167 research outputs found

    The Role of Mitophagy in Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration

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    settingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessReview The Role of Mitophagy in Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration by Dimitrios Stavropoulos 1,2,Manjot K. Grewal 3,4,Bledi Petriti 3,5,Kai-Yin Chau 5ORCID,Christopher J. Hammond 6,7,David F. Garway-Heath 3ORCID andGerassimos Lascaratos 1,6,*ORCID 1 Department of Ophthalmology, King’s College Hospital, London SE5 9RS, UK 2 Department of Ophthalmology, 417 Veterans Army Hospital (NIMTS), 11521 Athens, Greece 3 NIHR Biomedical Research Center, Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London EC1V 9EL, UK 4 Division of Optometry and Visual Science, School of Health Sciences, City, University of London, London EC1V 0HB, UK 5 Department of Clinical & Movement Neurosciences, UCL Queens Square Institute of Neurology, London NW3 2PF, UK 6 Section of Ophthalmology, School of Life Course Sciences, King’s College London, London SE1 7EH, UK 7 Department of Ophthalmology, St Thomas’ Hospital, London SE1 7EH, UK * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Cells 2023, 12(15), 1969; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells12151969 Received: 3 June 2023 / Revised: 15 July 2023 / Accepted: 19 July 2023 / Published: 30 July 2023 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Research on the Role of Mitochondria in Neurodegeneration) Download Browse Figures Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract This review aims to provide a better understanding of the emerging role of mitophagy in glaucomatous neurodegeneration, which is the primary cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Increasing evidence from genetic and other experimental studies suggests that mitophagy-related genes are implicated in the pathogenesis of glaucoma in various populations. The association between polymorphisms in these genes and increased risk of glaucoma is presented. Reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP) is currently the only modifiable risk factor for glaucoma, while clinical trials highlight the inadequacy of IOP-lowering therapeutic approaches to prevent sight loss in many glaucoma patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction is thought to increase the susceptibility of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to other risk factors and is implicated in glaucomatous degeneration. Mitophagy holds a vital role in mitochondrial quality control processes, and the current review explores the mitophagy-related pathways which may be linked to glaucoma and their therapeutic potential

    Characterizing, modelling and understanding the climate variability of the deep water formation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Observing, modelling and understanding the climate-scale variability of the deep water formation (DWF) in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea remains today very challenging. In this study, we first characterize the interannual variability of this phenomenon by a thorough reanalysis of observations in order to establish reference time series. These quantitative indicators include 31 observed years for the yearly maximum mixed layer depth over the period 1980–2013 and a detailed multi-indicator description of the period 2007–2013. Then a 1980–2013 hindcast simulation is performed with a fully-coupled regional climate system model including the high-resolution representation of the regional atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and rivers. The simulation reproduces quantitatively well the mean behaviour and the large interannual variability of the DWF phenomenon. The model shows convection deeper than 1000 m in 2/3 of the modelled winters, a mean DWF rate equal to 0.35 Sv with maximum values of 1.7 (resp. 1.6) Sv in 2013 (resp. 2005). Using the model results, the winter-integrated buoyancy loss over the Gulf of Lions is identified as the primary driving factor of the DWF interannual variability and explains, alone, around 50 % of its variance. It is itself explained by the occurrence of few stormy days during winter. At daily scale, the Atlantic ridge weather regime is identified as favourable to strong buoyancy losses and therefore DWF, whereas the positive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation is unfavourable. The driving role of the vertical stratification in autumn, a measure of the water column inhibition to mixing, has also been analyzed. Combining both driving factors allows to explain more than 70 % of the interannual variance of the phenomenon and in particular the occurrence of the five strongest convective years of the model (1981, 1999, 2005, 2009, 2013). The model simulates qualitatively well the trends in the deep waters (warming, saltening, increase in the dense water volume, increase in the bottom water density) despite an underestimation of the salinity and density trends. These deep trends come from a heat and salt accumulation during the 1980s and the 1990s in the surface and intermediate layers of the Gulf of Lions before being transferred stepwise towards the deep layers when very convective years occur in 1999 and later. The salinity increase in the near Atlantic Ocean surface layers seems to be the external forcing that finally leads to these deep trends. In the future, our results may allow to better understand the behaviour of the DWF phenomenon in Mediterranean Sea simulations in hindcast, forecast, reanalysis or future climate change scenario modes. The robustness of the obtained results must be however confirmed in multi-model studies

    Relationships between retinal layer thickness and brain volumes in the UK Biobank cohort

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    Background and purpose: Current methods to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases are costly and invasive. Retinal neuroanatomy may be a biomarker for more neurodegenerative processes and can be quantified in vivo using optical coherence tomography (OCT), which is inexpensive and noninvasive. We examined the association of neuroretinal morphology with brain MRI image-derived phenotypes (IDPs) in a large cohort of healthy older people. Methods: UK Biobank participants aged 40 to 69 years old underwent comprehensive examinations including ophthalmic and brain imaging assessments. Macular retinal nerve fibre layer (mRNFL), macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (mGCIPL), macular ganglion cell complex (mGCC) and total macular thicknesses were obtained from OCT. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) IDPs assessed included total brain, grey matter, white matter and hippocampal volume. Multivariable linear regression models were used to evaluate associations between retinal layers thickness and brain MRI IDPs, adjusting for demographic factors and vascular risk factors. Results: A total of 2131 participants (mean age 55 years; 51% women) with both gradable OCT images and brain imaging assessments were included. In multivariable regression analysis, thinner mGCIPL, mGCC and total macular thickness were all significantly associated with smaller total brain (p < 0.001), grey matter and white matter volume (p < 0.01), and grey matter volume in the occipital pole (p < 0.05). Thinner mGCC and total macular thicknesses were associated with smaller hippocampal volume (p < 0.02). No association was found between mRNFL and the MRI IDPs. Conclusions: Markers of retinal neurodegeneration are associated with smaller brain volumes. Our findings suggest that retinal structure may be a biomarker providing information about important brain structure in healthy older adults

    Associations with photoreceptor thickness measures in the UK Biobank.

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    Spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) provides high resolution images enabling identification of individual retinal layers. We included 32,923 participants aged 40-69 years old from UK Biobank. Questionnaires, physical examination, and eye examination including SD-OCT imaging were performed. SD OCT measured photoreceptor layer thickness includes photoreceptor layer thickness: inner nuclear layer-retinal pigment epithelium (INL-RPE) and the specific sublayers of the photoreceptor: inner nuclear layer-external limiting membrane (INL-ELM); external limiting membrane-inner segment outer segment (ELM-ISOS); and inner segment outer segment-retinal pigment epithelium (ISOS-RPE). In multivariate regression models, the total average INL-RPE was observed to be thinner in older aged, females, Black ethnicity, smokers, participants with higher systolic blood pressure, more negative refractive error, lower IOPcc and lower corneal hysteresis. The overall INL-ELM, ELM-ISOS and ISOS-RPE thickness was significantly associated with sex and race. Total average of INL-ELM thickness was additionally associated with age and refractive error, while ELM-ISOS was additionally associated with age, smoking status, SBP and refractive error; and ISOS-RPE was additionally associated with smoking status, IOPcc and corneal hysteresis. Hence, we found novel associations of ethnicity, smoking, systolic blood pressure, refraction, IOPcc and corneal hysteresis with photoreceptor thickness

    Quantile regression analysis reveals widespread evidence for gene-environment or gene-gene interactions in myopia development

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    A genetic contribution to refractive error has been confirmed by the discovery of more than 150 associated variants in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Environmental factors such as education and time outdoors also demonstrate strong associations. Currently however, the extent of gene-environment or gene-gene interactions in myopia is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that refractive error-associated variants exhibit effect size heterogeneity, a hallmark feature of genetic interactions. Of 146 variants tested, evidence of non-uniform, non-linear effects were observed for 66 (45%) at Bonferroni-corrected significance (P < 1.1 × 10−4) and 128 (88%) at nominal significance (P < 0.05). LAMA2 variant rs12193446, for example, had an effect size varying from −0.20 diopters (95% CI −0.18 to −0.23) to −0.89 diopters (95% CI −0.71 to −1.07) in different individuals. SNP effects were strongest at the phenotype extremes and weaker in emmetropes. A parsimonious explanation for these findings is that gene-environment or gene-gene interactions in myopia are pervasive

    Biogeochemical relationships between ultrafiltered dissolved organic matter and picoplankton activity in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (2010): 1460-1477, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.02.015.We targeted the warm, subsurface waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) to investigate processes that are linked to the chemical composition and cycling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in seawater. The apparent respiration of semi-labile DOC accounted for 27 ± 18% of oxygen consumption in EMS mesopelagic and bathypelagic waters; this value is higher than that observed in the bathypelagic open ocean, so the chemical signals that accompany remineralization of DOC may thus be more pronounced in this region. Ultrafiltered dissolved organic matter (UDOM) collected from four deep basins at depths ranging from 2 to 4350 m exhibited bulk chemical (1H-NMR) and molecular level (amino acid and monosaccharide) abundances, composition, and spatial distribution that were similar to previous reports, except for a sample collected in the deep waters of the N. Aegean Sea that had been isolated for over a decade. The amino acid component of UDOM was tightly correlated with apparent oxygen utilization and prokaryotic activity, indicating its relationship with remineralization processes that occur over a large range of timescales. Principal component analyses of relative mole percentages of monomers revealed that oxygen consumption and prokaryotic activity were correlated with variability in amino acid distributions but not well correlated with monosaccharide distributions. Taken together, this study elucidates key relationships between the chemical composition of DOM and heterotrophic metabolism.TBM and AG acknowledge funding from the Hellenic GSRT/European Union (non-EU Grant No180) and SESAME Project (European Commission's Sixth Framework Program, EC Contract No GOCE-036949). TY was supported by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for research abroad and DDC received a fellowship of the University of Groningen. Microbial laboratory work and molecular analyses were supported by a grant of the Earth and Life Science Division of the Dutch Science Foundation (ARCHIMEDES project, 835.20.023) to GJH. DJR and TBM were supported by grants from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and from the C-MORE organization of NSF