727 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Spectroscopic Census of the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We report new spectral types or spectral classification constraints for over 600 stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) based on medium resolution R~ 1500-2000 red optical spectra acquired using the Palomar 200" and Kitt Peak 3.5m telescopes. Spectral types were initially estimated for F, G, and early K stars from atomic line indices while for late K and M stars, constituting the majority of our sample, indices involving TiO and VO bands were used. To ensure proper classification, particularly for reddened, veiled, or nebula-contaminated stars, all spectra were then visually examined for type verification or refinement. We provide an updated spectral type table that supersedes Hillenbrand (1997), increasing the percentage of optically visible ONC stars with spectral type information from 68% to 90%. However, for many objects, repeated observations have failed to yield spectral types primarily due to the challenges of adequate sky subtraction against a bright and spatially variable nebular background. The scatter between our new and our previously determined spectral types is approximately 2 spectral sub-classes. We also compare our grating spectroscopy results with classification based on narrow-band TiO filter photometry from Da Rio et al. (2012, finding similar scatter. While the challenges of working in the ONC may explain much of the spread, we highlight several stars showing significant and unexplained bona fide spectral variations in observations taken several years apart; these and similar cases could be due to a combination of accretion and extinction changes. Finally, nearly 20% of ONC stars exhibit obvious Ca II triplet emission indicative of strong accretion.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal; 37 pages, including 11 Figures and 3 Tables (one long table not reproduced here but available upon request or from the journal

    Metal Depletion and Warm H2 in the Brown Dwarf 2M1207 Accretion Disk

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    We present new far-ultraviolet observations of the young M8 brown dwarf 2MASS J12073346-3932539, which is surrounded by an accretion disk. The data were obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope-Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Moderate resolution spectra (R~17,000-18,000) obtained in the 1150-1750 A and 2770-2830 A bandpasses reveal H2 emission excited by HI Lyα\alpha photons, several ionization states of carbon (CI - CIV), and hot gas emission lines of HeII and NV (T ~ 10^4-5 K). Emission from some species that would be found in a typical thermal plasma at this temperature (SiII, SiIII, SiIV, and MgII) are not detected. The non-detections indicate that these refractory elements are depleted into grains, and that accretion shocks dominate the production of the hot gas observed on 2MASS J12073346-3932539. We use the observed CIV luminosity to constrain the mass accretion rate in this system. We use the kinematically broadened H2 profile to confirm that the majority of the molecular emission arises in the disk, measure the radius of the inner hole of the disk (R_{hole}~3R_{*}), and constrain the physical conditions of the warm molecular phase of the disk (T(H2)~2500-4000 K). A second, most likely unresolved H2 component is identified. This feature is either near the stellar surface in the region of the accretion shock or in a molecular outflow, although the possibility that this Jovian-like emission arises on the day-side disk of a 6 M_{J} companion (2M1207b) cannot be conclusively ruled out. In general, we find that this young brown dwarf disk system is a low-mass analog to classical T Tauri stars that are observed to produce H2 emission from a warm layer in their disks, such as the well studied TW Hya and DF Tau systems.Comment: ApJ, accepted. 12 pages, 10 figures. 3 tables

    Evolutionary tracks for Betelgeuse

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    We have constructed a series of non-rotating quasi-hydrostatic evolutionary models for the M2 Iab supergiant Betelgeuse (α Orionis\alpha~Orionis). Our models are constrained by multiple observed values for the temperature, luminosity, surface composition and mass loss for this star, along with the parallax distance and high resolution imagery that determines its radius. We have then applied our best-fit models to analyze the observed variations in surface luminosity and the size of detected surface bright spots as the result of up-flowing convective material from regions of high temperature in the surface convective zone. We also attempt to explain the intermittently observed periodic variability in a simple radial linear adiabatic pulsation model. Based upon the best fit to all observed data, we suggest a best progenitor mass estimate of 203+5M 20 ^{+5}_{-3} M_\odot and a current age from the start of the zero-age main sequence of - 8.5 Myr based upon the observed ejected mass while on the giant branch.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Revised per referee suggestions, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Herschel PACS observations of shocked gas associated with the jets of L1448 and L1157

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    In the framework of the WISH key program, several H2O (E_u>190 K), high-J CO, [OI], and OH transitions are mapped with PACS in two shock positions along the two prototypical low-luminosity outflows L1448 and L1157. Previous HIFI H2O observations (E_u=53-249 K) and complementary Spitzer mid-IR H2 data are also used, with the aim of deriving a complete picture of the excitation conditions. At all selected spots a close spatial association between H2O, mid-IR H2, and high-J CO emission is found, whereas the low-J CO emission traces either entrained ambient gas or a remnant of an older shock. The excitation analysis at L1448-B2 suggests that a two-component model is needed to reproduce the H2O, CO, and mid-IR H2 lines: an extended warm component (T~450 K) is traced by the H2O emission with E_u =53-137 K and by the CO lines up to J=22-21, and a compact hot component (T=1100 K) is traced by the H2O emission with E_u>190 K and by the higher-J CO lines. At L1448-B2 we obtain an H2O abundance (3-4)x10^{-6} for the warm component and (0.3-1.3)x10^{-5} for the hot component; we also detect OH and blue-shifted [OI] emission, spatially coincident with the other molecular lines and with [FeII] emission. This suggests a dissociative shock for these species, related to the embedded atomic jet. On the other hand, a non-dissociative shock at the point of impact of the jet on the cloud is responsible for the H2O and CO emission. The other examined shock positions show an H2O excitation similar to L1448-B2, but a slightly higher H2O abundance (a factor of 4). The two gas components may represent a gas stratification in the post-shock region. The extended and low-abundance warm component traces the post-shocked gas that has already cooled down to a few hundred Kelvin, whereas the compact and possibly higher-abundance hot component is associated with the gas that is currently undergoing a shock episode.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Star formation in W3 - AFGL333: Young stellar content, properties and roles of external feedback

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    One of the key questions in the field of star formation is the role of stellar feedback on subsequent star formation process. The W3 giant molecular cloud complex at the western border of the W4 super bubble is thought to be influenced by the stellar winds of the massive stars in W4. AFGL333 is a ~10^4 Msun cloud within W3. This paper presents a study of the star formation activity within AFGL333 using deep JHKs photometry obtained from the NOAO Extremely Wide-Field Infrared Imager combined with Spitzer-IRAC-MIPS photometry. Based on the infrared excess, we identify 812 candidate young stellar objects in the complex, of which 99 are classified as Class I and 713 are classified as Class II sources. The stellar density analysis of young stellar objects reveals three major stellar aggregates within AFGL333, named here AFGL333-main, AFGL333-NW1 and AFGL333-NW2. The disk fraction within AFGL333 is estimated to be ~50-60%. We use the extinction map made from the H-Ks colors of the background stars to understand the cloud structure and to estimate the cloud mass. The CO-derived extinction map corroborates the cloud structure and mass estimates from NIR color method. From the stellar mass and cloud mass associated with AFGL333, we infer that the region is currently forming stars with an efficiency of ~4.5% and at a rate of ~2 - 3 Msun Myr-1pc-2. In general, the star formation activity within AFGL333 is comparable to that of nearby low mass star-forming regions. We do not find any strong evidence to suggest that the stellar feedback from the massive stars of nearby W4 super bubble has affected the global star formation properties of the AFGL333 region.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Substance p immunoreactivity exhibits frequent colocalization with kisspeptin and neurokinin B in the human infundibular region.

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    Neurons synthesizing neurokinin B (NKB) and kisspeptin (KP) in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus represent important upstream regulators of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurosecretion. In search of neuropeptides co-expressed in analogous neurons of the human infundibular nucleus (Inf), we have carried out immunohistochemical studies of the tachykinin peptide Substance P (SP) in autopsy samples from men (21-78 years) and postmenopausal (53-83 years) women. Significantly higher numbers of SP-immunoreactive (IR) neurons and darker labeling were observed in the Inf of postmenopausal women than in age-matched men. Triple-immunofluorescent studies localized SP immunoreactivity to considerable subsets of KP-IR and NKB-IR axons and perikarya in the infundibular region. In postmenopausal women, 25.1% of NKB-IR and 30.6% of KP-IR perikarya contained SP and 16.5% of all immunolabeled cell bodies were triple-labeled. Triple-, double- and single-labeled SP-IR axons innervated densely the portal capillaries of the infundibular stalk. In quadruple-labeled sections, these axons formed occasional contacts with GnRH-IR axons. Presence of SP in NKB and KP neurons increases the functional complexity of the putative pulse generator network. First, it is possible that SP modulates the effects of KP and NKB in axo-somatic and axo-dendritic afferents to GnRH neurons. Intrinsic SP may also affect the activity and/or neuropeptide release of NKB and KP neurons via autocrine/paracrine actions. In the infundibular stalk, SP may influence the KP and NKB secretory output via additional autocrine/paracrine mechanisms or regulate GnRH neurosecretion directly. Finally, possible co-release of SP with KP and NKB into the portal circulation could underlie further actions on adenohypophysial gonadotrophs

    A Deep Chandra X-ray Spectrum of the Accreting Young Star TW Hydrae

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    We present X-ray spectral analysis of the accreting young star TW Hydrae from a 489 ks observation using the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating. The spectrum provides a rich set of diagnostics for electron temperature T_e, electron density N_e, hydrogen column density N_H, relative elemental abundances and velocities and reveals its source in 3 distinct regions of the stellar atmosphere: the stellar corona, the accretion shock, and a very large extended volume of warm postshock plasma. The presence of Mg XII, Si XIII, and Si XIV emission lines in the spectrum requires coronal structures at ~10 MK. Lower temperature lines (e.g., from O VIII, Ne IX, and Mg XI) formed at 2.5 MK appear more consistent with emission from an accretion shock. He-like Ne IX line ratio diagnostics indicate that T_e = 2.50 +/- 0.25 MK and N_e = 3.0 +/- 0.2 x 10^(12) cm^(-3) in the shock. These values agree well with standard magnetic accretion models. However, the Chandra observations significantly diverge from current model predictions for the postshock plasma. This gas is expected to cool radiatively, producing O VII as it flows into an increasingly dense stellar atmosphere. Surprisingly, O VII indicates N_e = 5.7 ^(+4.4}_(-1.2) x 10^(11) cm^(-3), five times lower than N_e in the accretion shock itself, and ~7 times lower than the model prediction. We estimate that the postshock region producing O VII has roughly 300 times larger volume, and 30 times more emitting mass than the shock itself. Apparently, the shocked plasma heats the surrounding stellar atmosphere to soft X-ray emitting temperatures and supplies this material to nearby large magnetic structures -- which may be closed magnetic loops or open magnetic field leading to mass outflow. (Abridged)Comment: 13 pages (emulateapj style), 10 figures, ApJ, in pres

    The Effects of UV Continuum and Lyman alpha Radiation on the Chemical Equilibrium of T Tauri Disks

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    We show in this Letter that the spectral details of the FUV radiation fields have a large impact on the chemistry of protoplanetary disks surrounding T Tauri stars. We show that the strength of a realistic stellar FUV field is significantly lower than typically assumed in chemical calculations and that the radiation field is dominated by strong line emission, most notably Lyman alpha radiation. The effects of the strong Lyman alpha emission on the chemical equilibrium in protoplanetary disks has previously been unrecognized. We discuss the impact of this radiation on molecular observations in the context of a radiative transfer model that includes both direct attenuation and scattering. In particular, Lyman alpha radiation will directly dissociate water vapor and may contribute to the observed enhancements of CN/HCN in disks.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    X-Shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I

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    DF acknowledges support from the Italian Ministry of Science and Education (MIUR), project SIR (RBSI14ZRHR) and from the ESTEC Faculty Visiting Scientist Programme.We present the analysis of 34 new VLT/X-Shooter spectra of young stellar objects in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region, together with four more spectra of stars in Taurus and two in Chamaeleon II. The broad wavelength coverage and accurate flux calibration of our spectra allow us to estimate stellar and accretion parameters for our targets by fitting the photospheric and accretion continuum emission from the Balmer continuum down to ~700 nm. The dependence of accretion on stellar properties for this sample is consistent with previous results from the literature. The accretion rates for transitional disks are consistent with those of full disks in the same region. The spread of mass accretion rates at any given stellar mass is found to be smaller than inmany studies, but is larger than that derived in the Lupus clouds using similar data and techniques. Differences in the stellar mass range and in the environmental conditions between our sample and that of Lupus may account for the discrepancy in scatter between Chamaeleon I and Lupus.Complete samples in Chamaeleon I and Lupus are needed to determine whether the difference in scatter of accretion rates and the lack of evolutionary trends are not influenced by sample selection.PostprintPeer reviewe

    [OI]63micron jets in class 0 sources detected by Herschel

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    We present Herschel PACS mapping observations of the [OI]63 micron line towards protostellar outflows in the L1448, NGC1333-IRAS4, HH46, BHR71 and VLA1623 star forming regions. We detect emission spatially resolved along the outflow direction, which can be associated with a low excitation atomic jet. In the L1448-C, HH46 IRS and BHR71 IRS1 outflows this emission is kinematically resolved into blue- and red-shifted jet lobes, having radial velocities up to 200 km/s. In the L1448-C atomic jet the velocity increases with the distance from the protostar, similarly to what observed in the SiO jet associated with this source. This suggests that [OI] and molecular gas are kinematically connected and that this latter could represent the colder cocoon of a jet at higher excitation. Mass flux rates (\.Mjet_{jet}(OI)) have been measured from the [OI]63micron luminosity adopting two independent methods. We find values in the range 1-4 107^{-7} Mo/yr for all sources but HH46, for which an order of magnitude higher value is estimated. \.Mjet_{jet}(OI) are compared with mass accretion rates (\.Macc_{acc}) onto the protostar and with \.Mjet_{jet} derived from ground-based CO observations. \.Mjet_{jet}(OI)/\.Macc_{acc} ratios are in the range 0.05-0.5, similar to the values for more evolved sources. \.Mjet_{jet}(OI) in HH46 IRS and IRAS4A are comparable to \.Mjet_{jet}(CO), while those of the remaining sources are significantly lower than the corresponding \.Mjet_{jet}(CO). We speculate that for these three sources most of the mass flux is carried out by a molecular jet, while the warm atomic gas does not significantly contribute to the dynamics of the system.Comment: 37 pages and 12 figures, accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journa