6 research outputs found

    Place Branding - a evolução dos conceitos e fundamentos

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    Atualmente observamos um crescimento, nos campos do marketing, da comunicação, do turismo e do design, das pesquisas sobre o branding de lugares - nation branding, place branding e city branding. A transferência e adaptação das técnicas de branding para a gestão de comunicação e imagem de lugares, sejam países, regiões, cidades ou mesmo bairros, tem, segundo Anholt (2006), uma relação direta com o aumento da competitividade internacional ou inter-regional por vantagens econômicas, culturais e sociais. Nesse contexto o presente artigo propõe realizar uma revisão de literatura neste campo, procurando entender os caminhos que a disciplina trilhou partindo do marketing e do branding até as propostas e modelos mais recentes e interdisciplinares

    Princípios Analógicos da Biomimética e sua aplicação nos Domus Geodésicos de Fuller

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    [EN] Throughout the complex history of humanity, it is possible to verify the application of biological solutions at different times and in different areas, such as science, technology, architecture, design, engineering, medicine, among other attempts to nature human. This inspiration in nature has generated a number of biological inventions has allowed a large number of innovations and resources throughout human evolution. And it's not hard to understand why so many have used nature as a reference. Just compare the time of the appearance of man, considered only a recent 200,000 years, with the emergence of life on Earth, to understand that there is much more story to be told and analyzed within the 3.8 billion years that shaped all other forms of life that exist, from smallest to largest, the strongest to the weakest, from the simplest to the most complex, where the greatest proof of the adaptive success in half is simply the fact exist. It was because of this need to find a way already devised and perfected by nature to combat individual character issues through collective character of solutions, which emerged the scientific field called Biomimicry. Through careful analysis and observation of the aspects present in the environment and nature, we realize many influences around our field of action (design project). From this point of view, to analyze and establish principles of analogy between elements present in nature and fields of application discovery as did Fuller, we established a fruitful and elegant design activity.[ES] En los últimos 60 años, el rápido aumento de la densidad de población en grandes centros urbanos hizo proliferar los modelos de construcción verticales, por lo que una prioridad y tendencia establecida. Sin embargo, esto ha provocado un profundo cambio en el paisaje de las ciudades, de la que emergen de manera exponencial y sin planificación urbana, edificios con espacios reducidos cada vez más, causados, entre otros factores, por los precios exorbitantes de alta especulación. En este escenario, es necesario pensar en otras alternativas de modelos espaciales de la construcción urbana más sostenible. Un ejemplo prometedor que se traduce en consonancia con todo este contexto es la estructura geodésica patentada en 1954 por el famoso arquitecto e ingeniero Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). En resumen, se puede representar por una malla de triángulos que componen una configuración esférica. En la construcción de esta estructura Fuller mostró un muy ligero y fuerte, a pesar de la pequeña cantidad de materia prima utilizada para los triángulos que forman son más resistentes a la presión y a la flexión de los rectángulos, por ejemplo. Además, puede ser construido con barras de prácticamente cualquier material y su forma esférica ofrece las atmósferas de interior más eficientes para la vida humana. Aunque esta forma también geométrica, Gorman (2005) explica que Buckminster buscaba inspiración para sus cúpulas geodésicas en microorganismos de Radiolaria, representado por la geometrización de las estructuras óseas de estos diminutos animales marinos. Él creía que la naturaleza favoreció los diseños geodésicas máximo económicos y, por lo tanto, deben ser un reflejo de la estructura fundamental del cosmos. Por lo tanto, se percibe que la geodésica Fuller ya había establecido una fuerte conexión con los principios del biomimetismo incluso antes de que se define como la ciencia también utiliza el know-how y la experiencia de la naturaleza para resolver problemas complejos de la vida humana (transporte, vivienda, energía, agua, etc.) para ganar eficiencia, a la vista de la sostenibilidad. La intención de este artículo es establecer la relación entre la biomimética y geodésica de Fuller dar a conocer mejor las ventajas de pensar otras alternativas constructivas más de esta tendencia establecida de la integración vertical de los espacios urbanos, creyendo en el potencial que estas estructuras representan cómo los nuevos modelos de la construcción urbana más sostenible.Soares, TL.; Arruda, A.; Hartkopf, C.; Barbosa Neto, J. (2016). La relación entre el biomimetismo y la geodésica Buckminster Fuller en la planificación de edificios sostenibles. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1075-1087. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3369OCS1075108

    Revisitando a loja de répteis: estudo de caso sobre as interfaces entre o cinema e o design

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    O artigo discute as relações entre o cinema e o design, com foco no design gráfico, a partir de um estudo de caso: a elaboração dos cartazes e dos créditos do filme "Loja de répteis" , de Pedro Severien. Além disso, se propõe uma conexão entre cinema e design a partir de uma possí­vel Estética da Máquina.Palavras-chave: Cinema. Design gráfico. Loja de répteis. Estética da máquina

    Revisitando a loja de répteis: estudo de caso sobre as interfaces entre o cinema e o design

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    O artigo discute as relações entre o cinema e o design, com foco no design gráfico, a partir de um estudo de caso: a elaboração dos cartazes e dos créditos do filme “Loja de répteis”, de Pedro Severien. Além disso, se propõe uma conexão entre cinema e design a partir de uma possível Estética da Máquina.Palavras-chave: Cinema. Design gráfico. Loja de répteis. Estética da máquina

    City branding: strategic planning and communication image in the management of contemporary cities

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    [EN] Over the past decade, it can be observed a steady growth in the use of terms such as Place Branding, Nation Branding, Destination Branding and City Branding. Both in academic research and in the practical applications of city management, this new paradigm takes shape and, along with it, the need for definitions and concepts, methods and methodologies and the establishment of technical and theoretical standards. This approach was born in the Marketing field, specifically in what was called Place Marketing. In this context Branding stands out as a solution tool for the necessity of differentiation, generation of solid images and establishing identity signs and symbols, in order to leverage economic advantages for countries, cities and regions. In a way, fulfilling, in the first instance, a similar role to the branding of products and services. But it was specifically in the Corporate Branding that were found the biggest matches to adapt this knowledge to the management of cities images. Ashworth & Kavaratzis (2009) highlight the fact that both present multidisciplinary roots, a multiple number of stakeholders, high degree of intangibility and complexity of social responsibility, the multiplicity of identities and the need of a long-term development are strong examples their similarities. The development and management of corporate identities, here expanded to the Corporate Branding, it is a prolific field of Design. Through it, great names of the area made their careers and built great legacy. In Brazil, the time of greater proficiency in the area were the 50s and 60s, dominated by modernist thought, and, coincidentally or not, exactly the time that focused efforts to assert the identity of the designer as a professional (STOLARSKI, 2006). In contrast, in the literature produced in the marketing field, often the role of design in this context is reduced to merely promotional measures, such as creating logos or advertising campaigns. In other words, defined as a work of low complexity. This approach comes at odds with contemporary theories of design, such as MetaDesign, Design Thinking and Collaborative Design, in which are presented methodological models of high relevance for the identification, analysis and solution of complex problems involving multiple elements and agents.Arruda, A.; Hartkopf, C.; Balestra, R. (2016). City branding: strategic planning and communication image in the management of contemporary cities. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 488-498. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3288OCS48849

    Thorny ground, rocky soil: tissue-specific mechanisms of tumor dormancy and relapse

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