73 research outputs found

    Cinq variations héroïques et sérieuses sur un air célÚbre suivi de : destruction et construction romanesque : étude du double mouvement de la musique dans Moderato Cantabile de Marguerite Duras

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    Dans ce mĂ©moire en recherche-crĂ©ation, il est au cƓur de mes prĂ©occupations d’aborder la musique classique Ă  travers le double mouvement qu’elle peut entretenir dans un texte littĂ©raire en Ă©tant Ă  la fois destruction et composition de la structure romanesque. Mon texte de crĂ©ation Cinq variations hĂ©roĂŻques et sĂ©rieuses sur un air cĂ©lĂšbre, s’envisage comme une caricature du milieu musical portĂ©e par un personnage, qui, Ă  travers cinq monologues dĂ©lirants utilisant le principe de la variation et du ressassement, dresse un portrait satirique de la musique classique auquel nous sommes peu habituĂ©s. Comme un parallĂšle de ces variations Ă  l’arriĂšre-goĂ»t grinçant, il m’apparaissait intĂ©ressant dans mon essai Destruction et construction romanesque : Ă©tude du double mouvement de la musique dans Moderato Cantabile de Marguerite Duras, d’étudier l’implication de la musique dans cette Ɠuvre et de relever l’importance du principe de la variation. Porteuse d’un message Ă  la connotation destructrice, la musique demeure cependant primordiale Ă  la construction du roman et entraĂźne l’avĂšnement de nouveaux codes de lecture. La musique s’établissant Ă  la fois comme composante de l’écriture et architecture de l’ouvrage, je souhaitais mettre en lumiĂšre les tensions qu’elle entretient dans l’écriture durassienne, dans un spectre allant du microscopique au macroscopique, au travers d’une analyse d’extraits rĂ©vĂ©lant son implication Ă  divers niveaux.In this work of research-creation, it is at the heart of my intentions to approach classical music by considering the dual movement that this topic can undergo in a literary text, as it serves both as destruction and composition within the novel structure. My creative writing project, Cinq variations hĂ©roĂŻques et sĂ©rieuses sur un air cĂ©lĂšbre, is envisioned as a caricature of the musical milieu from the perspective of a character who, through five delusional monologues integrating the principles of variation and repetition, paints a satirical portrait of classical musical, a genre with which we are unaccustomed. As a parallel to these variations and their bitter aftertaste, it appears interesting to, in my essay, Destruction and construction in the Novel: the dual movement of music in Moderato Cantabile by Marguerite Duras, study the involvement of music in this work and bring to the fore the importance of the principle of variation. Carrying a message of destructive connotations, music remains, however, essential in the construction of the novel and generates the advent of new codes of reading. Music is established both as a component of writing and the architecture of the work. I would like to bring to light the tensions that music builds in Durassian writing, in a spectre moving from the microscopic to the macroscopic, through an analysis of extracts revealing its involvement at multiple levels

    Targeting potassium channels to treat cerebellar ataxia

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    ObjectivePurkinje neuron dysfunction is associated with cerebellar ataxia. In a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), reduced potassium channel function contributes to altered membrane excitability resulting in impaired Purkinje neuron spiking. We sought to determine the relationship between altered membrane excitability and motor dysfunction in SCA1 mice.MethodsPatch‐clamp recordings in acute cerebellar slices and motor phenotype testing were used to identify pharmacologic agents which improve Purkinje neuron physiology and motor performance in SCA1 mice. Additionally, we retrospectively reviewed records of patients with SCA1 and other autosomal‐dominant SCAs with prominent Purkinje neuron involvement to determine whether currently approved potassium channel activators were tolerated.ResultsActivating calcium‐activated and subthreshold‐activated potassium channels improved Purkinje neuron spiking impairment in SCA1 mice (P < 0.05). Additionally, dendritic hyperexcitability was improved by activating subthreshold‐activated potassium channels but not calcium‐activated potassium channels (P < 0.01). Improving spiking and dendritic hyperexcitability through a combination of chlorzoxazone and baclofen produced sustained improvements in motor dysfunction in SCA1 mice (P < 0.01). Retrospective review of SCA patient records suggests that co‐treatment with chlorzoxazone and baclofen is tolerated.InterpretationTargeting both altered spiking and dendritic membrane excitability is associated with sustained improvements in motor performance in SCA1 mice, while targeting altered spiking alone produces only short‐term improvements in motor dysfunction. Potassium channel activators currently in clinical use are well tolerated and may provide benefit in SCA patients. Future clinical trials with potassium channel activators are warranted in cerebellar ataxia.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142893/1/acn3527.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142893/2/acn3527_am.pd

    Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase protects against aggregation-prone proteins via autophagy

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    A major function of proteasomes and macroautophagy is to eliminate misfolded potentially toxic proteins. Mammalian proteasomes, however, cannot cleave polyglutamine (polyQ) sequences and seem to release polyQ-rich peptides. Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (PSA) is the only cytosolic enzyme able to digest polyQ sequences. We tested whether PSA can protect against accumulation of polyQ fragments. In cultured cells, Drosophila and mouse muscles, PSA inhibition or knockdown increased aggregate content and toxicity of polyQ-expanded huntingtin exon 1. Conversely, PSA overexpression decreased aggregate content and toxicity. PSA inhibition also increased the levels of polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 as well as mutant α-synuclein and superoxide dismutase 1. These protective effects result from an unexpected ability of PSA to enhance macroautophagy. PSA overexpression increased, and PSA knockdown or inhibition reduced microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-II (LC3-II) levels and the amount of protein degradation sensitive to inhibitors of lysosomal function and autophagy. Thus, by promoting autophagic protein clearance, PSA helps protect against accumulation of aggregation-prone proteins and proteotoxicity

    Cerebellar ataxias: ÎČ-III spectrin’s interactions suggest common pathogenic pathways.

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a genetically heterogeneous group of disorders all characterised by postural abnormalities, motor deficits and cerebellar degeneration. Animal and in vitro models have revealed ÎČ‐III spectrin, a cytoskeletal protein present throughout the soma and dendritic tree of cerebellar Purkinje cells, to be required for the maintenance of dendritic architecture and for the trafficking and/or stabilisation of several membrane proteins: ankyrin‐R, cell adhesion molecules, metabotropic glutamate receptor‐1 (mGluR1), voltage‐gated sodium channels (Na(v)) and glutamate transporters. This scaffold of interactions connects ÎČ‐III spectrin to a wide variety of proteins implicated in the pathology of many SCAs. Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding ÎČ‐III spectrin (SPTBN2) underlie SCA type‐5 whereas homozygous mutations cause spectrin associated autosomal recessive ataxia type‐1 (SPARCA1), an infantile form of ataxia with cognitive impairment. Loss‐of ÎČ‐III spectrin function appears to underpin cerebellar dysfunction and degeneration in both diseases resulting in thinner dendrites, excessive dendritic protrusion with loss of planarity, reduced resurgent sodium currents and abnormal glutamatergic neurotransmission. The initial physiological consequences are a decrease in spontaneous activity and excessive excitation, likely to be offsetting each other, but eventually hyperexcitability gives rise to dark cell degeneration and reduced cerebellar output. Similar molecular mechanisms have been implicated for SCA1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 14, 19, 22, 27 and 28, highlighting alterations to intrinsic Purkinje cell activity, dendritic architecture and glutamatergic transmission as possible common mechanisms downstream of various loss‐of‐function primary genetic defects. A key question for future research is whether similar mechanisms underlie progressive cerebellar decline in normal ageing. [Image: see text

    Dysfonction des cellules de Purkinje du cervelet dans l'ataxie spino-cérébelleuse de type 1 (SCA1), le syndrome alcoolique foetal et lors de la modulation d'expression de Nogo-A

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    Doctorat en Sciences médicalesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

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