28 research outputs found

    Early music printing in german-speaking lands

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    Printing was first established in Mainz, the seat of the archbishop who was the most important of the seven Electors of the Holy Roman Empire and head of the largest ecclesiastical province of that Empire, containing 17,000 clerics who made a perfect market for liturgical books.1 The Council of Basel had ended in 1449 with the imperative to distribute newly reformed liturgical texts across Europe, and music was an integral part of those reformed texts. Although it appeared that the entire international church was behind the adoption of the conciliar reformed Liber Ordinarius, the Council of the Province of Mainz that met in 1451 voted against what was essentially a Roman liturgy, supporting instead a text offered by the archbishop of Mainz.2 Despite the pope’s threat to use military force if necessary, the council ended by sending bishops and abbots back to their homes to create unique reformed diocesan and monastic texts in a giant exercise in textual editing.

    La musique en Picardie du XIVe au XVIIe siècle

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    Pendant plusieurs siècles qui vont de l'édification des grandes cathédrales gothiques à la fin du règne d'Henri IV, la Picardie fut le berceau d'une production musicale fascinante. En témoignent des sources musicales incontournables (le graduel 239 de Laon), la lyrique profane des trouvères picards, les 'organa' de l''Ars vetus' ou la polyphonie de la Renaissance. Trois siècles durant, des générations de chantres formés dans des maîtrises picardes allaient devenir des interprètes recherchés et des compositeurs adulés. Ils envahissent les plus prestigieuses institutions musicales européennes, constituant une nation éclatée de musiciens que l'histoire dira " franco-flamands ". Cet ouvrage tente de tracer les conditions de l'émergence de ces générations, en parcourant un vaste territoire aux frontières fluctuantes, en scrutant les rares sources conservées, en visitant les lieux de formation et de pratique, en suivant des destins pour les uns banals, pour les autres brillants

    Thomas Middleton and the early modern theatre

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    The dyer’s hand

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