60 research outputs found

    Development of a new salmon salting smoking method and process monitoring by impedance spectroscopy

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    [EN] In this work two objectives were proposed: (i) to optimize a new salmon salting smoking method using vacuum packaging and (ii) to evaluate the application of impedance spectroscopy (IS) to the on-line monitoring of the process. Different processing conditions were evaluated (4 smoke flavoring (SF) salt concentrations, 3 salting times, salting in vacuum or in air). Physico-chemical analyses and IS measurements were performed with three different sensors during the process. Salting with 16 g SF salt/100 g fish in vacuum packaging provided smoked salmon similar to products currently available on the market. This new method has the advantages of reducing processing times and waste. IS measurements were carried out by three different electrodes. The most appropriate sensor for process monitoring was a needle electrode, with which robust prediction models for NaCl content, moisture and a,,, during the salting smoking process were obtained. The results showed the potential of IS as a rapid on-line monitoring method of the salmon salting smoking process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for the work reported here received from the Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2011/098) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) (PAID-06-09-2940). A. Fuentes would like to thank the Campus de Excelencia Internacional at the UPV for its support. The proof-reading of this paper was funded by the UPV, Spain.Rizo Párraga, AM.; Fuentes López, A.; Fernández Segovia, I.; Masot Peris, R.; Alcañiz Fillol, M.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2013). Development of a new salmon salting smoking method and process monitoring by impedance spectroscopy. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 51(1):218-224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2012.09.025S21822451

    Optimization of processing conditions of traditional cured tuna Loins–Muxama

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    Muxama is a traditional highly-valued food product prepared from dry-cured tuna loins in southern Portugal and Spain. The production procedure has seen little change over the last centuries. The muxama’s stability is due to reduced water activity. In addition, the drying method has secondary effects on characteristics of flavor, color, and the nutritional value of the product. Our objectives were to describe the dynamics of important physicochemical parameters such as moisture content, water activity (aW), NaCl concentration (as water–phase salt, ZNaCl), pH and color, during the salting and drying stages of muxama production, and to test the effect(s) of changes in the traditional processing conditions followed in southern Portugal, aiming at optimizing the production procedure. The lowest values of moisture and aW and highest ZNaCl obtained after drying tuna loins for seven days at 20 °C exceeded the values reported for commercial products and have impact on the appearance (color) of the product. Therefore, drying tuna loins at lower temperatures (ca. 14 °C) is probably more appropriate. The results obtained in this study could be used in the design of future experiments at other conditions and to assess other quality parameters, e.g., total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBA-RS), microorganism abundance and sensory attributes, and subsequent validation trials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environmental supply chain management in the seafood industry: past, present and future approaches

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    This review discusses and analyses previous results in identification, development and implementation of cleaner production strategies within the seafood industry. The relevant peer reviewed articles were identified from a structured keyword search and analysed by both supply chain stage (capture and aquaculture, transport, processing, storage and retail), and examination of the cleaner production strategies implemented. Results found entities along the seafood supply chain generally worked separately to improve cleaner production processes and outputs to grow their own businesses. Whilst this approach can be beneficial, it ignores the broader cleaner production potential benefits gained when applied across multiple supply chain entities. The most effective cleaner production strategies for improved environmental performance in each sector of the supply chain were identified with the potential to reduce unnecessary handling, energy usage, storage costs and waste production. To ensure the greatest reduction in environmental impact, a whole of supply chain management system that incorporates life cycle assessment modelling is recommended

    Bacalao – en fokusgruppestudie i Spania

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    Nofima Marked og Sintef fiskeri og havbruk har på oppdrag fra Bacalaoforum gjennomført en fokusgruppestudie i Spania. Oppdraget er finansiert av Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond. Formålet med studien var å problematisere innholdet i ”bacalao”, både som begrep og produkt. Vår antagelse var at ”bacalao” i Spania er veldig sterkt knyttet opp til fullsaltet fisk/saltfisk. Men bacalao er og det offisielle navnet på torsk og alle torskeprodukter må derfor merkes med bacalao om de er saltet eller ei. Gjennom observasjoner i spansk dagligvare, er det ingen tvil om at lettsaltede og fryste torskeprodukter er utbredt i det meste av Spania. Disse produktene, som er tydelig merket med ”bacalao” og betegnelser/informasjon som viser at de inneholder salt, kan av noen oppfattes å være utvannet saltfisk, av andre å være fryst filet av torsk. Konklusjonen (som man må være forsiktig med fordi metodikken ikke tillater at man generaliserer resultatene) peker mot at tradisjonell saltfisk fremdeles er referansen og viktigste assosiasjonen til begrepet ”bacalao”. Samtidig synes det klart at ”bacalao” også må tilpasse seg en ny situasjon, en situasjon hvor det finnes en rekke produkter merket bacalao fordi de er laget av torsk. Dette skyldes at bacalao også er det offisielle navnet på torsk (Gadus spp)Bacalao – en fokusgruppestudie i SpaniapublishedVersio

    Skånsom pumping av pelagisk fisk fra not til fartøy - Sammenlikning av to pumpeteknologier

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    Et forskningstokt med M/S Kings Bay ble gjennomført i desember 2007. Hensikten med toktet var å undersøke kvaliteten på NVG sild (norsk vårgytende sild) fanget med ringnot og pumpet om bord ved hjelp av to ulike pumpeteknologier, tradisjonell sentrifugal fiskepumpe og en pumpe basert på vakuum. Måleresultater og observasjoner gjort om bord og ved landanlegg tyder på at vakuumpumpen kan ha potensiale til å redusere andelen skadet rundfisk sammenliknet med fiskepumpen. Andelen fileter med blodflekker kan sannsynligvis også reduseres ved bruk av vakuumpumpen. I begge tilfeller forutsettes det en ny og optimal utforming av anlegget om bord. En betraktelig nedkortet transportvei fra not til RSW-tank og begrensning av antall bend vil være nødvendig. Et utdrag av resultatene er gitt under: Vakuumpumpen gav lavere andel skader på rund fisk sammenliknet med fiskepumpen ved alle testede pumpetrykk (I 00 bar, 115 bar og I 30 bar). Ingen signifikante forskjeller i andelen fileter med blodflekker eller røde haler mellom fisk med de to pumpeteknologiene og ved ulike pumpetrykk ble funnet. Vakuumpumpen gav lavere verdier for jern- og organisk karboninnhold, samt turbiditet for vannet i RSW-tankene etter at fisken ankom, noe som antyder en mer skånsom håndtering. Følgende andre faktorer ble antatt å ha innvirkning på fangstkvaliteten: a) Hvilken del av kastet som ble testet, b) størrelse på kastet. C) trykket som ble benyttet ved ombordpumping ved hjelp av fiskepumpe. 115 bar ble funnet å gi best kvalitet med hensyn på blodflekker på filet.MMC Tendos og Kings BaypublishedVersio

    El mercado español del bacalao en salazón: una aproximación regional desde la geografía de las convenciones

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    This article analyzes recent changes in the criteria used by producers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers to define and assess the quality of salted cod in a sample of Spanish regions. In accordance with the conceptual framework of the theory of conventions, six types of criteria are taken into account: industrial, market, domestic, public, civic, and ecological. Statistical data supplied by food authorities and semistructured interviews with actors in the value chain provide empirical evidence enabling us to state that domestic conventions, related to geographical origin and traditional salted cod recipes, are increasingly challenged by industrial and market conventions as the main arguments for assessing quality. Nevertheless, regional diversity is still apparent in specific market niches like restaurants and specialized retailing, where values of tradition, proximity and reputation remain influential.<br><br>Este artículo estudia las transformaciones recientes en los criterios que productores, distribuidores y consumidores utilizan para definir y juzgar la calidad del bacalao en salazón en las regiones españolas. Conforme al marco conceptual de la teoría de las convenciones, se distinguen hasta seis grupos de criterios diferentes: industriales, comerciales, domésticos, públicos, cívicos y ecológicos. Los datos estadísticos oficiales y, sobre todo, las entrevistas semiestructuradas con los actores integrantes de la cadena de valor en una muestra representativa de regiones españolas permiten afirmar que las convenciones domésticas, relacionadas con el origen geográfico y la preparación tradicional del bacalao en salazón, están dejando paso a las convenciones industriales y comerciales como criterio principal de definición de la calidad. No obstante, la diversidad regional en la apreciación del bacalao pervive en segmentos del mercado como la restauración de calidad y el comercio especializado, más sensibles a los valores de tradición, proximidad y reputación. [fr] Cet article étudie les transformations récentes des critères que les producteurs, les distributeurs et les consommateurs utilisent pour définir et juger la qualité de la morue salée dans les régions espagnoles. Conformément au cadre conceptuel de la théorie des conventions, on peut distinguer jusqu’à six groupes de critères différents : industriels, commerciaux, domestiques, publics, civiques et écologiques. Les données statistiques officielles et, surtout, les entretiens semi-structurés avec les acteurs qui intègrent la chaîne de valeur dans un échantillon représentatif des régions espagnoles permettent d’affirmer que les conventions domestiques, en rapport avec l’origine géographique et la préparation traditionnelle de la morue salée, sont en train de céder leur place aux conventions industrielles et commerciales comme critère principal de définition de la qualité. Cependant, la diversité régionale dans l’appréciation de la morue existe toujours dans certains segments du marché comme la restauration et le commerce spécialisé, plus sensibles aux valeurs de tradition, proximité et réputation