25 research outputs found

    Qualidade de salsichas elaboradas com carne mecanicamente separada de tilápias do Nilo e armazenadas sob refrigeração

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    Filleting yield of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) is low (30%) and generates large amount of wastes that may turn into environmental and economic problem. However, these wastes can be used for the extraction of minced fish (MF) which can be used in the preparation of sausages. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of sausages prepared with 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of MF from Nile tilapia filleting waste during storage at 0±0.3ºC. Alterations in the instrumental color (L*, a* and b*), lipid oxidation (TBARS), total volatile nitrogenous bases (TVB-N), pH, microbiological condition (pathogenic bacteria and aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria), and sensory attributes (color, odor, flavor, texture and overall acceptability) were evaluated for up to 40 days. The addition of MF to sausages increased TBARS values and decreases TVB-N, L*, a* and b* values. Acceptability of color attribute decreased with increasing MF; best flavor, texture and overall acceptability scores were registered for sausages containing 40 and 60% MF; best odor was registered for 100% MF. Pathogenic microorganisms were not detected, but decrease in pH and proliferation of aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria which, however, did not compromise sensory evaluation of sausages were registered throughout storage. Sausages prepared with MF from tilapia filleting waste have a shelf-life of 40 days when stored at 0±0.3ºC, and the maximum recommended MF inclusion to maintain good sensory quality is 60%.O rendimento de filetagem da tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, é considerado baixo (30%) gerando conseqüentemente uma grande quantidade de resíduos que podem causar perdas econômicas e problemas ambientais. Estes resíduos podem ser utilizados para a obtenção de carne mecanicamente separada (CMS) e utilizado na elaboração de salsichas. Avaliou-se a qualidade de salsichas elaboradas com 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% de inclusão de CMS de resíduos de filetagem de tilápias do Nilo armazenadas a 0±0,3ºC. As alterações de cor instrumental (L*, a* e b*), oxidação lipídica (TBARS), bases nitrogenadas voláteis totais (TVB-N), pH, microbiológicas (bactérias patogênicas e aeróbias psicrotróficas) e sensoriais (cor, odor, sabor, textura e aceitação global) foram avaliadas por até 40 dias. A adição de CMS em salsichas causou aumento nos valores de TBARS e diminuição nos valores de BNV, L*, a* e b*. A aceitação do atributo cor diminuiu com o incremento de CMS. O melhor sabor, textura e aceitação global foram obtidos em salsichas que continham 40 e 60% de CMS, e o odor com 100% de CMS. Não foi detectada presença de bactérias patogênicas. Durante o período de estocagem houve diminuição no pH e multiplicação das bactérias aeróbias psicrotróficas, porém não comprometendo na avaliação sensorial das salsichas. Portanto, salsichas elaboradas com CMS de resíduos de filetagem de tilápia apresentam vida de prateleira de 40 dias, quando estocadas a 0 ± 0,3ºC, e o máximo de inclusão de CMS recomendado, mantendo a boa qualidade sensorial, é de 60%.CNP

    Estradiol-17β altera expressão proteica endometrial em fêmeas bovinas tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral

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    In bovine females the release of prostaglandin F2&#945; (PGF2&#945;) is induced in vivo by estradiol (E2). It is believed that E2 stimulates the synthesis of essential proteins for the production of PGF2&#945;. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of E2 in increasing the concentration of total protein and modifying the protein composition of endometrial explants from bovine females treated with E2 at the 17th day of estrous cycle. Crossbred heifers were treated at 17th day of estrous cycle intravenously with 0 mg (Control Group; n = 6) or 3 mg of E2 (E2 Group; n = 6) and killed two hours after. Endometrial explants were isolated, subjected to extraction of total protein, quantified and were analyzed by one-dimensional electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel 10% SDS-PAGE. The concentration of total protein did not differ between groups, 6296.10 + 439.90 µg/mL for the Control Group and 8426.56 + 1156.00 µg/mL for E2 Group (p = 0.1158). There was no significant difference (p &gt; 0.05) in the protein profile of endometrial explants in gels stained with Coomasie Blue. In gels stained with Silver Nitrate it was verified in E2 Group greater relative percentage of the bands referring to the molecular weight of 75 to 76 kDa (8.40% vs. 4.89% in E2 Group and Control respectively; p < 0.05) and 108 to 110 Kda (6.85% vs. 3.84% in E2 Group and Control respectively, p < 0.05). It was observed in E2 Group lower relative percentage of the band referring to the molecular weight of 90 kDa (5.78% vs. 9.83% in E2 Group and control respectively; p < 0.05). We concluded that the E2 does not increase the protein concentration in the endometrium, however, it modifies the proteinic composition in the endometrial explants, indicating that E2 alters the expression of specific proteins.Em fêmeas bovinas, a liberação de prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) é induzida in vivo pelo estradiol (E2). Acredita-se que o E2 estimule a síntese de proteínas essenciais na produção de PGF2α. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do E2 no incremento da concentração de proteínas totais e na modificação da composição proteica em explantes endometriais de fêmeas bovinas tratadas com E2 no 17º dia do ciclo estral. Novilhas cruzadas foram tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral, via intravenosa, com 0 mg (Grupo Controle; n = 6) ou 3 mg de E2 (Grupo E2; n = 6) e abatidas duas horas após. Explantes endometriais foram isolados, submetidos à extração de proteínas totais, quantificados e avaliados por Eletroforese Unidimensional em gel de poliacrilamida 10% SDS-PAGE. A concentração de proteínas totais não diferiu entre os grupos, 6296,10 + 439,90 µg/mL para o Grupo Controle e 8426,56 + 1156,00 µg/mL para o Grupo E2 (p = 0,1158). Não houve diferença significativa (p &gt; 0,05) no perfil proteico dos explantes endometriais em géis corados com Coomasie Blue. Em géis corados com Nitrato de Prata verificou-se no Grupo E2 maior porcentagem relativa das bandas referentes ao peso molecular de 75 a 76 kDa (8,40% vs. 4,89%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05) e 108 a 110 kDa (6,85% vs. 3,84%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05). Observou-se no Grupo E2 menor porcentagem relativa da banda referente ao peso molecular de 90 kDa (5,78% vs. 9,83%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05). Conclui-se que o E2 não incrementa a concentração de proteínas no endométrio, entretanto, altera a composição proteica nos explantes endometriais, indicando que o E2 altera a expressão de proteínas específicas


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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da utilização do filme strech sobre parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos de carcaças bovinas. Foi avaliado um total de 25 carcaças, sendo 25 meias-carcaças strechadas e 25 não strechadas, obtidas do mesmo animal, após a lavagem final e após o período de 24 horas da maturação sanitária na câmara fria. As meias-carcaças foram submetidas à aferição do pH, da temperatura no interior do Longissimus dorsi e pesagem.  Também foram coletados suabes para a contagem padrão em placas de micro-organismos mesófilos e psicrotróficos viáveis e verificação da presença de enterobactérias e Listeria spp. Após a maturação sanitária, as carcaças strechadas apresentaram temperaturas mais elevadas (1,86°C) em relação as não-strechadas (0,57°C), com diferença estatística (p<0,05), o que favoreceu o crescimento de micro-organismos mesófilos, os quais também diferiram significativamente (p<0.05). Esse indicador microbiológico foi analisado com base no seu logaritmo que foi de 2,62 UFC/cm² para as carcaças não strechadas e 3,49 UFC/cm² nas carcaças strechadas, após a maturação sanitária. Não foi observada diferença significativa nos demais parâmetros avaliados. Conclui-se que a utilização do filme strech faz com que as carcaças permaneçam com temperaturas mais elevadas após a maturação sanitária e assim favorece a multiplicação de micro-organismos mesófilos

    The application of omics in ruminant production: a review in the tropical and sub-tropical animal production context

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    The demand for animal products (e.g. dairy and beef) in tropical regions is expected to increase in parallel with the public demand for sustainable practices, due to factors such as population growth and climate change. The necessity to increase animal production output must be achieved with better management and production technologies. For this to happen, novel research methodologies, animal selection and postgenomic tools play a pivotal role. Indeed, improving breeder selection programs, the quality of meat and dairy products as well as animal health will contribute to higher sustainability and productivity. This would surely benefit regions where resource quality and quantity are increasingly unstable, and research is still very incipient, which is the case of many regions in the tropics. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate how omics-based approaches play a major role in animal science, particularly concerning ruminant production systems and research associated to the tropics and developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Heterogeneity of variance in genetic evaluation of Nelore cattlen

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    Foram analisados 44.454 registros de peso à desmama, 28.493 registros de peso ao sobreano e 28.399 registros de ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano. As características de crescimento foram transformadas utilizando as seguintes funções: logaritmo na base dez, raiz quadrada, (observação - média da subclasse do grupo contemporâneo)/desvio-padrão amostral da subclasse e observação/desvio-padrão amostral da subclasse. As transformações por meio das funções de padronização da média e desvio- padrão amostral da subclasse do grupo contemporâneo e a divisão pelo desvio-padrão amostral da subclasse do grupo contemporâneo apresentaram resultados não-significativos (P > 0,05) e as transformações logarítmica e raiz quadrada, significativos bem como (P 0.05). The direct heritability estimates for weaning weight in original and transformed scale by standardization and expressed as ratio of the phenotypic standard deviation were, respectively, 0.30; 0.33; 0.33. The matermal heritability estimates for weaning weight in original and transformed scale were, respectively, 0.04; - 0.08; -0.08. The heritability estimates for overyearling weight in original and transformed scale were, respectively, 0.44; 0.49; 0.49. The heritability estimates for postweaning gain in original and transformed scale were, respectively, 0.26; 0.27; 0.27. The variances of the subclasses of contemporary group were used to divide the records of weaning weight, overyearling weight and postweaning gain in three variability levels: low, mediun and high. The averages of records of weaning weight, overyearling weight and postweaning gain, as well as, the components of genetic, residual and phenotypic variances increased with the increase of the variability levels of the contemporary groups. The components of genetic variance, for the multitraits analyses, were larger than the obtained in single traits models, and the components of residual variance were smaller, resulting in heritability estimates larger. The Pearson and Spearman correlations between the genetic values and the rank order of the bulls and cows classification of obtained in single traits analyses, for weaning weight, overyearling weight and postweaning gain, in original and transformed scale, were closed the unit, indicating that the animals would be classified in a similar way. The Pearson and Spearman correlations between the genetic values and the the rank order of the bulls classification, obtained in analyses of multitrait models, were close to the unit too, for overyearling weight and postweaning gain, indicating that the animals would be classified in a similar way among the different variability levels. The Pearson and Spearman correlations between the genetic values and the rank order of the cows classification, obtained in analyses of multitrait models were medium, for overyearling weight and postweaning gain, indicating that the animals would be classified in different way in the three variability levels.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Effects of diets with increasing levels of citrus pulp on the blood parameters linked to energy metabolism in horses

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    Currently, the use of alternative energy ingredients for horses has increased because these foods contain "superfibers", making safer diet for these animals. To study the influence of diets containing increasing levels of citrus pulp on albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, insulin and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in the blood, five animals were used, with an average age of 3.5 years and a live weight of 460.66±76.86 kg, they were fed twice a day, at 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. The diets were formulated to meet the requirements of the animals at maintenance. 60% of the energy was obtained from forage, and 40% from concentrate, containing the following inclusion levels of citrus pulp (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%). The area under the curve (AUC) and the glucose and insulin peaks were calculated, and no differences were observed between the treatments. There was no effect of diet on the blood concentrations of the evaluated parameters tested, and there was no effect of the time of collection on the following variables: SCFAs, cholesterol, triglycerides and albumin. However, the diet did have quadratic effect on the glucose (Ŷ =-0.5327X²+4.2130X+84.5276) and insulin (Ŷ=-0.1002X² +0.8233X + 1.6336) concentrations. Up to 28% of the concentrate can be composed of citrus pulp in horse diets without causing any alterations on the concentrations of the parameters analyzed in the blood. High-fiber diets with easily fermentable fibers are beneficial because they maintain the glucose and insulin curves close to the baseline levels