537 research outputs found

    Simulating Business Processes of Manufacturing SMEs on the Cloud

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    Simulating the efficiency of business processes could reveal crucial bottlenecks for manufacturing companies and could lead to significant optimizations resulting in decreased time to market, more efficient resource utilization, and larger profit. While such business optimization software is widely utilized by larger companies, SMEs typically do not have the required expertise and resources to efficiently exploit these advantages. The aim of this work is to explore how simulation software vendors and consultancies can extend their portfolio to SMEs by providing business process optimization based on a cloud computing platform. By executing simulation runs on the cloud, software vendors and associated business consultancies can get access to large computing power and data storage capacity on demand, run large simulation scenarios on behalf of their clients, analyze simulation results, and advise their clients regarding process optimization. The solution is mutually beneficial for both vendor/consultant and the end-user SME. End-user companies will only pay for the service without requiring large upfront costs for software licenses and expensive hardware. Software vendors can extend their business towards the SME market with potentially huge benefits

    Guest editorial: Special issue on active perception

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    Physical-chemical factors that regulate spermatic motility in fish: basic and applied aspects. A review

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    El objetivo de esta revisión es analizar los factores que regulan o alteran la motilidad espermática en peces “de fecundación externa” antes y después del contacto con el agua para dar a conocer herramientas que optimicen las metodologías utilizadas en piscicultura y así mejorar la capacidad fecundante de los espermatozoides.In most teleost fish with external fertilization, the spermatozoids are immobile in the seminal fluid and they are activated only after making contact with an aqueous medium. The time of flagellar movement is short in most species. Furthermore, the factors that trigger this process are different for each one. However, almost for all species, factors such as osmolarity, temperature, pH and ionic composition have a key role in activating or modulating the flagellar activity. The present review examines the factors involved in the activation of sperm and its regulation in fish with external fertilization. Additionally, an analysis is conducted regarding the management of commercially farmed fish semen, with emphasis on salmonid species

    Epinecrophylla, a new genus of antwrens (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae)

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    We offer a new generic name for the stipple-throated assemblage of antwrens (Thamnophilidae) currently placed in the genus Myrmotherula. Molecular studies demonstrated that Myrmotherula is polyphyletic, with the stippled-throated group forming a clade that is not sister to any other currently recognized Myrmotherula species. The stipple-throated assemblage is distinguished morphologically by at least one sex having a black throat stippled white or buffy white combined with a comparatively long, unmarked tail, although three populations considered subspecies have lost one of these characters. The distinct evolution of this assemblage is supported by diagnostic behavioral characters derived from foraging behaviors, vocal repertoires, and nest architecture

    Increasing the sense of presence in a simulation environment using image generators based on visual attention

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    Flight simulator systems generally use a separate image-generator component. The host is responsible for the positional data updates of the entities and the image generator is responsible for the rendering process. In such systems, the sense of presence is decreased by model flickering. This study presents a method by which the host can minimize model flickering in the image-generator output. The method is based on preexisting algorithms, such as visibility culling and level of detail management of 3D models. The flickering is minimized for the visually important entities at the expense of increasing the flickering of the entities that are out of the user's focus using a new perception-based approach. It is shown through user studies that the new proposed approach increases the participants' sense of presence. © 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Magnetohydrodynamic equilibria of a cylindrical plasma with poloidal mass flow and arbitrary cross section shape

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    The equilibrium of a cylindrical plasma with purely poloidal mass flow and cross section of arbitrary shape is investigated within the framework of the ideal MHD theory. For the system under consideration it is shown that only incompressible flows are possible and, conscequently, the general two dimensional flow equilibrium equations reduce to a single second-order quasilinear partial differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux function ψ\psi, in which four profile functionals of ψ\psi appear. Apart from a singularity occuring when the modulus of Mach number associated with the Alfv\'en velocity for the poloidal magnetic field is unity, this equation is always elliptic and permits the construction of several classes of analytic solutions. Specific exact equlibria for a plasma confined within a perfectly conducting circular cylindrical boundary and having i) a flat current density and ii) a peaked current density are obtained and studied.Comment: Accepted to Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 14 pages, revte

    A Review of Recent Developments in Atomic Processes for Divertors and Edge Plasmas

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    The most promising concepts for power and particle control in tokamaks and other fusion experiments rely upon atomic processes to transfer the power and momentum from the edge plasma to the plasma chamber walls. This places a new emphasis on processes at low temperatures (1-200 eV) and high densities (10^20-10^22 m^-3). The most important atomic processes are impurity and hydrogen radiation, ionization, excitation, recombination, charge exchange, radiation transport, molecular collisions, and elastic scattering of atoms, molecules and ions. Important new developments have occurred in each of these areas. The best available data for these processes and an assessment of their role in plasma wall interactions are summarized, and the major areas where improved data are needed are reviewed.Comment: Preprint for the 11th PSI meeting, postscript with 22 figures, 40 page

    From effective actions to the background geometry

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    We discuss how the background geometry can be traced from the one-loop effective actions in nonsupersymmetric theories in the external abelian fields. It is shown that upon the proper identification of the Schwinger parameter the Heisenberg-Euler abelian effective action involves the integration over the AdS3AdS_3, S3S_3 and TS3T^{*}S^3 geometries, depending on the type of the external field. The interpretation of the effective action in the sefdual field in terms of the topological strings is found and the corresponding matrix model description is suggested. It is shown that the low energy abelian MHV one-loop amplitudes are expressed in terms of the type B topological string amplitudes in mirror to TS3T^{*}S^3 manifold. We also make some comments on the relation between the imaginary part of the effective action and the branes in SU(2) as well as on the geometry of the contours relevant for the path integral.Comment: Latex. 40 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa cryoprotectant-free vitrification: Stability of mitochondrion as criterion of effectiveness

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    The aim of the present investigations was to test a novel technology comprising cryoprotectant-free vitrification of the spermatozoa of rainbow trout and to study the ability of sucrose and components of seminal plasma to protect these cells from cryoinjuries. Spermatozoa were isolated and vitrified using five different mediums: Group 1: standard buffer for fish spermatozoa, Cortland®-medium (CM, control); Group 2: CM+1% bovine serum albumin (BSA); Group 3: CM+1% BSA+0.125M sucrose; Group 4: CM+1% BSA+40% seminal plasma; and Group 5: CM+1% BSA+40% seminal plasma+0.125M sucrose. For cooling, 20μL suspensions of cells from each group were dropped directly into liquid nitrogen. For warming, the spheres containing the cells were quickly submerged in CM+1% BSA at 37°C with gentle agitation. The quality of spermatozoa before and after vitrification was analysed by the evaluation of motility, cytoplasmic membrane integrity (SYBR-14/propidium iodide staining technique), and mitochondrial membrane integrity (JC-1 staining). Motility (86%, 71%, 80%, 81%, and 82%, for Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively) and cytoplasmic membrane integrity (90%, 82%, 83%, 84%, and 87%, respectively) of spermatozoa in all the 5 groups were not decreased significantly. All tested solutions can be used for vitrification of fish spermatozoa with good post-warming motility and cytoplasmic membrane integrity. However, mitochondrial membrane potentials of the spermatozoa in Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were changed significantly (6%, 50%, 37%, 55%, and 34%, respectively) (P1,2,3,4,5<0.001; P2,3,4,5 <0.01)(P3-5>0.1). This rate was maximal in Group 4 (CM+1% BSA+40% seminal plasma). In conclusion, this is the first report about successful cryoprotectant-free cryopreservation of fish spermatozoa by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen (vitrification). Vitrification of fish spermatozoa without permeable cryoprotectants is a prospective direction for investigations: these cells can be successfully vitrified with 1% BSA+40% seminal plasma without significant loss of important physiological parameters. © 2011 Elsevier B.V