86 research outputs found

    The effect of sample holder material on ion mobility spectrometry reproducibility

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    When a positive detection of a narcotic occurs during the search of a vessel, a decision has to be made whether further intensive search is warranted. This decision is based in part on the results of a second sample collected from the same area. Therefore, the reproducibility of both sampling and instrumental analysis is critical in terms of justifying an in depth search. As reported at the 2nd Annual IMS Conference in Quebec City, the U.S. Coast Guard has determined that when paper is utilized as the sample desorption medium for the Barringer IONSCAN, the analytical results using standard reference samples are reproducible. A study was conducted utilizing papers of varying pore sizes and comparing their performance as a desorption material relative to the standard Barringer 50 micron Teflon. Nominal pore sizes ranged from 30 microns down to 2 microns. Results indicate that there is some peak instability in the first two to three windows during the analysis. The severity of the instability was observed to increase as the pore size of the paper is decreased. However, the observed peak instability does not create a situation that results in a decreased reliability or reproducibility in the analytical result

    A novel approach to increasing cocaine detection confidence utilizing ion mobility spectrometry

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    When a positive detection of a narcotic occurs during the search of a vessel, a decision has to be made whether further intensive search is warranted. In terms of unwarranted delays of vessels and possible property damage, the accuracy of the analytical determination is very important. Analytical accuracy becomes critical when the data may be used in court actions as evidence. For this purpose, the U.S. Coast Guard has been investigating several confirmatory ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) field methods for the detection and identification of cocaine. This paper presents the findings of our investigations on the use of catalytic pyrolysis and base hydrolysis as confirmatory methods. The catalytic effects of various metals on the pyrolysis reaction are reported. In addition, the effects of several different ion mobility spectrometer sample transfer mediums and varying laboratory conditions on the base hydrolysis of the cocaine molecule are also be reported

    Mantle flow in regions of complex tectonics: insights from Indonesia

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    Indonesia is arguably one of the tectonically most complex regions on Earth today due to its location at the junction of several major tectonic plates and its long history of collision and accretion. It is thus an ideal location to study the interaction between subducting plates and mantle convection. Seismic anisotropy can serve as a diagnostic tool for identifying various subsurface deformational processes, such as mantle flow, for example. Here, we present novel shear wave splitting results across the Indonesian region. Using three different shear phases (local S, SKS, and downgoing S) to improve spatial resolution of anisotropic fabrics allows us to distinguish several deformational features. For example, the block rotation history of Borneo is reflected in coast-parallel fast directions, which we attribute to fossil anisotropy. Furthermore, we are able to unravel the mantle flow pattern in the Sulawesi and Banda region: We detect toroidal flow around the Celebes Sea slab, oblique corner flow in the Banda wedge, and sub-slab mantle flow around the arcuate Banda slab. We present evidence for deep, sub-520 km anisotropy at the Java subduction zone. In the Sumatran backarc, we measure trench-perpendicular fast orientations, which we assume to be due to mantle flow beneath the overriding Eurasian plate. These observations will allow to test ideas of, for example, slab–mantle coupling in subduction regions

    Influence of cratonic lithosphere on the formation and evolution of flat slabs : insights from 3-D time-dependent modeling.

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    Several mechanisms have been suggested for the formation of flat slabs including buoyant features on the subducting plate, trenchward motion and thermal or cratonic structure of the overriding plate. Analysis of episodes of flat subduction indicate that not all flat slabs can be attributed to only one of these mechanisms and it is likely that multiple mechanisms work together to create the necessary conditions for flat slab subduction. In this study we examine the role of localized regions of cratonic lithosphere in the overriding plate in the formation and evolution of flat slabs. We explicitly build on previous models, by using time-dependent simulations with three-dimensional variation in overriding plate structure. We find that there are two modes of flat subduction: permanent underplating occurs when the slab is more buoyant (shorter or younger), while transient flattening occurs when there is more negative buoyancy (longer or older slabs). Our models show how regions of the slab adjacent to the subcratonic flat portion continue to pull the slab into the mantle leading to highly contorted slab shapes with apparent slab gaps beneath the craton. These results show how the interpretation of seismic images of subduction zones can be complicated by the occurrence of either permanent or transient flattening of the slab, and how the signature of a recent flat slab episode may persist as the slab resumes normal subduction. Our models suggest that permanent underplating of slabs may preferentially occur below thick and cold lithosphere providing a built-in mechanism for regeneration of cratons

    The dynamical control of subduction parameters on surface topography

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    he long-wavelength surface deflection of Earth's outermost rocky shell is mainly controlled by large-scale dynamic processes like isostasy or mantle flow. The largest topographic amplitudes are therefore observed at plate boundaries due to the presence of large thermal heterogeneities and strong tectonic forces. Distinct vertical surface deflections are particularly apparent at convergent plate boundaries mostly due to the convergence and asymmetric sinking of the plates. Having a mantle convection model with a free surface that is able to reproduce both realistic single-sided subduction and long-wavelength surface topography self-consistently, we are now able to better investigate this interaction. We separate the topographic signal into distinct features and quantify the individual topographic contribution of several controlling subduction parameters. Results are diagnosed by splitting the topographic signal into isostatic and residual components, and by considering various physical aspects like viscous dissipation during plate bending. Performing several systematic suites of experiments, we are then able to quantify the topographic impact of the buoyancy, rheology, and geometry of the subduction-zone system to each and every topographic feature at a subduction zone and to provide corresponding scaling laws. We identify slab dip and, slightly less importantly, slab buoyancy as the major agents controlling surface topography at subduction zones on Earth. Only the island-arc high and the back-arc depression extent are mainly controlled by plate strength. Overall, his modeling study sets the basis to better constrain deep-seated mantle structures and their physical properties via the observed surface topography on present-day Earth and back through time

    Subducted, detached, and torn slabs beneath the Greater Caucasus

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    © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. The Greater Caucasus Mountains contain the highest peaks in Europe and define, for over 850. km along strike, the leading edge of the second-largest active collisional orogen on Earth. However, the mechanisms by which this range is being constructed remain disputed. Using a new database of earthquake records from local networks in Georgia, Russia, and Azerbaijan, together with previously published hypocenter locations, we show that the central and eastern Greater Caucasus Mountains are underlain by a northeast-dipping zone of mantle seismicity that we interpret as a subducted slab. Beneath the central Greater Caucasus (east of 45°E), the zone of seismicity extends to a depth of at least 158. km with a dip of ~40°NE and a slab length of ~130-280. km. In contrast, beneath the western GC (west of 45°E) there is a pronounced lack of events below ~50. km, which we infer to reflect slab breakoff and detachment. We also observe a gap in intermediate-depth seismicity (45-75. km) at the western end of the subducted slab beneath the central Greater Caucasus, which we interpret as an eastward-propagating tear. This tear coincides with a region of minimum horizontal convergence rates between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus, as expected in a region of active slab breakoff. Active subduction beneath the eastern Greater Caucasus presents a potentially larger seismic hazard than previously recognized and may explain historical records of large magnitude (M 8) seismicity in this region

    A geometric analysis of thrust-truncated asymmetric folds, Upper Marsh Fork area, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2003A new surveying technique was developed to document the geometry of eight km size thrust-related folds in the eastern Brooks Range, Alaska. This method combines data from a theodolite and reflectorless laser rangefinder to construct cross sections that are more precise than those based on field map data. In the study area, weakly to non-metamorphosed Carboniferous carbonates typically form northeast-trending, northwest-vergent, asymmetric thrust-truncated folds. The geometry of most of the folds is consistent with a detachment fold model that allows local thickness changes. The anticlines typically display interlimb angles of less than 90,̊ structurally thickened hinge zones, and overturned forelimbs that dip steeply to moderately, suggesting the folds are over-tightened. Furthermore, structural disruption of bedding in the anticlinal forelimbs suggests that strain was localized in this region of the fold and is interpreted to be a record of the transition from folding to thrust faulting within each fold

    New crustal and lithospheric mantle structure of Alaska from geoid, elevation and thermal inversion analysis further constrained by 3D gravity modelling

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    EGU General Assembly 2018We investigate the lithospheric structure of Alaska and the lateral crustal density variations using a two-stepapproach. First, we calculate the crustal and mantle lithosphere thicknesses from joint geoid and elevationmodeling combined with thermal analysis further constrained by available seismic data. We then compute the 3Dgravity effect of the resulting lithospheric structure to separate the measured Bouguer anomaly into its regionaland local components. The thickest crust (> than 40 km) is observed in the Brooks Range, Wrangell Mountainsand the Alaska Range, while thinnest crust is located in the Aleutian Range and Chugach Mountains (180 km) while the shallowest (∼80 km) is observed along the continental side of the Yakutat Block. The obtainedresidual gravity anomalies highlight lateral average crustal density variations which we discus in terms of crustalstructure. Positive residual anomalies delineate the high density crustal rocks of the accreted Wrangellia andComposite terrains while negative values are associated with the sedimentary rocks of the Sadlerochit Mountains.This research is supported by project SUBITOP (MSCA-ITN-2015-ETN-674899)