587 research outputs found

    De l'Europe au territoire : information, consultation et mobilisations des travailleurs dans les restructurations d'Alstom

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    Les restructurations sont des moments cruciaux pour le devenir des entreprises, dans la mesure oĂč elles engagent l'avenir de leurs capacitĂ©s, entendues comme capacitĂ©s productives qui se fondent sur la capacitĂ© des travailleurs. Elles correspondent parfois au souci de redĂ©ployer une activitĂ© qui se rĂ©duit et apparaissent comme une sorte de dernier recours avant la remise en cause de l'existence mĂȘme de l'entreprise. Elles sont cependant rapportĂ©es, la plupart du temps, Ă  une question de compĂ©titivitĂ©, c'est-Ă -dire au souci de maintenir la rentabilitĂ© de l'entreprise dans un contexte de concurrence exacerbĂ©e par la globalisation. La logique de la restructuration est alors que les suppressions d'emplois sont censĂ©es apporter une Ă©conomie immĂ©diate sur la masse salariale dont l'autre aspect serait une hausse de la productivitĂ© des travailleurs. Elle prĂ©suppose que les biens et/ou les services produits sont donnĂ©s de maniĂšre prĂ©alable Ă  l'intervention des travailleurs et que le rĂ©sultat du travail peut ĂȘtre envisagĂ© comme un ratio produit/nombre de salariĂ©s comparable dans le temps. Dans ce modĂšle, le travail apparaĂźt comme une activitĂ© homogĂšne que l'on peut rapporter Ă  une production peu susceptible d'Ă©volution et demeurant ainsi comparable d'une Ă©poque Ă  l'autre. Mais qu'en est-il quand on envisage une activitĂ© innovante, la production d'Ă©quipement Ă©lectrique pour des barrages? C'est ce que nous verrons Ă  travers la restructuration d'Alstom Hydro Power Grenoble, lancĂ©e dans le cadre de la restructuration gĂ©nĂ©rale d'Alstom en 2003

    Analyses of the stress field in southeastern France from earthquake focal mechanisms

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    Due to the apparent deformation field heterogeneity, the stress regimes around the Provence block, from the fronts of the Massif Central and Alpine range up to the Ligurian Sea, were not well defined. To improve the understanding of the SE France stress field, we determine new earthquake focal mechanisms and we compute the present-day stress states by inversion of the 89 available focal mechanisms around the Provence domain, including the 17 new ones calculated in the current study. This study provides evidence of 6 different deformation domains around the Provence block with different tectonic regimes. On a regional scale, we identify three zones characterised by significantly different stress regimes: a western one affected by an extensional stress (normal faulting) regime, a southeastern one characterised by a compressional stress (reverse to strike-slip faulting) regime with NNW- to WNW-trending σ1 and a northeastern one, i.e., the Digne nappe front, marked by an NE-trending compression. Note that the Digne nappe back domain is controlled by an extensional regime that is deforming the western alpine core. This extensional regime could be a response to buoyancy forces related to the Alpine high topography. The stress regimes in the southeast of the Argentera Massif and around the Durance fault are consistent with a coherent NNW-trending σ1 that implies a left-lateral component of the active reverse oblique-slip of the Moyenne Durance Fault. In the Rhone Valley, an E-trending extension characterises the tectonic regime that implies a normal component of the present-day NĂźmes fault displacement. This study provides evidence for short-scale variation of the stress states that reflect abrupt change in the boundary force influences on upper crustal fragments (blocks). These spatial stress changes around the Provence block result from the coeval influence of forces applied at both its extremities, i.e., in the north-east, the Alpine front push and in the southeast, the northward African plate drift. Besides these boundary forces, the influence of the mantle plume under the Massif Central can be superimposed along the western block boundary

    Early Pennsylvanian Odonatoptera from the Xiaheyan locality (Ningxia, China): new material, taxa, and perspectives

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    Data on Odonatoptera species from the Xiaheyan locality (Ningxia, China; Early Pennsylvanian) described so far are complemented based on abundant new material. Several taxonomic and nomenclatural adjustments are proposed. The species Tupus readi Carpenter, 1933 is transferred to the genus Shenzhousia Zhang & Hong, 2006 in Zhang et al. (2006), and therefore should be referred to as Shenzhousia readi (Carpenter, 1933) n. comb. The monotypic genus Sinomeganeura Ren et al., 2008 is synonymized with Oligotypus Carpenter, 1931. As a consequence the type species of the former must be referred to as Oligotypus huangheensis (Ren et al., 2008) n. comb. The monotypic genus Paragilsonia Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al. (2012) is synonymized with Tupus Sellards, 1906. As a consequence the type-species of the former is to be referred to as Tupus orientalis (Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al. (2012)) n. comb. The monotypic genus Sinierasiptera Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al. (2012) is synonymized with Erasipterella Brauckmann, 1983. As a consequence the type-species of the former is to be referred to as Erasipterella jini (Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al. (2012)) n. comb. In addition Aseripterella sinensis n. gen. et sp. and Sylphalula laliquei n. gen. et sp. are described. The "strong oblique distal" cross-vein, located in the area between RA and RP is found to occur more extensively than previously expected. It is believed to be a structure distinct from the subnodal cross-vein, and therefore deserves to be referred to by a distinct name (viz. "postsubnodal cross-vein"). Odonatoptera from the Xiaheyan locality cover a broad range of sizes. Factors that could have promoted the evolution of large-sized Odonatoptera are briefly reviewed. The permissive conditions prevailing during the Pennsylvanian, and the existence of an elaborated food web, are emphasized as putative positive factors. The new taxonomic treatment suggests that genera documented in the Lower Permian, such as Shenzhousia and Oligotypus, stem from the early Pennsylvanian, and implies a high resilience of these taxa when facing the Pennsylvanian–Permian environmental perturbations. doi:10.1002/mmng.201300006</a

    Miamia maimai n. sp., a new Pennsylvanian stem-orthopteran insect, and a case study on the application of cladotypic nomenclature

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    A new stem-orthopteran insect assignable to the – traditional – genus and the – cladotypic-defined – taxon Miamia Dana, 1864 is described based on abundant material collected from the Xiaheyan locality (Ningxia, China; Early Pennsylvanian). Intra-specific wing venation variability in Miamia maimai n. sp. is appreciated based on wing pairs of single individuals, and on a complete series of conditions. Rare variants are reported. Details of head and leg morphology are documented: the new species possesses a five-segmented tarsus provided with paired claws and arolium, and labial palps with at least four segments, probably five. The nomenclatural section is conducted under the cladotypic nomenclatural procedure, but in a way largely consistent with the traditional usage. This experiment demonstrates that a combination composed of a "genus level-taxon" name previously associated with a definition and type material (e.g. Miamia), a specific epithet (e.g. maimai), and authorship information (e.g. BĂ©thoux et al. 2012), with further mention to "Miamia maimai" or "M. maimai", provides a suitable reference to the species under all nomenclatural procedures, including the traditional one.doi:10.1002/mmng.20120000

    At last, a Pennsylvanian stem-stonefly (Plecoptera) discovered

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stem-relatives of many winged insect orders have been identified among Pennsylvanian fossils (Carboniferous Period). Owing to their presumed 'basal' position in insect phylogeny, stoneflies were expected to occur at this period. However, no relative has ever been designated convincingly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we report specimens belonging to a new fossil insect species collected from the Tupo Formation (Pennsylvanian; China). The wing venation of <it>Gulou carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>. exhibits character states diagnostic of the order Plecoptera, but lack character states shared by unequivocal representatives of the order. Derived from this identification, the delimitation of the fossil species is ascertained based on comparison of several extant stonefly species. This comparative analysis allowed a trait present in <it>G. carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>., but rarely occurring in extant species, to be documented and highlighted as atavistic. Affinities of taxa formerly proposed as putative stem-stoneflies are reconsidered in the light of the new discovery.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Gulou carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>. is considered the only genuine Plecoptera reported from the Pennsylvanian. Continuing efforts on the systematics of Pennsylvanian winged insects indicate a fauna more diverse than previously appreciated. It suggests that insects already had a long, yet undocumented, history by this time.</p

    Doping Effects and Electronic States in C60-Polymers

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    Band structures of C60-polymers are studied changing conjugation conditions and the electron number. We use a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger type semiempirical model. In the neutral C60-polymer, electronic structures change among direct-gap insulator and the metal, depending on the degree of conjugations. The C60-polymer doped with one electron per one molecule is always a metal. The energy difference between the highest-occupied state and the lowest-unoccupied state of the neutral system becomes smaller upon doping owing to the polaron effects. The C60-polymer doped with two electrons per one C60 changes from an indirect-gap insulator to the direct-gap insulator, as the conjugations become stronger.Comment: to be published in Chem. Phys. Let

    La "drĂŽle de crise" de la CFE-CGC:HĂ©sitations stratĂ©giques et distorsions organisationnelles d’un syndicalisme catĂ©goriel

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    Retraçant les Ă©volutions de la CFE-CGC depuis une quinzaine d’annĂ©es et fondĂ© sur une enquĂȘte articulant donnĂ©es quantitatives sur les participants au congrĂšs de 2010 de la confĂ©dĂ©ration, observations dans diverses structures et entretiens auprĂšs de militants, l’article interroge les raisons des hĂ©sitations stratĂ©giques rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es des dirigeants de cette organisation pour faire face aux problĂšmes qu’elle rencontre. Cette « drĂŽle de crise » reflĂšte une difficultĂ© croissante Ă  structurer une reprĂ©sentation homogĂšne d’un groupe social, les cadres et encadrants, par nature hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne. L’article montre comment les transformations sociodĂ©mographiques de l’encadrement, qui ne se rĂ©duisent pas Ă  une banalisation du groupe cadres, exercent des effets contrastĂ©s sur les structures organisationnelles et induisent des perceptions contradictoires des Ă©volutions du contexte, dont l’acuitĂ© problĂ©matique pour la CFE-CGC se renforce avec la mise en Ɠuvre progressive de la loi d’aoĂ»t 2008 sur la reprĂ©sentativitĂ© syndicale. L’incapacitĂ© Ă  dĂ©passer ces clivages internes s’expliquerait par le maintien d’un syndicalisme particuliĂšrement centrĂ© sur la section d’entreprise, confinant Ă  un corporatisme d’entreprise dans les bastions syndicaux, et alimentant une forme de plĂ©istocratie interne qui limite la portĂ©e du rĂŽle des structures confĂ©dĂ©rales et interprofessionnelles

    Hydrogen Energy Storage: New Techno-Economic Emergence Solution Analysis

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    International audienceThe integration of various renewable energy sources as well as the liberalization of electricity markets are established facts in modern electrical power systems. The increased share of renewable sources within power systems intensifies the supply variability and intermittency. Therefore, energy storage is deemed as one of the solutions for stabilizing the supply of electricity to maintain generation-demand balance and to guarantee uninterrupted supply of energy to users. In the context of sustainable development and energy resources depletion, the question of the growth of renewable energy electricity production is highly linked to the ability to propose new and adapted energy storage solutions. The purpose of this multidisciplinary paper is to highlight the new hydrogen production and storage technology, its efficiency and the impact of the policy context on its development. A comprehensive techno/socio/economic study of long term hydrogen based storage systems in electrical networks is addressed. The European policy concerning the different energy storage systems and hydrogen production is explicitly discussed. The state of the art of the techno-economic features of the hydrogen production and storage is introduced. Using Matlab-Simulink for a power system of rated 70 kW generator, the excess produced hydrogen during high generation periods or low demand can be sold either directly to the grid owners or as filled hydrogen bottles. The affordable use of Hydrogen-based technologies for long term electricity storage is verified
