43 research outputs found

    Chemical and thermal characterization of a portuguese traditional fermented meat sausage

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    In the North of Portugal several traditional fermented meat products are produced. One of these is the alheira that is a smoked sausage, made from the meat of pig, regional wheat bread and olive oil, seasoned with salt, garlic and paprika. This product must be subjected to a thermal process before consumption in order to garantee its safety and reducing the occurrence of foodborne diseases. The aim of the present work was to characterize this product in relation to the chemical composition and thermal behaviour. Alheiras were bought to local producers. pH, water activity, fat and protein contents were determined. In order to obtain the heating curves, alheiras were roasted at different temperatures, ranging from 120 to 240 ºC, in a forced convection oven. The center temperature, as well as the temperature of the sourrounding medium, were monitored along the heating. Alheiras presented a pH value of 6.07±0.26, a water activity of 0.92±0.01, a fat content of 6.60±0.68% and a protein content of 9.78±0.92. After a certain period of time, the temperature at the center of the product remained almost constant, around 100ºC, eventhough higher temperatures of heating were used. At 240 ºC the heating process was around three times faster than at 120ºC. For reaching 100 ºC, 13.0±0.5 min were necessary at 240 ºC instead 42.5±2.5 min at 120ºC


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    Efeito do tratamento térmico no perfil de ácidos gordos de alheiras do Nordeste Transmontano

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    Este trabalho pretendeu estudar o efeito do tratamento térmico no perfil lipídico de alheiras provenientes de um produtor artesanal do nordeste transmontano. Para o efeito, procedeu-se à caracterização físico-química das alheiras antes e após tratamento térmico, num forno com convecção a 220 ºC. Nas alheiras não sujeitas ao tratamento térmico os ácidos gordos monoinsaturados (MUFA) (% em peso fresco) foram os predominantes (3,20±0,31%), seguidos dos saturados (SFA) (2,02±0,30%) e dos polinsaturados (PUFA) (0,97±0,14%). Padrão semelhante foi observado nas alheiras sujeitas a tratamento térmico: MUFA 4,99±0,89, SFA 2,63±0,51 e PUFA 1,44±0,28% em peso fresco. Relativamente aos ácidos gordos individuais, foram detetados os seguintes: Saturados: C4, C8, C10 (apenas nas alheiras não sujeitas a tratamento térmico), C12, C14, C16 e C18; Monoinsaturados: C16:1, C18:1; e Polinsaturados: C18:2 e C18:3. Destes, o C18:1 foi o predominante, devido a ser o ácido gordo mais abundante na carne de porco e no azeite, usado na preparação das alheiras. Em relação ao efeito do tratamento térmico, este não conduziu a uma oxidação significativa da gordura

    Uncovering archaeological sites in airborne LiDAR data with data-centric artificial intelligence

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    Mapping potential archaeological sites using remote sensing and artificial intelligence can be an efficient tool to assist archaeologists during project planning and fieldwork. This paper explores the use of airborne LiDAR data and data-centric artificial intelligence for identifying potential burial mounds. The challenge of exploring the landscape and mapping new archaeological sites, coupled with the difficulty of identifying them through visual analysis of remote sensing data, results in the recurring issue of insufficient annotations. Additionally, the top-down nature of LiDAR data hinders artificial intelligence in its search, as the morphology of archaeological sites blends with the morphology of natural and artificial shapes, leading to a frequent occurrence of false positives. To address this problem, a novel data-centric artificial intelligence approach is proposed, exploring the available data and tools. The LiDAR data is pre-processed into a dataset of 2D digital elevation images, and the known burial mounds are annotated. This dataset is augmented with a copy-paste object embedding based on Location-Based Ranking. This technique uses the Land-Use and Occupation Charter to segment the regions of interest, where burial mounds can be pasted. YOLOv5 is trained on the resulting dataset to propose new burial mounds. These proposals go through a post-processing step, directly using the 3D data acquired by the LiDAR to verify if its 3D shape is similar to the annotated sites. This approach drastically reduced false positives, attaining a 72.53% positive rate, relevant for the ground-truthing phase where archaeologists visit the coordinates of proposed burial mounds to confirm their existence.This work was supported by the Project Odyssey: Platform for Automated Sensing in Archaeology Co-Financed by COMPETE 2020 and Regional Operational Program Lisboa 2020 through Portugal 2020 and FEDER under Grant ALG-01-0247-FEDER-070150.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geographic Information Systems in Archaeology: A Systematic Review

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    GIS are an essential element in archaeology. Their use has become widespread for their potential to store, reference, analyse and visualise spatial information. Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge, a systematic review of academic peer-reviewed publications related to the use of GIS, as a framework, in archaeology has never been presented before. Our goal in this work is to identify what has been published so far in relation to using GIS in archaeology within a small selected sample. We used the PRISMA guideline to perform a systematic review of 671 publications that we identified using the SCOPUS database and the keywords ‘GIS’ and ‘archaeology’. The collected publications were screened, analysed, and categorized into different relevant categories. Our analysis shows that GIS, in our selected sample, are mostly used for visualization and information management tasks. Moreover, spatial analysis studies were more common than other studies, and theoretical publications are scarce. The lack of a theoretical background in GIS may be the cause of some of the problems related to GIS applications in archaeology

    Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provided directly by authors, were collated with information on site locations, including coordinates, habitat cover, and soil properties. Datasets were required, at a minimum, to include abundance or biomass of earthworms at a site. Where possible, site-level species lists were included, as well as the abundance and biomass of individual species and ecological groups. This global dataset contains 10,840 sites, with 184 species, from 60 countries and all continents except Antarctica. The data were obtained from 182 published articles, published between 1973 and 2017, and 17 unpublished datasets. Amalgamating data into a single global database will assist researchers in investigating and answering a wide variety of pressing questions, for example, jointly assessing aboveground and belowground biodiversity distributions and drivers of biodiversity change.Peer reviewe

    Chaves: O novo recinto da feira

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    No âmbito da unidade curricular de Projeto Final de Arquitetura 2021/2022, é desenvolvida uma estratégia de atuação individual definida pela criação do Parque Urbano e Hortícola da Galinheira e de um recinto para a(s) Feira(s) de Chaves que, fundamentada num trabalho de análise e reflexão sobre o território de Chaves, procura dar continuidade à estratégia de atuação desenvolvida pelo Programa Polis em Chaves, propondo um conjunto de intervenções de requalificação urbana e valorização ambiental que, complementares entre si, pretendem consolidar o espaço urbano, reforçando a ligação entre as duas margens, e devolvendo ao rio Tâmega a sua importância enquanto elemento estruturador do território e parte identitária da cidade de Chaves.Within the scope of the curricular unit of Projeto Final de Arquitetura 2021/2022, an individual action strategy is developed, defined by the creation of the Urban and Horticultural Park of Galinheira and a space for the Chaves Fair(s) which, based on a work of analysis and reflection on the territory of Chaves, seeks to continue the strategy of action developed by the Polis Program in Chaves, proposing a set of interventions of urban requalification and environmental enhancement that, complementary to each other, intend to consolidate the urban space, reinforcing the links between the two banks, and giving back to the river Tâmega its importance as a structuring element of the territory and part of the identity of the city of Chaves