5 research outputs found

    La innovaci?n curricular, una propuesta para el fortalecimiento de la autonom?a a trav?s de las gu?as de aprendizaje y la evaluaci?n formativa.

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    232 p.El presente documento posee por objetivo reconocer las implicaciones del uso de las gu?as de aprendizaje junto a la evaluaci?n formativa como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la autonom?a en el aprendizaje de las matem?ticas, particularmente en los grados s?ptimos de la Instituci?n educativa t?cnica Antonio Nari?o- Uni?n temporal compa??a de Jes?s Fe y Alegr?a. Para ello, se implement? una metodolog?a de ?ndole Mixta, al entrelazar informaci?n cualitativa con la cuantitativa, de igual manera se enfatiz? en el m?todo etnogr?fico que permiti? el an?lisis de diversos documentos, a partir de la observaci?n y sistematizaci?n de las categor?as propuestas: estrategias de ense?anza, evaluaci?n formativa y autonom?a, tal m?todo se ejecut? en cuatro fases a saber: b?squeda, an?lisis, selecci?n y elaboraci?n del documento final, dicha informaci?n aliment? el estado del arte que dio respaldo al desarrollo de la presente investigaci?n. Los resultados evidenciaron la relaci?n entre la ense?anza intencional de estrategias de aprendizaje en el aula y su contribuci?n en la construcci?n de h?bitos de estudio. Adem?s, se reconoci? la importancia de la evaluaci?n formativa o continua como estrategia de reflexi?n en torno a las estrategias de ense?anza, en su capacidad para valorar y realizar seguimiento al proceso de ense?anza- aprendizaje y para potenciar la autonom?a en los estudiantes. Aun as?, las gu?as de aprendizaje junto a la evaluaci?n formativa no presentan trascendencia significativa por parte de la muestra seleccionada, reflej?ndolo en un bajo avance acad?mico, Por todo lo anterior, es posible concluir, que la evaluaci?n formativa debe ser implementada en las diversas propuestas metodol?gicas con el fin de desarrollar habilidades cognitivas y metacognitivas en el alumnado, aun as?, es importante relacionarla con herramientas e instrumentos contextualizadas y coherentes al contexto que potencien el fortalecimiento de la autonom?a.The purpose of the following document is to recognize the implications in the use of learning guides hand in hand with formative evaluation as a strategy for strengthening the autonomy in mathematics learning, specially in seventh grade of Instituci?n educativa t?cnica Antonio Nari?o- Uni?n temporal compa?ia de Jes?s Fe y Alegr?a. For that purpose, a mixed methodology was implemented, by linking qualitative and quantitative information, in the same way, the ethnographic method was emphasized that allowed the analysis of a series documents, based on the observation and systematization of the proposed categories: teaching strategies, formative evaluation and autonomy, such a method was done in four phases: searching, analysis, selection and building up of the final document, this information fed the state of the art that supported the development of current investigation. The results evidenced the relationship between the intentional teaching of learning strategies in the classroom and the contribution in the construction of study habits. In addition, the importance of formative or continuous evaluation was recognized as a strategy in the reflection on teaching strategies, also, in the ability to assess and monitor the teaching-learning process and to enhance student autonomy. Even so, the learning guides along with the formative evaluation do not present significant transcendence by the selected sample, it is reflected under academic progress Bearing in mind, it is possible to conclude that the formative evaluation must be implemented in the different methodological proposals in order to develop cognitive and metacognitive skills in students, even so, it is important to relate it with contextualized and coherent tools and instruments to this context that enhance the strengthening of autonomy

    Escenarios para una Empresa Socialmente Responsable en e Posconflicto Colombiano (Scenarios for a Socially Responsible Company in the Colombian Post-Conflict)

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    Measurement of charged particle spectra in minimum-bias events from proton-proton collisions at root s =13 TeV

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    Pseudorapidity, transverse momentum, and multiplicity distributions are measured in the pseudorapidity range vertical bar eta vertical bar 0.5 GeV in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 13 TeV. Measurements are presented in three different event categories. The most inclusive of the categories corresponds to an inelastic pp data set, while the other two categories are exclusive subsets of the inelastic sample that are either enhanced or depleted in single diffractive dissociation events. The measurements are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo event generators used to describe high-energy hadronic interactions in collider and cosmic-ray physics.Peer reviewe