1,124 research outputs found

    Quantization of p-branes, D-p-branes and M-branes

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    Killing spinors of space-time BPS configurations play an important role in quantization of theories with the fermionic worldvolume local symmetry. We show here how it works for the GS superstring, BST supermembrane and M-5-brane. We show that the non-linear generalization of the (2,0) d=6 tensor supermultiplet action is the M-5-brane action in a Killing gauge. For D-p-branes the novel feature of quantization is that they can be quantized Lorentz covariantly, in particular, for D-0-brane a gauge exists where the action is covariant and free. We present a general condition on possible choice of gauges for the kappa-symmetric branes.Comment: 9 pages, Talk at STRINGS'97 Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16-21 Jun 199

    Geometrically Induced Metastability and Holography

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    We construct metastable configurations of branes and anti-branes wrapping 2-spheres inside local Calabi-Yau manifolds and study their large N duals. These duals are Calabi-Yau manifolds in which the wrapped 2-spheres have been replaced by 3-spheres with flux through them, and supersymmetry is spontaneously broken. The geometry of the non-supersymmetric vacuum is exactly calculable to all orders of the `t Hooft parameter, and to the leading order in 1/N. The computation utilizes the same matrix model techniques that were used in the supersymmetric context. This provides a novel mechanism for breaking supersymmetry in the context of flux compactifications.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figure

    Geometric Transitions and D-Term SUSY Breaking

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    We propose a new way of using geometric transitions to study metastable vacua in string theory and certain confining gauge theories. The gauge theories in question are N=2 supersymmetric theories deformed to N=1 by superpotential terms. We first geometrically engineer supersymmetry-breaking vacua by wrapping D5 branes on rigid 2-cycles in noncompact Calabi-Yau geometries, such that the central charges of the branes are misaligned. In a limit of slightly misaligned charges, this has a gauge theory description, where supersymmetry is broken by Fayet-Iliopoulos D-terms. Geometric transitions relate these configurations to dual Calabi-Yaus with fluxes, where H_RR, H_NS and dJ are all nonvanishing. We argue that the dual geometry can be effectively used to study the resulting non-supersymmetric, confining vacua.Comment: v2: 27 pages, 1 figure, harvmac, references added, typos correcte

    Strings and D-Branes with Boundaries

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    The covariant field equations of ten-dimensional super D-branes are obtained by considering fundamental strings whose ends lie in the superworldsurface of the D-brane. By considering in a similar fashion Dp-branes ending on D(p+2)-branes we derive equations describing D-branes with dual potentials, as well as the vector potentials.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Quantum Entanglement of Baby Universes

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    We study quantum entanglements of baby universes which appear in non-perturbative corrections to the OSV formula for the entropy of extremal black holes in Type IIA string theory compactified on the local Calabi-Yau manifold defined as a rank 2 vector bundle over an arbitrary genus G Riemann surface. This generalizes the result for G=1 in hep-th/0504221. Non-perturbative terms can be organized into a sum over contributions from baby universes, and the total wave-function is their coherent superposition in the third quantized Hilbert space. We find that half of the universes preserve one set of supercharges while the other half preserve a different set, making the total universe stable but non-BPS. The parent universe generates baby universes by brane/anti-brane pair creation, and baby universes are correlated by conservation of non-normalizable D-brane charges under the process. There are no other source of entanglement of baby universes, and all possible states are superposed with the equal weight.Comment: 42 pages; v.2 typos correcte

    M5 on a torus and the three brane

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    We examine the D-3 brane from the point of view of the double dimensionally reduced M theory 5 brane on a torus. M-theory, IIB identifications are explicitly constructed and a possible reformulation of the D-3 brane is discussed. The duality transformation of the reduced 3-brane necessary to make the identification is discussed in detail.Comment: 20 pages, tex, no figure
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