208 research outputs found

    Comprehensive analysis of blood cells and plasma identifies tissue-specific miRNAs as potential novel circulating biomarkers in cattle

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    Abstract Background The potential of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers of tissue function, both in health and disease, has been extensively demonstrated in humans. In addition, circulating miRNA biomarkers offer significant potential towards improving the productivity of livestock species, however, such potential has been hampered by the absence of information on the nature and source of circulating miRNA populations in these species. In addition, many miRNAs originally proposed as robust biomarkers of a particular tissue or disease in humans have been later shown not to be tissue specific and thus to actually have limited biomarker utility. In this study, we comprehensively analysed miRNA profiles in plasma and cell fractions of blood from cattle with the aim to identify tissue-derived miRNAs which may be useful as biomarkers of tissue function in this important food animal species. Results Using small RNA sequencing, we identified 92 miRNAs with significantly higher expression in plasma compared to paired blood cell samples (n = 4 cows). Differences in miRNA levels between plasma and cell fractions were validated for eight out of 10 miRNAs using RT-qPCR (n = 10 cows). Among miRNAs found to be enriched in plasma, we confirmed miR-122 (liver), miR-133a (muscle) and miR-215 (intestine) to be tissue-enriched, as reported for other species. Profiling of additional miRNAs across different tissues identified the human homologue, miR-802, as highly enriched specifically in liver. Conclusions These results provide novel information on the source of bovine circulating miRNAs and could significantly facilitate the identification of production-relevant tissue biomarkers in livestock. In particular, miR-802, a circulating miRNA not previously identified in cattle, can reportedly regulate insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, and thus could potentially provide a specific biomarker of liver function, a key parameter in the context of post-partum negative energy balance in dairy cows

    Komposisi dan Kemelimpahan Fitoplankton di Laguna Glagah Kabupaten Kulonprogo Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi jenis fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 2) meng-identifikasi kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 3) mempelajari hubungan faktor fisiko-kimia lingkungan dengan kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2012 di laguna Glagah desa Glagah kecamatan Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun pengamatan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor fisiko-kimia (pH, DO, dan alkalinitas) dan mengidentifikasi fitoplankton. Pengamatan dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali yaitu pada pukul 08.00 WIB (pagi) dan 13.00 WIB (siang). Pengujian faktor fisiko-kimia dan identifikasi fito-plankton dilakukan di laboratorium ekologi Fakultas Biologi UGM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fitoplankton yang ditemukan di laguna Glagah berjumlah 9 spesies dalam 3 fungsional grup dengan kemelimpahan rata-rata sebesar 1839.667 individu/L pada pagi hari dan 1640,333 pada siang hari. Fitoplankton yang paling melimpah adalah diatom. Berdasarkan analisis regresi korelasi antara kemelimpahan fitoplankton dan faktor fisiko-kimia perairan Laguna Glagah maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara faktor fisiko kimia meliputi pH, DO, dan alkalinitas dengan kemelimpahan fitoplankton

    Comprehensive analysis of blood cells and plasma identifies tissue-specific miRNAs as potential novel circulating biomarkers in cattle

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    Abstract Background The potential of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers of tissue function, both in health and disease, has been extensively demonstrated in humans. In addition, circulating miRNA biomarkers offer significant potential towards improving the productivity of livestock species, however, such potential has been hampered by the absence of information on the nature and source of circulating miRNA populations in these species. In addition, many miRNAs originally proposed as robust biomarkers of a particular tissue or disease in humans have been later shown not to be tissue specific and thus to actually have limited biomarker utility. In this study, we comprehensively analysed miRNA profiles in plasma and cell fractions of blood from cattle with the aim to identify tissue-derived miRNAs which may be useful as biomarkers of tissue function in this important food animal species. Results Using small RNA sequencing, we identified 92 miRNAs with significantly higher expression in plasma compared to paired blood cell samples (n = 4 cows). Differences in miRNA levels between plasma and cell fractions were validated for eight out of 10 miRNAs using RT-qPCR (n = 10 cows). Among miRNAs found to be enriched in plasma, we confirmed miR-122 (liver), miR-133a (muscle) and miR-215 (intestine) to be tissue-enriched, as reported for other species. Profiling of additional miRNAs across different tissues identified the human homologue, miR-802, as highly enriched specifically in liver. Conclusions These results provide novel information on the source of bovine circulating miRNAs and could significantly facilitate the identification of production-relevant tissue biomarkers in livestock. In particular, miR-802, a circulating miRNA not previously identified in cattle, can reportedly regulate insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, and thus could potentially provide a specific biomarker of liver function, a key parameter in the context of post-partum negative energy balance in dairy cows
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