175 research outputs found

    LFP beta amplitude is predictive of mesoscopic spatio-temporal phase patterns

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    Beta oscillations observed in motor cortical local field potentials (LFPs) recorded on separate electrodes of a multi-electrode array have been shown to exhibit non-zero phase shifts that organize into a planar wave propagation. Here, we generalize this concept by introducing additional classes of patterns that fully describe the spatial organization of beta oscillations. During a delayed reach-to-grasp task in monkey primary motor and dorsal premotor cortices we distinguish planar, synchronized, random, circular, and radial phase patterns. We observe that specific patterns correlate with the beta amplitude (envelope). In particular, wave propagation accelerates with growing amplitude, and culminates at maximum amplitude in a synchronized pattern. Furthermore, the occurrence probability of a particular pattern is modulated with behavioral epochs: Planar waves and synchronized patterns are more present during movement preparation where beta amplitudes are large, whereas random phase patterns are dominant during movement execution where beta amplitudes are small

    Behavioral/Cognitive Distinct Modulations in Sensorimotor Postmovement and Foreperiod ␤-Band Activities Related to Error Salience Processing and Sensorimotor Adaptation

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    International audienceIn a recent study, Tan et al. (2014a,b) showed that the increase in ␤-power typically observed after a movement above sensorimotor regions (␤-rebound) is attenuated when movement-execution errors are induced by visual perturbations. Moreover, akin to sensorimo-tor adaptation, the effect depended on the context in which the errors are experienced. Thus the ␤-rebound attenuation might relate to neural processes involved in trial-to-trial adaptive mechanisms. In two EEG experiments with human participants, along with the ␤-rebound, we examine ␤-activity during the preparation of reaches immediately following perturbed movements. In the first experiment , we show that both foreperiod and postmovement ␤-activities are parametrically modulated by the sizes of kinematic errors produced by unpredictable mechanical perturbations (force field) independent of their on-line corrections. In the second experiment, we contrast two types of reach errors: movement-execution errors that trigger trial-to-trial adaptive mechanisms and goal errors that do not elicit sensorimotor adaptation. Movement-execution errors were induced by mechanical or visual perturbations, whereas goal errors were caused by unexpected displacements of the target at movement initiation. Interestingly, foreperiod and postmovement ␤-activities exhibit contrasting patterns, pointing to important functional differences of their underlying neuronal activity. While both types of reach errors attenuate the postmovement ␤-rebound, only the kinematic errors that trigger trial-to-trial motor-command updates influenced ␤-activity during the foreperiod. These findings suggest that the error-related modulation of the ␤-rebound may reflect salience processing , independent of sensorimotor adaptation. In contrast, modulations in the foreperiod ␤-power might relate to the motor-command adjustments activated after movement-execution errors are experienced

    Beta Oscillations in Working Memory, Executive Control of Movement and Thought, and Sensorimotor Function

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    Beta oscillations (~13 to 30Hz) have been observed during many perceptual, cognitive and motor processes in a plethora of brain recording studies. While the function of beta oscillations (hereafter ‘beta’ for short) is unlikely to be explained by any single monolithic description, we here discuss several convergent findings. In prefrontal cortex, increased beta appears at the end of a trial when working memory information needs to be erased. A similar clear-out function might apply during the stopping of action and the stopping of long-term memory retrieval (stopping thoughts), where increased prefrontal beta is also observed. A different apparent role for beta in prefrontal cortex occurs during the delay period of working memory tasks: it might serve to maintain the current contents and/or to prevent interference from distraction. We confront the challenge of relating these observations to the large literature on beta recorded from sensorimotor cortex. Potentially, the clear-out of working memory in prefrontal cortex has its counterpart in the post-movement clear-out of the motor plan in sensorimotor cortex. However, recent studies support alternative interpretations. In addition, we flag emerging research on different frequencies of beta and the relationship between beta and single neuron spiking. We also discuss where beta might be generated: basal ganglia, cortex, or both. We end by considering the clinical implications for adaptive deep brain stimulation

    Gearing up for action: attentive tracking dynamically tunes sensory and motor oscillations in the alpha and beta band

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    Allocation of attention during goal-directed behavior entails simultaneous processing of relevant and attenuation of irrelevant information. How the brain delegates such processes when confronted with dynamic (biological motion) stimuli and harnesses relevant sensory information for sculpting prospective responses remains unclear. We analyzed neuromagnetic signals that were recorded while participants attentively tracked an actor’s pointing movement that ended at the location where subsequently the response-cue indicated the required response. We found the observers’ spatial allocation of attention to be dynamically reflected in lateralized parieto-occipital alpha (8-12Hz) activity and to have a lasting influence on motor preparation. Specifically, beta (16-25Hz) power modulation reflected observers’ tendency to selectively prepare for a spatially compatible response even before knowing the required one. We discuss the observed frequency-specific and temporally evolving neural activity within a framework of integrated visuomotor processing and point towards possible implications about the mechanisms involved in action observation

    Interactions between visual and semantic processing during object recognition revealed by modulatory effects of age of acquisition

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    The age of acquisition (AoA) of objects and their names is a powerful determinant of processing speed in adulthood, with early-acquired objects being recognized and named faster than late-acquired objects. Previous research using fMRI (Ellis et al., 2006. Traces of vocabulary acquisition in the brain: evidence from covert object naming. NeuroImage 33, 958–968) found that AoA modulated the strength of BOLD responses in both occipital and left anterior temporal cortex during object naming. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to explore in more detail the nature of the influence of AoA on activity in those two regions. Covert object naming recruited a network within the left hemisphere that is familiar from previous research, including visual, left occipito-temporal, anterior temporal and inferior frontal regions. Region of interest (ROI) analyses found that occipital cortex generated a rapid evoked response (~ 75–200 ms at 0–40 Hz) that peaked at 95 ms but was not modulated by AoA. That response was followed by a complex of later occipital responses that extended from ~ 300 to 850 ms and were stronger to early- than late-acquired items from ~ 325 to 675 ms at 10–20 Hz in the induced rather than the evoked component. Left anterior temporal cortex showed an evoked response that occurred significantly later than the first occipital response (~ 100–400 ms at 0–10 Hz with a peak at 191 ms) and was stronger to early- than late-acquired items from ~ 100 to 300 ms at 2–12 Hz. A later anterior temporal response from ~ 550 to 1050 ms at 5–20 Hz was not modulated by AoA. The results indicate that the initial analysis of object forms in visual cortex is not influenced by AoA. A fastforward sweep of activation from occipital and left anterior temporal cortex then results in stronger activation of semantic representations for early- than late-acquired objects. Top-down re-activation of occipital cortex by semantic representations is then greater for early than late acquired objects resulting in delayed modulation of the visual response

    Estimating the contribution of assembly activity to cortical dynamics from spike and population measures

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    The hypothesis that cortical networks employ the coordinated activity of groups of neurons, termed assemblies, to process information is debated. Results from multiple single-unit recordings are not conclusive because of the dramatic undersampling of the system. However, the local field potential (LFP) is a mesoscopic signal reflecting synchronized network activity. This raises the question whether the LFP can be employed to overcome the problem of undersampling. In a recent study in the motor cortex of the awake behaving monkey based on the locking of coincidences to the LFP we determined a lower bound for the fraction of spike coincidences originating from assembly activation. This quantity together with the locking of single spikes leads to a lower bound for the fraction of spikes originating from any assembly activity. Here we derive a statistical method to estimate the fraction of spike synchrony caused by assemblies—not its lower bound—from the spike data alone. A joint spike and LFP surrogate data model demonstrates consistency of results and the sensitivity of the method. Combining spike and LFP signals, we obtain an estimate of the fraction of spikes resulting from assemblies in the experimental data

    Subthalamic nucleus gamma activity increases not only during movement but also during movement inhibition.

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    Gamma activity in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is widely viewed as a pro-kinetic rhythm. Here we test the hypothesis that rather than being specifically linked to movement execution, gamma activity reflects dynamic processing in this nucleus. We investigated the role of gamma during fast stopping and recorded scalp electroencephalogram and local field potentials from deep brain stimulation electrodes in 9 Parkinson's disease patients. Patients interrupted finger tapping (paced by a metronome) in response to a stop-signal sound, which was timed such that successful stopping would occur only in ~50% of all trials. STN gamma (60-90 Hz) increased most strongly when the tap was successfully stopped, whereas phase-based connectivity between the contralateral STN and motor cortex decreased. Beta or theta power seemed less directly related to stopping. In summary, STN gamma activity may support flexible motor control as it did not only increase during movement execution but also during rapid action-stopping

    Ambient light modulation of exogenous attention to threat

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    Planet Earth’s motion yields a 50 % day–50 % night yearly balance in every latitude or longitude, so survival must be guaranteed in very different light conditions in many species, including human. Cone- and rod-dominant vision, respectively specialized in light and darkness, present several processing differences, which are—at least partially—reflected in event-related potentials (ERPs). The present experiment aimed at characterizing exogenous attention to threatening (spiders) and neutral (wheels) distractors in two environmental light conditions, low mesopic (L, 0.03 lx) and high mesopic (H, 6.5 lx), yielding a differential photoreceptor activity balance: rod > cone and rod < cone, respectively. These distractors were presented in the lower visual hemifield while the 40 participants were involved in a digit categorization task. Stimuli, both targets (digits) and distractors, were exactly the same in L and H. Both ERPs and behavioral performance in the task were recorded. Enhanced attentional capture by salient distractors was observed regardless of ambient light level. However, ERPs showed a differential pattern as a function of ambient light. Thus, significantly enhanced amplitude to salient distractors was observed in posterior P1 and early anterior P2 (P2a) only during the H context, in late P2a during the L context, and in occipital P3 during both H and L contexts. In other words, while exogenous attention to threat was equally efficient in light and darkness, cone-dominant exogenous attention was faster than rod-dominant, in line with previous data indicating slower processing times for rod- than for cone-dominant visionThis research was supported by the Grants PSI2014-54853-P and PSI2012-37090 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (MINECO