65 research outputs found

    Language and cognition behind simile construction: A Python-powered corpus research

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    Despite the recognised role of similes in cognitive and communicative processes, there is a limited understanding of their construction and use in specific contexts, such as online food reviews. The study aims to explore the use of the ‘like + gerund’ simile pattern within the Extrinsic Food-Related Frame (FrF) – comparisons with inedible objects – in online food reviews and to understand the cognitive mechanisms guiding this specific form of simile construction and interpretation. To that end, the study addresses three research questions. How do reviewers use ‘like + gerund’ similes within the Extrinsic FrF to express their perceptions and experiences? What cognitive mechanisms underpin this specific form of simile construction and interpretation? Do these hyperbolically contrastive similes function as a form of aggressive narrative? The study employed a Python-powered corpus analysis of the Amazon Fine Foods Reviews dataset, focusing on ‘like + gerund’ simile detection, refinement, and frame detection, followed by cognitive mechanism identification, allowing for a systematic exploration of the cognitive mechanisms behind simile construction within the Extrinsic FrF. Study findings suggest that reviewers often use these similes to express striking or unexpected comparisons with inedible objects, emphasising their perceptions and experiences in an engaging and memorable way. Further, the analysis identified several cognitive mechanisms underpinning this unique form of simile construction and interpretation, suggesting a complex interplay between language, cognition, and personal and cultural experiences. The study also found that these hyperbolically contrastive similes can potentially function as a form of aggressive narrative. Such linguistic aggression, however, is not viewed as necessarily harmful or negative, as it is often a tool used by reviewers to express their experiences more vividly and persuasively. Study results have exposed how figurative language, particularly similes, shape our cognitive and communicative processes, expanding our understanding of the interplay between language, cognition, and consumer behaviour in specific contexts. This has both theoretical implications for cognitive linguistics and metaphor theory, and practical implications for narrative construction in online reviews

    Peculiarities of Indian English as a separate language

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    The following paper will reveal the varieties of English pronunciation in India, its features and characteristics. This research helped us to consider the history of occurrence of English in India, the influence of local languages on it, the birth of its own unique English, which is used in India now. The research highlights the impact of English on Indians in general and its modification as the individual language differs from other English variants. The paper illustrates the features of translation and vocabulary in Indian English, which will explore the specification uses of it. The research also provides variations of Indian English as dialect and pronunciation in India because it changes from north to south and east to west. To complete our study, we used a lot of methods, such as observation, comparative, elicitation approaches, collection and analysis of diverse information. Such topic and results of this research could help us to learn the differences in language implementation in different countries and could give some ideas to improve teaching methods that are used in schools and universities all over the world. In conclusion, we found out that the English language has considerably changed since its occurrence, and all these transformations are results of globalisation, the realisation of new technologies, development of media and strengthening of communication between different countries

    Optimization of the Process of Synthesis of Lignin – Phenol -Formaldehyde Organic Aerogels

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    Методом экспериментально-статистического анализа изучено влияние массового соотношения фенола и лигнина (Х1) и массового соотношения их смеси с формальдегидом (Х2) на значения параметров пористой структуры получаемых органических лигнин- фенол-формальдегидный аэрогелей. На основании оценки полученной математической модели установлено, что при соблюдении условий Х1 = 0,65-0,78, а Х2 = 1,7 прогнозируемые максимальные значения удельной поверхности и объема мезопор получаемого органического аэрогеля составляют 485 м2/г и 1,85 г/см3 соответственно. При оптимальных значениях Х1 = 0,25, а Х2 = 1,25 рассчитанные значения объема макропор достигают 4,05 см3/г, а общего объема пор – 4,67 см3/гThe method of experimental statistical analysis was applied to study the effect of mass ratio of phenol and lignin (factor X1) and the weight ratio of thereof mixture with formaldehyde (factor X2) on the values of specific parameters of the porous structure obtained organic lignin – phenolformaldehyde aerogels. Based on the evaluation of the mathematical model was established that under the observance terms of X1 = 0,65-0,78 and X2 = 1,7 the maximum predicted values of the specific surface area and mesopore volume of obtained organic aerogels are 485 m2 /g and 1,83 cm3/g, accordingly. Under optimal values of X1 = 0.25, and X2 = 1.25 calculated values reach a macropore volume of 4.05 cm3 /g and total pore volume – 4.67 cm 3 /

    Biosourced, highly porous, carbon xerogel microspherest

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    The first tannin-based carbon xerogel microspheres were prepared and characterised. The materials were synthesised by inverse emulsion polymerisation in sunflower oil, based on the same formulation but using two main independent variables: stirring speed and surfactant amount. The resultant sol–gel spheres were then washed, dried in air, and pyrolysed. The effect of stirring speed and surfactant amount on carbon microsphere size distribution and porous texture was investigated in detail. Depending on the cases, ultramicroporous carbon microspheres with extremely narrow pore size distributions centred at 0.4–0.5 nm, zero mesoporosity, negligible macroporosity and median diameters close to 40 mm, could be obtained. These characteristics are typical of expensive commercial carbon molecular sieves, whereas the present materials were prepared with cheap and renewable precursors using a very simple method

    Cryogels: Morphological, structural and adsorption characterisation

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    Studies of the conversion processes of the wood lignin to hydrocarbon liquids and aerogels

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    Cette thèse décrit le développement de procédés utilisables pour valoriser des extraits de bois afin de préparer : (1) des combustibles (hydrocarbures) liquides ; (2) des matériaux poreux avec des applications potentielles dans les domaines de l’énergie et l’environnement, notamment isolation thermique, catalyse, piégeage et séparation de micropolluants. Les extraits de bois en question sont des lignines, associées ou non à des tannins. Les deux types de matériaux sont actuellement peu valorisés, et l’on montre qu’ils peuvent être source de valeur ajoutée au travers des procédés rapportés dans ce mémoireThe present thesis describes the development of processes which can be used for valorizing wood extracts in the aim of preparing: (1) liquid (hydrocarbon) fuels; (2) porous materials with potential energy and environmental applications, namely thermal insulation, catalysis, abatement or separation of micropollutants. The wood extracts in question are lignins, associated or not with tannins. Both kinds of materials are presently poorly valorized, and it is shown here that they can lead to high added-value products through the processes reported in this PhD dissertatio

    English linguistic purism: history, development, criticism

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    Linguistic purism as an area of linguistic analysis describes the practices of identification and acknowledgement of a certain language variety as more structurally advanced as compared to its other varieties. Linguistic protection is associated with preservation of some abstract, classical, conservative linguistic ideal and performs the regulatory function, above all. The puristic approach to the development of the English language has been subjected to heated debate for several centuries and is reflected in both scientific research and literary texts. Supporters of purification of the English language champion the idea of protection of “pure language”. The idea, however, is actively criticized by opponents

    Études des procédés de conversion de la lignine de bois en hydrocarbures liquides et en aérogels

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    The present thesis describes the development of processes which can be used for valorizing wood extracts in the aim of preparing: (1) liquid (hydrocarbon) fuels; (2) porous materials with potential energy and environmental applications, namely thermal insulation, catalysis, abatement or separation of micropollutants. The wood extracts in question are lignins, associated or not with tannins. Both kinds of materials are presently poorly valorized, and it is shown here that they can lead to high added-value products through the processes reported in this PhD dissertationCette thèse décrit le développement de procédés utilisables pour valoriser des extraits de bois afin de préparer : (1) des combustibles (hydrocarbures) liquides ; (2) des matériaux poreux avec des applications potentielles dans les domaines de l’énergie et l’environnement, notamment isolation thermique, catalyse, piégeage et séparation de micropolluants. Les extraits de bois en question sont des lignines, associées ou non à des tannins. Les deux types de matériaux sont actuellement peu valorisés, et l’on montre qu’ils peuvent être source de valeur ajoutée au travers des procédés rapportés dans ce mémoir

    The linguistic landscape of “controversial”: sentiment and theme distribution insights

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    The language used to frame controversial topics on social media has profound implications for public discourse and opinion formation, warranting a close examination of their sentiment and thematic distribution. This study investigates the sentiment and themes associated with controversial topics by analyzing Reddit posts containing the token “controversial” in their titles on three news-related subreddits, aiming to bridge a gap in existing literature by focusing on platform-specific sentiment analysis with an emphasis on content typology. A mixed-methods NLP approach instrumented via Python was employed, combining VADER-supported sentiment analysis and a qualitative content analysis using n-grams to identify and categorize themes. The sentiment analysis results indicated that most of the content had neutral sentiment, which testifies to the predominantly fact-based approach to presenting information with lack of strong emotional connotations. However, the overall compound sentiment scores were negative, which suggests a strong negative undertone in the framing of controversial topics. The theme distribution analysis revealed that Politics and Legislation was the most predominant theme, followed by Technology and Surveillance, Social Issues and Controversies, Health and Medicine, and Environment and Energy. This distribution attests to a range of societal issues that generate controversy on social media platforms. Study findings can be used by content creators and social media analysts to track online content sentiment, guide content moderation practices, and improve audience engagement. By demonstrating the potential of NLP techniques, this study also contributes to the fields of media research and language technology, which can encourage a better scholarly evaluation of online discourse

    Communicative effect achieved through speech acts of manipulation

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    Linguistic manipulation is a relatively new trend studies in the framework of pragmatics and generally defined as any verbal interaction viewed as goal-oriented and goal-preconditioned phenomenon. It is verbal communication described from the perspective of one of the speakers when he sees himself as a subject of manipulation, while his interlocutor plays the role of an object. Speech acts of manipulation expressed through a variety of utterances having a number of specific aims are used to directly or indirectly convey certain meanings. The article suggest a comprehensive analysis of linguistic means used to construct various types of manipulating and motivating speech acts aimed at conveying different tinges of meaning