661 research outputs found

    The use of IASI data to identify systematic errors in the ECMWF forecasts of temperature in the upper stratosphere

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    Since data from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) became available in 2007, a number of papers have appeared in the literature which have reported relatively large discrepancies between IASI spectra and forward calculations in the centre of the CO<sub>2</sub> Q-branch at 667 cm<sup>−1</sup>. In this paper we show that these discrepancies are primarily due to errors in the temperature profiles used in the forward calculations. In particular, we have used forecasts of temperature profiles from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to demonstrate that, for the case study considered in this paper, these profiles are affected by systematic errors of the order of ≈10 K at the level of the stratopause. To derive the magnitude and the spatial location of the systematic errors in the temperature profile, we have carried out forward/inverse calculations for a number of clear-sky, daytime, IASI tropical soundings over the sea. The forward calculations have been performed using atmospheric state vectors which have been obtained either from the direct inversion of the IASI radiances or from space-time co-located profiles derived from radiosonde observations and from the ECMWF model. To rule out any effect due to the accuracy of the forward model, we have performed the forward calculations using two independent models. The sensitivity of the temperature biases to the variability of the CO<sub>2</sub> profile and to spectroscopy errors has also been studied

    Understanding Childhood Neuroimmune Diseases of the Central Nervous System

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    Immune-mediated diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) in childhood are a heterogeneous group of rare conditions sharing the inflammatory involvement of the CNS. This review highlights the growing knowledge of childhood neuroimmune diseases that primarily affect the CNS, outlining the clinical and diagnostic features, the pathobiological mechanisms and genetics, current treatment options, and emerging challenges. The clinical spectrum of these conditions is increasingly expanded, and the underlying mechanisms of dysregulation of the immune system could vary widely. Cell-mediated and antibody-mediated disorders, infection-triggered and paraneoplastic conditions, and genetically defined mechanisms can occur in previously healthy children and can contribute to different stages of the disease. The careful evaluation of the clinical presentation and temporal course of symptoms, the specific neuroimaging and immunological findings, and the exclusion of alternative causes are mandatory in clinical practice for the syndromic diagnosis. A common feature of these conditions is that immunotherapeutic agents could modulate the clinical course and outcomes of the disease. Furthermore, specific symptomatic treatments and comprehensive multidisciplinary care are needed in the overall management. We focus on recent advances on immune-mediated demyelinating CNS disorders, autoimmune encephalitis, interferonopathies, and possible neuroimmune disorders as Rasmussen encephalitis. Better knowledge of these conditions could allow prompt diagnosis and targeted immunotherapy, to decrease morbidity and mortality as well as to improve clinical outcomes, reducing the burden of the disease due to possible long-term neuropsychiatric sequelae. Persisting controversies remain in the rigorous characterization of each specific clinical entity because of the relative rarity in children; moreover, in a large proportion of suspected neuroimmune diseases, the immune "signature" remains unidentified; treatment guidelines are mostly based on retrospective cohort studies and expert opinions; then advances in specific molecular therapies are required. In the future, a better characterization of specific immunological biomarkers may provide a useful understanding of the underlying pathobiological mechanisms of these conditions in order to individualize more tailored therapeutic options and paradigms. Multicenter collaborative research on homogeneous groups of patients who may undergo immunological studies and therapeutic trials could improve the characterization of the underlying mechanisms, the specific phenotypes, and tailored management


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    The dynamics of the relations between different zoarial forms of cheilostome bryozoans, during the development of a community on artificial substrates, have been studied along an infralittoral cliff of the northwestem Mediterranean Sea. Membraniporiform bryozoans (thick membraniporiform and thin membraniporiform zoarial types) prevail during the first stages of colonization. Later, at shallow depth, erect flexible forms (tuft-like zoarial type) tend to increase prevailing over the encrusting ones and, at greater depth, membraniporiform colonies continue to play a major role. The studied zoarial types show differences both in their ability to settle and to grow on bare and smooth surfaces and on substrate occupied by other organisms, and also to adjust to modifications of the substrate through time. The variations in the relative abundance of different zoarial forms correspond to changes in the availability of primary space and to new ecological conditions close to the substrate surface.Se ha estudiado la dinámica de las relaciones entre diversas formas zoariales de Briozoos Cheilostomata durante la evolución de una comunidad sobre sustrato artificial a lo largo de un acantilado infralitoral del Mediterráneo nord-occidental. Los briozoos membraniporiformes caracterizan las primeras fases de colonización. En seguida en las zonas más superficiales, las formas erectas y flexibles aumentan notablemente y tienden a prevalecer sobre las formas incrustantes. En las áreas más profundas en cambio, las colonias membraniporiformes siguen siendo predominantes. Los diversos tipos zoariales que se han considerado, presentan grandes diferencias por lo que respecta, ya sea a la capacidad de fijarse y crecer sobre superficies desnudas y lisas o sobre substratos ocupados por otros organismos, ya sea la posibilidad de adaptarse a las variaciones que sufre el substrato en el transcurso del tiempo. Las variaciones en la abundancia relativa de los diversos tipos morfológicos está correlacionada con la disminución del espacio primario y, por lo tanto, con las nuevas condiciones ecológicas a nivel de las supeficies del sustrato

    Guar gum/borax hydrogel: Rheological, low field NMR and release characterizations

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    Guar gum (GG) and Guar gum/borax (GGb) hydrogels are studied by means of rheology, Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LF NMR) and model drug release tests. These three approaches are used to estimate the mesh size (ζ) of the polymeric network. A comparison with similar Scleroglucan systems is carried out. In the case of GGb, the rheological and Low Field NMR estimations of ζ lead to comparable results, while the drug release approach seems to underestimate ζ. Such discrepancy is attributed to the viscous effect of some polymeric chains that, although bound to the network to one end, can freely fluctuate among meshes. The viscous drag exerted by these chains slows down drug diffusion through the polymeric network. A proof for this hypothesis is given by the case of Scleroglucan gel, where the viscous contribution is not so significant and a good agreement between the rheological and release test approaches was found

    Mimicking microbial 'education' of the immune system: a strategy to revert the epidemic trend of atopy and allergic asthma?

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    Deficient microbial stimulation of the immune system, caused by hygiene, may underly the atopy and allergic asthma epidemic we are currently experiencing. Consistent with this 'hygiene hypothesis', research on immunotherapy of allergic diseases also centres on bacteria-derived molecules (eg DNA immunostimulatory sequences) as adjuvants for allergen-specific type 1 immune responses. If we understood how certain microbes physiologically 'educate' our immune system to interact safely with environmental nonmicrobial antigens, we might be able to learn to mimic their beneficial actions. Programmed 'immunoeducation' would consist of safe administration, by the correct route, dose and timing, of those microbial stimuli that are necessary to 'train' the developing mucosal immune system and to maintain an appropriate homeostatic equilibrium between its components. Overall, this would result in a prevention of atopy that is not limited to certain specific allergens. Although such a strategy is far beyond our present potential, it may in principle revert the epidemic trend of atopy and allergic asthma without jeopardizing the fight against infectious diseases

    Land-use in Amazonia and the cerrado of Brazil.

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    The total area and annual rate of native vegetation clearing is greatest in the Cerrado region followed by the Brazilian states of Para, Mato Grosso, Maranhao and Rondonia. Amazonian forest clearing proceeds most quickly where abundant natural resources (wood or land) are accessible by roads and close to markets. These regions are concentrated along the eastern and southern flanks of Amazonia, particularly in eastern Para, Cuiaba and Rondonia. There are still large discrepancies in estimates of annual deforestation; Landsat (Thematic Mapper-based) mapping of deforestation in the closed-canopy forests of Amazonia has not include non-Brazilian countries and is incomplete for the cerrado biome. Amazonian deforestation was last mapped 1994. Current estimates of Amazonian forest clearing do not include most of the forests that are affected by logging each year, which is an area (about 7,000 km2 yr-1)more than half the size of the area of annual deforestation. Logging changes forest structure and increases forest flammability. The intensity of logging ranges from 1-to 100-species harvest, and averages 20m3 of wood harvested per hectare. Logging may increase dramatically in the coming years. Fire affects large, but difficult to measure, areas of pastureland, logged forests, secondary forests and primary forests. Forest ground fires are particularly difficult to map fom satellite data. Fire is more frequent where forest clearing is taking place, and where seasonal drought is most severe. The destiny of Amazonian forest land cleared for crops and cattle pasture is complex, and highly variables regionally. Areal estimates are needed for managed pasture, degraded pasture, cropland and secondadry forests, for these ecosystems are functionally distinct. Most forest clearing is for pasture establishment, followed by shifting cultivation. Cattle pasture is the logical land-use for both small-scale and large-scale rural Amazonians because cattle are easily sold or traded, and they maintain their value during inflation. Cattle patures help secure land claims and increase land value. In the Cerrado, there has been a shift from extensive cattle grazing of natural savannas to pasture planted with African forage grasses; mechanized soy bean production is the second most extensive land-use. Pastures are the most important land-cover for the LBA (Large-Scale Biosphere - Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia) science campaign. Brazilian Amazonia experiences reduced rainfall during ENSO events. ENSO-related drought is most severe in eastern Amazonia. A basin-wide reduction in rainfall would have its greatest affect on vegetation near the border between savanna and closed-canopy forest in Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Para and Tocantins. The LBA campaign should be conducted in variety of rural landscapes to capture the multiplicity of human effects on native ecosystems, as well as the range of cliamatic and edaphic conditions under which these ecosystems have evolved. It should address the current (ENSO) and predicted variations in climate, and should be designed to recommend those land-uses that best reconcile the maintenance of ecosystem processes with socially equitable economic growth

    Chronic virus infections supress atopy but not asthma in a set of children from a large latin american city: a cross-section study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased over recent decades in affluent countries, but remains low in rural populations and some non-affluent countries. An explanation for these trends is that increased exposure to infections may provide protection against the development of allergy. In this work we investigated the association between exposure to viral infections in children living in urban Brazil and the prevalence of atopy and asthma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>School age children living in poor neighborhoods in the city of Salvador were studied. Data on asthma symptoms and relevant risk factors were obtained by questionnaire. Skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed to seven aeroallergens, and specific IgE was measured to four of these. Viral infections were determined by the presence of specific IgG in serum to Herpes simplex (HSV), Herpes zoster (HZV), Epstein-Barr (EBV), and Hepatitis A (HAV) viruses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 644 (49.7%) children had at least one allergen-specific IgE> 0.35 kU/L and 489 (37.7%) had specific IgE> 0.70 kU/L. A total of 391 (30.2%) children were skin test positive (SPT+), and 295 (22.8%) children were asthmatic. The seroprevalence of viral infections was 88.9% for EBV, 55.4% for HSV, 45.5% for VZV and 17.5% for HAV. Negative associations were observed between SPT+ and HSV (OR = 0.64, CI = 0.51, 0.82) and EBV (OR = 0.63, CI = 0.44, 0.89) infections, but no associations were seen between viral infections and the presence of allergen-specific IgE or asthma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data do not support previous data showing a protective effect of HAV against atopy, but did show inverse associations between SPT+ (but not specific IgE+) and infections with HSV and EBV. These findings suggest that different viral infections may protect against SPT+ in different settings and may indicate an immunoregulatory role of such infections on immediate hypersensitivity responses. The data provide no support for a protective effect of viral infections against asthma in this population.</p

    Diarrhoea in a large prospective cohort of European travellers to resource-limited destinations

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    BACKGROUND: Incidence rates of travellers' diarrhoea (TD) need to be updated and risk factors are insufficiently known. METHODS: Between July 2006 and January 2008 adult customers of our Centre for Travel Health travelling to a resource-limited country for the duration of 1 to 8 weeks were invited to participate in a prospective cohort study. They received one questionnaire pre-travel and a second one immediately post-travel. First two-week incidence rates were calculated for TD episodes and a risk assessment was made including demographic and travel-related variables, medical history and behavioural factors. RESULTS: Among the 3100 persons recruited, 2800 could be investigated, resulting in a participation rate of 89.2%. The first two-weeks incidence for classic TD was 26.2% (95%CI 24.5-27.8). The highest rates were found for Central Africa (29.6%, 95% CI 12.4-46.8), the Indian subcontinent (26.3%, 95%CI 2.3-30.2) and West Africa (21.5%, 95%CI 14.9-28.1). Median TD duration was 2 days (range 1-90). The majority treated TD with loperamide (57.6%), while a small proportion used probiotics (23.0%) and antibiotics (6.8%). Multiple logistic regression analysis on any TD to determine risk factors showed that a resolved diarrhoeal episode experienced in the 4 months pre-travel (OR 2.03, 95%CI 1.59-2.54), antidepressive comedication (OR 2.11, 95%CI 1.17-3.80), allergic asthma (OR 1.67, 95%CI 1.10-2.54), and reporting TD-independent fever (OR 6.56, 95%CI 3.06-14.04) were the most prominent risk factors of TD. CONCLUSIONS: TD remains a frequent travel disease, but there is a decreasing trend in the incidence rate. Patients with a history of allergic asthma, pre-travel diarrhoea, or of TD-independent fever were more likely to develop TD while abroad

    Overweight/Obesity and Respiratory and Allergic Disease in Children: International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Two

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    BackgroundChildhood obesity and asthma are increasing worldwide. A possible link between the two conditions has been postulated.MethodsCross-sectional studies of stratified random samples of 8–12-year-old children (n = 10 652) (16 centres in affluent and 8 centres in non-affluent countries) used the standardized methodology of ISAAC Phase Two. Respiratory and allergic symptoms were ascertained by parental questionnaires. Tests for allergic disease were performed. Height and weight were measured, and overweight and obesity were defined according to international definitions. Prevalence rates and prevalence odds ratios were calculated.ResultsOverweight (odds ratio = 1.14, 95%-confidence interval: 0.98; 1.33) and obesity (odds ratio = 1.67, 95%-confidence interval: 1.25; 2.21) were related to wheeze. The relationship was stronger in affluent than in non-affluent centres. Similar results were found for cough and phlegm, rhinitis and eczema but the associations were mostly driven by children with wheeze. There was a clear association of overweight and obesity with airways obstruction (change in FEV1/FVC, −0.90, 95%-confidence interval: −1.33%; −0.47%, for overweight and −2.46%, 95%-confidence interval: −3.84%; −1.07%, for obesity) whereas the results for the other objective markers, including atopy, were null.ConclusionsOur data from a large international child population confirm that there is a strong relation of body mass index with wheeze especially in affluent countries. Moreover, body mass index is associated with an objective marker of airways obstruction (FEV1/FVC) but no other objective markers of respiratory and allergic disorders

    Dietary Intake of Flavonoids and Ventilatory Function in European Adults : A GA(2)LEN Study

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    Background: Flavonoids exert anti-inflammatory properties and modulate oxidative stress in vitro, suggesting a protective effect on lung function, but epidemiological studies examining this association are scarce. Methods: A stratified random sample was drawn from the GA(2)LEN screening survey, in which 55,000 adults aged 15 to 75 answered a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Post-bronchodilator spirometry was obtained from 2850 subjects. Forced vital capacity (FVC), the ratio between the forced exhaled volume in 1 second (FEV1) and FVC (FEV1/FVC), FVC below lower limit of normal (FVC <LLN), and FEV1/FVC <LLN were calculated. Intake of the six main subclasses of flavonoids was estimated using the GA(2)LEN Food Frequency Questionnaire. Adjusted associations between outcomes and each subclass of flavonoids were examined with multivariate regressions. Simes' procedure was used to test for multiple comparisons. Results: A total of 2599 subjects had valid lung function and dietary data. A lower prevalence of FVC <LLN (airway restriction) was observed in those with higher total flavonoid (adjusted odds ratio (aOR), higher vs. lowest quintile intake 0.58; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.36, 0.94), and pro-anthocyanidin intakes (aOR 0.47; 95% CI 0.27, 0.81). A higher FEV1/FVC was associated with higher intakes of total flavonoids and pro-anthocyanidins (adjusted correlation coefficient (a -coeff 0.33; 0.10, 0.57 and a -coeff 0.44; 95% CI 0.19, 0.69, respectively). After Simes' procedure, the statistical significance of each of these associations was attenuated but remained below 0.05, with the exception of total flavonoids and airway restriction. Conclusions: This population-based study in European adults provides cross-sectional evidence of a positive association of total flavonoid intake and pro-anthocyanidins and ventilatory function, and a negative association with spirometric restriction in European adults.Peer reviewe