9 research outputs found

    Multivariate selection shapes environment-dependent variation in the clonal morphology of a red seaweed

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    Within-individual strategies of variation (e.g., phenotypic plasticity) are particularly relevant to modular organisms, in which ramets of the same genetic individual may encounter diverse environments imposing diverse patterns of selection. Hence, measuring selection in heterogeneous environments is essential to understanding whether environment-dependent phenotypic change enhances the fitness of modular individuals. In sublittoral marine habitats, competition for light and space among modular taxa generates extreme patchiness in resource availability. Little is known, however, of the potential for plasticity within individuals to arise from spatially-variable selection in such systems. We tested whether plasticity enhances genet-level fitness in Asparagopsis armata, a clonal seaweed in which correlated traits mediate morphological responses to variation in light. Using the capacity for rapid, clonal growth to measure fitness, we identified aspects of ramet morphology targeted by selection in two contrasting light environments and compared patterns of selection across environments. We found that directional selection on single traits, coupled with linear and nonlinear selection on multi-trait interactions, shape ramet morphology within environments and favor different phenotypes in each. Evidence of environment-dependent, multivariate selection on correlated traits is novel for any marine modular organism and demonstrates that seaweeds, such as A. armata, may potentially adapt to environmental heterogeneity via plasticity in clonal morphology

    Morphological variation and different branch modularity across contrasting flow conditions in dominant Pocillopora reef-building corals

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pocillopora corals, the dominant reef-builders in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, exhibit a high level of phenotypic plasticity, making the interpretation of morphological variation and the identification of species challenging. To test the hypothesis that different coral morphospecies represent phenotypes that develop in different flow conditions, we compared branch characters in three Pocillopora morphospecies (P.damicornis, P. verrucosa, and P. meandrina) from two communities in the Gulf of California exposed to contrasting flow conditions. Morphological variation and branch modularity (i.e., the tendency of different sets of branch traits to vary in a coordinated way) were assessed in colonies classified as Pocillopora type 1 according to two mitochondrial regions. Our results can be summarized as follows. (1) Pocillopora type 1 morphospecies corresponded to a pattern of morphological variation in the Gulf of California. Overall, P.damicornis had the thinnest branches and its colonies the highest branch density, followed by P.verrucosa, and then by P.meandrina, which had the thickest branches and its colonies the lowest branch density. (2) The differentiation among morphospecies was promoted by different levels of modularity of traits. P.verrucosa had the highest coordination of traits, followed by P.damicornis, and P.meandrina. (3) The variation and modularity of branch traits were related to water flow condition. Morphology under the high-flow condition was more similar among morphospecies than under the low-flow condition and seemed to be related to mechanisms for coping with these conditions. Our results provide the first evidence that in scleractinian corals different levels of modularity can be promoted by different environmental conditions

    Consensus recommendations of the German Radiology Society (DRG), the German Cardiac Society (DGK) and the German Society for Pediatric Cardiology (DGPK) on the use of cardiac imaging with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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