mechanisms and kinetics. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SS NMR)spectroscopy can resolve key atomic structural details within these materials and has emerged as a crucial tool in characterising cement structure and properties. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the application of multinuclear SS NMR spectroscopy to understand composition–structure–property relationships in cements. This includes anhydrous and hydrated phases in Portland cement, calcium aluminate cements, calcium sulfoaluminate cements, magnesia-based cements, alkali-activated and geopolymer cements and synthetic model systems. Advanced and multidimensional experiments probe 1 H, 13 C, 17 O, 19 F, 23 Na, 25 Mg, 27 Al, 29 Si, 31 P, 33 S, 35 Cl, 39 K and 43 Ca nuclei, to study atomic structure, phase evolution, nanostructural development, reaction mechanisms and kinetics. Thus, the mechanisms controlling the physical properties of cements can now be resolved and understood at an unprecedented and essential level of detail

    Dynamic influence on railroad bridges [Lecture]

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    Popis systému tvorby krátkodobého podnikatelského záměru na Dolech Bílina

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    New concentrations of job opportunities in the hinterland of Prague

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    New concentrations of job opportunities in the hinterland of Prague Abstract In the past 40-50 years in North America and is currently also in some European regions we can see within the frame of suburbanisation process creation of new centers in the hinterland of the main cities. The development of these nuclei greatly influences the spatial structure of metropolitan areas. The aim of this work is to try to identify new concentrations of job opportunities in Prague hinterland which could be described as indedependent or cutting adrift and in this respect prove certain similarity to the metropolitan regions westward of the Czech Republic. Observation will be mainly applied to the development of the number and structure of job opportunities in the selected villages. These indicators will be helpful to identify the new concentration of jobs in the Prague metropolitan area. Subsequent analysis of commuting to work in selected villages partly answers the question of how the commuting links between elements of the Prague metropolitan area have changed and whether there is a noticeable trend towards the creation of new centers, which would include also non-residential functions, such as significant offer of an employment and services. In the case study of one selected municipality will be subsequently followed up..

    Origins of liberalism in the work of Thomas Hobbes

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    (in English) In this bachelor thesis are examined roots of liberalism in the work of Thomas Hobbes, namely with a comparison of this author with Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse. After initial definitions the thesis discusses Hobbes's construction of state in his work Leviathan. Then follows an analysis of selected passages of the Liberalism of L. T. Hobhouse, on which there are explained elements of liberalism. With comparison of both philosophers there are found junctures that are inherent to liberalism and which Hobbes introduces to political philosophy. Aside from elements of liberalism there are identified the roots of liberalism in Hobbes's work, which may have some significance both for study and understanding, as well as for a criticism of this important ideological movement. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org