38 research outputs found

    Dziedzictwo kultury druku XV-XVIII w. w zasobach cyfrowych – rekonesans

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    Digitization as an element of technological development has contributed to the removal of many information barriers related to access to the achievements of writing and printing culture. Thanks to numerous programs of developing and subsidizing work on intellectual property, digital libraries, museums and archives have been created, offering access to their collections online. Digital forms of priceless manuscripts, old prints, documents of social life and other manifestations of culture are not only a way of conservation and preservation of the originals or the presentation of library magazines, but also sources for research. The content of the Digital Library Federation – DLF, which associates 138 data providers, will be used as an example of digitized old prints along with ways of describing, searching, displaying results and special addons that make their use simple and effective. As a result of the research, 38,629 items marked as old prints were found in the database, supplied by 38 institutions, the most numerous being those provided by the Jagiellonian Digital Library and the Lower Silesia Digital Library, with the predominance of 18th and 17th century and Latin and Polish prints.Cyfryzacja jako element rozwoju technologicznego przyczyniła się do zniesienia wielu barier informacyjnych związanych z dostępem do osiągnięć kultury pisma i druku. Dzięki licznym programom opracowywania i dofinansowywania prac nad dorobkiem umysłowym, znajdującym się w zasobach m.in. bibliotek, powstały biblioteki, muzea i archiwa cyfrowe, oferujące dostęp do swoich zbiorów z poziomu internetu. Formy cyfrowe bezcennych rękopisów, starych druków, dokumentów życia społecznego i innych przejawów kultury są nie tylko zabezpieczeniem i ochroną oryginałów czy też prezentacją bibliotecznych magazynów, lecz także źródłami do badań. Na przykładzie zawartości zasobów Federacji Bibliotek Cyfrowych, zrzeszającej 138 dostawców danych, przedstawiony zostanie zasób zdigitalizowanych starych druków oraz sposoby ich opisywania, przeszukiwania, wyświetlania wyników, a także dodatki specjalne, dzięki którym korzystanie z nich jest proste i efektywne. W wyniku badań w bazie stwierdzono obecność 38 629 obiektów oznaczonych jako starodruki, dostarczonych przez 38 instytucji, przy czym najliczniej udostępniane przez Jagiellońską Bibliotekę Cyfrową oraz Dolnośląską Bibliotekę Cyfrową, z dominującą przewagą druków XVIII- i XVII-wiecznych oraz łacińsko- i polskojęzycznych

    Protection of the Polish written and printed heritage – National Library Resource

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    Written and printed works are one of the most important cultural achievements of every country and nation. This often priceless heritage is protected, among other things, by libraries which are responsible for collecting, preparing, storing, protecting and sharing their collections. The article focuses on one form of protection of these resources – the Polish National Library Resource (NLR), which has a legal basis and gives examples of good practice. The analysis presented in this paper covers the normative Acts that cover only those collections which are unique and exceptionally valuable for Polish culture. It was found that perception of these special collections has changed and that nowadays there are only a small number of libraries that take part in the NLR programme

    Observational evidence for gravitationally trapped massive axion(-like) particles

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    Unexpected astrophysical observations can be explained by gravitationally captured massive particles, which are produced inside the Sun or other Stars and are accumulated over cosmic times. Their radiative decay in solar outer space would give rise to a `self-irradiation' of the whole star, providing the time-independent component of the corona heating source. In analogy with the Sun-irradiated Earth atmosphere, the temperature and density gradient in the corona - chromosphere transition region is suggestive for an omnipresent irradiation of the Sun. The same scenario fits other astrophysical X-ray observations. The radiative decay of a population of such elusive particles mimics a hot gas. X-ray observatories, with an unrivalled sensitivity below ~10 keV, can search for such particles. The elongation angle relative to the Sun is the relevant new parameter.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, 9 figures. Accepted by Astroparticle Physic


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    This is survey of an ex-libris collector magazine Ex Bibliotheca : A Magazine of Graphic Artists and Ex-libris Collectors published in Warsaw between 1999 and 2009. Neither its wide coverage of the world of bookplates nor the commitment of its authors and editors, who took great care with its design, were able to keep afl oat in the long run. After publishing twenty issues of the magazine over a period of ten years, they were forced to give up the struggle. The short-lived career of Ex Bibliotheca was little different from the fate of its various predecessors, none of which, however, had lasted for twenty issues

    Scientific Library of PAU and PAN

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