92 research outputs found

    An Exploration of One Girl’s Experiences in Elective Physical Education: Why Does She Continue?

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    Participation in high school Physical Education (PE) contributes to the overall health of adolescents. However, many girls discontinue enrollment in PE as soon as the mandatory credits are met. Tailored PE courses designed to meet the needs and interests of girls may motivate them to continue participating in PE. This case study explored one girl’s story of her past experiences in PE, as well as her current experiences in a tailored elective PE course. We explored how this girl’s experiences with the course content, learning environment, and assessment affected her perceptions of PE. Findings emphasized the importance of variety within PE course content, a welcoming environment, fair and private assessment, and feelings of confidence, social safety, and competence for girls in PE.La participation aux cours d’éducation physique Ă  l’école secondaire contribue Ă  la santĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale des adolescents. Toutefois, plusieurs adolescentes arrĂȘtent de s’inscrire aux cours d’éducation physique dĂšs qu’elles ont obtenu le nombre obligatoire de crĂ©dits. Des cours adaptĂ©s pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins et aux intĂ©rĂȘts des filles pourraient les motiver Ă  continuer Ă  s’inscrire aux cours d’éducation physique. Cette Ă©tude de cas porte sur le rĂ©cit d’une adolescente qui raconte, d’une part, ses expĂ©riences dans le passĂ© avec des cours d’éducation physique et, d’autre part, ses expĂ©riences actuelles dans un cours d’éducation physique adaptĂ© et facultatif. Nous nous penchons sur ses expĂ©riences relatives au contenu du cours, au milieu d’apprentissage et Ă  l’évaluation pour voir dans quelle mesure ces facteurs ont influencĂ© sa perception de l’éducation physique. Les rĂ©sultats soulignent l’importance, pour les adolescentes suivant des cours d’éducation physique, de la variĂ©tĂ© dans le contenu des cours, d’un milieu accueillant, d’une Ă©valuation juste et privĂ©e, et de sentiments de confiance, sĂ©curitĂ© et compĂ©tence.

    Monitoring of millimeter-scale deformations in Tallinn using repeated leveling and PS-InSAR analysis of Sentinel-1 data

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate millimeter-scale deformations in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, by using repeated leveling data and the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of Sentinel-1 satellite mission. The persistent scattered interferometric SAR (PS-InSAR) analysis of images from ascending and descending orbits from June 2016 to November 2021 resulted the line-of-sight (LOS) displacement velocities in the Tallinn city center. Velocity solutions were estimated for the full period of time, but also for shorter periods to monitor deformation changes in yearly basis. The gridded LOS velocity models were used for the decomposition of east-west and vertical velocities. Additionally, the uncertainty of 2D velocity solutions was estimated by following the propagation of uncertainty. The 3D velocity of permanent GNSS station “MUS2” in Tallinn was used to unify the reference of all PS-InSAR velocity solutions. The results of the latest leveling in Tallinn city center in 2007/2008 and 2019 showed rather small subsidence rates which were in agreement with InSAR long-termsolution. However, the short-termInSAR velocity solutions revealed larger subsidence of city center with a rate about –10 mm/yr in 2016–2017, and the uplift around 5 mm/yr in 2018–2019 with relatively stable periods in 2017–2018 and 2019–2021. The inclusion of groundwater level observation data and the geological mapping information into the analysis revealed possible spatiotemporal correlation between the InSAR results and the groundwater level variations over the deep valleys buried under quaternary sediments

    Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles

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    Even though the entire Baltic Sea is included in previous geoid modelling projects such as the NKG2015 and EGG07, the accuracy of contemporary geoid models over marine areas remains unknown, presumably being offshore around 15–20 cm. An important part of the international cooperation project FAMOS (Finalising Surveys for the Baltic Motorways of the Sea) efforts is conducting new marine gravity observations for improving gravimetric quasigeoid modelling. New data is essential to the project as the existing gravimetric data over some regions of the Baltic Sea may be inaccurate and insufficiently scarce for the purpose of 5 cm accuracy geoid modelling. Therefore, it is important to evaluate geoid modelling outcome by independent data, for instance by shipborne GNSS measurements. Accordingly, this study presents results of the ship-borne marine gravity and GNSS campaign held on board the Estonian Maritime Administration survey vessel “Jakob Prei” in West-Estonian archipelago in June/July 2016. Emphasis of the study is on principles of using the GNSS profiles for validation of existing geoid models, post-processing of GNSS raw data and low-pass filtering of the GNSS results. Improvements in geoid modelling using new gravimetric data are also discussed. For example, accuracy of geoid models including the new marine gravity data increased 11 mm as assessed from GNSS profiles. It is concluded that the marine GNSS profiles have a potential in providing complementary constraints in problematic geoid modelling areas

    Mitochondria and Energetic Depression in Cell Pathophysiology

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of almost all diseases. Acquired or inherited mutations of the mitochondrial genome DNA may give rise to mitochondrial diseases. Another class of disorders, in which mitochondrial impairments are initiated by extramitochondrial factors, includes neurodegenerative diseases and syndromes resulting from typical pathological processes, such as hypoxia/ischemia, inflammation, intoxications, and carcinogenesis. Both classes of diseases lead to cellular energetic depression (CED), which is characterized by decreased cytosolic phosphorylation potential that suppresses the cell’s ability to do work and control the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and its redox state. If progressing, CED leads to cell death, whose type is linked to the functional status of the mitochondria. In the case of limited deterioration, when some amounts of ATP can still be generated due to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), mitochondria launch the apoptotic cell death program by release of cytochrome c. Following pronounced CED, cytoplasmic ATP levels fall below the thresholds required for processing the ATP-dependent apoptotic cascade and the cell dies from necrosis. Both types of death can be grouped together as a mitochondrial cell death (MCD). However, there exist multiple adaptive reactions aimed at protecting cells against CED. In this context, a metabolic shift characterized by suppression of OXPHOS combined with activation of aerobic glycolysis as the main pathway for ATP synthesis (Warburg effect) is of central importance. Whereas this type of adaptation is sufficiently effective to avoid CED and to control the cellular redox state, thereby ensuring the cell survival, it also favors the avoidance of apoptotic cell death. This scenario may underlie uncontrolled cellular proliferation and growth, eventually resulting in carcinogenesis


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