11 research outputs found

    Sex or violence? A literature review of the academic controvercy about rape

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    Våldtäkt är ett folkhälsoproblem dels via sina direkta konsekvenser för den fysiska och psykiska hälsan men även genom den ständiga rädsla för att bli våldtagna som många kvinnor upplever. Hur man rent teoretiskt bör betrakta våldtäkt har sedan 1970-talet diskuterats främst med utgångspunkt från teorier av Susan Brownmiller och Michel Foucault. Denna litteratur-studie syftar till att undersöka hur kontroversen kring om våldtäkt är betrakta som sex eller våld har utvecklats, vilka argument som framförts samt vilka konsekvenser man menar att valt synsätt får. Studien är en analys av vetenskapliga artiklar och avhandlingar och är inspirerad av fältet kontroversstudier. Resultatet av studien presenteras dels i kronologisk ordning och dels genom tre teman relaterade till konsekvenser av hur man betraktar våldtäkt; Våldtäktens symbolfunktioner, Våldtäkt som konstruerande av kvinnor och män samt Makt och motstånd. Meningsskiljaktigheterna kan relateras till skillnader kring huruvida man har ett individ- eller samhällsperspektiv. Disciplinära skillnader är viktiga för kontroversens utveckling men även rent ideologiska skillnader verkar ha betydelse.Partly due to its consequences on the physical and mental health but also because of women‟s constant fear of being violated, rape is considered to be a public health issue. The theoretical aspects of rape were first discussed in the 1970‟s mainly from the viewpoints of Susan Brownmiller and Michel Foucault. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the different perspectives on whether rape should be viewed as sex or violence, how the controversy has developed and what the authors claim that the different perspectives result in. The analyse method used is inspired by controversy studies. The result is presented both chronologically and divided into three themes; The symbolism of rape, Rape as constructing for women and men and Power and resistance. The controversy seems to rely on whether the authors use an individualistic or structuralistic perspective. Disciplinary as well as ideological differences also seem to affect the conflict

    Social support and ovarian cancer incidence : a Swedish prospective population-based study

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    Objective: Low social support is associated with worse prognosis for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) patients. However, few studies have explored the relation between low social support and incidence of EOC. The aim of this prospective nested case-control study was to examine whether self-perceived low social support was associated with the incidence of EOC. Methods: The Swedish Cancer Registry was used to identify participants in the Vasterbotten Intervention Programme (VIP) comprising 58,000 women, who later developed EOC. Each case was matched to four cancer free controls. The VIP uses the Social Support questionnaire, a modified version of the validated questionnaire "The Interview Schedule for Social Interaction" (ISSI) measuring quantitative (AVSI) and qualitative (AVAT) aspects of social support. Results: The risk of EOC in relation to AVSI and AVAT was similar between the 239 cases and the 941 controls after adjustment for educational level, smoking, BMI, Cambridge Physical Activity Index and age (aOR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72-1.01 and aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.16-1.81). Lagtime was found to have no impact. A decreased risk of serous ovarian cancer was seen in women with fewer persons available for informal socializing (aOR 0.75, 95% CI 0.59-0.95). Adjusted analyses showed non-significant odds ratios below 1.0 in the vast majority of histotypes. Conclusions: A general trend towards a decreased risk of ovarian cancer associated with low AVSI and AVAT was identified. Solely the serous subtype was significantly associated with low scores of AVSI. Prospective pathophysiological and epidemiological studies regarding social support are needed

    Continuous medial representation for anatomical structures.

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    The m-rep approach pioneered by Pizer et al. (2003) is a powerful morphological tool that makes it possible to employ features derived from medial loci (skeletons) in shape analysis. This paper extends the medial representation paradigm into the continuous realm, modeling skeletons and boundaries of three-dimensional objects as continuous parametric manifolds, while also maintaining the proper geometric relationship between these manifolds. The parametric representation of the boundary-medial relationship makes it possible to fit shape-based coordinate systems to the interiors of objects, providing a framework for combined statistical analysis of shape and appearance. Our approach leverages the idea of inverse skeletonization, where the skeleton of an object is defined first and the object's boundary is derived analytically from the skeleton. This paper derives a set of sufficient conditions ensuring that inverse skeletonization is well-posed for single-manifold skeletons and formulates a partial differential equation whose solutions satisfy the sufficient conditions. An efficient variational algorithm for deformable template modeling using the continuous medial representation is described and used to fit a template to the hippocampus in 87 subjects from a schizophrenia study with sub-voxel accuracy and 95% mean overlap