7 research outputs found
CCD imager evaluation for scientific applications
- Publication venue
- Calgary
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study
Bibliography: p. 224-234
Digital power measurement
- Publication venue
- Calgary
- Publication date
- 01/01/1978
- Field of study
Bibliography: p. 104-105
A reservoir model for geothermal energy production from the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation
- Author
- Allan Gray
- Arianpoo
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- Gray
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- Kerans
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- Li
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- Lonnee
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- Meijer Drees
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- Moeck
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- Turner
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- Wendte
- Wendte
- White
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- Wong
- Yalcin
- Yose
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chapter 3 Depositional Models of Carbonate Reservoirs
- Author
- Achauer
- Ahr
- Ahr
- Aissaoui
- Aissaoui
- Andrichuk
- Aoyagi
- Asquith
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- Ball
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- Bebout
- Bebout
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- Crevello
- Crevello
- Crevello
- Crevello
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- Davies
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- Dunham
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- Ebanks
- Ebanks
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- Edie
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- Enos
- Enos
- Enos
- Enos
- Enos
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- Evans
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- Folk
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- Halbouty
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- Halley
- Halley
- Halley
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- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
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- Heckel
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- Hriskevich
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- James
- James
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- Kendall
- Kendall
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- Klovan
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- Laporte
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- Levorsen
- Levorsen
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- Lindsay
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- Logan
- Logan
- Logan
- Logan
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- Lowenstam
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- Lucia
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- Malek-Aslani
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- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
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- Purser
- Purser
- Purser
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- Read
- Read
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- Roehl
- Roehl
- Roehl
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- Rogers
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- Sarg
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- Shinn
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- Stanley
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- Terry
- Textoris
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- Thomas
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- Toomey
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- Ward
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- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
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- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wingerter
- Withrow
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study
- Author
- Andrichuk J.M.
- Aulstead K.L.
- Baars D.L.
- Babcock
- Barss D.L.
- Bell S.
- Bishop R.A.
- Bower P.
- Braithwaite C.J.R.
- Braun W.K.
- Brodylo L.A.
- Brown D.L.
- Burwash R.A.
- Chevron Standard Ltd. Staff
- Davis
- Dooge J.
- Douglas R.J.W.
- Downing J.A.
- Fong G.
- Gendzwill D.J.
- Gough D.I.
- Haites T.B.
- Haman P.J.
- Hemphill C.R.
- Herbaly E.L.
- Hobbs W.H.
- Hriskevich M.E.
- Irwin M.L.
- Jackson P. C.
- Jenyon M.K.
- Jones R.M.P.
- Klingspor A. M.
- Krumbein W.C.
- Lam H.L.
- Langton J.R.
- Layer D.B.
- Lockwood R.P.
- Logan
- Logan J.M.
- Mesolella K.J.
- Moody J.D.
- Moore C.H.
- Mossop G.D.
- Mountjoy E.W.
- Mountjoy E.W.
- Nelson R.A.
- Newland J. B.
- Okulitch A.V.
- Podruski J. A.
- Price R.A.
- Price R.A.
- Sanders J.E.
- Sanford B.V.
- Schmidt V.
- Shanmugam G.
- Shaw A.B.
- Sikabonyi L.A.
- Sikabonyi L.A.
- Skall H.
- Sloss L.L.
- Stauffer M.R.
- Usiglio J.
- Vening Meinesz F.A.
- Vugrinovitch R.
- Walther J.
- Weimer R.J.
- Weimer R.J.
- Weller J.M.
- Wilcox R.E.
- Wilson H.H.
- Zoback M.L.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Basin mapping methods
- Author
- AD Mial
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AD Miall
- AJ Jageler
- AJ Tankard
- AR Brown
- AW Bally
- BC Pelletier
- BJ Bluck
- BR Rust
- C Puigdefabregas
- C Shields
- CE Payton
- D Heim
- DA Busch
- DA Clark
- DA Seeland
- DA Singer
- DA Stow
- DB Simons
- DF Merriam
- DG Farmer
- DG Long
- DJ Cant
- DW Andersen
- E Franzinelli
- E Sturm
- ED Sneed
- EF Stratton
- EG Wermund
- FB Rees
- FF Meissner
- FF Sabins Jr
- FG Young
- FJ Pettijohn
- FJ Pettijohn
- FJ Pettijohn
- FL Stricklin Jr.
- FP Agterberg
- G Bole
- G Kelling
- G Padgett
- GD Mossop
- GM Young
- GV Klein
- H Blatt
- H Evans
- H Okada
- HC Jamison
- HG Reading
- HL Winter
- JA Gilreath
- JC Davis
- JC Harms
- JE Robinson
- JE Robinson
- JG Ramsay
- JL Wilson
- JM Parks
- JR Allen
- JR Allen
- JR Allen
- JR Allen
- JR Curray
- JS Olson
- LF Brown Jr.
- LJ Suttner
- M Talwani
- Mccammon
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- Mckee
- Mcwhae
- ME Hriskevich
- MH Rider
- MM Ball
- MM Ball
- MT Halbouty
- NA Anstey
- NA Rupke
- NA Rupke
- ND Smith
- NH Woodcock
- NM Waters
- P Allen
- P Enos
- P Hoffman
- P Vincent
- PE Potter
- PF Friend
- PH Heckel
- PJ Lee
- PL Lyons
- R Ehrlich
- R Hesse
- R Martin
- RA Rahmani
- RC Selley
- RE Hunter
- RE King
- RE Sheriff
- RF Walters
- RG Jackson II
- RG Walker
- RJ Murris
- RL Miller
- RM Mitchum Jr.
- SL Knewtson
- TA Oliver
- TJ Brady
- WA Pryor
- WA Schnitzer
- WE Galloway
- WR Dickinson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study
Chapter 4 Diagenesis and Origin of Porosity
- Author
- Achauer
- Acker
- Aharon
- Ahr
- Aissaoui
- Aissaoui
- Aissaoui
- Amthor
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Aoyagi
- Archie
- Aschenbrenner
- Asquith
- Assereto
- Assereto
- Back
- Back
- Baillie
- Ball
- Banner
- Baria
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- Bathurst
- Bathurst
- Bathurst
- Bathurst
- Bathurst
- Beales
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- Bethke
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- Bissell
- Blatt
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- Brand
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- Budd
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- Burruss
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- Butler
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- Chilingar
- Chilingar
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- Choquette
- Choquette
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- Coogan
- Coogan
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- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
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- Fairbridge
- Fairbridge
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- Feazel
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- Folk
- Folk
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- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
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- Grover
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- Halley
- Halley
- Halley
- Halley
- Halley
- Halley
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- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
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- Hsu
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- Kendall
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- Lahann
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- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
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- Lindsay
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- Logan
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- Longman
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- Loucks
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- Lucia
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- Machel
- Machel
- Machel
- Machel
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- Marshall
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- Matthews
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- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- Mazzullo
- McKenzie
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- Meyers
- Meyers
- Meyers
- Meyers
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- Miller
- Milliman
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- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
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- Morrow
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- Murray
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- Perkins
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- Pittman
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- Pray
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- Prezbindowski
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- Purser
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- Roedder
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- Roehl
- Roehl
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- Saller
- Saller
- Saller
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- Sandberg
- Sandberg
- Sander
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- Schlager
- Schlanger
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- Schmoker
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- Shinn
- Shinn
- Shinn
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- Teodorovich
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- Veizer
- Veizer
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- Walls
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- Wanless
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- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
- Wardlaw
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- Weyl
- Wilkinson
- Wilkinson
- Wilkinson
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- Wilson
- Wong
- Woronick
- Ye
- Zankl
- Zenger
- Zenger
- Zenger
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study