70 research outputs found

    Relational event models for longitudinal network data with an application to interhospital patient transfers

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    The main objective of this paper is to introduce and illustrate relational event models, a new class of statistical models for the analysis of time-stamped data with complex temporal and relational dependencies. We outline the main differences between recently proposed relational event models and more conventional network models based on the graph-theoretic formalism typically adopted in empirical studies of social networks. Our main contribution involves the definition and implementation of a marked point process extension of currently available models. According to this approach, the sequence of events of interest is decomposed into two components: (a) event time, and (b) event destination. This decomposition transforms the problem of selection of event destination in relational event models into a conditional multinomial logistic regression problem. The main advantages of this formulation are the possibility of controlling for the effect of event-specific data and a significant reduction in the estimation time of currently available relational event models. We demonstrate the empirical value of the model in an analysis of interhospital patient transfer within a regional community of health care organizations. We conclude with a discussion of how the models we presented help to overcome some the limitations of statistical models for networks that are currently available

    Cooperation, Norms, and Revolutions: A Unified Game-Theoretical Approach

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    Cooperation is of utmost importance to society as a whole, but is often challenged by individual self-interests. While game theory has studied this problem extensively, there is little work on interactions within and across groups with different preferences or beliefs. Yet, people from different social or cultural backgrounds often meet and interact. This can yield conflict, since behavior that is considered cooperative by one population might be perceived as non-cooperative from the viewpoint of another. To understand the dynamics and outcome of the competitive interactions within and between groups, we study game-dynamical replicator equations for multiple populations with incompatible interests and different power (be this due to different population sizes, material resources, social capital, or other factors). These equations allow us to address various important questions: For example, can cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma be promoted, when two interacting groups have different preferences? Under what conditions can costly punishment, or other mechanisms, foster the evolution of norms? When does cooperation fail, leading to antagonistic behavior, conflict, or even revolutions? And what incentives are needed to reach peaceful agreements between groups with conflicting interests? Our detailed quantitative analysis reveals a large variety of interesting results, which are relevant for society, law and economics, and have implications for the evolution of language and culture as well

    Selective inhibitors of cardiac ADPR cyclase as novel anti-arrhythmic compounds

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    ADP-ribosyl cyclases (ADPRCs) catalyse the conversion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide to cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR) which is a second messenger involved in Ca2+ mobilisation from intracellular stores. Via its interaction with the ryanodine receptor Ca2+ channel in the heart, cADPR may exert arrhythmogenic activity. To test this hypothesis, we have studied the effect of novel cardiac ADPRC inhibitors in vitro and in vivo in models of ventricular arrhythmias. Using a high-throughput screening approach on cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from pig and rat and nicotinamide hypoxanthine dinuleotide as a surrogate substrate, we have identified potent and selective inhibitors of an intracellular, membrane-bound cardiac ADPRC that are different from the two known mammalian ADPRCs, CD38 and CD157/Bst1. We show that two structurally distinct cardiac ADPRC inhibitors, SAN2589 and SAN4825, prevent the formation of spontaneous action potentials in guinea pig papillary muscle in vitro and that compound SAN4825 is active in vivo in delaying ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest in a guinea pig model of Ca2+ overload-induced arrhythmia. Inhibition of cardiac ADPRC prevents Ca2+ overload-induced spontaneous depolarizations and ventricular fibrillation and may thus provide a novel therapeutic principle for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias

    Tight Regulation of the intS Gene of the KplE1 Prophage: A New Paradigm for Integrase Gene Regulation

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    Temperate phages have the ability to maintain their genome in their host, a process called lysogeny. For most, passive replication of the phage genome relies on integration into the host's chromosome and becoming a prophage. Prophages remain silent in the absence of stress and replicate passively within their host genome. However, when stressful conditions occur, a prophage excises itself and resumes the viral cycle. Integration and excision of phage genomes are mediated by regulated site-specific recombination catalyzed by tyrosine and serine recombinases. In the KplE1 prophage, site-specific recombination is mediated by the IntS integrase and the TorI recombination directionality factor (RDF). We previously described a sub-family of temperate phages that is characterized by an unusual organization of the recombination module. Consequently, the attL recombination region overlaps with the integrase promoter, and the integrase and RDF genes do not share a common activated promoter upon lytic induction as in the lambda prophage. In this study, we show that the intS gene is tightly regulated by its own product as well as by the TorI RDF protein. In silico analysis revealed that overlap of the attL region with the integrase promoter is widely encountered in prophages present in prokaryotic genomes, suggesting a general occurrence of negatively autoregulated integrase genes. The prediction that these integrase genes are negatively autoregulated was biologically assessed by studying the regulation of several integrase genes from two different Escherichia coli strains. Our results suggest that the majority of tRNA-associated integrase genes in prokaryotic genomes could be autoregulated and that this might be correlated with the recombination efficiency as in KplE1. The consequences of this unprecedented regulation for excisive recombination are discussed

    The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

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    We report the sequence and analysis of the 814-megabase genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a model for developmental and systems biology. The sequencing strategy combined whole-genome shotgun and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences. This use of BAC clones, aided by a pooling strategy, overcame difficulties associated with high heterozygosity of the genome. The genome encodes about 23,300 genes, including many previously thought to be vertebrate innovations or known only outside the deuterostomes. This echinoderm genome provides an evolutionary outgroup for the chordates and yields insights into the evolution of deuterostomes

    Genome Sequence of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum

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    Aphids are important agricultural pests and also biological models for studies of insect-plant interactions, symbiosis, virus vectoring, and the developmental causes of extreme phenotypic plasticity. Here we present the 464 Mb draft genome assembly of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. This first published whole genome sequence of a basal hemimetabolous insect provides an outgroup to the multiple published genomes of holometabolous insects. Pea aphids are host-plant specialists, they can reproduce both sexually and asexually, and they have coevolved with an obligate bacterial symbiont. Here we highlight findings from whole genome analysis that may be related to these unusual biological features. These findings include discovery of extensive gene duplication in more than 2000 gene families as well as loss of evolutionarily conserved genes. Gene family expansions relative to other published genomes include genes involved in chromatin modification, miRNA synthesis, and sugar transport. Gene losses include genes central to the IMD immune pathway, selenoprotein utilization, purine salvage, and the entire urea cycle. The pea aphid genome reveals that only a limited number of genes have been acquired from bacteria; thus the reduced gene count of Buchnera does not reflect gene transfer to the host genome. The inventory of metabolic genes in the pea aphid genome suggests that there is extensive metabolite exchange between the aphid and Buchnera, including sharing of amino acid biosynthesis between the aphid and Buchnera. The pea aphid genome provides a foundation for post-genomic studies of fundamental biological questions and applied agricultural problems

    Movable genetic elements and antibiotic resistance in enterococci

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    The enterococci possess genetic elements able to move from one strain to another via conjugation. Certain enterococcal plasmids exhibit a broad host range among gram-positive bacteria, but only when matings are performed on solid surfaces. Other plasmids are more specific to enterococci, transfer efficiently in broth, and encode a response to recipient-produced sex phermones. Transmissible non-plasmid elements, the conjugative transposons, are widespread among the enterococci and determine their own fertility properties. Drug resistance, hemolysin, and bacteriocin determinants are commonly found on the various transmissible enterococcal elements. Examples of the different systems are discussed in this review.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47900/1/10096_2005_Article_BF01963632.pd

    Does ignorance promote norm compliance?

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    Recently, there has been progress in understanding the underlying mechanisms of normative behavior. Altruistic punishment can solve the second order collective good problem of norm enforcement. However, the problem to detect norm violators has been overlooked in most recent advances. We combine ideas from labeling theory and social constructionism in a mathematical model and analyze the interaction between subjective beliefs about the dark field of norm violations on one hand and actual norm violations and control behavior on the other. We derive an inverse self fulfilling prophecy effect: If inspectors or norm targets believe in a large unknown extent of norm violations, actual norm violations typically decrease. Finally, we provide an experimental design to test our analytical results
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