9 research outputs found

    Die große Lehre der Geschichte

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    In the course of the past three years no less than seven works have been added to the syntheses of European and German constitutional history which were published around the millennium. These new works include three one-volume editions intended for the use of colleges, two multi-volume editions in print and in microfiche form, and two compact discs. Two larger projects document German and European constitutional texts of the »long« 19th century; one of these projects plans to expand to the point of offering a complete edition of the constitutions of the modern world. This article analyses the criteria for the inclusion of the different constitutions, their presentation, the comments and the indices. It looks at the respective scholarly value of the various editions and it touches on the question of the editing format. In addition the reasons behind this significant upsurge in editions of constitutions are discussed

    “Das Problem des ‘geheimen Gesetzes‘“ und die Grenze des “Führernotrechts“. Erstveröffentlichung von Ernst Rudolf Hubers Vortrag “Gesetz und Maßnahme“ aus dem Wintersemester 1944/45

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    Ernst Rudolf Huber (1903-1990), Bonner Schüler Carl Schmitts, lehrte seit 1933 in Kiel, Leipzig und Straßburg als einer der exponiertesten nationalsozialistischen Staatsrechtslehrer. Die folgende Edition dokumentiert einen bisher unveröffentlichten Vortrag, der im Wintersemester 1944/45 im Heidelberger Seminar des Verfassungsrechtlers Ernst Forsthoff gehalten wurde. Die rechtstheoretische Erörterung der Entwicklung von “Gesetz und Maßnahme“ im Nationalsozialismus diskutiert das “Problem des ‘geheimen Gesetzes’“ sowie die Grenzen des “Führernotrechts“ unter der Fiktion einer fortdauernden rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion und relativen Unabhängigkeit der Justiz. Der Vortrag kann als gewichtiges Zeugnis und zugleich als Versuch der Selbstkritik und Abstandnahme betrachtet werden, soweit das einem nationalsozialistischen Rechtswissenschaftler im halböffentlichen universitären Rahmen und unter Akzeptanz des “Führernotrechts“ damals möglich war

    Evaluation of the collagen-boosting effects of a Moldavian dragonhead extract

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    Skin aging is a natural process that is influenced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as UV radiation, pollution, oxidative stress, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Premature skin aging affects millions of people worldwide, but treatment options are limited and often of invasive nature. Therefore, the demand for alternative natural and safe products for nutraceutical use is increasing. Moldavian dragonhead is known for its high content in flavonoid glucuronides and its antioxidative effects. However, its effect on skin appearance parameters is unknown to date. Our in-vitro study showed that treatment of mouse C2C12 cells with Moldavian dragonhead extract activates the innate longevity pathway involving the signaling kinase AMPK and the transcription factor FOXO1. In vivo, Moldavian dragonhead extract had a collagen-boosting effect preserving a youthful collagen expression and mass during aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, in humans, daily food supplementation with 200 mg Moldavian dragonhead dry extract (DracoBelleTM Nu) for eight weeks in an open pilot trial significantly increased skin moisturization and elasticity by 14.4 % and 6.7 %, respectively. Furthermore, skin density was increased as shown by ultrasound visualization. There were no reports of adverse events during the study period. We, therefore, conclude that Moldavian dragonhead extract presents a safe and effective treatment option for (photo) aged skin

    Lo público en el derecho internacional a la luz de “El concepto de lo político” de Schmitt

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    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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