23 research outputs found
2.2. Levi ben Gershom / Gersonides
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Divine Omniscience, Contingency and Prophecy in Gersonides
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1985
- Field of study
Philosophical Interpretations of the Bible
- Author
- Abrabanel
- Abrabanel
- Abrabanel
- Abrahams
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Ackrill
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Aertsen
- Ajdler
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Iji
- Al-Shahrastānī
- Albalag
- Albo
- Alonso
- Alonso
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Anatoli
- Anatoli
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arama
- Asín Palacios
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avicenna
- Avineri
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Balme
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barr
- Barzilei
- Baudry
- Baumgardt
- Ben Abraham
- Ben Abraham
- Ben Asher
- Ben Asher
- Ben Sasson
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Benedetto
- Benjacob
- Berger
- Berger
- Berger
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Bielawski
- Biesterfeldt
- Biesterfeldt
- Birnbaum
- Birnbaum
- Black
- Black
- Blair
- Bland
- Bland
- Blaustein
- Bleich
- Blidstein
- Blidstein
- Blumberg
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Bnaya
- Bobzien
- Boethius
- Boll
- Boll
- Borisov
- Borodowski
- Bos
- Bos
- Bos
- Bouché-Leclerc
- Brague
- Broadie
- Brody
- Broydé
- Buijs
- Buridan
- Bursill-Hall
- Busi
- Butterworth
- Butterworth
- Bynum Walker
- Chertoff
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cole
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cornford
- Corrigan
- Crenshaw
- Crenshaw
- Crescas
- Crescas
- Crisp
- Crisp
- Cumont
- Cumont
- Cumont
- Curley
- Dahan
- Daiber
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- Dan
- Danby
- Darwall
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
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- Deleuze
- Dhanani
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- Diamond
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- Dienstag
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- Diesendruck
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- Dillon
- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Donagan
- Dreyer
- Drori
- Druart
- Duhem
- Duhem
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- Dundabin
- Duran
- Duran
- d⼹Alverny
- Edel
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- Efros
- Efros
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- Eisen
- Elamrani-Jamal
- Emery
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Even Shmuel
- Even-Shemuel
- Fakhry
- Fakhry
- Faur
- Fazzo
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
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- Fenton
- Fenton
- Fenton
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- Fischel
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- Fischer
- Fleischer
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- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
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- Fox
- Fox
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- Fraenkel
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- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
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- Friedlander
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- Gammie
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- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Garrett
- Gauthier
- Gellman
- Genequand
- Geoffroy
- Gerson
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gilson
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- Glasner
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- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goitein
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- Goldstein
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- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
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- Grant
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- Greenberg
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- Grossman
- Grossman
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- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
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- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
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- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
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- Halkin
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Hampshire
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- Haq
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- Harris
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- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
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- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
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- Heller-Wilensky
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- Husik
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- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
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- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Daud
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- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
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- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
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- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
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- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
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- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
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- Ibn Tzaddiq
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- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
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- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
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- Jospe
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- Kadushin
- Kadushin
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- Kahn
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- Kaplan
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- Kasher
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- Kaufmann
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- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
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- Kimhi
- Kimhi
- Kimhi
- King
- Kirchheim
- Kirk
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
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- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
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- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
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- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
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- Kretzmann
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- Kupfer
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- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
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- Lasker
- Lasker
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- Lerner
- Lerner
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- Liebes
- Liebes
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- Lockshin
- Lockshin
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- Loewe
- Loewe
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- Lorberbaum
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- Mahdi
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- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
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- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
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- Matt
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- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
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- Pessin
- Pessin
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- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
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- Pinborg
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- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
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- Proclus
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- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
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- Rawidowicz
- Rawidowicz
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- Regev
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- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
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- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
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- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
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- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
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- Rothschild
- Rothschild
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- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
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- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
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- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
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- Sarna
- Sarna
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- Schlanger
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- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Schreiner
- Schwamm
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
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- Schwarz
- Schwarzschild
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- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schäfer
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- Scott
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- Seeskin
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- Sela
- Sela
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- Septimus
- Septimus
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- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
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- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
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- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
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- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
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- Steinschneider
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- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
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- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
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- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
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- Susser
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- Talmage
- Talmage
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- Thillet
- Thillet
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- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
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- Tirosh-Samuelson
- Tirosh-Samuelson
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- Tishby
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- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
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- Trinkaus
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- Twersky
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- Urbach
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- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
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- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
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- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Yerushalmi
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- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zurayk
- Zwiep
- Zwiep
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Theodicy and providence
- Author
- Abrabanel
- Abrabanel
- Abrahams
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Ackrill
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Aertsen
- Ajdler
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Iji
- Al-Shahrastānī
- Albalag
- Albo
- Alonso
- Alonso
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Anatoli
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arama
- Asín Palacios
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avicenna
- Avineri
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Balme
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barr
- Barzilei
- Baudry
- Baumgardt
- Ben Abraham
- Ben Asher
- Ben Sasson
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Benedetto
- Benjacob
- Berger
- Berger
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Bielawski
- Biesterfeldt
- Biesterfeldt
- Birnbaum
- Birnbaum
- Black
- Black
- Blair
- Bland
- Bland
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- Bleich
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- Blidstein
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- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
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- Boethius
- Boll
- Boll
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- Borodowski
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- Bos
- Bos
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- Burrell
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- Busi
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- Butterworth
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- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
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- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
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- Cooper
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- Crescas
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- Crisp
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- Cumont
- Cumont
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- Curley
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- Daiber
- Dales
- Dan
- Dan
- Danby
- Darwall
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- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
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- Deleuze
- Dhanani
- Diamond
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- Dienstag
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- Diesendruck
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- Dillon
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- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
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- Duhem
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- Dundabin
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- Duran
- d⼹Alverny
- Edel
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- Efros
- Efros
- Eichrodt
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- Eisen
- Elamrani-Jamal
- Emery
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Even Shmuel
- Even-Shemuel
- Fakhry
- Fakhry
- Faur
- Fazzo
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
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- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
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- Guttmann
- Guttmann
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- Halevi
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- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
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- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
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- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
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- Ibn Tibbon
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- Idel
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- Idel
- Idel
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- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
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- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
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- Kogan
- Kogan
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- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
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- Kreisel
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- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
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- Lerner
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- Lorberbaum
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- Mahdi
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- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Malter
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- Mancha
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- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
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- Matt
- Matt
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- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
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- Nadler
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- Philo
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- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
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- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
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- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
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- Sermoneta
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- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
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- Touati
- Touati
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- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Yerushalmi
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- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zurayk
- Zwiep
- Zwiep
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Spinoza’s genealogical critique of his contemporaries’ axiology
- Author
- Benedict Rumbold
- Bennett Jonathan.
- Broad Charlie Dunbar.
- Curley Edwin.
- Curley Edwin.
- Deleuze Giles.
- Descartes René
- Feldman Seymour.
- Frankena William K.
- Garrett Don.
- Gullan-Whur Margaret.
- Hobbes Thomas.
- Hobbes Thomas.
- Hoy David Couzens.
- Hume David.
- Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides)
- Miller Jon.
- Nadler Steven.
- Nietzsche Friedrich.
- Ravven Heidi M.
- Ravven Heidi M.
- Roth Leon.
- Roth Leon.
- Rée Paul.
- Sasso Robert.
- Smith Steven B.
- Spinoza Benedict de.
- Spinoza Benedict de.
- Spinoza Benedict de.
- Strauss Leo.
- van Bunge Wiep.
- Williams Bernard A. O.
- Wolfson Harry Austryn.
- Xenophanes
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
Among Spinoza’s principal projects in the Ethics is his effort to “remove” certain metaethical prejudices from the minds of his readers, to “expose” them, as he has similar misconceptions about other matters, by submitting them to the “scrutiny of reason”. In this article, I consider the argumentative strategy Spinoza uses here – and its intellectual history – in depth. I argue that Spinoza’s method is best characterised as a genealogical analysis. As I recount, by Spinoza’s time of writing, these kinds of arguments already had a long and illustrious history. However, I also argue that, in his adoption of such strategies, we have good reason to think Spinoza’s primary influence was Gersonides. Elucidating this aspect of Spinoza’s critique of his contemporaries’ axiologies brings a number of explicatory and historical boons. However, regrettably, it also comes at a cost, revealing a significant flaw in Spinoza’s reasoning. Towards the end of this article, I consider the nature of this flaw, whether Spinoza can avoid it and its ramifications for Spinoza’s wider philosophical project
Egidio da Viterbo’s Book on Hebrew Letters:
- Author
- [Dionysius
- Alexander
- Alighieri
- Allen
- Allen
- Ambrose
- Aquinas
- Augustine
- Aulus
- Bartolucci
- Brian Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- da Viterbo
- da Viterbo
- Dan
- Daniel Stein Kokin
- Davis
- Diodorus
- Diogenes
- Eusebius
- Ficino
- Friedman
- Galbiati
- Gersonides
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Green
- Hippolytus
- Holdenreid
- Homer
- Horace
- Iamblichus
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Josephus
- Kristeller
- Lamberton
- Landino
- Lelli
- Levita
- Macrobius
- Marti
- Martin
- Matt
- Monfasani
- Nock
- Ogren
- Origen
- Origen
- O’Malley
- Penkower
- Persius
- Pico della Mirandola
- Plato
- Pliny
- Priscian
- Proclus
- Proclus
- Quintilian
- Rashi
- Reeves
- Reeves
- Reuchlin
- Rowland
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Secret
- Seneca
- Servius
- Suetonius
- Suetonius
- Tacitus
- van der Valk
- Vergil
- Virgil
- Weil
- Publication venue
- 'University of Chicago Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
The Paradoxical Transmission of Tradition and Agamben's Potential Reading of the Rishonim
- Author
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Agamben Giorgio
- Aristotle
- Brague Rémi
- Cherry Shai
- Diamond James A.
- Dobbs-Weinstein Idit
- Epstein Rabbi
- Fagenblat Michael
- Funkenstein Amos
- Gersonides (Levi Ben Gershom)
- Greenstein Edward L.
- Gruber Mayer I.
- Halbertal Moshe
- Klein Julie R.
- Lerner Ralph
- Levinson Jon D.
- Lorberbaum Menachem
- Maimonides Moses
- Rashi
- Sagi Avi
- Sicherman Harvey
- Trigano Shmuel
- Yerushalmi Yosef
- Publication venue
- 'Equinox Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Creation and Emanation
- Author
- Abrabanel
- Abrabanel
- Abrahams
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Ackrill
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Aertsen
- Ajdler
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Iji
- Al-Shahrastānī
- Albalag
- Albo
- Alonso
- Alonso
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Anatoli
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arama
- Asín Palacios
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
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- Avineri
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- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
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- Baneth
- Baneth
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- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
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- Barnes
- Barr
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- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
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- Berger
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
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- Biesterfeldt
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- Birnbaum
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- Black
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- Bland
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- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
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- Boll
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- Bos
- Bos
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- Butterworth
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- Chiesa
- Chiesa
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- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
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- Cooper
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- Crenshaw
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- Crescas
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- Crisp
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- Cumont
- Cumont
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- Dan
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- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
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- Deleuze
- Dhanani
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- Diesendruck
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- Dillon
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- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
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- Duhem
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- Duran
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- Efros
- Efros
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- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
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- Even-Shemuel
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- Fakhry
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- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
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- Fenton
- Fenton
- Fenton
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- Fischel
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- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
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- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
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- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
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- Friedlander
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- Gammie
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- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Garrett
- Gauthier
- Gellman
- Genequand
- Geoffroy
- Gerson
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gilson
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glatzer
- Gluck
- Goetschel
- Goheen
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goldberg
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldziher
- Gollancz
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Gorfinkle
- Gottlieb
- Graetz
- Grant
- Grant
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Gressmann
- Gronemann
- Grossman
- Gueroult
- Gundel
- Gutas
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Halberstam
- Halbertal
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Hampshire
- Hankins
- Haq
- Harris
- Harris
- Hartman
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Hasse
- Hasselhoff
- Hay
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Heath
- Heller
- Heller-Wilensky
- Heller-Wilensky
- Hercz
- Heschel
- Higgins
- Hintikka
- Hirschfeld
- Holzman
- Hourani
- Hursthouse
- Husik
- Husik
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Falaquera
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Tamim
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tzaddiq
- Ibn Tzaddiq
- Ibn Ḥasdai
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Isaacs
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- James
- Jammer
- Jellinek
- Jellinek
- Jenni
- Jonas
- Jones
- Jospe
- Jospe
- Jospe
- Jouana
- Kadushin
- Kadushin
- Kadushin
- Kafih
- Kahn
- Kahn
- Kalisch
- Kapach
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kasher
- Kasher
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kenny
- Kimhi
- Kimhi
- King
- Kirchheim
- Kirk
- Kirk
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klibansky
- Kneale
- Knuuttila
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Koyré
- Kozodoy
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Krauss
- Kraut
- Kraye
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kupfer
- Lachterman
- Lancaster
- Landauer
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Laszarus-Yafeh
- Lawee
- Lawrence
- Lemay
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lettinck
- Levi
- Levine
- Levine
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lichtenberg
- Liebes
- Liebes
- Liebes
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lobel
- Lobel
- Lockshin
- Loewe
- Loewe
- Loewe
- Long
- Lorberbaum
- Lorberbaum
- Lyons
- Mahdi
- Mahdi
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Malter
- Mancha
- Mancha
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Margoliouth
- Marmorstein
- Marmura
- Mashbaum
- Matt
- Matt
- Matt
- Mattock
- McInerny
- McInerny
- McMullin
- Meiron
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Menn
- Mesch
- Miles
- Miranda
- Moraux
- Morford
- Motzkin
- Muckle
- Munk
- Munk
- Murdoch
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Narbonne
- Narbonne
- Narbonne
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- Nasr
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- Naḥmanides
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- Nehorai
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- Nemoy
- Netanyahu
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- Netton
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- Neusner
- Noja
- Normore
- Nuchelmans
- Nuriel
- Owen
- Owens
- O‘Brien
- Pedaya
- Perreiah
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Peters
- Peyron
- Phillips
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philoponus
- Philoponus
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Plessner
- Plotinus
- Pollegar
- Popkin
- Prior
- Proclus
- Proclus
- Proclus
- Raffel
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Rashi
- Ravid
- Ravitsky
- Ravitsky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravven
- Rawidowicz
- Rawidowicz
- Regev
- Regev
- Regev
- Reif
- Reines
- Reines
- Reines
- Reines
- Richler
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rippin
- Rist
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Roni
- Rorty
- Rosen
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Rotenstreich
- Rothschild
- Rothschild
- Rothschild
- Rousseau
- Rubio
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- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Russell
- Sabra
- Sabra
- Saebø
- Sahas
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- Saliba
- Salmon
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Sarachek
- Sarfatti
- Sarna
- Sarna
- Saruq
- Savan
- Scheiber
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- Schlanger
- Schlanger
- Schoffer
- Schofield
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Schreiner
- Schwamm
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartzmann
- Schwarz
- Schwarzschild
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schäfer
- Scott
- Scott
- Scotus
- Sedley
- Seeskin
- Seeskin
- Sela
- Sela
- Sells
- Septimus
- Septimus
- Septimus
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sforno
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Shatzmiller
- Shayegan
- Shear
- Shear
- Sherif
- Sherman
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- Shiffman
- Shulman
- Sifroni
- Silman
- Silman
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- Simon
- Simons
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Slote
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- Smith
- Smithuis
- Smoler
- Solmsen
- Sonne
- Sorabji
- Sorabji
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Stadelman
- Statman
- Staub
- Staub
- Stein
- Steinschneider
- Steinschneider
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strohmaier
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Susser
- Susser
- Talmage
- Talmage
- Tamani
- Tanenbaum
- Taylor
- Teicher
- Tester
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- Thillet
- Thillet
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- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Samuelson
- Tirosh-Samuelson
- Tishby
- Tishby
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Trinkaus
- Trinkaus
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Urbach
- Urbach
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vallicrosa
- Verman
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- Wallis
- Walzer
- Weiss
- Whitrow
- Whittaker
- Whybray
- Wieland
- Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
- Wilcox
- Wilensky
- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Yerushalmi
- Zakovitch
- Zemke
- Zimmermann
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zurayk
- Zwiep
- Zwiep
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Ḥasdai Crescas on the Philosophic Foundation of Codification
- Author
- Ackerman
- Ackerman
- Ari Ackerman
- Assaf
- Baron
- Brenner
- Brody
- Chavel
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Crescas
- Danzig
- Elon
- Elon
- Galinsky
- Gersonides
- Grossman
- Halbertal
- Halbertal
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Havlin
- ibn Migash
- ibn Pakuda
- Idel
- Idel
- Kahana
- Klein-Breslavy
- Klein-Breslavy
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Marciano
- Nehorai
- Ophir
- Pines
- Rappel
- Ravitzky
- Rosenblatt
- Rudavsky
- Scholem
- Schvat
- Schweid
- Shilat
- Silman
- Ta-Shma
- Ta-Shma
- Ta-Shma
- Ta-Shma
- Touati
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Urbach
- Urbach
- Vallicrosa
- Wolfson
- Yahalom
- Yudlov
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Meaning and Language
- Author
- Abrabanel
- Abrabanel
- Abrahams
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Abū Ma⼸ashar
- Ackrill
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Aertsen
- Ajdler
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Iji
- Al-Shahrastānī
- Albalag
- Albo
- Alonso
- Alonso
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Altmann
- Anatoli
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Aquinas
- Arama
- Aslanoff
- Asín Palacios
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avicenna
- Avineri
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Balme
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Baneth
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Bar Ḥiyya
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barr
- Barzilei
- Baudry
- Baumgardt
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- Ben Asher
- Ben Sasson
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Ben-Shammai
- Benedetto
- Benjacob
- Berger
- Berger
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Berman
- Bielawski
- Biesterfeldt
- Biesterfeldt
- Birnbaum
- Birnbaum
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- Black
- Black
- Black
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- Bland
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- Blaustein
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- Blidstein
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- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Bnaya
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- Boethius
- Boll
- Boll
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- Borodowski
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- Bos
- Bos
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- Brague
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- Brody
- Broydé
- Buijs
- Buridan
- Bursill-Hall
- Bursill-Hall
- Busi
- Butterworth
- Butterworth
- Bynum Walker
- Chertoff
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Chiesa
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cole
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cornford
- Corrigan
- Crenshaw
- Crenshaw
- Crescas
- Crescas
- Crescas
- Crisp
- Crisp
- Cumont
- Cumont
- Cumont
- Curley
- Dahan
- Daiber
- Dales
- Dan
- Dan
- Danby
- Darwall
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- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
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- Deleuze
- Dhanani
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- Diels
- Dienstag
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- Diesendruck
- Dieterici
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- Dillon
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- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Dobbs-Weinstein
- Donagan
- Dreyer
- Drori
- Druart
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- Duhem
- Dukes
- Dundabin
- Duran
- Duran
- Duran
- d⼹Alverny
- Edel
- Efros
- Efros
- Efros
- Eichrodt
- Eisen
- Elamrani-Jamal
- Elamrani-Jamal
- Emery
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Eran
- Even Shmuel
- Even-Shemuel
- Fakhry
- Fakhry
- Faur
- Fazzo
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Fenton
- Fenton
- Fenton
- Fenton
- Ferry
- Festugière
- Filipowski
- Fine
- Finkel
- Finnegan
- Fischel
- Fischel
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fleischer
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fontaine
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Fraenkel
- Fraenkel
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Freudenthal
- Frick
- Fried
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Friedman
- Funkenstein
- Galli
- Galston
- Gammie
- Gammie
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Gaon
- Garrett
- Gauthier
- Gellman
- Genequand
- Geoffroy
- Gerson
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gersonides
- Gilson
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glasner
- Glatzer
- Gluck
- Goetschel
- Goheen
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goitein
- Goldberg
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldziher
- Gollancz
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Gorfinkle
- Gottlieb
- Graetz
- Grant
- Grant
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Gressmann
- Gronemann
- Gronemann
- Grossman
- Gueroult
- Gundel
- Gutas
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Guttmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
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- Halbertal
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halevi
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Halkin
- Hampshire
- Hankins
- Haq
- Harris
- Harris
- Hartman
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Hasse
- Hasselhoff
- Hay
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Hayoun
- Heath
- Heller
- Heller-Wilensky
- Heller-Wilensky
- Hercz
- Heschel
- Higgins
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hirschfeld
- Holzman
- Hourani
- Hursthouse
- Husik
- Husik
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Daud
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibn Falaquera
- Ibn Falaquera
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Gabirol
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Kaspi
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Paquda
- Ibn Tamim
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tibbon
- Ibn Tzaddiq
- Ibn Tzaddiq
- Ibn Ḥasdai
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Idel
- Isaacs
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- Ivry
- James
- Jammer
- Jellinek
- Jellinek
- Jenni
- Jonas
- Jones
- Jospe
- Jospe
- Jospe
- Jospe
- Jouana
- Kadushin
- Kadushin
- Kadushin
- Kafih
- Kahn
- Kahn
- Kalisch
- Kapach
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kasher
- Kasher
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kellner
- Kenny
- Kimhi
- Kimhi
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- King
- Kirchheim
- Kirchheim
- Kirk
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klein-Braslavy
- Klibansky
- Kneale
- Knuuttila
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Kogan
- Koyré
- Kozodoy
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Kraemer
- Krauss
- Kraut
- Kraye
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kreisel
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kupfer
- Lachterman
- Lancaster
- Landauer
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Langermann
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Lasker
- Laszarus-Yafeh
- Lawee
- Lawrence
- Lemay
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Lettinck
- Levi
- Levine
- Levine
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lichtenberg
- Liebes
- Liebes
- Liebes
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lobel
- Lobel
- Lockshin
- Loewe
- Loewe
- Loewe
- Long
- Lorberbaum
- Lorberbaum
- Lyons
- Mahdi
- Mahdi
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Maimonides
- Malter
- Mancha
- Mancha
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Manekin
- Margoliouth
- Margoliouth
- Marmorstein
- Marmura
- Mashbaum
- Matt
- Matt
- Matt
- Mattock
- McInerny
- McInerny
- McMullin
- Meiron
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Melamed
- Menn
- Mesch
- Mesch
- Miles
- Miranda
- Moraux
- Morford
- Motzkin
- Muckle
- Munk
- Murdoch
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Narbonne
- Narbonne
- Narbonne
- Nasr
- Nasr
- Naḥmanides
- Naḥmanides
- Naḥmanides
- Nehorai
- Nehorai
- Nemoy
- Nemoy
- Netanyahu
- Netton
- Netton
- Neusner
- Neusner
- Noja
- Normore
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- Nuriel
- Owen
- Owen
- Owens
- O‘Brien
- Pedaya
- Perreiah
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Pessin
- Peters
- Peyron
- Phillips
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philo
- Philoponus
- Philoponus
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Pines
- Plessner
- Plotinus
- Pollegar
- Popkin
- Prior
- Proclus
- Proclus
- Raffel
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Rashi
- Ravid
- Ravitsky
- Ravitsky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravitzky
- Ravven
- Rawidowicz
- Rawidowicz
- Regev
- Regev
- Regev
- Reif
- Reines
- Reines
- Reines
- Reines
- Richler
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rigo
- Rippin
- Rist
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Roni
- Rorty
- Rosen
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Rotenstreich
- Rothschild
- Rothschild
- Rothschild
- Rousseau
- Rubio
- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Rudavsky
- Russell
- Sabra
- Sabra
- Saebø
- Sahas
- Saldarini
- Saliba
- Salmon
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Samuelson
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Saperstein
- Sarachek
- Sarfatti
- Sarna
- Sarna
- Saruq
- Saruq
- Savan
- Scheiber
- Scheindlin
- Schirmann
- Schlanger
- Schlanger
- Schoffer
- Schofield
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Schreiner
- Schreiner
- Schwamm
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartzmann
- Schwarz
- Schwarzschild
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schweid
- Schäfer
- Scott
- Scott
- Scotus
- Sedley
- Seeskin
- Seeskin
- Sela
- Sela
- Sells
- Septimus
- Septimus
- Septimus
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sermoneta
- Sforno
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Sharples
- Shatzmiller
- Shayegan
- Shear
- Shear
- Sherif
- Sherman
- Shiffman
- Shiffman
- Shulman
- Sifroni
- Silman
- Silman
- Simon
- Simon
- Simons
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Sirat
- Slote
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smithuis
- Smoler
- Solmsen
- Sonne
- Sorabji
- Sorabji
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Stadelman
- Statman
- Staub
- Stein
- Steinschneider
- Steinschneider
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Stern
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strohmaier
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Stroumsa
- Susser
- Susser
- Talmage
- Talmage
- Tamani
- Tanenbaum
- Taylor
- Teicher
- Tester
- Thillet
- Thillet
- Thillet
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Rothschild
- Tirosh-Samuelson
- Tirosh-Samuelson
- Tishby
- Tishby
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Touati
- Trinkaus
- Trinkaus
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Twersky
- Urbach
- Urbach
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vajda
- Vallicrosa
- Verman
- Walbridge
- Walfish
- Wallis
- Walzer
- Weiss
- Whitrow
- Whittaker
- Whybray
- Wieland
- Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
- Wilcox
- Wilensky
- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
- Winston
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Yerushalmi
- Zakovitch
- Zemke
- Zimmermann
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zonta
- Zurayk
- Zwiep
- Zwiep
- Zwiep
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study