17 research outputs found

    Respuestas de oyentes y expertos musicales a una encuesta para valorar la percepción musical en salas de conciertos, auditorios y teatros

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    Para valorar la percepción musical en salas de concierto se diseñó una encuesta de 58 preguntas en la que cada una se valoraba de 0 a 5 puntos. A esta encuesta han respondido 1057 personas entre público en general y expertos musicales, sin formación especializada en acústica, tras la audición de un concierto en alguno de los 14 auditorios, salas de conciertos y teatros ubicados en diferentes comunidades de nuestro país (8 en el sur y 6 en levante). El análisis de las respuestas obtenidas ha mostrado que la fluctuación de la valoración media de cada una de las preguntas de la encuesta en una sala es un patrón que se repite aproximadamente en todas las salas estudiadas, formando una banda de aproximadamente 1 punto de variación en cada respuesta que contiene a todas las salas. Los límites de esta banda indicarían los extremos de respuesta subjetiva asociada a las salas de conciertos.Ponencia presentada en el Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica. EAA Symposium. Gandía(España). 2006.In order to evaluate the quality of the musical perception in concert halls, a survey with 58 items was designed in which each question was valued from 0 to 5 points. This survey has been replied by 1057 people between general public and musical experts without any specialized formation in acoustics, after the audition of a concert in any of the 14 auditoriums, concert hall or theatres, located in different regions of our country (8 in the south and 6 in the east). The analysis has shown that the fluctuation of the mean valuation of each question of the survey in a determined room is a pattern that is repeated approximately in all of the studied spaces, forming a band of approximately 1 variation point in each answer and that contains to all rooms. The limits of this band would indicate the ends of the subjective response associated to concert halls

    Elaboration process of a subjective response test from listeners and Musical experts, as a tool of evaluation of the musical perception in Concerts halls, auditoria and theatres

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    In order to tackle the study related to the requirements for musical audition in concert halls, some measurements and analyses of objective acoustic parameters have been made. However, the subjective evaluation of the sensation that the values of these acoustic parameters have on the listeners, can only be shown by means of a questionnaire that listeners have to answer. Such questionnaire has been formulated in an understandable way and the questions are directly or indirectly related to the abovementioned parameters. The aim of the present article is to present the elaboration process of a test of subjective response addressed to the general public and to some musical experts who have no special skills on acoustics. This study has been made in 13 auditoria, concert rooms and theatres distributed in different Autonomous Regions of Spain.Para abordar el estudio de las exigencias para la audición musical en salas de conciertos se realiza la medida y análisis de parámetros acústicos objetivos. Sin embargo, la valoración subjetiva de la sensación que unos u otros valores de esos parámetros acústicos producen en la audiencia, sólo puede ponerse de manifiesto a través de las respuestas de los oyentes a una encuesta cuyas preguntas, formuladas de manera comprensible, estén relacionadas, directa o indirectamente, con dichos parámetros acústicos. El objeto de este artículo es presentar el proceso de elaboración de un test de respuesta subjetiva dirigido al público en general y a expertos musicales pero sin formación especializada en acústica. Este estudio se ha realizado en 13 auditorios, salas de conciertos y teatros repartidos en diferentes Comunidades Autónomas de nuestro país. Ponencia presentada al Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica. EAA Symposium. Gandía (España). 200

    Observation of inverse Compton emission from a long γ-ray burst.

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    Long-duration γ-ray bursts (GRBs) originate from ultra-relativistic jets launched from the collapsing cores of dying massive stars. They are characterized by an initial phase of bright and highly variable radiation in the kiloelectronvolt-to-megaelectronvolt band, which is probably produced within the jet and lasts from milliseconds to minutes, known as the prompt emission1,2. Subsequently, the interaction of the jet with the surrounding medium generates shock waves that are responsible for the afterglow emission, which lasts from days to months and occurs over a broad energy range from the radio to the gigaelectronvolt bands1-6. The afterglow emission is generally well explained as synchrotron radiation emitted by electrons accelerated by the external shock7-9. Recently, intense long-lasting emission between 0.2 and 1 teraelectronvolts was observed from GRB 190114C10,11. Here we report multi-frequency observations of GRB 190114C, and study the evolution in time of the GRB emission across 17 orders of magnitude in energy, from 5 × 10-6 to 1012 electronvolts. We find that the broadband spectral energy distribution is double-peaked, with the teraelectronvolt emission constituting a distinct spectral component with power comparable to the synchrotron component. This component is associated with the afterglow and is satisfactorily explained by inverse Compton up-scattering of synchrotron photons by high-energy electrons. We find that the conditions required to account for the observed teraelectronvolt component are typical for GRBs, supporting the possibility that inverse Compton emission is commonly produced in GRBs

    Relationship of Weather Types on the Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Rainfall, Runoff, and Sediment Yield in the Western Mediterranean Basin

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    Rainfall is the key factor to understand soil erosion processes, mechanisms, and rates. Most research was conducted to determine rainfall characteristics and their relationship with soil erosion (erosivity) but there is little information about how atmospheric patterns control soil losses, and this is important to enable sustainable environmental planning and risk prevention. We investigated the temporal and spatial variability of the relationships of rainfall, runoff, and sediment yield with atmospheric patterns (weather types, WTs) in the western Mediterranean basin. For this purpose, we analyzed a large database of rainfall events collected between 1985 and 2015 in 46 experimental plots and catchments with the aim to: (i) evaluate seasonal differences in the contribution of rainfall, runoff, and sediment yield produced by the WTs; and (ii) to analyze the seasonal efficiency of the different WTs (relation frequency and magnitude) related to rainfall, runoff, and sediment yield. The results indicate two different temporal patterns: the first weather type exhibits (during the cold period: autumn and winter) westerly flows that produce the highest rainfall, runoff, and sediment yield values throughout the territory; the second weather type exhibits easterly flows that predominate during the warm period (spring and summer) and it is located on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. However, the cyclonic situations present high frequency throughout the whole year with a large influence extended around the western Mediterranean basin. Contrary, the anticyclonic situations, despite of its high frequency, do not contribute significantly to the total rainfall, runoff, and sediment (showing the lowest efficiency) because of atmospheric stability that currently characterize this atmospheric pattern. Our approach helps to better understand the relationship of WTs on the seasonal and spatial variability of rainfall, runoff and sediment yield with a regional scale based on the large dataset and number of soil erosion experimental stations

    Utilización del ordenador en la segunda etapa de EGB

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    El objetivo principal es familiarizar al alumno con la Informática, centrándolo en lo que es un ordenador, qué hace y cómo lo hace. Concretamente se pretende iniciar al alumno en el lenguaje Basic, hacerle apreciar las posibilidades del ordenador frente a otras técnicas y el desarrollo progresivo de una metodología lógico-científica en el proceso educativo. 120 alumnos del Centro Piloto Guadiana. El proyecto se llevó a cabo en tres fases: en la primera, se formó a un grupo de profesores del Centro Guadiana en Microinformática; en la segunda fase, se llevó a cabo una experiencia piloto con un grupo de 8 alumnos; en la tercera, se llevó a cabo la experiencia con los 120 alumnos, divididos en grupos de 30 y con dos profesores cada grupo. El programa realizado con los alumnos tuvo una duración de cuatro meses. Fotocopias informativas. Retroproyector, láminas y transparencias. Cintas magnéticas con programas elaborados. 5 ordenadores. Del total de alumnos que inician la experiencia, la finalizan el 85,5 por ciento, considerándose en general positiva y motivadora para los alumnos en los siguientes aspectos: de cara a otras materias, a la formación de hábitos y como elemento que mejora la convivencia.ExtremaduraBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; Fax +34917748026; [email protected]