82 research outputs found


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    学生相談機関では、疾患や不適応などの問題を抱えた大学生に対する個別面接に加えて、メンタルヘルスの向上や学生生活の充実など、予防を目的としたグループ活動による支援が多数実践されている。筆者らは、予防的な取り組みのひとつとしてアンガーマネジメントプログラムを実施し、その有用性と課題を検討した。本アンガーマネジメントプログラムは、怒りの特徴やメカニズムの解説と、怒りのコントロールに関するワークやロールプレイで構成され、週に1 回90分間で4~5週間実施した。質問紙や自由記述式の感想、行動観察等の結果、自己理解が深まり、積極性や充実感などの上昇傾向、不信感や全体的な攻撃性などの低下傾向が示された。また、学んだ内容を日常生活で活用しようという意欲も示された。怒りの感情やそのコントロール法を理解することは、学生生活の充実に役立つ可能性が示唆された

    Prevention of Disuse Muscle Atrophy by Dietary Ingestion of 8-Prenylnaringenin in Denervated Mice

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    Flavonoids have attracted considerable attention in relation to their effects upon health. 8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN) is found in the common hop (Humulus lupulus) and assumed to be responsible for the health impact of beer consumption. We wanted to clarify the effects of prenylation on the physiological functions of dietary flavonoids by comparing the effects of 8-PN with that of intact naringenin in the prevention of disuse muscle atrophy using a model of denervation in mice. Consumption of 8-PN (but not naringenin) prevented loss of weight in the gastrocnemius muscle further supported by the lack of induction of the protein content of a key ubiquitin ligase involved in muscle atrophy, atrogin-1, and by the activation of Akt phosphorylation. 8-PN content in the gastrocnemius muscle was tenfold higher than that of naringenin. These results suggested that, compared with naringenin, 8-PN was effectively concentrated into skeletal muscle to exert its preventive effects upon disuse muscle atrophy. It is likely that prenylation generates novel functions for 8-PN by enhancing its accumulation into muscle tissue through dietary intake

    8-PN promotes recovery from muscle atrophy via Akt pathway

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    8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN) is a prenylflavonoid that originates from hop extracts and is thought to help prevent disuse muscle atrophy. We hypothesized that 8-PN affects muscle plasticity by promoting muscle recovery under disuse muscle atrophy. To test the promoting effect of 8-PN on muscle recovery, we administered an 8-PN mixed diet to mice that had been immobilized with a cast to one leg for 14 days. Intake of the 8-PN mixed diet accelerated recovery from muscle atrophy, and prevented reductions in Akt phosphorylation. Studies on cell cultures of mouse myotubes in vitro demonstrated that 8-PN activated the PI3K/Akt/P70S6K1 pathway at physiologic concentrations. A cell-culture study using an inhibitor of estrogen receptors and an in vivo experiment with ovariectomized mice suggested that the estrogenic activity of 8-PN contributed to recovery from disuse muscle atrophy through activation of an Akt phosphorylation pathway. These data strongly suggest that 8-PN is a naturally occurring compound that could be used as a nutritional supplement to aid recovery from disuse muscle atrophy

    Localization of vacuolar-type H+ pump (V-ATPase) a subunit isoform in mouse lung tissue

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    研究ノート (Note

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C