242 research outputs found

    Agrupaciones subnacionales y regalías

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    En Colombia durante varios años se ha mantenido un fascinante debatesobre las regalías, por lo que ellas significan para las finanzas de los entessubnacionales, por su impacto en lo social y su significado en materia tributariapara las empresas, entre otros. El objeto de este ensayo es matizar estadiscusión y contribuir con una nueva visión sobre el problema, considerandofactores como el marco normativo que las rige, el cual permite una ejecuciónmuy volátil de los recursos de las regalías en el ámbito subnacional.Con base en el peso de las regalías en las finanzas subnacionales y devariables socioeconómicas de cada una de ellas se realiza un conjunto deagrupamientos a partir de una metodología multivariante. Los agrupamientosse analizan con el objeto de asignarles un calificativo que los distinga.externalidades y efectos redistributivos, ingresos subnacionales,relaciones intergubernamentales, leyes de propiedad, tamaño ydistribución espacial de la actividad económica regional.

    Pine Pitch Canker and Insects: Relationships and Implications for Disease Spread in Europe

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    Producción CientíficaThe fungal pathogen Fusarium circinatum (Nirenberg and O’ Donnell) is the causal agent of pine pitch canker (PPC) disease, which seriously affects conifer species in forests and nurseries worldwide. In Europe, PPC is only established in the Iberian Peninsula; however, it is presumed that its range could expand through the continent in the near future. Infection caused by this fungus requires open wounds on the tree, including physical damage caused by insects. Therefore, a relationship probably occurs between PPC and a wide variety of insects. The aim of this review is to outline the taxonomic and ecological diversity of insect species with high potential association with F. circinatum in Europe and elsewhere. The insects were classified as vectors, carriers and wounding agents according to the association level with the PPC disease. In addition, we discuss the insect-mediated spreading of PPC disease in relation to the different phases of forest stand development, from seeds and seedlings in nurseries to mature stands. Lastly, to improve our predictive capacities and to design appropriate intervention measures and strategies for controlling disease dissemination by insects, variables such as geographic location, time of the year and host species should be considered,European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action FP1406 PINESTRENGTH)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-69370-R)Centro de Estudios do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM) (project UID/AMB/50017/2019)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (projects PTDC/AGR-FOR/2768/2014 , POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016785 , SFRH/BPD/122928/2016)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 17-04-01486)Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University (project 2019-0420

    Fragility Curves for Thin-Walled Cold-Formed Steel Wall Frames Affected by Ground Settlements Due to Land Subsidence

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    Land subsidence phenomenon due to ground water withdrawal is a current problem in many places around the world, particularly in the shallows of Mexico. This causes ground differential settlements that affect structures, mainly dwellings and buildings based on reinforced concrete and masonry. Eventually, these structural materials do not exhibit an adequate performance beyond a certain level of angular distortion. This work presents the results about a study regarding the performance of thin-walled cold-formed steel wall frames with different sheathing systems affected by angular distortions simulating ground differential settlements due to land subsidence. The wall frames are composed by vertical (studs) and horizontal elements (tracks), with different sheathing systems: polystyrene, OSB, gypsum and calcium silicate. By means of experimental testing of wall frames subjected to monotonic lateral loads, the rotational stiffness was obtained for the wall frames with polystyrene. Likewise the rotational stiffness of the other wall frame systems was calculated based on the data provided by other author’s publications. On the other hand, by means of numerical simulation, all the wall frame systems were modeled in structural analysis software, calibrating them based on the rotational stiffness. Also, the moment-rotation curves were calculated for the studs and tracks based on the direct strength method. A non-linear static pull down analysis was performed producing several degrees of angular distortion simulating ground settlements for all the wall frames sheathing systems. With the data acquired fragility curves were calculated according three levels of damage for the wall frames with different sheathing system

    Physical and chemical properties of soils irrigated with vinasses for the cultivation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) in the central region of Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: To evaluate the physical and chemical properties of a soil with vinasse application (two years) (V), compared to a soil without vinasse (W/V). Design/methodology/approach: In both agroecosystems, the evaluated parameters were texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrates (NO3) and total nitrogen (TN) according to standardized methods in NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000. Results: There were no significant changes (p>0.05) in the pH and electrical conductivity, however, the application of vinasse significantly increased (p˂0.05) the content of TN (1.52%), K (112.00 mg L-1) and OM (4.52%) in relation to soils W/V (0.78%, 25.60 mg L-1, 7.40 mg L-1, 2.75%, respectively). Limitations on study/implications: In Veracruz state, there are few studies that allow knowing the contributions, and physical and chemical effects on soils irrigated with vinasses. Findings/conclusions: Even though, the vinasse used showed a positive effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil (V), the mineral fertilization program must be reformulated to increase the concentration of potassium and phosphorus in soils with silt loam texture. In addition, it is recommended to adjust and normalize the dose of N that vinasse can provide instead of conventional fertilizers. Keywords: Soil fertility, sugarcane, vinasses.Objective: To evaluate the physical and chemical properties of a soil irrigated with vinasse for two years (+V), compared with a soil without vinasse (-V) application.Design/Methodology/Approach: The following parameters were evaluated for both agroecosystems: texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrate (NO 3 ), and total nitrogen (TN). The evaluation followed the standardized methods established in NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000.Results: There were no significant changes (p > 0.05) in the soil’s pH and electrical conductivity. However, the application of vinasse significantly increased (p < 0.05) the concentrations of TN (1.52%), K (112.00 mg L -1 ), and OM (4.52%) in relation to soils - V (0.78%, 25.60 mg L -1 , 7.40 mg L-1 , and 2.75%, respectively). Study Limitations/Implications: There are few studies about the contributions and the physical and chemical effects of soil irrigation with vinasses in the State of Veracruz.Findings/Conclusions: Even though vinasse had a positive effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, the mineral fertilization program must be reformulated to increase the K and P concentration in soils with silt loam texture. In addition, we recommend adjusting and normalizing the dose of N that vinasse can provide to complement conventional fertilizers

    Mexican oregano essential oils given in drinking water on performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of broilers

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 Mexican oregano essential oils (MOO), from Poliomintha longiflora Gray (PLG) and Lippia berlandieri Schauer (LBS), in drinking water (DWt) on the performance, slaughter variables, and meat quality of broilers over a 40 D period of growth. A total of 180 non-sexed Ross-308 broilers (1-day-old) were randomly assigned to 3 treatments with 6 replications each (10 birds per replicate): CON = DWt control (without MOO); PLG = DWt + 400 mg/L of PLG; and LBS = DWt + 400 mg/L of LBS. The CON, PLG, and LBS broilers body weights were similar (P > 0.05) at all times. Feed intake (FI) was different by treatment (P 0.05), although WG for CON was slightly higher. In CON broilers, slaughter weight was highest (P < 0.05), but thigh yield was lowest (P < 0.05). The CON and PLG treatments were lower (P < 0.05) in thigh and leg cooking losses. The PLG treatment presented the highest values (P < 0.05) for breast-meat redness, saturation index, shear force, odor, taste, and overall sensory acceptability. The LBS was higher (P < 0.05) for breast-meat shear force, cohesiveness and resilience, but lower (P <0.05) for sensory attributes. Mexican oregano essential oils at 400 mg/L can serve as natural alternative additives in DWt to improve broiler production and meat quality


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    El proyecto DEVAG-UNICA es desarrollado entre el Polo Regional de Investigaciones Agroambientales de la Martinica (PRAM), específicamente el Centro de Cooperación Internacional en Investigaciones Agronómicas para el Desarrollo (CIRAD) y la Universidad “Máximo Gómez Báez” de Ciego de Ávila, en el marco del financiamiento otorgado por el Programa INTERREG IV CARAIBES 2007- 2013. Dicho proyecto desarrolla seis tareas fundamentales: (1) Potencial forrajero de especies arvenses en la cobertura del frutal; (2) Optimización de la carga en la asociación frutal- planta de cobertura- ovino; (3) Sustancia alternativa para lograr el acondicionamiento aversivo de ovinos a ramas de frutales; (4) Método alternativo para reducir la utilización de antiparasitarios convencionales en ovinos integrados a agro- ecosistemas de frutales; (5) Dinámica de la descomposición de excretas y hojarascas en el suelo y su impacto en el agroecosistema; y (6) Capacitación de productores. Se tienen hasta el momento nueve resultados de investigación- capacitación y, en etapas siguientes, se pretende evaluar métodos de manejo para incrementar, de forma armónica, la carga de ovinos integrados a huertas de frutales, utilizando el acondicionamiento aversivo y otros métodos de selección de alimentos; también se avizoran alternativas para el control de las nematodosis gastrointestinales en esta especie animal, permitiendo reducir importaciones de productos químicos para producir antiparasitarios. Estos resultados constituirán una oportunidad para incrementar la población de ovinos de la provincia y otras regiones del país. La crianza de animales integrada a frutales posibilitará nuevas oportunidades de empleo, especialmente para mujeres del campo, idóneas en las labores de pastores de ovejas en el mundo

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected

    Mouse mammary tumor virus-like gene sequences are present in lung patient specimens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies have reported on the presence of Murine Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV)-like gene sequences in human cancer tissue specimens. Here, we search for MMTV-like gene sequences in lung diseases including carcinomas specimens from a Mexican population. This study was based on our previous study reporting that the INER51 lung cancer cell line, from a pleural effusion of a Mexican patient, contains MMTV-like <it>env </it>gene sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The MMTV-like <it>env </it>gene sequences have been detected in three out of 18 specimens studied, by PCR using a specific set of MMTV-like primers. The three identified MMTV-like gene sequences, which were assigned as INER6, HZ101, and HZ14, were 99%, 98%, and 97% homologous, respectively, as compared to GenBank sequence accession number <ext-link ext-link-id="AY161347" ext-link-type="gen">AY161347</ext-link>. The INER6 and HZ-101 samples were isolated from lung cancer specimens, and the HZ-14 was isolated from an acute inflammatory lung infiltrate sample. Two of the <it>env </it>sequences exhibited disruption of the reading frame due to mutations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In summary, we identified the presence of MMTV-like gene sequences in 2 out of 11 (18%) of the lung carcinomas and 1 out of 7 (14%) of acute inflamatory lung infiltrate specimens studied of a Mexican Population.</p

    Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition.

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    About half of all cancers have somatic integrations of retrotransposons. Here, to characterize their role in oncogenesis, we analyzed the patterns and mechanisms of somatic retrotransposition in 2,954 cancer genomes from 38 histological cancer subtypes within the framework of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) project. We identified 19,166 somatically acquired retrotransposition events, which affected 35% of samples and spanned a range of event types. Long interspersed nuclear element (LINE-1; L1 hereafter) insertions emerged as the first most frequent type of somatic structural variation in esophageal adenocarcinoma, and the second most frequent in head-and-neck and colorectal cancers. Aberrant L1 integrations can delete megabase-scale regions of a chromosome, which sometimes leads to the removal of tumor-suppressor genes, and can induce complex translocations and large-scale duplications. Somatic retrotranspositions can also initiate breakage-fusion-bridge cycles, leading to high-level amplification of oncogenes. These observations illuminate a relevant role of L1 retrotransposition in remodeling the cancer genome, with potential implications for the development of human tumors