Temuco Catholic University

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    3985 research outputs found

    Praxis in social work: Ethical-political and epistemic reflections in a neoliberal context

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    El artículo analiza y reflexiona en torno a la idea de praxis del trabajo social y su materialización en el proceso de intervención en el contexto del neoliberalismo en Chile. Al respecto se plantea que existirían condiciones materiales y subjetivas que tensionan el campo disciplinario en términos éticos y políticos. Desde este marco analítico, se propone la necesidad de una definición del carácter político y contradictorio del Trabajo Social. En consecuencia, se espera la emergencia de un nuevo proyecto académico-profesional que surja de los aprendizajes de las luchas del sujeto popular y de la profunda crisis de estructura ideológica heredada de la dictadura

    Two methods of inclusion of biopsies of neoplasms in epoxy resin for teaching veterinary pathology

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    La tendencia actual en la enseñanza de la patología veterinaria es promover la participación de los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje y un trabajo más autónomo en las actividades de prácticas. La práctica tradicional de análisis de neoplasias implica el análisis macroscópico de biopsias fijadas con formalina y el análisis histopatológico. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar dos técnicas de inclusión de tejidos con resina epóxica EPO-100, material de bajo costo y de fácil acceso. Se hicieron inclusiones de biopsias obtenidas de tumores de perros y gatos en clínicas veterinarias de Temuco, Chile. Se trabajó con muestras con y sin deshidratación en etanol y acetona antes de la inclusión. Las muestras no deshidratadas conservaron todos los detalles de la muestra original, sin alteración del tamaño, forma o color, siendo más valoradas por los estudiantes en las actividades prácticas que las muestras deshidratadas. Estas últimas se vuelven transparentes y pierden los contrastes entre sus componentes tisulares; sin embargo, tienen la ventaja de mostrar la vascularización de las neoplasias. Ambas técnicas se complementan entre sí y son una contribución a las actividades prácticas desde el punto de vista de la enseñanza y reducen la exposición de los estudiantes a formalina

    Suicide rates in the Araucania Region of Chile

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    Background: Suicide is a public health problem in the world. In Chile, suicide rates increased since 1990 with regional differences in rates. Aim: To analyze the geographical distribution of deaths due to suicide that occurred in the Region of Araucania between the years 2004-2015. Material and Methods: The geographic distribution of suicide in the Araucania Region at district level (2004-2015) was analyzed using death data available at the web page of the Ministry of Health. Socio-demographic variables of suicide were characterized. The spatial distribution of suicide rates was represented using cartography, and suicide spatial clusters were identified through spatial- temporal exploration. Results: There were 1,562 suicides, 86% in men, with a mean rate of 13.07 x105 inhabitants. The highest rates were registered in people aged over 70 years. Most individuals committing suicide were active workers. Hanging was the most common method to accomplish suicide. The territories from the coastal area in Cautin, and Nahuelbuta registered the highest suicide rates. Two statistically significant conglomerates with high incidence of suicide cases were identified. Conclusions: The use of geographic methods and the disaggregation of suicide cases at district level, allowed the identification of territorial variability in the distribution of suicide rates within the Araucania Region. Spatial patterns of areas with high suicide risk were found

    Social Responsibility and Spiritual Intelligence: University Students' Attitudes during COVID-19

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    Human behavior during COVID-19 has led to the study of attitude and preferences among the population in different circumstances. In this sense, studying human behavior can contribute to creating policies for integral education, which should consider the convergence between social responsibility and spiritual intelligence. This can lead to the sensitization of practices and attitude modification within society. The purpose of our research was to explore the spiritual intelligence attitudes of university students from the perspective of social responsibility, considering the sociodemographic characteristics of the research subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research design is quantitative and sectional, due to the use of two quantitative scales. The participants were university students from a city located in south-central Chile. A total of 415 participations were collected, of which 362 applications were valid. Statistically significant differences were found according to gender and age. Women and the student cohort between 18 and 24 years of age placed more importance on spiritual necessities. We thus highlight the necessity to have adequate spaces for spiritual intelligence training given its links with socially responsible behavior and, finally, the development of explanatory studies to determine its causalities. In practice, these results contribute to designing an educational policy on the formation of integral spiritual intelligence for future professionals

    University selectivity test and its relationship with academic performance in Initial Teacher Training in Physical Education

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    En muchos países el acceso a la universidad está regulado por procesos de selección que emplean pruebas estandarizadas. En Chile durante años se empleó la Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU), un test estandarizado que utilizan la mayor parte de las universidades como requisito de ingreso y como posible predictor del rendimiento académico de sus futuros estudiantes. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la relación entre la PSU y el rendimiento académico universitario de estudiantes de Formación Inicial del Profesorado en Educación Física que cursan su primer año de universidad. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo-correlacional, con la participación de 315 Estudiantes 22.1 (dt.=2.9). En los resultados se puede apreciar que existe una correlación directa débil tanto para la PSU (.20) como para todos sus componentes Lenguaje y Comunicación (.17); Matemáticas (.13); Puntaje Ponderado (.19); Ranking (.16) y Notas de Enseñanza Media (.16), al correlacionárseles con el rendimiento académico del primer año universitario. Se puede concluir que la PSU en Chile no es un test predictivo del rendimiento académico universitario en la población estudiada

    First Records of Obsidian from Nevados de Sollipulli (Araucania Mountain Range, Chile) at Alumine (Neuquen, Northern Patagonia, Argentina)

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    We present the first records of obsidian from the Nevados de Sollipulli geochemical group (Chile) in the eastern Cordilleran sector, specifically in sites from the southern area of Alumine, in the province of Neuquen (Argentina). It is postulated that the absence to date of the eastern Cordilleran record is due to the inherent limitations of the destructive techniques used. Non-destructive analysis by portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) allowed us to identify its presence in three sites previously studied with negative evidence. Most of the artifacts are projectile points (two out of three), which suggests that this geochemical group is mostly present in the form of instruments, especially as isolated finds during camelid and `Rheidae' hunting that are not found in the forest; because obsidian is available in the eastern Cordilleran sector, where different stages of the technical sequence are present

    Consciência emocional na prática formativa de professores de educação física

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    Se ha realizado un estudio para identificar la percepción y atribución emocional de los estudiantes de Pedagogía en Educación Física durante su práctica educativa. La metodología responde al enfoque cualitativo. Los participantes son 22 estudiantes que cursan su tercer año académico. Los datos fueron recopilados a través de un diario personal y fueron sometidos a un análisis inductivo de contenido, utilizando el programa Atlas.ti 7.5. Los resultados manifiestan que los participantes perciben mayoritariamente emociones positivas para su bienestar subjetivo, mientras que de las atribuciones emergieron dos categorías centrales, nombradas interacción social y rol pedagógico. Se concluye que las emociones emergen principalmente por el deseo de querer lograr una adecuada práctica pedagógica, el afecto recibido y la contribución en el aprendizaje del alumnado escolar


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    We present new data on the geochemical characterization, frequency and circulation of obsidian artifacts from the Sarmiento basin (Chubut, Argentine Patagonia). The study area is far and equidistant from known obsidian sources in southern and center-southern Patagonia. There is a low frequency of obsidian for all assemblages, coherent with expectations based on the frequency/distance to source ratio, and based on the structure of the lithic resources, which offers other good quality knapping raw materials close to the basin. The geochemical analysis indicated that the highest frequency occurs in the southern area, particularly of varieties from the Pampa del Asador (PDA), and a lesser frequency occurs in the central-south. Using the Geographic Information System (GIS), we estimated three types of distances between the basin and obsidian sources: Euclidian, optimal roads, and roads used in the 19th century according to ethnohistoric documents. In all cases, the closest source is Pampa del Asador in the southern sector. Nevertheless, the results indicate an overrepresentation of these obsidian artifacts in relation to distance. This suggests a more intense connection between the hunter-gatherers of the Sarmiento basin and the southern sector


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    From actualistic ethnographic and ethnohistorical sources, this article analyses novel artifacts, ecofacts, and granite structures whose functionality is associated with the materialization of the ideational aspects of the mapuche society in the Lacar basin in the 19th and 20th centuries. The current and historical characterization of these artifacts allows to identify and give a retrospective view of the landscape, its resources, and the different practices and forms of interaction of the inhabitants of this territory, beyond the economic and subsistence aspects that have traditionally predominated in the archaeological studies of Patagonia


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