76 research outputs found

    Small-scale systems of galaxies. IV. Searching for the faint galaxy population associated with X-ray detected isolated E+S pairs

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    In hierarchical evolutionary scenarios, isolated, physical pairs may represent an intermediate phase, or "way station", between collapsing groups and isolated elliptical (E) galaxies (or fossil groups). We started a comprehensive study of a sample of galaxy pairs composed of a giant E and a spiral (S) with the aim of investigating their formation/evolutionary history from observed optical and X-ray properties. Here we present VLT-VIMOS observations designed to identify faint galaxies associated with the E+S systems from candidate lists generated using photometric criteria on WFI images covering an area of ~ 0.2 h^{-1} Mpc radius around the pairs. The results are discussed in the context of the evolution of poor galaxy group associations. A comparison between the Optical Luminosity Functions (OLFs) of our E+S systems and a sample of X-ray bright poor groups suggest that the OLF of X-ray detected poor galaxy systems is not universal. The OLF of our X-ray bright systems suggests that they are more dynamically evolved than our X-ray faint sample and some X-ray bright groups in the literature. However, we suggest that the X-ray faint E+S pairs represent a phase in the dynamical evolution of some X-ray bright poor galaxy groups. The recent or ongoing interaction in which the E member of the X-ray faint pairs is involved could have decreased the luminosity of any surrounding X-ray emitting gas.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Nature vs. nurture in the low-density environment: structure and evolution of early-type dwarf galaxies in poor groups

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    We present the stellar population properties of 13 dwarf galaxies residing in poor groups (low-density environment, LDE) observed with VIMOS@VLT. Ages, metallicities, and [alpha/Fe] ratios were derived from the Lick indices Hbeta, Mgb, Fe5270 and Fe5335 through comparison with our simple stellar population (SSP) models accounting for variable [alpha/Fe] ratios. For a fiducial subsample of 10 early-type dwarfs we derive median values and scatters around the medians of 5.7 \pm 4.4 Gyr, -0.26 \pm 0.28, and -0.04 \pm 0.33 for age, log Z/Zsun, and [alpha/Fe], respectively. For a selection of bright early-type galaxies (ETGs) from the Annibali et al.2007 sample residing in comparable environment we derive median values of 9.8 \pm 4.1 Gyr, 0.06 \pm 0.16, and 0.18 \pm 0.13 for the same stellar population parameters. It follows that dwarfs are on average younger, less metal rich, and less enhanced in the alpha-elements than giants, in agreement with the extrapolation to the low mass regime of the scaling relations derived for giant ETGs. From the total (dwarf + giant) sample we derive that age \propto sigma^{0.39 \pm 0.22}, Z \propto sigma^{0.80 \pm 0.16}, and alpha/Fe \propto sigma^{0.42 \pm 0.22}. We also find correlations with morphology, in the sense that the metallicity and the [alpha/Fe] ratio increase with the Sersic index n or with the bulge-to-total light fraction B/T. The presence of a strong morphology-[alpha/Fe] relation appears to be in contradiction to the possible evolution along the Hubble sequence from low B/T (low n) to high B/T (high n) galaxies. We also investigate the role played by environment comparing the properties of our LDE dwarfs with those of Coma red passive dwarfs from the literature. We find possible evidence that LDE dwarfs experienced more prolonged star formations than Coma dwarfs, however larger data samples are needed to draw more firm conclusions.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Gas Accretion as a Dominant Formation Mode in Massive Galaxies from the GOODS NICMOS Survey

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    The ability to resolve all processes which drive galaxy formation is one of the most fundamental goals in extragalactic astronomy. While star formation rates and the merger history are now measured with increasingly high certainty, the role of gas accretion from the intergalactic medium in supplying gas for star formation still remains largely unknown. We present in this paper indirect evidence for the accretion of gas into massive galaxies with initial stellar masses M_*>10^{11} M_sol and following the same merger adjusted co-moving number density at lower redshifts during the epoch 1.5 < z < 3, using results from the GOODS NICMOS Survey (GNS). We show that the measured gas mass fractions of these massive galaxies are inconsistent with the observed star formation history for the same galaxy population. We further demonstrate that this additional gas mass cannot be accounted for by cold gas delivered through minor and major mergers. We also consider the effects of gas outflows and gas recycling due to stellar evolution in these calculations. We argue that to sustain star formation at the observed rates there must be additional methods for increasing the cold gas mass, and that the likeliest method for establishing this supply of gas is by accretion from the intergalactic medium. We calculate that the average gas mass accretion rate into these massive galaxies between 1.5 < z < 3.0, is \dot{M} = 96+/-19 M_sol/yr after accounting for outflowing gas. We show that during this epoch, and for these very massive galaxies, 49+/-20% of baryonic mass assembly is a result of gas accretion and unresolved mergers. However, 66+/-20% of all star formation in this epoch is the result of gas accretion. This reveals that for the most massive galaxies at 1.5< z< 3 gas accretion is the dominant method for instigating new stellar mass assembly.Comment: MNRAS in press, 11 pages, 5 figure

    The importance of the local density in shaping the galaxy stellar mass functions

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    Exploiting the capabilities of four different surveys --- the Padova-Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC), the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS), the IMACS Cluster Building Survey (ICBS) and the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) --- we analyze the galaxy stellar mass distribution as a function of local density in mass-limited samples, in the field and in clusters from low (z>0.04) to high (z<0.8) redshift. We find that at all redshifts and in all environments, local density plays a role in shaping the mass distribution. In the field, it regulates the shape of the mass function at any mass above the mass limits. In clusters, it seems to be important only at low masses (log M_ast/M_sun <10.1 in WINGS and log M_ast/M_sun < 10.4 in EDisCS), otherwise it seems not to influence the mass distribution. Putting together our results with those of Calvi et al. and Vulcani et al. for the global environment, we argue that at least at z≤0.8z\leq 0.8 local density is more important than global environment in determining the galaxy stellar mass distribution, suggesting that galaxy properties are not much dependent of halo mass, but do depend on local scale processes.Comment: MNRAS accepted, in pres

    A Deep Probe of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Functions at z~1-3 with the GOODS NICMOS Survey

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    We use a sample of 8298 galaxies observed in the HST GOODS NICMOS Survey (GNS) to construct the galaxy stellar mass function as a function of both redshift and stellar mass up to z=3.5 and down to masses of Mstar=10^8.5 Msun at z~1. We discover that a significant fraction of all massive Mstar>10^11 Msun galaxies are in place up to the highest redshifts we probe, with a decreasing fraction of lower mass galaxies present at all redshifts. This is an example of `galaxy mass downsizing', and is the result of massive galaxies forming before lower mass ones, and not just simply ending their star formation earlier as in traditional downsizing scenarios. We find that the faint end slope is significantly steeper than what is found in previous investigations. We demonstrate that this steeper mass function better matches the stellar mass added due to star formation, thereby alleviating some of the mismatch between these two measures of the evolution of galaxy mass. We furthermore examine the stellar mass function divided into blue/red systems, as well as for star forming and non-star forming galaxies. We find a similar mass downsizing present for both blue/red and star-forming/non-star forming galaxies, and that the low mass galaxies are mostly all blue, and are therefore creating the steep mass functions. We furthermore show that, although there is a downsizing such that high mass galaxies are nearer their z=0 values at high redshift, this turns over at masses Mstar~10^10 Msun, such that the lowest mass galaxies are more common than galaxies at slight higher masses, creating a `dip' in the observed galaxy mass function. We argue that the galaxy assembly process may be driven by different mechanisms at low and high masses, and that the efficiency of the galaxy formation process is lowest at masses Mstar~10^10 Msun at 1<z<3. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS, accepte

    Hot gas in groups: NGC 5328 and the intriguing case of NGC 4756 with XMM-Newton

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    [Abridged] NGC 5238 and NGC 4756 are the brightest unperturbed elliptical galaxies in their respective loose groups. In the present study we aim at characterizing the properties of the hot gas in the halos of the brightest members and in the environment. In NGC 4756 we are also interested in the properties of a substructure identified to the SW and the region connecting the two structures, to search for a physical connection between the two. However, we have to take into account the fact that the group is projected against the bright, X-ray emitting cluster A1361, which heavily contaminates and confuses the emission from the foreground structure. We present a careful analysis of XMM-Newton data of the groups to separate different components. We also present a re-evaluation of the dynamical properties of the systems and . SPH simulations to interpret the results. We find that the X-ray source associated with NGC 4756 indeed sits on top of extended emission from the background cluster A1361, but can be relatively well distinguished from it as a significant excess over it out to r\sim150"\ (~40 kpc). NGC 4756 has an X-ray luminosity of ~10^41 erg/s due to hot gas, with an average temperature of kT\sim0.7 keV. We measure a faint diffuse emission also in the region of the subclump to the SW, but more interestingly, we detect gas between the two structures, indicating a possible physical connection. The X-ray emission from NGC 5328 is clearly peaked on the galaxy, also at 10^41 erg/s, and extends to r\sim110 kpc. Simulations provide an excellent reproduction of the SED and the global properties of both galaxies, which are caught at two different epochs of the same evolutionary process, with NGC 5328 ~2.5 Gyr younger than NGC 4756.Comment: Accepted for publication, Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A WFC3 Grism Emission Line Redshift Catalog in the GOODS-South Field

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    We combine HST/WFC3 imaging and G141 grism observations from the CANDELS and 3D-HST surveys to produce a catalog of grism spectroscopic redshifts for galaxies in the CANDELS/GOODS-South field. The WFC3/G141 grism spectra cover a wavelength range of 1.1<lambda<1.7 microns with a resolving power of R~130 for point sources, thus providing rest-frame optical spectra for galaxies out to z~3.5. The catalog is selected in the H-band (F160W) and includes both galaxies with and without previously published spectroscopic redshifts. Grism spectra are extracted for all H-band detected galaxies with H<24 and a CANDELS photometric redshift z_phot > 0.6. The resulting spectra are visually inspected to identify emission lines and redshifts are determined using cross-correlation with empirical spectral templates. To establish the accuracy of our redshifts, we compare our results against high-quality spectroscopic redshifts from the literature. Using a sample of 411 control galaxies, this analysis yields a precision of sigma_NMAD=0.0028 for the grism-derived redshifts, which is consistent with the accuracy reported by the 3D-HST team. Our final catalog covers an area of 153 square arcmin and contains 1019 redshifts for galaxies in GOODS-S. Roughly 60% (608/1019) of these redshifts are for galaxies with no previously published spectroscopic redshift. These new redshifts span a range of 0.677 < z < 3.456 and have a median redshift of z=1.282. The catalog contains a total of 234 new redshifts for galaxies at z>1.5. In addition, we present 20 galaxy pair candidates identified for the first time using the grism redshifts in our catalog, including four new galaxy pairs at z~2, nearly doubling the number of such pairs previously identified.Comment: 25 Pages, 9 Figures, submitted to A

    The relationship between star formation rates, local density and stellar mass up to z ~ 3 in the GOODS NICMOS Survey

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    We investigate the relation between star formation rates and local galaxy environment for a stellar mass selected galaxy sample in the redshift range 1.5 < z < 3. We use near-infra-red imaging from an extremely deep Hubble Space Telescope survey, the GOODS-NICMOS Survey (GNS) to measure local galaxy densities based on the nearest neighbour approach, while star-formation rates are estimated from rest-frame UV-fluxes. Due to our imaging depth we can examine galaxies down to a colour-independent stellar mass completeness limit of log M\ast = 9.5 M\odot at z ~ 3. We find a strong dependence of star formation activity on galaxy stellar mass over the whole redshift range, which does not depend on local environment. The average star formation rates are largely independent of local environment apart from in the highest relative over-densities. Galaxies in over-densities of a factor of > 5 have on average lower star formation rates by a factor of 2 - 3, but only up to redshifts of z ~ 2. We do not see any evidence for AGN activity influencing these relations. We also investigate the influence of the very local environment on star-formation activity by counting neighbours within 30 kpc radius. This shows that galaxies with two or more close neighbours have on average significantly lower star formation rates as well as lower specific star formation rates up to z ~ 2.5. We suggest that this might be due to star formation quenching induced by galaxy merging processes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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