1,176 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the electrochemical properties of vitamin B-6 related compounds at physiological pH

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    A comparative study of vitamin B6 group and related compounds in buffered solutions using electrochemical techniques has been performed at neutral pH. Irreversible bi- or tetra-electronic processes are observed for these substances, and the electron transfer coefficient (αn) calculated. It was concluded that either the first or second electron transfer were the rate determining step of the electrode process. The diffusion coefficient of these substances was calculated and the values given follow an inverse tendency to the molecular size. For aldehydes the values obtained were corrected of the hydration reaction. It is important to remark that catalytic waves were reported for the first time for these compounds. Using a model involving the nitrogen of the basic structure the kinetic constants were calculated for most of them

    On the removal of s-triazine herbicides from waters using commercial low-cost granular carbons

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    The adsorption capacities of three low-cost granular active carbons, used in a water treatment facility for the removal of the triazine herbicides propazine, prometryn and prometon, was evaluated. Kinetic studies showed that the three carbon samples used could be suitable in practice for the treatment of moderate contents of the herbicides in contaminated waters. The apparent adsorption rate constants were calculated. Equilibrium studies showed that the data fit the Frumkin isotherm. The results show that in the adsorption process there are repulsive lateral interactions that depend mainly on the adsorbate molecules rather than the nature or distribution of the adsorption sites. Such lateral interactions seem to be established mainly between the isopropyl groups of adjacent molecules, being of the same order for the three molecules

    Similarities and differences in RANTES and (AOP)-RANTES-triggered signals : implications for chemotaxis

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    11 páginas, 8 figuras.Chemokines are a family of proinflammatory cytokines that attract and activate specific types of leukocytes. Chemokines mediate their effects via interaction with seven transmembrane G proteinÐcoupled receptors (GPCR). Using CCR5-transfected HEK-293 cells, we show that both the CCR5 ligand, RANTES, as well as its derivative, aminooxypentane (AOP)-RANTES, trigger immediate responses such as Ca2+ influx, receptor dimerization, tyrosine phosphorylation,and Gai as well as JAK/STAT association to the receptor. In contrast to RANTES, (AOP)-RANTES is unable to trigger late responses, as measured by the association of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to the chemokine receptor complex, impaired cell polarization required for migration, or chemotaxis. The results are discussed in the context of the dissociation of the late signals, provoked by the chemokines required for cell migration, from early signals.Peer reviewe

    Long-term immune response accompanies clinical outcomes in severe asthmatics treated with anti-IL-5/IL-5R biologics

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    This work was supported by ISCIII - Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FIS (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - Spanish Health Research Fund) grants PI21/00896 and FI19/00067; Ciber de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES); SEAIC grants 22A07; BASEAS STUDY (Basophils in EosinophilicAsthma) Study Code ESR-20-20764 AstraZeneca International; Comunidad de Madrid grant PEJ2021-AI_BMD-22320 and FEDER funds (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    The Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) for the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory

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    The Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) is a spectropolarimeter built by four institutions in Spain that flew on board the Sunrise balloon-borne telesocope in June 2009 for almost six days over the Arctic Circle. As a polarimeter IMaX uses fast polarization modulation (based on the use of two liquid crystal retarders), real-time image accumulation, and dual beam polarimetry to reach polarization sensitivities of 0.1%. As a spectrograph, the instrument uses a LiNbO3 etalon in double pass and a narrow band pre-filter to achieve a spectral resolution of 85 mAA. IMaX uses the high Zeeman sensitive line of Fe I at 5250.2 AA and observes all four Stokes parameters at various points inside the spectral line. This allows vector magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and intensity frames to be produced that, after reconstruction, reach spatial resolutions in the 0.15-0.18 arcsec range over a 50x50 arcsec FOV. Time cadences vary between ten and 33 seconds, although the shortest one only includes longitudinal polarimetry. The spectral line is sampled in various ways depending on the applied observing mode, from just two points inside the line to 11 of them. All observing modes include one extra wavelength point in the nearby continuum. Gauss equivalent sensitivities are four Gauss for longitudinal fields and 80 Gauss for transverse fields per wavelength sample. The LOS velocities are estimated with statistical errors of the order of 5-40 m/s. The design, calibration and integration phases of the instrument, together with the implemented data reduction scheme are described in some detail.Comment: 17 figure

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The structure of a mediterranean lizard communityDiet of the eagle owl (Bubo bubo) in mediterranean SpainTamaño de la puesta y mortalidad entre los pollos del Aguila Real ibérica (Aquila chrysaetos homeyeriDistribución y frecuencia de la cópula del buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en el Sur de EspañaRégimen alimenticio del calamón (Porphyrio porphyrio) en las Marismas del GuadalquivilVisible migration over the Colo Doñana, Spring 1973Diet of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the western Sierra Morena (South Spain).Microestructura del esmalte en los incisivos de Roedores. l. Variaciones con la edadDistribution and habitat of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvana) in North MoroccoNotas sobre distribución de los peces fluviales en el Suroeste de España.Nuevas localidades de Valencia hispanica (Pisces:Ciprinodontidae) en el Suroeste de España.Hallazgo de Natrix mauro albinaNidificación del Phoenicopterus ruber en las Marismas del Bajo GuadalquivirNido de Aythya ferina parasitado por Fulica atraNuevos datos sobre la distribución de algunos micromamífesl ibéricos (Microtus arvalís ,M. cabrerae, M. agrestís y Sorex minutus).Neomys anomalus: Nueva localidad en el Suroeste de EspañaPeer reviewe

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Relación longitud-peso y condición del Barbo de Sclater (Barbus barbus sclateri G.), en el río Guadiato, Córdoba, España.Estudio biométrico y biológico de la tortuga mora (Testudo graeca) en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana, HuelvaEtograma del lagarto de Tenerife, Gallotia galloti galloti (Sauria-LacertidaeOrganización temporal en las comunidadesde avesAlimentación y relaciones tróficas entre los paseriformes en paso otoñal por una localidad de Andalucía centralVariación anual de régimen alimenticio y densidad de población de dos estrigiformes:sus causaslas Adeidas en la cuenca del Duero.Niveles de contaminantes organoclorados y metales pesados en huevos de aves de las Marismas del Guadalquivir, 1975Alimentación primaveral de la garcilla bueyera.la reproducción de un ave parásita: el tordomirlo (Molothrus bonariensis) en los llanos de Apure (Venezuela)Estructuras de sexos y edades en una poblaciónde conejos (Oryctolagus cunicuLus l.) de Andalucía OccidentaParámetros de gregarismo del gamo (Dama dama) en el Coto de Doñana.Primeros datos sobre la distribución de Cobitis calderoni Bacescu, 1961 (pisces, cobitidae) en la Península IbéricaSobre la existencia de Telestes soufia Risso, 1826 y Leuciscus leuciscus L. 1758 en España.La distrtibución de Hemidactylus turciscus en la provincia de Córdoba.Predación de Vipera latastei sobre Mustela nivalis.Sobre las poblaciones de Podarcis en el macizo del GuadarramaDatos sobre la reproducción de Lacerta vivipara en la cordillera CantábricaCasos de melanismo en Natrix natrix y Malpolon monspessulanusMedidas máximas para Coluber hippocrepis LUna nueva población de Lacerta sicula rafinesque para el norte de España.Captura de la barnacla carinegra, Branta bernicla en la costa mediterránea Europea.Datos sobre la dieta frugívora del mirlo (Turdus merula) en dos localidades del sur de EspañaLa ocupación de nidos de Hirundo daurica.La invasión de Hirunda daurica Temm. en la Península IbéricaHíbridos de anátidas en las marismas del GuadalquiviDatos sobre la reproducción de Alouatta seniculus en los Llanos de VenezuelaPeer reviewe

    Measurement of the cross-section and charge asymmetry of WW bosons produced in proton-proton collisions at s=8\sqrt{s}=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This paper presents measurements of the W+μ+νW^+ \rightarrow \mu^+\nu and WμνW^- \rightarrow \mu^-\nu cross-sections and the associated charge asymmetry as a function of the absolute pseudorapidity of the decay muon. The data were collected in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 20.2~\mbox{fb^{-1}}. The precision of the cross-section measurements varies between 0.8% to 1.5% as a function of the pseudorapidity, excluding the 1.9% uncertainty on the integrated luminosity. The charge asymmetry is measured with an uncertainty between 0.002 and 0.003. The results are compared with predictions based on next-to-next-to-leading-order calculations with various parton distribution functions and have the sensitivity to discriminate between them.Comment: 38 pages in total, author list starting page 22, 5 figures, 4 tables, submitted to EPJC. All figures including auxiliary figures are available at https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/STDM-2017-13

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Catálogo descriptivo de los anfibios y reptiles de CubaEvolución estacional de la comunidad de aves en un robledal de Sierra NevadaComposición de la comunidad de aves en pinares del Parque Nacional de Doñana (suroeste de España).Alimentación de la pagaza piconegra (Gelochelidon nilotica) en las marismas del GuadalquivirContaminación xenobiótica del Parque Nacional de Doñana. III. Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados, bifenilos policlorados y metales pesados en ciconiformesAlimentación de la lechuza común Tyto alba en la cuenca del Duero, EspañaEstudio de una población rural de (Mus musculus L.) I. La probabilidad de captura y la estima numéricLa reproducción en Gazella dorcasIncidencia del Nemátodo parásito Skrjabingylus Leuckart, 1842 sobre el Mustela en España.Desplazamientos de ungulados silvestres a través de una zona de ecotono en Doñana.Etograma de la cabra montés (Capra pyrenaica) y comparación con otras especies.Sobre comportamiento agresivo de Triturus marmoratus en época de celoEmbarrancamiento masivo de ejemplares de tortuga lad (Dermochelys coriacea L.) en las costas de Ceuta (España, norte de África)Sobre un ejemplar melánico de Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870)Nuevos datos sobre la distribución de cuatro especies de reptiles en la provincia de Cádiz.Algunos datos sobre la nidificación de Ciconia nigra L. en sierra Morena (S. España)Observación del halcón de Eleonor (Falco eleonorae) en el centro de EspañaNueva localidad de cría del pájaro moscón (Remiz pendulinus) en la Península IbéricaRegistro de aves en el sur de BoliviaNidificación del paiño de Madeira Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt, 1851) en las Islas Canarias.Observación primaveral de Phalaropus fulicarius L. en el SO de EspañaNuevos datos sobre la presencia del nóctulo gigante Nyctalus lasiopterus (Chiroptera, vespertilionidae) en EspañaNote sur l'alimentation de Martes martes a Menorca (Baleares).Peer reviewe

    A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters

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    As the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an exploration of potential threats, is considered a fundamental component of IAS management. By combining scientific knowledge on taxa with expert opinion, we identified the most relevant aquatic IAS in the Iberian Peninsula, i.e., those with the greatest geographic extent (or probability of introduction), severe ecological, economic and human health impacts, greatest difficulty and acceptability of management. We highlighted the 126 most relevant IAS already present in Iberian inland waters (i.e., Concern list) and 89 with a high probability of being introduced in the near future (i.e., Alert list), of which 24 and 10 IAS, respectively, were considered as a management priority after receiving the highest scores in the expert assessment (i.e., top-ranked IAS). In both lists, aquatic IAS belonging to the four thematic groups (plants, freshwater invertebrates, estuarine invertebrates, and vertebrates) were identified as having been introduced through various pathways from different regions of the world and classified according to their main functional feeding groups. Also, the latest update of the list of IAS of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 includes only 12 top-ranked IAS identified for the Iberian Peninsula, while the national lists incorporate the vast majority of them. This fact underlines the great importance of taxa prioritisation exercises at biogeographical scales as a step prior to risk analyses and their inclusion in national lists. This HS provides a robust assessment and a cost-effective strategy for decision-makers and stakeholders to prioritise the use of limited resources for IAS prevention and management. Although applied at a transnational level in a European biodiversity hotspot, this approach is designed for potential application at any geographical or administrative scale, including the continental one