444 research outputs found

    Grupo vivencial de sonhos como forma de obter autoconhecimento em uma grupo de seminaristas na perspectiva da psicologia clínica.

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    Orientador: Carlos Augusto SerbenaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em psicologia Defesa : Curitiba, 28/09/2018Inclui referências: p. 83-86Resumo: Os sonhos sempre despertaram interesse em diferentes culturas em diferentes épocas, sendo concebidos contemporaneamente como um meio para o autoconhecimento. O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de relatar e analisar os sonhos em grupo de seminaristas segundo a Psicologia Analítica. O trabalho em grupo permite que narremos e escutemos os sonhos um dos outros em um espaço protegido, que proporciona expressar e refletir num campo interacional, promovendo o autoconhecimento, facilitando assim a individuação em grupo. Os seminaristas geralmente baseiam sua vida em normas rígidas que levam a uma unilateralidade. A proposta deste Grupo Vivencial de sonhos é que eles possam através do relato dos sonhos entrarem em contato com aspectos não muito conhecidos e com isso possam ampliar seu entendimento de si mesmo e do outro. Foram realizados 8 encontros, assim como uma entrevista inicial e uma final com cada participante, todos seminaristas atualmente estudando Teologia. Os conteúdos trabalhados nas entrevistas e encontros foi transcrito e utilizado para uma análise qualitativa dos temas abordados. A forma de organização e tratamento dos dados escolhida para esta pesquisa foi descrição e análise da dinâmica do grupo em cada encontro e comparação da entrevista inicial e final dos participantes. Os resultados apontam que o grupo entrou em contato com aspectos de suas vidas até então desconhecidas e com isto obtiveram maior entendimento do momento em que cada um se encontra levando um maior autoconhecimento, usando a Psicologia Analítica como base teórica. A principal transformação observada foi a reflexão individual proporcionada pela intimidade e dinâmica estabelecida pelo grupo através da segurança e coesão do mesmo que os permitiu entrar em contato com partes rejeitadas anteriormente culminando em um maior autoconhecimento. Palavras-chave: Psicologia Analítica; Grupo Vivencial de Sonhos; Seminaristas; Psicologia e Religião.Abstract: Dreams have always sparked interest in different cultures at different times, and nowadays is understood as a means for self-knowledge. This dissertation aims to address and analyze dreams in a group of seminarians according to Analytical Psychology. Group work allows us to narrate and listen to each other's dreams in a protected space, that allows expression and reflection in an interactional field, promoting self-knowledge, facilitating thus group individuation. The seminarians usually base their lives around strict rules that lead to unilateral experiences. The groups' proposal is that, through dream telling, the group can meet unknown aspects of themselves and therefore augment their understating of themselves and others. There were in total 8 meetings, as well as an initial and final individual interviews, all of them seminarians studying Theology. The contents explored in the interviews and group meetings were transcribed and formed the basis of a qualitative analysis of the themes discussed during the group meetings. The organization and treatment of the data acquired was the description and analysis of the group dynamic in each meeting, using information from individual interviews as a means to compare changes occurred throughout the meetings. The results found that the participants managed to get in touch with unknown aspects of themselves and thus obtained greater insights on their current moment in life. This analysis was obtained using Analytical Psychology as the theoretical framework through which interpret the findings. The main transformation observed was the individual capacity for reflection allowed by the intimacy and group dynamic established through a perception of safety and group cohesion that allowed them to meet rejected aspects of themselves, conferring greater self-knowledge. Keywords: Analytical Psychology; Experiential Group; Seminarians; Psychology and Religion

    A aptidão física funcional associa-se com o custo de consumo de medicamentos e com os estados de humor em pessoas idosas

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Atividade Física em Contexto Escolar (Ciências do Desporto), apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a aptidão física funcional (AFF) se associa com o custo anual de consumo de medicamentos e com os estados de humor (EH) em pessoas idosas. A AFF de 229 pessoas com 65+ anos foi avaliada pela bateria Senior Fitness Test e os EH pelo questionário Profile of Mood States – Short Form. O custo anual de consumo de medicamentos foi calculado a partir das posologias prescritas, acedidos através da consulta do registro informático dos médicos de família de cada participante. A análise estatística recorreu à MANCOVA, com controlo da idade, e à correlação parcial, com controlo da idade, do sexo e do Índice de Massa Corporal. A análise dos dados mostrou a existência de correlação inversa entre a aptidão cardiorespiratória e o custo anual de medicamentos, assim como entre a aptidão física funcional e estados de humor como tensão, depressão, fadiga, confusão e perturbação total do humor (PTH). As comparações entre os quintis da distância percorrida no teste de 6 minutos de marcha mostrou a existência de associações inversas com a perturbação total do humor e com o custo anual com o consumo de medicamentos. O estudo concluiu que melhor aptidão física funcional está associada com menores custos com o consumo de medicamentos e com estados de humor mais positivos, em pessoas idosas. The aim of this study was to verify the association of the functional fitness (FF) with the annual cost of medicines consumption, and with moods states (MD) in the elderly. The functional fitness of 229 people with 65+ years-old was evaluated by the Senior Fitness Test battery and moods states by the questionnaire Profile of Mood States – Short Form. The annual cost of drug consumption was calculated on the basis of the prescribed dosages, accessed through the registry query-processing of family doctors of each participant. The statistical analysis used MANCOVA, controlling for age, and partial correlation, controlling for age, gender and body mass index. Data analysis showed the existence of inverse correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness and the annual cost of medicines, as well as between the functional fitness and mood states such as tension, depression, fatigue, confusion, and total mood disturbance. Comparisons between quintiles of distance walked in 6-minute showed inverse associations with the total mood disturbance (TMD), and with the annual cost with the annual cost of medicines consumption. The study concluded that higher functional fitness is associated with lower costs with the medicines consumption, and with more positive moods states in elderly people

    An Analytical Approach for the Design of Class-E Resonant DC-DC Converters

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    We present a new approach to design resonant dc-dc converters, that allows us to achieve both a more accurate implementation and a simpler architecture, by reducing the number of required passive components. The approach is applied to a class-E topology, and it is based on the analytic solution of the system of differential equations regulating the converter evolution. Our technique is also capable of taking into account the most important circuit nonidealities. This represents an important breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, where class-E circuit analysis is based on strong simplifying assumptions, and the final circuit design is achieved by means of numerical simulations after many time-consuming parametric sweeps. The developed methodology is dimensionless, and the achieved design curves can be denormalized to easily get the desired circuit design. Measurements on two different prototypes confirm an extremely high adherence to the developed mathematical approach.We present a new approach to design resonant dc-dc converters, that allows us to achieve both a more accurate implementation and a simpler architecture, by reducing the number of required passive components. The approach is applied to a class-E topology, and it is based on the analytic solution of the system of differential equations regulating the converter evolution. Our technique is also capable of taking into account the most important circuit nonidealities. This represents an important breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, where class-E circuit analysis is based on strong simplifying assumptions, and the final circuit design is achieved by means of numerical simulations after many time-consuming parametric sweeps. The developed methodology is dimensionless, and the achieved design curves can be denormalized to easily get the desired circuit design. Measurements on two different prototypes confirm an extremely high adherence to the developed mathematical approach

    high resolution glycoform profiling of intact therapeutic proteins by hydrophilic interaction chromatography mass spectrometry

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    Abstract Glycosylation is considered a critical quality attribute of therapeutic proteins. Protein heterogeneity introduced by glycosylation includes differences in the nature, number and position of the glycans. Whereas analysis of released glycans and glycopeptides provides information about the composition and/or position of the glycan, intact glycoprotein analysis allows assignment of individual proteoforms and co-occurring modifications. Yet, resolving protein glycoforms at the intact level is challenging. We have explored the capacity of hydrophilic liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS) for assessing glycosylation patterns of intact pharmaceutical proteins by analyzing the complex glycoproteins interferon-beta-1a (rhIFN-β − 1a) and recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO). Efficient glycoform separation was achieved using a superficially-porous amide HILIC stationary phase and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as eluent additive. In-source collision-induced dissociation proved to be very useful to minimize protein-signal suppression effects by TFA. Direct injection of therapeutic proteins in aqueous formulation was possible without causing extra band dispersion, provided that the sample injection volume was not larger than 2 μL. HILIC-MS of rhIFN-β − 1a and rhEPO allowed the assignment of, respectively, 15 and 51 glycoform compositions, next to a variety of posttranslational modifications, such as succinimide, oxidation and N-terminal methionine-loss products. MS-based assignments showed that neutral glycan units significantly contributed to glycoform separation, whereas terminal sialic acids only had a marginal effect on HILIC retention. Comparisons of HILIC-MS with the selectivity provided by capillary electrophoresis-MS for the same glycoproteins, revealed a remarkable complementarity of the techniques. Finally it was demonstrated that by replacing TFA for difluoroacetic acid, peak resolution somewhat decreased, but rhEPO glycoforms with relative abundances below 1% could be detected by HILIC-MS, increasing the overall rhEPO glycoform coverage to 72

    Design of epidermal growth factor immobilization on 3D biocompatible scaffolds to promote tissue repair and regeneration

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    Exogenous application of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) stimulates epidermal wound healing. The aim of this study was to develop bioconjugates based on hEGF mimicking the protein in its native state and thus suitable for tissue engineering applications, in particular for treating skin-related disorders as burns. Ribonuclease A (RNase A) was used to investigate a number of different activated-agarose carriers: cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-activated-agarose and glyoxyl-agarose showed to preserve the appropriate orientation of the protein for receptor binding. EGF was immobilized on these carriers and immobilization yield was evaluated (100% and 12%, respectively). A peptide mapping of unbound protein regions was carried out by LC–MS to take evidence of the residues involved in the immobilization and, consequently, the flexibility and surface accessibility of immobilized EGF. To assess cell proliferative activities, 10, 25, 50, and 100 ng/mL of each immobilized EGF sample were seeded on fibroblast cells and incubated for 24, 48 and 72 h. The immobilized growth factor showed significantly high cell proliferative activity at 50 and 100 ng/mL compared to control and soluble EGF. Although both of the immobilized samples show dose-dependency when seeded with high number of fibroblast cells, CNBr-agarose-EGF showed a significantly high activity at 100 ng/mL and 72 h incubation, compared to glyoxyl-agarose-EGF

    Glycovaccine Design: Optimization of Model and Antitubercular Carrier Glycosylation via Disuccinimidyl Homobifunctional Linker

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    Conjugation via disuccinimidyl homobifunctional linkers is reported in the literature as a convenient approach for the synthesis of glycoconjugate vaccines. However, the high tendency for hydrolysis of disuccinimidyl linkers hampers their extensive purification, which unavoidably results in side-reactions and non-pure glycoconjugates. In this paper, conjugation of 3-aminopropyl saccharides via disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG) was exploited for the synthesis of glycoconjugates. A model protein, ribonuclease A (RNase A), was first considered to set up the conjugation strategy with mono- to tri- mannose saccharides. Through a detailed characterization of synthetized glycoconjugates, purification protocols and conjugation conditions have been revised and optimized with a dual aim: ensure high sugar-loading and avoid the presence of side reaction products. An alternative purification approach based on hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) allowed the formation of glutaric acid conjugates to be avoided, and a design of experiment (DoE) approach led to optimal glycan loading. Once its suitability was proven, the developed conjugation strategy was applied to the chemical glycosylation of two recombinant antigens, native Ag85B and its variant Ag85B-dm, that are candidate carriers for the development of a novel antitubercular vaccine. Pure glycoconjugates (≥99.5%) were obtained. Altogether, the results suggest that, with an adequate protocol, conjugation via disuccinimidyl linkers can be a valuable approach to produce high sugar-loaded and well-defined glycovaccines

    Immobilized enzyme reactors based on nucleoside phosphorylases and 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase for the in-flow synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant nucleoside analogues

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    In this work, a mono- and a bi-enzymatic analytical immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs) were developed as prototypes for biosynthetic purposes and their performances in the in-flow synthesis of nucleoside analogues of pharmaceutical interest were evaluated. Two biocatalytic routes based on nucleoside 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase from Lactobacillus reuteri (LrNDT) and uridine phosphorylase from Clostridium perfrigens (CpUP)/purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Aeromonas hydrophila (AhPNP) were investigated in the synthesis of 2′-deoxy, 2′,3′-dideoxy and arabinonucleoside derivatives. LrNDT-IMER catalyzed the synthesis of 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine and 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine in 65–59% conversion yield, while CpUP/AhPNP-IMER provided the best results for the preparation of arabinosyladenine (60% conversion yield). Both IMERs proved to be promising alternatives to chemical routes for the synthesis of nucleoside analogues. The developed in-flow system represents a powerful tool for the fast production on analytical scale of nucleosides for preliminary biological tests

    Batch and Flow Synthesis of Nucleosides by Enzymatic Transglycosylation

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    Enzymatic methods for the preparation of high-value products have clearly shown their potential in many areas, including nucleic acid chemistry. Enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism such as nucleoside phosphorylases (NPs, EC 2.4.2) can be conveniently used as biocatalysts in the synthesis of nucleoside analogues. These enzymes catalyze the reversible cleavage of the glycosidic bond of (deoxy)ribonucleosides in the presence of inorganic phosphate (Pi) to generate the nucleobase and \u3b1-D-(deoxy)ribose-1-phosphate (phosphorolysis). If a second nucleobase is added to the reaction medium, the formation of a new nucleoside can result (transglycosylation). Because of its broad substrate specificity [1,2], a purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Aeromonas hydrophila (AhPNP) was exploited to catalyze the \u201cone-pot, one-enzyme\u201d transglycosylation of 7-methylguanosine iodide with a series of 6-substituted purines, resulting in a moderate to high conversion (18-65%) of the bases into a 22-compound library of 6-substituted purine ribonucleosides [2]. Successively, AhPNP was covalently immobilized [3,4] in a pre-packed column containing aminopropyl silica particles. The resulting AhPNP-IMER (Immobilized Enzyme Reactor) was coupled on-line to a HPLC apparatus containing a semi-preparative chromatographic column. In such a system, \u201cone-enzyme\u201d transglycosylation and product purification were run in a single platform, affording a set of 6-modified purine ribonucleosides at a mg scale [4]. Using this \u201cflow-based\u201d approach, the synthesis of adenine nucleosides through a \u201ctwo-enzyme\u201d transglycosylation was carried out by connecting the AhPNP-IMER to uridine phosphorylase from Clostridium perfringens, immobilized on a silica monolithic column (CpUP-IMER)