361 research outputs found

    Bacterial Colonization and Vertical Distribution of Marine Gel Particles (TEP and CSP) in the Arctic Fram Strait

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    Gel particles—a class of abundant transparent organic particles—have increasingly gathered attention in marine research. Field studies on the bacterial colonization of marine gels however are still scarce. So far, most studies on respective particles have focused on the upper ocean, while little is known on their occurrence in the deep sea. Here, we report on the vertical distribution of the two most common gel particle types, which are polysaccharide-containing transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and proteinaceous Coomassie stainable particles (CSP), as well as numbers of bacteria attached to gel particles throughout the water column, from the surface ocean down to the bathypelagial (< 3,000 m). Our study was conducted in the Arctic Fram Strait during northern hemispheres' summer in 2015. Besides data on the bacterial colonization of the two gel particle types (TEP and CSP), we present bacterial densities on different gel particle size classes according to 12 different sampling depths at four sampling locations. Gel particles were frequently abundant at all sampled depths, and their concentrations decreased from the euphotic zone to the dark ocean. They were colonized by bacteria at all sampled water depths with risen importance at the deepest water layers, where fractions of bacteria attached to gel particles (%) increased within the total bacterial community. Due to the omnipresent bacterial colonization of gel particles at all sampled depths in our study, we presume that euphotic production of this type of organic matter may affect microbial species distribution within the whole water column in the Fram Strait, down to the deep sea. Our results raise the question if changes in the bacterial community composition and functioning on gel particles occur over depth, which may affect microbial respiration and remineralization rates of respective particles in different water layers

    Igualdad de género en la educación en situaciones de emergencia

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    Hay pruebas que demuestran que un enfoque con perspectiva de género puede paliar los riesgos concretos a los que se enfrentan las niñas y niños durante las crisis y los desplazamientos

    Care pathways in the transition of patients between district psychiatric hospital centres (DPCs) and community mental health services

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    Rationale, aims, and objectives: Patients with mental health problems experience numerous transitions into and out of the hospital. Primary care providers have mixed success in identifying and managing patients' needs. This study explores health personnel’s experience of care pathways in patient transition between inpatient and community mental health services. Method: A descriptive qualitative design was chosen. Four focus group interviews with twelve informants from seven different communities were conducted. Interviews were analyzed thematically. Results: Two main themes were identified: integrated care and patient activation. The participants shared their experiences on topics that can affect smooth care pathways in mental health. Six promoting factors were identified for successful patient transition: opportunities for information sharing, implementation of systematic plans, use of e-messages, around-the-clock care, designating one responsible health person in each system for each patient, and the involvement of patients and their families. The following barriers were all found to impede the patients’ transition between levels of care: the lack of a single responsible person at each health care level, insufficient meetings, the absence of systematic plans, difficulties in identifying the right staff at different levels, delays in information sharing, and the complexity of welfare systems negatively affecting patient dignity. Conclusions: Systems and procedures should be developed to ensure clear responsibilities and transparency at each stage of the pathways of care. A single person should take charge of ensuring sufficient connection and communication between inpatient and community mental health services. Finally, both patient and staff in community services should be linked through a direct telephone number with around-the-clock availability

    The Cronobacter genus: ubiquity and diversity

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    Members of the Cronobacter genus (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) have become associated with neonatal infections and in particular contaminated reconstituted infant formula. However this is only one perspective of the organism since the majority of infections are in the adult population, and the organism has been isolated from the enteral feeding tubes of neonates on non-formula diets. In recent years methods of detection from food and environmental sources have improved, though accurate identification has been problematic. The need for robust identification is essential in order to implement recent Codex Alimentarius Commission (2008) and related microbiological criteria for powdered infant formula (PIF; intended target age 0-6 months). Genomic analysis of emergent pathogens is of considerable advantage in both improving detection methods, and understanding the evolution of virulence. One ecosystem for Cronobacter is on plant material which may enable the organism to resist desiccation, adhere to surfaces, and resist some antimicrobial agents. These traits may also confer survival mechanisms of relevance in food manufacturing and also virulence mechanisms

    Telemedicine in diabetes foot care delivery: health care professionals’ experience

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    Background: Introducing new technology in health care is inevitably a challenge. More knowledge is needed to better plan future telemedicine interventions. Our aim was therefore to explore health care professionals’ experience in the initial phase of introducing telemedicine technology in caring for people with diabetic foot ulcers. Methods: Our methodological strategy was Interpretive Description. Data were collected between 2014 and 2015 using focus groups (n = 10). Participants from home-based care, primary care and outpatient hospital clinics were recruited from the intervention arm of an ongoing cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) (Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01710774). Most were nurses (n = 29), but the sample also included one nurse assistant, podiatrists (n = 2) and physicians (n = 2). Results: The participants reported experiencing meaningful changes to their practice arising from telemedicine, especially associated with increased wound assessment knowledge and skills and improved documentation quality. They also experienced more streamlined communication between primary health care and specialist health care. Despite obstacles associated with finding the documentation process time consuming, the participants’ attitudes to telemedicine were overwhelmingly positive and their general enthusiasm for the innovation was high. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that using a telemedicine intervention enabled the participating health care professionals to approach their patients with diabetic foot ulcer with more knowledge, better wound assessment skills and heightened confidence. Furthermore, it streamlined the communication between health care levels and helped seeing the patients in a more holistic way. Keywords: telemedicine, diabetic foot ulcer, focus groups, interpretive description, health care professional

    The Level of Awareness on the Green ICT Concept and Self Directed Learning among Malaysian Facebook Users

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    AbstractThe Green information and communication technology is introduced to support the implementation of the green environment. Recent initiatives of promoting green technology and green economy which include “green manufacturing hub “green infrastructure”, low carbon emission, efficient use of resources and a healthy, well- educated populace. For this study, the independent variable is the self directed learning readiness while the dependent variable is the level of awareness on Green ICT. The sample size is seventy seven student adult learners. Random sampling is the sampling method used for this study. The study is to highlight the level of awareness among Malaysian Facebook users

    Når storken begynte å fly forbi Orkdal… Perspektiver på en omstilling ”Hvordan kan lederen legge til rette for en gruppe nyansatte/omorganiserte medarbeidere slik at det blir en god prosess for alle involverte (i lys av en allerede gjennomført omorganisering)?”

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    Problemstillingen til denne oppgaven oppsto som følge av frustrasjonen til en av medforfatterne som er avdelingsleder. I forbindelse med nedleggelse av et tilbud på et nærliggende sykehus, fikk hun en gruppe nye medarbeidere i staben sin. Dette har ført til mange tanker hos lederen. Hvordan strekke til for alle? Hvordan ivareta et godt arbeidsmiljø i en slik situasjon? Hvordan unngå ”vi” og ”dem”? Hvordan, kort sagt, kan en være en god leder for alle

    The taxonomy of Enterobacter sakazakii: proposal of a new genus Cronobacter gen. nov. and descriptions of Cronobacter sakazakii comb. nov. Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. sakazakii, comb. nov., Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. malonaticus subsp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov. and Cronobacter genomospecies 1

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    BACKGROUND: Enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause infections such as necrotizing enterocolitis, bacteraemia, meningitis and brain abscess/lesions. When the species was defined in 1980, 15 biogroups were described and it was suggested that these could represent multiple species. In this study the taxonomic relationship of strains described as E. sakazakii was further investigated. RESULTS: Strains identified as E. sakazakii were divided into separate groups on the basis of f-AFLP fingerprints, ribopatterns and full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences. DNA-DNA hybridizations revealed five genomospecies. The phenotypic profiles of the genomospecies were determined and biochemical markers identified. CONCLUSION: This study clarifies the taxonomy of E. sakazakii and proposes a reclassification of these organisms

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa contamination of mouth swabs during production causing a major outbreak

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    BACKGROUND: In 2002 we investigated an outbreak comprising 231 patients in Norway, caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and linked to the use of contaminated mouth swabs called Dent-O-Sept. Here we describe the extent of contamination of the swabs, and identify critical points in the production process that made the contamination possible, in order to prevent future outbreaks. METHODS: Environmental investigation with microbiological examination of production, ingredients and product, molecular typing of bacteria and a system audit of production. RESULTS: Of the 1565 swabs examined from 149 different production batches the outbreak strain of P. aeruginosa was detected in 76 swabs from 12 batches produced in 2001 and 2002. In total more than 250 swabs were contaminated with one or more microbial species. P. aeruginosa was detected from different spots along the production line. The audit revealed serious breeches of production regulations. Health care institutions reported non-proper use of the swabs and weaknesses in their purchasing systems. CONCLUSION: Biofilm formation in the wet part of the production is the most plausible explanation for the continuous contamination of the swabs with P. aeruginosa over a period of at least 30 weeks. When not abiding to production regulations fatal consequences for the users may ensue. For the most vulnerable patient groups only documented quality-controlled, high-level disinfected products and items should be used in the oropharynx