2,506 research outputs found

    Scheduling participants of Assessment Centres

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    Assessment Centres are used as a tool for psychologists and coaches to ob- serve a number of dimensions in a person's behaviour and test his/her potential within a number of chosen focus areas. This is done in an intense course, with a number of dierent exercises which expose each participant's ability level in the chosen focus areas. The participants are observed by assessors with the purpose of gathering material for reaching a conclusion on each participant's personal pro le. We consider the particular case that arises at the company Human Equity (www.humanequity.dk), where Assessment Centres usually last two days and involve 3-6 psychologists or trained coaches as assessors. An entire course is composed of a number of rounds, with each round having its individual duration. In each round, the participants are divided into a number of groups with prespeci ed pairing of group sizes and assessors. The scheduling problem amounts to determining the allocation of participants to groups in each round. We have developed a model and solution approach for this particular scheduling problem, which may be viewed as a rather extensive generalization of the Social Golfer Problem.No keywords;

    ASCO 2007: What remains important for breast cancer systemic therapy in the routine setting?

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    The 43rd ASCO Annual Meeting took place from June 1-5, 2007 at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL, USA. This year's meeting had the special theme of `Translating Research into Practice', particularly featuring 445 abstracts on translational research in addition to approximately 2,000 abstracts presented on subjects like surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and targeted therapies. This short summary will focus on the two important breast cancer oral presentation sessions only, and will try to comment on the presented data with regard to their immediate impact on clinical practice. Many more research results regarding breast cancer were presented (all presentations will be available to the public from September 1, 2007 at wwwasco.org). In general, breast cancer data presented at this year's ASCO Annual Meeting confirmed current standards, and introduced promising new substances which may soon enter clinical practice. The 44th ASCO Annual Meeting will again be held in Chicago from May 30 to June 3, 2008. Those who do not want to wait another year may visit ASCO's first special Breast Cancer Symposium taking place September 7-8, 2007 in San Francisco, CA, USA. Whether this meeting will start a new tradition of a specialized ASCO breast cancer symposium, and how this development will eventually will impact on the regular San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in December, only time will tell


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    Abstract The common problem of this research is there any correlation between usage of audio media with skill of listening to child story in class of VA SD Negeri 17 Pontianak City?”. This study aims to describe the correlation between the use of audio media with the skills to listen to children's stories in the VA class of Elementary School 17 Pontianak City. Variable in this research consist of independent variable (X) that is use of audio media and dependent variable (Y) that is skill of listening to child story.The method used in this research is descriptive method with research form study relationship. This study is a population study with 36 students. Date collection techniques of indirect communication techniques, direct communication techniques and measurement techniques. The date collection tools used were questionnaires, observations and tests. The results showed that the use of audio media in the class VA State Elementary School 17 Pontianak City belong to the category very good that is equal to 87.22%. While the results of listening skills of children's stories after using the audio media obtained an average value of 75.05 belonging to either category because it entered in the 70-79 value range. There is a moderate relationship between the use of audio media with children's listening skills. This is evidenced by the calculation of correlation coefficient obtained by 0.47. The value is then compared with r table at the 5% level for N = 36 is 0.329. Thus r count> from r table or 0.47> 0.329. In this research alternative Hypothesis (Ha) accepted and Hypothesis zero (H0) rejected because the value of r count is greater than r table, which means there is a correlation / relationship between the use of audio media with the skills to listen to children's story in VA class Elementary School 17 Pontianak City. Keywords: Listening Skills, Child Story,  Audio Media

    Experimental active and passive dosimetry systems for the NASA Skylab program

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    Active and passive dosimetry instrumentation to measure absorbed dose, charged particle spectra, and linear energy transfer spectra inside the command module and orbital workshop on the Skylab program were developed and tested. The active dosimetry system consists of one integral unit employing both a tissue equivalent ionization chamber and silicon solid state detectors. The instrument measures dose rates from 0.2 millirad/hour to 25 rads/hour, linear energy transfer spectra from 2.8 to 42.4 Kev/micron, and the proton and alpha particle energy spectra from 0.5 to 75 Mev. The active dosimeter is equipped with a portable radiation sensor for use in astronaut on-body and spacecraft shielding surveys during passage of the Skylab through significant space radiations. Data are transmitted in real time or are recorded by onboard spacecraft tape recorder for rapid evaluation of the radiation levels. The passive dosimetry systems consist of twelve (12) hard-mounted assemblies, each containing a variety of passive radiation sensors which are recoverable at the end of the mission for analysis

    Cultural Identity and Code-Switching in Arabic Food Blogs Written in English

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    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella koodinvaihtoa arabiaan sekä muita kulttuuri-identiteetin ilmentymiä englanniksi kirjoitetuissa, arabialaiseen ruokaan keskittyvissä blogeissa. Tutkielmaan valittiin kahdeksan eri reseptiblogia, joista yhteensä 40 julkaisua otettiin lähempään tarkasteluun. Blogit edustavat Levanttia (Libanon, Syyria, Jordania ja Palestiina), Pohjois-Afrikkaa ja Lähi-Itää ja niiden kirjoittajat puhuvat kaikki arabiaa äidinkielenään. Viisi kahdeksasta bloggaajasta asuu englanninkielisessä maassa (kaksi Yhdysvaltoihin, kaksi Iso-Britanniaan ja yksi Kanadaan), kaksi palestiinalaista bloggaria asuu Jordaniassa ja yksi irakilainen bloggari asuu todennäköisesti Irakissa. Tarkasteltavaksi valitut blogijulkaisut analysoitiin ensin koodinvaihdon osalta ja tulokset kirjattiin kahteen eri taulukkoon. Tämän jälkeen teksteille suoritettiin kvalitatiivinen analyysi muiden kulttuuri-identiteettiä ilmentävien tekijöiden kartoittamiseksi. Koodinvaihdon osalta analyysin tulokset osoittivat ensinnäkin, että koodinvaihtoa esiintyi huomattavasti oletettua vähemmän ja että sitä esiintyi odottamattomissa yhteyksissä tai ei esiintynyt sellaisissa yhteyksissä, joissa sitä oletettiin esiintyvän. Toisekseen tuloksissa ilmeni selvä ero arabimaissa ja englanninkielisissä maissa asuvien bloggarien kesken: oman kulttuuripiirinsä ulkopuolella asuvat bloggaajat käyttivät koodinvaihtoa huomattavasti enemmän kuin arabimaissa asuvat kollegansa, joiden teksteissä koodinvaihto oli hyvin vähäistä. Muut kulttuuri-identiteettiä ilmentävät tekijät voitiin aineiston perusteella jakaa kahteen selkeään pääkategoriaan: ruokaan ja (ruoka)kulttuuriin liittyviin sekä identiteettiin liittyviin. Ensimmäisen kategorian osalta bloggaajien kesken ei ilmennyt merkittäviä eroja, mutta identiteettiin liittyvien teemojen kohdalla selkeitä eroja alkoi näkyä. Suurin eroavaisuus oli kenties se, että ainoastaan arabialaisen kulttuuripiirin ulkopuolella asuvien bloggaajien teksteissä ilmeni ’koti-ikävää’ ja selkeää kaipuuta kotimaahan sekä eräänlaista tuskaa kaukana ’kotoa’ olemisesta, ja vain heidän julkaisuissaan oli viitteitä identiteettiin liittyvistä ristiriitaisuuksista ja vaikeuksista. Aineiston perusteella voidaan siis todeta, että arabimaiden ulkopuolella olevien bloggaajien keskuudessa koodinvaihto arabiaan näyttäisi olevan huomattavasti arabimaissa asuvia blogin pitäjiä yleisempää, ja että identiteettiin ja kotimaahan liittyvät teemat olisivat ei-arabiankilisissä maissa asuville arabibloggaajille paljon keskeisempiä ja arkaluontoisempia. Aineiston suppeuden vuoksi tulokset eivät kuitenkaan ole yleistettävissä, vaan tutkimus tulisi toistaa suuressa mittakaavassa tukevampien todisteiden saamiseksi

    Creating resonance in emptiness with visual theatre : how the metaphorical potential of puppets, objects and images in theatre can be used to explore the constructed nature of reality and the complexity of the self

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    Includes the performance script of the play.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-93).The aim of this explication is to set my practical theatre research, and the production Dolos in particular, in a theoretical framework and performance historical context. Since the central theme of Dolos is the construction of reality and the consequent attachment to aspects of the self, my study draws on the ideas proposed by Phenomenology and Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy.According to these two philosophical systems, the concept of reality is subjective and relative. This leads me to question the functioning of meaning-making in artistic practice. Metaphor is explored as a vehicle for the meaning-making process and for the creation of resonant experience in theatre and performance. The production style of Dolos is one that I have defined as Visual Theatre, a theatre of puppets, objects, visual and theatrical images. Visual Theatre is examined in the context of theatre as an artistic medium; it is then contextualised in terms of its 20th development through the Century; and definitions are offered of the major elements at play within Visual Theatre. A series of interviews conducted with five creator/ directors from four South African companies working in the general terrain of Visual Theatre is used to contextualise current practice in South Africa and to locate my own work. The interviews are used to establish trends of thought around the object/puppet and its relationship in theatre to constructed reality. The views of these practitioners on their own creative process as well as my observations about their practical work are used as examples throughout
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