169 research outputs found

    TOI-150: A transiting hot Jupiter in the TESS southern CVZ

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    We report the detection of a hot Jupiter ($M_{p}=1.75_{-0.17}^{+0.14}\ M_{J},, R_{p}=1.38\pm0.04\ R_{J})orbitingamiddleagedstar() orbiting a middle-aged star (\log g=4.152^{+0.030}_{-0.043})intheTransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite(TESS)southerncontinuousviewingzone() in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) southern continuous viewing zone (\beta=-79.59^{\circ}$). We confirm the planetary nature of the candidate TOI-150.01 using radial velocity observations from the APOGEE-2 South spectrograph and the Carnegie Planet Finder Spectrograph, ground-based photometric observations from the robotic Three-hundred MilliMeter Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, and Gaia distance estimates. Large-scale spectroscopic surveys, such as APOGEE/APOGEE-2, now have sufficient radial velocity precision to directly confirm the signature of giant exoplanets, making such data sets valuable tools in the TESS era. Continual monitoring of TOI-150 by TESS can reveal additional planets and subsequent observations can provide insights into planetary system architectures involving a hot Jupiter around a star about halfway through its main-sequence life.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted to ApJ

    Mid-IR Luminosities and UV/Optical Star Formation Rates at z<1.4

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    UV continuum and mid-IR emission constitute two widely used star formation indicators at intermediate and high redshifts. We study 2430 galaxies with z<1.4 in the Extended Groth Strip with MIPS 24 mic observations from FIDEL, spectroscopy from DEEP2, and UV, optical, and near-IR photometry from AEGIS. The data are coupled with stellar population models and Bayesian SED fitting to estimate dust-corrected SFRs. In order to probe the dust heating from stellar populations of various ages, the derived SFRs were averaged over various timescales--from 100 Myr for "current" SFR to 1--3 Gyr for long-timescale SFRs. These SED-based UV/optical SFRs are compared to total infrared luminosities extrapolated from 24 mic observations. We find that for the blue, actively star forming galaxies the correlation between the IR luminosity and the UV/optical SFR shows a decrease in scatter when going from shorter to longer SFR-averaging timescales. We interpret this as the greater role of intermediate age stellar populations in heating the dust than what is typically assumed. This holds over the entire redshift range. Many so-called green valley galaxies are simply dust-obscured actively star-forming galaxies. However, there exist 24 mic-detected galaxies, some with L>10^11 L_sun, yet with little current star formation. For them a reasonable amount of dust absorption of stellar light is sufficient to produce the observed levels of IR. In our sample optical and X-ray AGNs do not contribute on average more than ~50% to the mid-IR luminosity, and we see no evidence for a large population of "IR excess" galaxies (Abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Content identical to arXiv version 1. No color figure

    Percepción de la ciberseguridad: : ciberdelitos, normas legales y políticas de seguridad

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    The objective of the study is to establish a relationship between cybersecurity, cybercrimes, current legal regulations and cybersecurity policies associated with electronic and computer media in Panama, an online form was applied remotely during the months of June-July year 2022, to the faculty coordinators and professors who belong to the School of Informatics for Educational and Business Management in eight academic units, and who have specialized studies in the area of ??Administration of Information Centers, Auditing and Security of Information Systems. A percentage 92.59% responded to this instrument, which compiled the results of the years of academic benefits and services, teaching category and academic-professional training in the specialty area, as well as information related to cybersecurity policies and backups of important information. As a conclusive aspect, it was determined that 96.96% of the respondents fully agree that teaching actions are required in terms of cybersecurity policies applied to the use and management of computer equipment, technological resources and digital media.Con el objetivo de establecer una relación entre la ciberseguridad, los ciberdelitos, las normas legales vigentes y las políticas de ciberseguridad asociados a los medios electrónicos e informáticos en Panamá, se aplicó un formulario en línea de manera remota durante los meses de junio-julio del año 2022, a los coordinadores de facultad y profesores que pertenecen a la Escuela de Informática para la Gestión Educativa y Empresarial en ocho unidades académicas, que cuentan con estudios especializados en el área de Administración de Centros de Información, Auditoría y Seguridad de Sistemas de Información. El 92.59% respondieron dicho instrumento, el cual recopiló los resultados de los años de prestaciones y servicios académicos, categoría docente y la formación académico-profesional en el área de especialidad, así como información relacionada con políticas de ciberseguridad y respaldos de información importante. Como aspecto concluyente, se determinó que el 96.96% de los encuestados está totalmente de acuerdo que se requieren de acciones de docencia en materia de políticas de ciberseguridad aplicadas al uso y manejo de los equipos informáticos, recursos tecnológicos y medios de comunicación digital

    Percepción de la ciberseguridad:

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    Con el objetivo de establecer una relación entre la ciberseguridad, los ciberdelitos, las normas legales vigentes y las políticas de ciberseguridad asociados a los medios electrónicos e informáticos en Panamá, se aplicó un formulario en línea de manera remota durante los meses de junio-julio del año 2022, a los coordinadores de facultad y profesores que pertenecen a la Escuela de Informática para la Gestión Educativa y Empresarial en ocho unidades académicas, que cuentan con estudios especializados en el área de Administración de Centros de Información, Auditoría y Seguridad de Sistemas de Información. El 92.59% respondieron dicho instrumento, el cual recopiló los resultados de los años de prestaciones y servicios académicos, categoría docente y la formación académico-profesional en el área de especialidad, así como información relacionada con políticas de ciberseguridad y respaldos de información importante. Como aspecto concluyente, se determinó que el 96.96% de los encuestados está totalmente de acuerdo que se requieren de acciones de docencia en materia de políticas de ciberseguridad aplicadas al uso y manejo de los equipos informáticos, recursos tecnológicos y medios de comunicación digital

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected

    Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators of Galaxy Interaction

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    We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that many observable features correlate with projected pair separation; not only obvious indicators of merging, disturbance and tidal tails, but also more regular features, such as spiral arms and bars. These trends are robustly quantified, using a control sample to account for observational biases, producing measurements of the strength and separation scale of various morphological responses to pair interaction. For example, we find that the presence of spiral features is enhanced at scales < 70 h^-1 kpc, probably due to both increased star formation and the formation of tidal tails. On the other hand, the likelihood of identifying a bar decreases significantly in pairs with separations < 30 h^-1 kpc, suggesting that bars are suppressed by close interactions between galaxies of similar mass. We go on to show how morphological indicators of physical interactions provide a way of significantly refining standard estimates for the frequency of close pair interactions, based on velocity offset and projected separation. The presence of loosely wound spiral arms is found to be a particularly reliable signal of an interaction, for projected pair separations up to ~100 h^-1 kpc. We use this indicator to demonstrate our method, constraining the fraction of low-redshift galaxies in truly interacting pairs, with M_* > 10^9.5 M_Sun and mass ratio < 4, to be between 0.4 - 2.7 per cent.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS on November 12, 201

    Structure Guided Design and Synthesis of a Pyridazinone Series of Trypanosoma cruzi Proteasome Inhibitors

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    There is an urgent need for new treatments for Chagas disease, a parasitic infection which mostly impacts South and Central America. We previously reported on the discovery of GSK3494245/DDD01305143, a preclinical candidate for visceral leishmaniasis which acted through inhibition of the Leishmania proteasome. A related analogue, active against Trypanosoma cruzi, showed suboptimal efficacy in an animal model of Chagas disease, so alternative proteasome inhibitors were investigated. Screening a library of phenotypically active analogues against the T. cruzi proteasome identified an active, selective pyridazinone, the development of which is described herein. We obtained a cryo-EM co-structure of proteasome and a key inhibitor and used this to drive optimization of the compounds. Alongside this, optimization of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties afforded a suitable compound for mouse efficacy studies. The outcome of these studies is discussed, alongside future plans to further understand the series and its potential to deliver a new treatment for Chagas disease.</p

    An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert

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    About 1 out of 200 Sun-like stars has a planet with an orbital period shorter than one day: an ultrashort-period planet. All of the previously known ultrashort-period planets are either hot Jupiters, with sizes above 10 Earth radii (R⊕), or apparently rocky planets smaller than 2 R⊕. Such lack of planets of intermediate size (the ‘hot Neptune desert’) has been interpreted as the inability of low-mass planets to retain any hydrogen/helium (H/He) envelope in the face of strong stellar irradiation. Here we report the discovery of an ultrashort-period planet with a radius of 4.6 R⊕ and a mass of 29 M⊕, firmly in the hot Neptune desert. Data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite revealed transits of the bright Sun-like star LTT 9779 every 0.79 days. The planet’s mean density is similar to that of Neptune, and according to thermal evolution models, it has a H/He-rich envelope constituting 9.0^(+2.7)_(−2.9)% of the total mass. With an equilibrium temperature around 2,000 K, it is unclear how this ‘ultrahot Neptune’ managed to retain such an envelope. Follow-up observations of the planet’s atmosphere to better understand its origin and physical nature will be facilitated by the star’s brightness (V_(mag) = 9.8)