212 research outputs found

    Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of Circumbinary Dust Disks around Polars

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC photometry of the magnetic cataclysmic variables EF Eri, MR Ser, VV Pup, V834 Cen, GG Leo and V347 Pav. When we combine our results with the 2MASS data, we find that at least five of the polars have flux densities in the mid-IR in excess of the emission expected from the stellar components alone. We are unable to model this mid-IR excess with cyclotron emission, but we can recreate the observed spectral energy distributions with the inclusion of a simple circumbinary dust disk model. Importantly, we find that the masses of our modelled disks are approximately 12 orders of magnitude lower than required to significantly affect CV evolution. The accretion disk-less polars are ideal places to search for these disks, since the luminous accretion disk in most CVs would drown out the faint IR signature of the cooler, dimmer circumbinary disks

    A Spitzer Space Telescope Study of the Debris Disks around four SDSS White Dwarfs

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope data of four isolated white dwarfs that were previously known to harbor circumstellar gaseous disks. IRAC photometry shows a significant infrared excess in all of the systems, SDSS0738+1835, SDSS0845+2257, SDSS1043+0855 and SDSS1617+1620, indicative of a dusty extension to those disks. The 4.5-micron excesses seen in SDSS0738, SDSS0845, and SDSS1617 are 7.5, 5.7 and 4.5 times the white dwarf contribution, respectively. In contrast, in SDSS1043, the measured flux density at 4.5 microns is only 1.7 times the white dwarf contribution. We compare the measured IR excesses in the systems to models of geometrically thin, optically thick disks, and find that we are able to match the measured SEDs to within 3 sigma of the uncertainties, although disks with unfeasibly hot inner dust temperatures generally provide a better fit than those below the dust sublimation temperature. Possible explanations for the dearth of dust around SDSS1043+0855 are briefly discussed. Including our previous study of SDSS1228+1040, all five white dwarfs with gaseous debris disks have significant amounts of dust around them. It is evident that gas and dust can coexist around these relatively warm, relatively young white dwarfs.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figures. Accepted to Ap

    The giant planet orbiting the cataclysmic binary DP Leonis

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    Planets orbiting post-common envelope binaries provide fundamental information on planet formation and evolution, especially for the yet nearly unexplored class of circumbinary planets. We searched for such planets in \odp, an eclipsing short-period binary, which shows long-term eclipse-time variations. Using published, reanalysed, and new mid-eclipse times of the white dwarf in DP\,Leo, obtained between 1979 and 2010, we find agreement with the light-travel-time effect produced by a third body in an elliptical orbit. In particular, the measured binary period in 2009/2010 and the implied radial velocity coincide with the values predicted for the motion of the binary and the third body around the common center of mass. The orbital period, semi-major axis, and eccentricity of the third body are P_c = 28.0 +/- 2.0 yrs, a_c = 8.2 +/- 0.4 AU, and e_c = 0.39 +/- 0.13. Its mass of M_c sin(i_c) = 6.1 +/- 0.5 M_J qualifies it as a giant planet. It formed either as a first generation object in a protoplanetary disk around the original binary or as a second generation object in a disk formed in the common envelope shed by the progenitor of the white dwarf. Even a third generation origin in matter lost from the present accreting binary can not be entirely excluded. We searched for, but found no evidence for a fourth body.Comment: Accepted by A&

    The pecular magnetic field morphology of the white dwarf WD 1953-011: evidence for a large-scale magnetic flux tube?

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    We present and interpret new spectropolarimetric observations of the magnetic white dwarf WD 1953-011. Circular polarization and intensity spectra of the Hα\alpha spectral line demonstrate the presence of two-component magnetic field in the photosphere of this star. The geometry consists of a weak, large scale component, and a strong, localized component. Analyzing the rotationally modulated low-field component, we establish a rotation period Prot=1.4480±0.0001P_{rot} = 1.4480 \pm 0.0001 days. Modeling the measured magnetic observables, we find that the low-field component can be described by the superposition of a dipole and quadrupole. According to the best-fit model, the inclination of the stellar rotation axis with respect to the line of sight is i20i \approx 20^\circ, and the angle between the rotation axis and the dipolar axis is β10\beta \approx 10^\circ. The dipole strength at the pole is about 180 kG, and the quadrupolar strength is about 230 kG. These data suggest a fossil origin of the low-field component. In contrast, the strong-field component exhibits a peculiar, localized structure (``magnetic spot'') that confirms the conclusions of Maxted and co-workers. The mean field modulus of the spot (Bspot=520±7|B_{spot}| = 520 \pm 7 kG) together with its variable longitudinal magnetic field having a maximum of about +400 kG make it difficult to describe it naturally as a high-order component of the star's global poloidal field. Instead, we suggest that the observed strong-field region has a geometry similar to a magnetic flux tube.Comment: 11 figure

    Spitzer Space Telescope observations of magnetic cataclysmic variables: possibilities for the presence of dust in polars

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope photometry of six short-period polars, EF Eri, V347 Pav, VV Pup, V834 Cen, GG Leo, and MR Ser. We have combined the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (3.6 -8.0 microns) data with the 2MASS J, H, K_s photometry to construct the spectral energy distributions of these systems from the near- to mid-IR (1.235 - 8 microns). We find that five out of the six polars have flux densities in the mid-IR that are substantially in excess of the values expected from the stellar components alone. We have modeled the observed SEDs with a combination of contributions from the white dwarf, secondary star, and either cyclotron emission or a cool, circumbinary dust disk to fill in the long-wavelength excess. We find that a circumbinary dust disk is the most likely cause of the 8 micron excess in all cases, but we have been unable to rule out the specific (but unlikely) case of completely optically thin cyclotron emission as the source of the observed 8 micron flux density. While both model components can generate enough flux at 8 microns, neither dust nor cyclotron emission alone can match the excess above the stellar components at all wavelengths. A model combining both cyclotron and dust contributions, possibly with some accretion-generated flux in the near-IR, is probably required, but our observed SEDs are not sufficiently well-sampled to constrain such a complicated model. If the 8 micron flux density is caused by the presence of a circumbinary dust disk, then our estimates of the masses of these disks are many orders of magnitude below the mass required to affect CV evolution.Comment: 58 pages, 14 figures, ApJ accepte

    Hot DAVs : a probable new class of pulsating white dwarf stars

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    We have discovered a pulsating DA white dwarf at the lower end of the temperature range 45 000–30 000 K where a few helium atmosphere white dwarfs are known. There are now three such pulsators known, suggesting that a new class of theoretically predicted pulsating white dwarf stars exists. We name them the hot DAV stars. From high-speed photometric observations with the ULTRACAM photometer on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope, we show that the hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf star WD1017−138 pulsates in at least one mode with a frequency of 1.62 mHz (a period of 624 s). The amplitude of that mode was near 1 mmag at a 10σ confidence level on one night of observation and an 8.4σ confidence level on a second night. The combined data have a confidence level of 11.8σ. This supports the two other detections of hot DAV stars previously reported. From three Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph spectra we confirm also that WD1017−138 is a hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf with no trace of helium or metals with Teff = 32 600 K, log g = 7.8 (cgs) and M = 0.55 M⊙. The existence of pulsations in these DA white dwarfs at the cool edge of the 45 000–30 000 K temperature range supports the thin hydrogen layer model for the deficit of helium atmosphere white dwarfs in this range. DA white dwarfs with thick hydrogen layers do not have the superadiabatic, chemically inhomogeneous (μ-gradient) zone that drives pulsation in this temperature range. The potential for higher amplitude hot DAV stars exists; their discovery would open the possibility of a direct test of the explanation for the deficit of helium atmosphere white dwarfs at these temperatures by asteroseismic probing of the atmospheric layers of the hot DAV stars. A search for pulsation in a further 22 candidates with ULTRACAM on the European Southern Observatory New Technology Telescope gave null results for pulsation at precisions in the range 0.5–3 mmag, suggesting that the pulsation amplitudes in such stars are relatively low, hence near the detection limit with the ground-based telescopes used in the surve

    DE Canum Venaticorum : a bright, eclipsing red dwarf–white dwarf binary

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    Context. Close white dwarf–red dwarf binaries must have gone through a common-envelope phase during their evolution. DE CVn is a detached white dwarf–red dwarf binary with a relatively short (∼8.7 h) orbital period. Its brightness and the presence of eclipses makes this system ideal for a more detailed study. Aims. From a study of photometric and spectroscopic observations of DE CVn we derive the system parameters that we discuss in the framework of common-envelope evolution. Methods. Photometric observations of the eclipses are used to determine an accurate ephemeris. From a model fit to an average lowresolution spectrum of DE CVn, we constrain the temperature of the white dwarf and the spectral type of the red dwarf. The eclipse light curve is analysed and combined with the radial velocity curve of the red dwarf determined from time-resolved spectroscopy to derive constraints on the inclination and the masses of the components in the system. Results. The derived ephemeris is HJDmin = 2 452 784.5533(1) + 0.3641394(2) × E. The red dwarf in DE CVn has a spectral type of M3V and the white dwarf has an effective temperature of 8 000 K. The inclination of the system is 86+3◦ −2 and the mass and radius of the red dwarf are 0.41 ± 0.06 M and 0.37+0.06 −0.007 R, respectively, and the mass and radius of the white dwarf are 0.51+0.06 −0.02 M and 0.0136+0.0008 −0.0002 R, respectively. Conclusions. We found that the white dwarf has a hydrogen-rich atmosphere (DA-type). Given that DE CVn has experienced a common-envelope phase, we can reconstruct its evolution and we find that the progenitor of the white dwarf was a relatively lowmass star (M ≤ 1.6 M). The current age of this system is 3.3−7.3 × 109 years, while it will take longer than the Hubble time for DE CVn to evolve into a semi-detached system

    The quest for companions to post-common envelope binaries. II. NSVS14256825 and HS0705+6700

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    We report new mid-eclipse times of the two close binaries NSVS14256825 and HS0705+6700, harboring an sdB primary and a low-mass main-sequence secondary. Both objects display clear variations in the measured orbital period, which can be explained by the action of a third object orbiting the binary. If this interpretation is correct, the third object in NSVS14256825 is a giant planet with a mass of roughly 12 M_Jup. For HS0705+6700, we provide evidence that strengthens the case for the suggested periodic nature of the eclipse time variation and reduces the uncertainties in the parameters of the brown dwarf implied by that model. The derived period is 8.4 yr and the mass is 31 M_Jup, if the orbit is coplanar with the binary. This research is part of the PlanetFinders project, an ongoing collaboration between professional astronomers and student groups at high schools.Comment: Accepted by Astron. and Astrophy

    A precision study of two eclipsing white dwarf plus M dwarf binaries

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    We use a combination of X-shooter spectroscopy, ULTRACAM high-speed photometry and SOFI near-infrared photometry to measure the masses and radii of both components of the eclipsing post common envelope binaries SDSS J1212-0123 and GK Vir. For both systems we measure the gravitational redshift of the white dwarf and combine it with light curve model fits to determine the inclinations, masses and radii. For SDSS J1212-0123 we find a white dwarf mass and radius of 0.439 +/- 0.002 Msun and 0.0168 +/- 0.0003 Rsun, and a secondary star mass and radius of 0.273 +/- 0.002 Msun and 0.306 +/- 0.007 Rsun. For GK Vir we find a white dwarf mass and radius of 0.564 +/- 0.014 Msun and 0.0170 +/- 0.0004 Rsun, and a secondary star mass and radius of 0.116 +/- 0.003 Msun and 0.155 +/- 0.003 Rsun. The mass and radius of the white dwarf in GK Vir are consistent with evolutionary models for a 50,000K carbon-oxygen core white dwarf. Although the mass and radius of the white dwarf in SDSS J1212-0123 are consistent with carbon-oxygen core models, evolutionary models imply that a white dwarf with such a low mass and in a short period binary must have a helium core. The mass and radius measurements are consistent with helium core models but only if the white dwarf has a very thin hydrogen envelope, which has not been predicted by evolutionary models. The mass and radius of the secondary star in GK Vir are consistent with evolutionary models after correcting for the effects of irradiation by the white dwarf. The secondary star in SDSS J1212-0123 has a radius ~9 per cent larger than predicted.Comment: 21 pages, 14 Figures and 11 Tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A High-Protein Diet With Resistance Exercise Training Improves Weight Loss and Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of two low-fat hypocaloric diets differing in the carbohydrate-to-protein ratio, with and without resistance exercise training (RT), on weight loss, body composition, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk outcomes in overweight/obese patients with type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 83 men and women with type 2 diabetes (aged 56.1 ± 7.5 years, BMI 35.4 ± 4.6 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to an isocaloric, energy-restricted diet (female subjects 6 MJ/day, male subjects 7 MJ/day) of either standard carbohydrate (CON; carbohydrate:protein:fat 53:19:26) or high protein (HP; 43:33:22), with or without supervised RT (3 days/week) for 16 weeks. Body weight and composition, waist circumference (WC), and cardiometabolic risk markers were assessed. RESULTS: Fifty-nine participants completed the study. There was a significant group effect (P ≤ 0.04) for body weight, fat mass, and WC with the greatest reductions occuring in HP+RT (weight [CON: −8.6 ± 4.6 kg, HP: −9.0 ± 4.8 kg, CON+RT: −10.5 ± 5.1 kg, HP+RT: −13.8 ± 6.0 kg], fat mass [CON: −6.4 ± 3.4 kg, HP: −6.7 ± 4.0 kg, CON+RT: −7.9 ± 3.7 kg, HP+RT: −11.1 ± 3.7 kg], and WC [CON: −8.2 ± 4.6 cm, HP: −8.9 ± 3.9 cm, CON+RT: −11.3 ± 4.6 cm, HP+RT: −13.7 ± 4.6 cm]). There was an overall reduction (P < 0.001) in fat-free mass (−2.0 ± 2.3 kg), blood pressure (−15/8 ± 10/6 mmHg), glucose (−2.1 ± 2.2 mmol/l), insulin (−4.7 ± 5.4 mU/l), A1C (−1.25 ± 0.94%), triglycerides (−0.47 ± 0.81 mmol/l), total cholesterol (−0.67 ± 0.69 mmol/l), and LDL cholesterol (−0.37 ± 0.53 mmol/l), with no difference between groups (P ≥ 0.17). CONCLUSIONS: An energy-restricted HP diet combined with RT achieved greater weight loss and more favorable changes in body composition. All treatments had similar improvements in glycemic control and CVD risk markers.Thomas P. Wycherley, Manny Noakes, Peter M. Clifton, Xenia Cleanthous, Jennifer B. Keogh and Grant D. Brinkwort