7,107 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative deformation of D-brane states by the world sheet noncommutativity

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    By introducing the noncommutativity in the world sheet, we discuss a modification of the D-brane states in the closed string theory. In particular we show how the world sheet noncommutativity induces a nonperturbative effect to the D-brane states.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Mixing of Active and Sterile Neutrinos

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    We investigate mixing of neutrinos in the ν\nuMSM (neutrino Minimal Standard Model), which is the MSM extended by three right-handed neutrinos. Especially, we study elements of the mixing matrix ΘαI\Theta_{\alpha I} between three left-handed neutrinos να\nu_\alpha (α=e,μ,τ\alpha = e,\mu,\tau) and two sterile neutrinos NIN_I (I=2,3I=2,3) which are responsible to the seesaw mechanism generating the suppressed masses of active neutrinos as well as the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU). It is shown that ΘeI\Theta_{eI} can be suppressed by many orders of magnitude compared with ΘμI\Theta_{\mu I} and ΘτI\Theta_{\tau I}, when the Chooz angle θ13\theta_{13} is large in the normal hierarchy of active neutrino masses. We then discuss the neutrinoless double beta decay in this framework by taking into account the contributions not only from active neutrinos but also from all the three sterile neutrinos. It is shown that N2N_2 and N3N_3 give substantial, destructive contributions when their masses are smaller than a few 100 MeV, and as a results ΘeI\Theta_{e I} receive no stringent constraint from the current bounds on such decay. Finally, we discuss the impacts of the obtained results on the direct searches of N2,3N_{2,3} in meson decays for the case when N2,3N_{2,3} are lighter than pion mass. We show that there exists the allowed region for N2,3N_{2,3} with such small masses in the normal hierarchy case even if the current bound on the lifetimes of N2,3N_{2,3} from the big bang nucleosynthesis is imposed. It is also pointed out that the direct search by using π+e++N2,3\pi^+ \to e^+ + N_{2,3} and K+e++N2,3K^+ \to e^+ + N_{2,3} might miss such N2,3N_{2,3} since the branching ratios can be extremely small due to the cancellation in ΘeI\Theta_{eI}, but the search by K+μ++N2,3K^+ \to \mu^+ + N_{2,3} can cover the whole allowed region by improving the measurement of the branching ratio by a factor of 5.Comment: 30 pages, 32 figure

    Leading order analysis of neutrino induced dimuon events in the CHORUS experiment

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    We present a leading order QCD analysis of a sample of neutrino induced charged-current events with two muons in the final state originating in the lead-scintillating fibre calorimeter of the CHORUS detector. The results are based on a sample of 8910 neutrino and 430 antineutrino induced opposite-sign dimuon events collected during the exposure of the detector to the CERN Wide Band Neutrino Beam between 1995 and 1998. % with Eμ1,Eμ2>5E_{\mu 1},E_{\mu 2} > 5 GeV and Q2>3Q^2 > 3 GeV2^2 collected %between 1995 and 1998. The analysis yields a value of the charm quark mass of \mc = (1.26\pm 0.16 \pm 0.09) \GeVcc and a value of the ratio of the strange to non-strange sea in the nucleon of κ=0.33±0.05±0.05\kappa = 0.33 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.05, improving the results obtained in similar analyses by previous experiments.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Neutrino Mass and μe+γ\mu \rightarrow e + \gamma from a Mini-Seesaw

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    The recently proposed "mini-seesaw mechanism" combines naturally suppressed Dirac and Majorana masses to achieve light Standard Model neutrinos via a low-scale seesaw. A key feature of this approach is the presence of multiple light (order GeV) sterile-neutrinos that mix with the Standard Model. In this work we study the bounds on these light sterile-neutrinos from processes like \mu ---> e + \gamma, invisible Z-decays, and neutrinoless double beta-decay. We show that viable parameter space exists and that, interestingly, key observables can lie just below current experimental sensitivities. In particular, a motivated region of parameter space predicts a value of BR(\mu ---> e + \gamma) within the range to be probed by MEG.Comment: 1+26 pages, 7 figures. v2 JHEP version (typo's fixed, minor change to presentation, results unchanged

    Comparison of large-angle production of charged pions with incident protons on cylindrical long and short targets

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    The HARP collaboration has presented measurements of the double-differential pi+/pi- production cross-section in the range of momentum 100 MeV/c <= p 800 MeV/c and angle 0.35 rad <= theta <= 2.15 rad with proton beams hitting thin nuclear targets. In many applications the extrapolation to long targets is necessary. In this paper the analysis of data taken with long (one interaction length) solid cylindrical targets made of carbon, tantalum and lead is presented. The data were taken with the large acceptance HARP detector in the T9 beam line of the CERN PS. The secondary pions were produced by beams of protons with momenta 5 GeV/c, 8 GeV/c and 12 GeV/c. The tracking and identification of the produced particles were performed using a small-radius cylindrical time projection chamber (TPC) placed inside a solenoidal magnet. Incident protons were identified by an elaborate system of beam detectors. Results are obtained for the double-differential yields per target nucleon d2 sigma / dp dtheta. The measurements are compared with predictions of the MARS and GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figure

    Forward production of charged pions with incident π±\pi^{\pm} on nuclear targets measured at the CERN PS

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    Measurements of the double-differential π±\pi^{\pm} production cross-section in the range of momentum 0.5 \GeVc \leq p \le 8.0 \GeVc and angle 0.025 \rad \leq \theta \le 0.25 \rad in interactions of charged pions on beryllium, carbon, aluminium, copper, tin, tantalum and lead are presented. These data represent the first experimental campaign to systematically measure forward pion hadroproduction. The data were taken with the large acceptance HARP detector in the T9 beam line of the CERN PS. Incident particles, impinging on a 5% nuclear interaction length target, were identified by an elaborate system of beam detectors. The tracking and identification of the produced particles was performed using the forward spectrometer of the HARP detector. Results are obtained for the double-differential cross-sections d2σ/dpdΩ {{\mathrm{d}^2 \sigma}}/{{\mathrm{d}p\mathrm{d}\Omega}} mainly at four incident pion beam momenta (3 \GeVc, 5 \GeVc, 8 \GeVc and 12 \GeVc). The measurements are compared with the GEANT4 and MARS Monte Carlo simulationComment: to be published on Nuclear Physics

    Measurement of the production of charged pions by protons on a tantalum target

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    A measurement of the double-differential cross-section for the production of charged pions in proton--tantalum collisions emitted at large angles from the incoming beam direction is presented. The data were taken in 2002 with the HARP detector in the T9 beam line of the CERN PS. The pions were produced by proton beams in a momentum range from 3 \GeVc to 12 \GeVc hitting a tantalum target with a thickness of 5% of a nuclear interaction length. The angular and momentum range covered by the experiment (100 \MeVc \le p < 800 \MeVc and 0.35 \rad \le \theta <2.15 \rad) is of particular importance for the design of a neutrino factory. The produced particles were detected using a small-radius cylindrical time projection chamber (TPC) placed in a solenoidal magnet. Track recognition, momentum determination and particle identification were all performed based on the measurements made with the TPC. An elaborate system of detectors in the beam line ensured the identification of the incident particles. Results are shown for the double-differential cross-sections d2σ/dpdθ{{\mathrm{d}^2 \sigma}} / {{\mathrm{d}p\mathrm{d}\theta}} at four incident proton beam momenta (3 \GeVc, 5 \GeVc, 8 \GeVc and 12 \GeVc). In addition, the pion yields within the acceptance of typical neutrino factory designs are shown as a function of beam momentum. The measurement of these yields within a single experiment eliminates most systematic errors in the comparison between rates at different beam momenta and between positive and negative pion production.Comment: 49 pages, 31 figures. Version accepted for publication on Eur. Phys. J.

    Charged-Particle Multiplicities in Charged-Current Neutrino-- and Anti-Neutrino--Nucleus Interactions

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    The CHORUS experiment, designed to search for νμντ\nu_{\mu}\to\nu_{\tau} oscillations, consists of a nuclear emulsion target and electronic detectors. In this paper, results on the production of charged particles in a small sample of charged-current neutrino-- and anti-neutrino--nucleus interactions at high energy are presented. For each event, the emission angle and the ionization features of the charged particles produced in the interaction are recorded, while the standard kinematic variables are reconstructed using the electronic detectors. The average multiplicities for charged tracks, the pseudo-rapidity distributions, the dispersion in the multiplicity of charged particles and the KNO scaling are studied in different kinematical regions. A study of quasi-elastic topologies performed for the first time in nuclear emulsions is also reported. The results are presented in a form suitable for use in the validation of Monte Carlo generators of neutrino--nucleus interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure