94 research outputs found

    Ljudsko dostojanstvo: zaštićeno, ali i ugroženo kaznenim pravom?

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    The paper explores the notion of human dignity in law in general and in criminal law in particular, it examines whether human dignity is a legal interest protected by criminal law (e.g., in cases of criminalisation of reproductive cloning and acts of racism), and it reflects upon how criminal law may jeopardise the human dignity of perpetrators, particularly in cases of penalisation of drug use and police entrapment.Ce travail examine le concept de dignité humaine dans le droit en général et dans le droit pénal en particulier, c’est-à-dire qu’il pose la question de savoir si la dignité humaine est un intérêt de droit protégée par le droit pénal (p. ex. dans les situations de criminalisation du clonage reproductif et dans les actes racistes) et réfléchit sur la manière dont le droit pénal peut menacer la dignité humaine du délinquant, particulièrement dans des situations où les peines sont liées à la prise de drogues et lors d’arrestations policières.Die Arbeit erforscht den Begriff der Menschenwürde im Recht generell und vornehmlich im Strafrecht bzw. untersucht, ob die Menschenwürde ein durch das Strafrecht geschütztes rechtliches Interesse repräsentiert (beispielsweise in den Fällen der Kriminalisierung von reproduktivem Klonen und rassistischen Akten). Des Weiteren reflektiert die Arbeit darüber, wie das Strafrecht die Menschenwürde des Täters in Gefahr bringen kann, insbesondere in den Fällen der Bestrafung von Drogenkonsum und der polizeilichen Festnahme.Rad istražuje pojam ljudskoga dostojanstva u pravu općenito i kaznenom pravu napose, odnosno ispituje je li ljudsko dostojanstvi pravni interes zaštićen kaznenim pravom (npr. u slučajevima kriminalizacije reproduktivnog kloniranja i rasističkih činova) te reflektira o tome kako kazneno pravo može ugroziti ljudsko dostojanstvo počinitelja, osobito u slučajevima kažnjavanja uporabe droga i policijskog uhićenja

    Hygiene Technologies, Water, and Health in the Hellenic World

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    The relation between human health, water, and hygiene facilities has been realized since during the Bronze Age, the explanations of illness and health problems were based on theocratic elements. However, the Greeks during the Classical and mainly the Hellenistic period clearly differentiated their thinking from all other civilizations by inventing philosophy and empirical science. Drains/sewers, baths and toilets, and other sanitary installations are reflecting high cultural and technological level, while they also are associated with observations and ideas about hygiene and medicine. The aim of this paper is to examine the knowledges about the influence of water on human health throughout antiquity. In other words, it focuses on the views that Greeks and Romans had on water quality and its impact on the human body

    Συγχωνεύσεις νοσοκομείων. Η ευρωπαϊκή προσέγγιση

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    Τα νοσοκομεία τείνουν να αποτελούν ολοένα και περισσότερο μέρος μεγαλύτερων συνεργασιών περίθαλψης και όχι μεμονομένες οντότητες. Τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια η δραστηριότητα σε συγχωνεύσεις και εξαγορές νοσοκομείων έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά ώς αποτέλεσμα της προσπάθειας για μείωση του κόστους, χωρίς να περιορίζεται η πρόσβαση των πολιτών στην υγεία και να υποβαθμίζεται η ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών. Το ερώτημα αφορά στο αν τελικά η σύμπτυξη του νοσοκομειακού τομέα μέσω συγχωνεύσεων και εξαγορών επιτυγχάνει το αναμενόμενο αποτέλεσμα. Η απάντηση είναι πιθανώς ναι, άν υπάρξει μια καλά σχεδιασμένη στρατηγική ,εφαρμοσμένη στα εκάστοτε εθνικά δεδομένα. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία παρουσιάζει,μέσα από την υπάρχουσα διεθνή και ελληνική βιβλιογραφία,τα αποτελέσματα των συγχωνεύσεων σε Ελλάδα, Βέλγιο και Ολλανδία σε βάθος χρόνου. Επίσης,γίνεται σύγκριση των μοντέλων που έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί μεταξύ των παραπάνω χωρών.Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται κάποια νέα μοντέλα συγχωνεύσεων τα οποία υπόσχονται υψηλές οικονομίες κλίμακας διατηρώντας σε υψηλά επίπεδα τη ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών υγείας.Hospitals tend to integrate into larger healthcare partnerships rather than operating as separate units. The last 15 years, activity in hospital mergers and acquisitions has significantly increased as a result of the efforts that have been made in order to reduce costs, without restricting citizens' access to health care and degrading the quality of services. The question is whether the absorption of the hospital sector by large company mergers and acquisitions finally achieves the required goal. The answer is probably yes, if there is a well-designed strategy implemented according to the respective national data. The following thesis,based on the current existing international and Greek bibliography, emphasizes on the results of mergers that exist in Greece, Belgium and Netherlands in a long term.Furthermore, is included a comparison between the models that have been used in the countries that we mentioned above. Finally, some new partnership models are displayed,which seem to be very efficiently while they promise high levels not only in economies of scale but also according to the quality of health services

    The current role of radiotherapy in chloroma: Report of two cases and review of the literature

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    Chloroma (myeloid sarcoma) is a rare extramedullary manifestation of haematologic malignancy, most com­monly acute myeloid leukemia(AML).It can occur in association with Myelogenous leukemia myeloproliferative disorders, and myelodysplasia.Myeloid sarcoma has different modalities of presentation and can affect any organ. We report two cases which has been irradiated in the Radiotherapy Oncology Department in Aristotle University Hospital AHEPA of Thessaloniki

    Approximation of substantive criminal law in the EU

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    This book dedicated to the substantive criminal law in the EU put the Libson Treaty under scrutiny. It evaluates the changes introduced by this new Treaty and their impact, before reflecting on future prospects

    The evaluation of European criminal law

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    The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems

    Redox cycling metals: Pedaling their roles in metabolism and their use in the development of novel therapeutics

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    Essential metals, such as iron and copper, play a critical role in a plethora of cellular processes including cell growth and proliferation. However, concomitantly, excess of these metal ions in the body can have deleterious effects due to their ability to generate cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Thus, the human body has evolved a very well-orchestrated metabolic system that keeps tight control on the levels of these metal ions. Considering their very high proliferation rate, cancer cells require a high abundance of these metals compared to their normal counterparts. Interestingly, new anti-cancer agents that take advantage of the sensitivity of cancer cells to metal sequestration and their susceptibility to ROS have been developed. These ligands can avidly bind metal ions to form redox active metal complexes, which lead to generation of cytotoxic ROS. Furthermore, these agents also act as potent metastasis suppressors due to their ability to up-regulate the metastasis suppressor gene, N-myc downstream regulated gene 1. This review discusses the importance of iron and copper in the metabolism and progression of cancer, how they can be exploited to target tumors and the clinical translation of novel anti-cancer chemotherapeutics

    Ljudsko dostojanstvo: zaštićeno, ali i ugroženo kaznenim pravom?

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    The paper explores the notion of human dignity in law in general and in criminal law in particular, it examines whether human dignity is a legal interest protected by criminal law (e.g., in cases of criminalisation of reproductive cloning and acts of racism), and it reflects upon how criminal law may jeopardise the human dignity of perpetrators, particularly in cases of penalisation of drug use and police entrapment.Ce travail examine le concept de dignité humaine dans le droit en général et dans le droit pénal en particulier, c’est-à-dire qu’il pose la question de savoir si la dignité humaine est un intérêt de droit protégée par le droit pénal (p. ex. dans les situations de criminalisation du clonage reproductif et dans les actes racistes) et réfléchit sur la manière dont le droit pénal peut menacer la dignité humaine du délinquant, particulièrement dans des situations où les peines sont liées à la prise de drogues et lors d’arrestations policières.Die Arbeit erforscht den Begriff der Menschenwürde im Recht generell und vornehmlich im Strafrecht bzw. untersucht, ob die Menschenwürde ein durch das Strafrecht geschütztes rechtliches Interesse repräsentiert (beispielsweise in den Fällen der Kriminalisierung von reproduktivem Klonen und rassistischen Akten). Des Weiteren reflektiert die Arbeit darüber, wie das Strafrecht die Menschenwürde des Täters in Gefahr bringen kann, insbesondere in den Fällen der Bestrafung von Drogenkonsum und der polizeilichen Festnahme.Rad istražuje pojam ljudskoga dostojanstva u pravu općenito i kaznenom pravu napose, odnosno ispituje je li ljudsko dostojanstvi pravni interes zaštićen kaznenim pravom (npr. u slučajevima kriminalizacije reproduktivnog kloniranja i rasističkih činova) te reflektira o tome kako kazneno pravo može ugroziti ljudsko dostojanstvo počinitelja, osobito u slučajevima kažnjavanja uporabe droga i policijskog uhićenja

    Die Bedeutung fundamentaler Strafrechtsprinzipien für das moderne EU-Strafrecht

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    Das allgemeine Bild, sowohl beim materiellen wie auch beim prozessualen EU-Strafrecht, zeigt, dass trotz der positiven Schritte, die in den letzten Jahren zu verzeichnen sind, noch große Anstrengungen notwendig sein werden, damit man von einer zufrieden stellenden Achtung fundamentaler Strafrechtsprinzipien im Rahmen der EU sprechen kann. Der Beitrag versucht darauf aufmerksam zu machen und Wege zu zeigen, damit fundamentale Straf-rechtsprinzipien das zentrale Instrument einer notwendigen Korrektur werden, die die gemeinsame europäische Rechtskultur fördern können