42 research outputs found
Una vida sin examen no merece ser vivida por el hombre: variaciones "socráticas" en Epicteto
- Author
- ARNIM I. von
- Long A.A
- Marcelo D. Boeri
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
La colère chez Aristote
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'PERSEE Program'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1970
- Field of study
On a jusqu'ici considéré comme totalement disparu un ouvrage dans lequel Aristote traitait des passions en général et de la colère en particulier. Les allusions des écoles adverses lui reprochant sur ce point une doctrine trop indulgente se référeraient en fait à des Péripatéticiens ultérieurs qui auraient forcé la pensée du Maître. Or, si l'on regroupe les indications dispersées à travers toute l'œuvre aristotélicienne et si on les confronte rigoureusement avec les témoignages de Philodème, de Cicerón et de Sénèque, il apparaît que ces témoignages coïncident parfaitement avec la pensée d 'Aristote, à s'en tenir même aux ouvrages conservés. Quant au Περί Παθών, certains indices le situent au début de la carrière du philosophe et font penser qu'il y développait effectivement, au sujet de la colère, une thèse plus indulgente encore que dans ses traités postérieurs. De ce Περί Παθών émanent sans doute, outre quelques autres échos ou fragments, le compte rendu d'ensemble fourni par la quatrième Tusculane et les citations précises contenues dans le De Ira de Sénèque.Fillion-Lahille Janine. La colère chez Aristote. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 72, 1970, n°1-2. pp. 46-79
Posidonius and the Timaeus
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Posidonius on Emotions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Epicureans on Anger
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Chrysippus — Posidonius — Seneca: A High-Level Debate on Emotion
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Seneca’s Shame
- Author
- Aalders
- Abbott
- Abel
- Abel
- Abel
- Ahl
- Ahl
- Alexander
- Allen
- Allen
- Althoff
- Altman
- André
- André
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arce
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armstrong
- Asmis
- Austin
- Bakhtin
- Bandera
- Barchiesi
- Barthes
- Barton
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Barzizza
- Barzizza
- Bauman
- Beacham
- Beacham
- Benedict
- Benferhat
- Bergmann
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berthet
- Bickel
- Bickel
- Billanovich
- Billerbeck
- Binns
- Bloom
- Bloomer
- Blänsdorf
- Blüher
- Bobbio
- Bocciolini Palagi
- Bonner
- Bourgery
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bracciolini
- Braden
- Bradshaw
- Braund
- Braund
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Brink
- Brock
- Brugnoli
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Burnyeat
- Burrow
- Busch
- Buzzi
- Byrne
- Byrne
- Béranger
- Cairns
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Cancik
- Cannadine
- Canter
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Castagna
- Castelnérac
- Castiglioni
- Caviglia
- Cervellera
- Champlin
- Chevallier
- Citti
- Citti
- Citti
- Clark
- Codoñer
- Codoñer Merino
- Coffey
- Colish
- Connors
- Conte
- Conte
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Costa
- Crook
- Crosby
- Cugusi
- Cupaiuolo
- Damschen
- Davis
- de Bom
- de Caigny
- de Nolhac
- De Robertis
- De Vivo
- De Vivo
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Delhaye
- Desan
- Dionigi
- Dodds
- Dodson-Robinson
- Dolganov
- Dominik
- Donini
- Dressler
- Due
- Dupont
- Dyson
- Easterling
- Eden
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eliot
- Elsner
- Erasmo
- Erasmus
- Evans
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fasce
- Feeney
- Feeney
- Ferguson
- Fillion-Lahille
- Fitch
- Fitch
- Fleury
- Fohlen
- Fohlen
- Fothergill-Payne
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulon
- Fournier
- Fowler
- Frede
- Fredouille
- Freise
- Freudenburg
- Friedländer
- Friedrich
- Furley
- Fürst
- Gagliardi
- Gale
- Gasti
- Gauly
- Gercke
- Gill
- Gill
- Goffman
- Goldschmidt
- Gottschalk
- Gottschalk
- Gowers
- Graf
- Gratwick
- Greenblatt
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Gross
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grund
- Gualandri
- Guidorizzi
- Gummere
- Hachmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Harrison
- Hay
- Haß
- Henderson
- Henke
- Herington
- Hermann
- Hess
- Hijmans
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hirai
- Horstkotte
- Hoyos
- Innocenti
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Jal
- James
- Jocelyn
- Jocelyn
- Kantorowicz
- Kaster
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Ker
- Ker
- Koeler
- Kohn
- Kraft
- Kragelund
- Kraye
- Krenkel
- Krenkel
- Lagrée
- Lana
- Lana
- Lanzarone
- Lapidge
- Lau
- Laureys
- Lausberg
- Leach
- Lebek
- Leeman
- Lefèvre
- Lefèvre
- Leigh
- Leo
- Letta
- Lightfoot
- Lo Cicero
- Lo Moro
- Logan
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Lotito
- Lowrie
- Lucas
- Lund
- Lyne
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Maguiness
- Malaspina
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Mara
- Marchesi
- Markus
- Martellotti
- Martina
- Marx
- Maso
- Mastandrea
- Mastronarde
- Maurach
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Meerseman
- Megas
- Meyer
- Mezzadroli
- Momigliano
- Moreau
- Morello
- Moreschini
- Morford
- Morford
- Morford
- Mortureux
- Most
- Motto
- Mouchel
- Mouchel
- Mowbray
- Munk Olsen
- Murray
- Murray
- Mutschler
- Mutschmann
- Müller
- Nanni
- Narducci
- Newman
- Nisard
- Nisbet
- Niutta
- Norden
- Nothdurft
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Oltramare
- Osgood
- Osgood
- O’Gorman
- Paduano
- Panizza
- Panizza
- Papy
- Paratore
- Parroni
- Parroni
- Perelli
- Peterson
- Petrarca
- Petrarcha
- Phillips
- Pizan
- Pohlenz
- Pohlenz
- Powell
- Pratt
- Pusch
- Putnam
- Questa
- Quinn
- Quint
- Rabbow
- Reed
- Regenbogen
- Relihan
- Reydams-Schils
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Richardson-Hay
- Rist
- Rodríguez
- Roncali
- Roncali
- Rorty
- Rosati
- Rose
- Rosenmeyer
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rudd
- Rudich
- Russell
- Russo
- Russo
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Salmon
- Santini
- Schiesaro
- Schlegel
- Schmeling
- Schmidt
- Schofield
- Schofield
- Sedgwick
- Segal
- Sellars
- Seneca
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Shelton
- Shklar
- Shumate
- Simone
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Skutsch
- Smiley
- Smiraglia
- Smith
- Smith
- Soen
- Sorabji
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Star
- Stewart
- Steyns
- Stok
- Striker
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Summers
- Sutton
- Syme
- Sørensen
- Taoka
- Tarrant
- Tarrant
- Thévenaz
- Thévenaz
- Too
- Torre
- Torre
- Traina
- Trapp
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Ueding
- Verbeke
- Vernant
- Versnel
- Veyne
- Villa
- Villari
- Villey
- Viparelli
- Voelke
- Vogel
- Volk
- Volk
- Von Albrecht
- Vottero
- Vottero
- Weber
- Weinreich
- Westman
- Whitehorne
- Whitton
- Wildberger
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Woodman
- Wright
- Young
- Zanker
- Zissos
- Zissos
- Zwierlein
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Seneca and Epicurus: the Allure of the Other
- Author
- Aalders
- Abbott
- Abel
- Abel
- Abel
- Ahl
- Ahl
- Alexander
- Allen
- Allen
- Althoff
- Altman
- André
- André
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arce
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armstrong
- Asmis
- Austin
- Bakhtin
- Bandera
- Barchiesi
- Barthes
- Barton
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Barzizza
- Barzizza
- Bauman
- Beacham
- Beacham
- Benedict
- Benferhat
- Bergmann
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berthet
- Bickel
- Bickel
- Billanovich
- Billerbeck
- Binns
- Bloom
- Bloomer
- Blänsdorf
- Blüher
- Bobbio
- Bocciolini Palagi
- Bonner
- Bourgery
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bracciolini
- Braden
- Bradshaw
- Braund
- Braund
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Brink
- Brock
- Brugnoli
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Burnyeat
- Burrow
- Busch
- Buzzi
- Byrne
- Byrne
- Béranger
- Cairns
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Cancik
- Cannadine
- Canter
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Castagna
- Castelnérac
- Castiglioni
- Caviglia
- Cervellera
- Champlin
- Chevallier
- Citti
- Citti
- Citti
- Clark
- Codoñer
- Codoñer Merino
- Coffey
- Colish
- Connors
- Conte
- Conte
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Costa
- Crook
- Crosby
- Cugusi
- Cupaiuolo
- Damschen
- Davis
- de Bom
- de Caigny
- de Nolhac
- De Robertis
- De Vivo
- De Vivo
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Delhaye
- Desan
- Dionigi
- Dodds
- Dodson-Robinson
- Dolganov
- Dominik
- Donini
- Dressler
- Due
- Dupont
- Dyson
- Easterling
- Eden
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eliot
- Elsner
- Erasmo
- Erasmus
- Evans
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fasce
- Feeney
- Feeney
- Ferguson
- Fillion-Lahille
- Fitch
- Fitch
- Fleury
- Fohlen
- Fohlen
- Fothergill-Payne
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulon
- Fournier
- Fowler
- Frede
- Fredouille
- Freise
- Freudenburg
- Friedländer
- Friedrich
- Furley
- Fürst
- Gagliardi
- Gale
- Gasti
- Gauly
- Gercke
- Gill
- Gill
- Goffman
- Goldschmidt
- Gottschalk
- Gottschalk
- Gowers
- Graf
- Gratwick
- Greenblatt
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Gross
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grund
- Gualandri
- Guidorizzi
- Gummere
- Hachmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Harrison
- Hay
- Haß
- Henderson
- Henke
- Herington
- Hermann
- Hess
- Hijmans
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hirai
- Horstkotte
- Hoyos
- Innocenti
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Jal
- James
- Jocelyn
- Jocelyn
- Kantorowicz
- Kaster
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Ker
- Ker
- Koeler
- Kohn
- Kraft
- Kragelund
- Kraye
- Krenkel
- Krenkel
- Lagrée
- Lana
- Lana
- Lanzarone
- Lapidge
- Lau
- Laureys
- Lausberg
- Leach
- Lebek
- Leeman
- Lefèvre
- Lefèvre
- Leigh
- Leo
- Letta
- Lightfoot
- Lo Cicero
- Lo Moro
- Logan
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Lotito
- Lowrie
- Lucas
- Lund
- Lyne
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Maguiness
- Malaspina
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Mara
- Marchesi
- Markus
- Martellotti
- Martina
- Marx
- Maso
- Mastandrea
- Mastronarde
- Maurach
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Meerseman
- Megas
- Meyer
- Mezzadroli
- Momigliano
- Moreau
- Morello
- Moreschini
- Morford
- Morford
- Morford
- Mortureux
- Most
- Motto
- Mouchel
- Mouchel
- Mowbray
- Munk Olsen
- Murray
- Murray
- Mutschler
- Mutschmann
- Müller
- Nanni
- Narducci
- Newman
- Nisard
- Nisbet
- Niutta
- Norden
- Nothdurft
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Oltramare
- Osgood
- Osgood
- O’Gorman
- Paduano
- Panizza
- Panizza
- Papy
- Paratore
- Parroni
- Parroni
- Perelli
- Peterson
- Petrarca
- Petrarcha
- Phillips
- Pizan
- Pohlenz
- Pohlenz
- Powell
- Pratt
- Pusch
- Putnam
- Questa
- Quinn
- Quint
- Rabbow
- Reed
- Regenbogen
- Relihan
- Reydams-Schils
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Richardson-Hay
- Rist
- Rodríguez
- Roncali
- Roncali
- Rorty
- Rosati
- Rose
- Rosenmeyer
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rudd
- Rudich
- Russell
- Russo
- Russo
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Salmon
- Santini
- Schiesaro
- Schlegel
- Schmeling
- Schmidt
- Schofield
- Schofield
- Sedgwick
- Segal
- Sellars
- Seneca
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Shelton
- Shklar
- Shumate
- Simone
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Skutsch
- Smiley
- Smiraglia
- Smith
- Smith
- Soen
- Sorabji
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Star
- Stewart
- Steyns
- Stok
- Striker
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Summers
- Sutton
- Syme
- Sørensen
- Taoka
- Tarrant
- Tarrant
- Thévenaz
- Thévenaz
- Too
- Torre
- Torre
- Traina
- Trapp
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Ueding
- Verbeke
- Vernant
- Versnel
- Veyne
- Villa
- Villari
- Villey
- Viparelli
- Voelke
- Vogel
- Volk
- Volk
- Von Albrecht
- Vottero
- Vottero
- Weber
- Weinreich
- Westman
- Whitehorne
- Whitton
- Wildberger
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Woodman
- Wright
- Young
- Zanker
- Zissos
- Zissos
- Zwierlein
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
The philosophical role of Seneca's relationship to Epicuru
Theater and Theatricality in Seneca’s World
- Author
- Aalders
- Abbott
- Abel
- Abel
- Abel
- Ahl
- Ahl
- Alexander
- Allen
- Allen
- Althoff
- Altman
- André
- André
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arce
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armstrong
- Asmis
- Austin
- Bakhtin
- Bandera
- Barchiesi
- Barthes
- Barton
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Barzizza
- Barzizza
- Bauman
- Beacham
- Beacham
- Benedict
- Benferhat
- Bergmann
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berthet
- Bickel
- Bickel
- Billanovich
- Billerbeck
- Binns
- Bloom
- Bloomer
- Blänsdorf
- Blüher
- Bobbio
- Bocciolini Palagi
- Bonner
- Bourgery
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bracciolini
- Braden
- Bradshaw
- Braund
- Braund
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Brink
- Brock
- Brugnoli
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Burnyeat
- Burrow
- Busch
- Buzzi
- Byrne
- Byrne
- Béranger
- Cairns
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Cancik
- Cannadine
- Canter
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Castagna
- Castelnérac
- Castiglioni
- Caviglia
- Cervellera
- Champlin
- Chevallier
- Citti
- Citti
- Citti
- Clark
- Codoñer
- Codoñer Merino
- Coffey
- Colish
- Connors
- Conte
- Conte
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Costa
- Crook
- Crosby
- Cugusi
- Cupaiuolo
- Damschen
- Davis
- de Bom
- de Caigny
- de Nolhac
- De Robertis
- De Vivo
- De Vivo
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Delhaye
- Desan
- Dionigi
- Dodds
- Dodson-Robinson
- Dolganov
- Dominik
- Donini
- Dressler
- Due
- Dupont
- Dyson
- Easterling
- Eden
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eliot
- Elsner
- Erasmo
- Erasmus
- Evans
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fasce
- Feeney
- Feeney
- Ferguson
- Fillion-Lahille
- Fitch
- Fitch
- Fleury
- Fohlen
- Fohlen
- Fothergill-Payne
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulon
- Fournier
- Fowler
- Frede
- Fredouille
- Freise
- Freudenburg
- Friedländer
- Friedrich
- Furley
- Fürst
- Gagliardi
- Gale
- Gasti
- Gauly
- Gercke
- Gill
- Gill
- Goffman
- Goldschmidt
- Gottschalk
- Gottschalk
- Gowers
- Graf
- Gratwick
- Greenblatt
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Gross
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grund
- Gualandri
- Guidorizzi
- Gummere
- Hachmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Harrison
- Hay
- Haß
- Henderson
- Henke
- Herington
- Hermann
- Hess
- Hijmans
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hirai
- Horstkotte
- Hoyos
- Innocenti
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Jal
- James
- Jocelyn
- Jocelyn
- Kantorowicz
- Kaster
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Ker
- Ker
- Koeler
- Kohn
- Kraft
- Kragelund
- Kraye
- Krenkel
- Krenkel
- Lagrée
- Lana
- Lana
- Lanzarone
- Lapidge
- Lau
- Laureys
- Lausberg
- Leach
- Lebek
- Leeman
- Lefèvre
- Lefèvre
- Leigh
- Leo
- Letta
- Lightfoot
- Lo Cicero
- Lo Moro
- Logan
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Lotito
- Lowrie
- Lucas
- Lund
- Lyne
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Maguiness
- Malaspina
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Mara
- Marchesi
- Markus
- Martellotti
- Martina
- Marx
- Maso
- Mastandrea
- Mastronarde
- Maurach
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Meerseman
- Megas
- Meyer
- Mezzadroli
- Momigliano
- Moreau
- Morello
- Moreschini
- Morford
- Morford
- Morford
- Mortureux
- Most
- Motto
- Mouchel
- Mouchel
- Mowbray
- Munk Olsen
- Murray
- Murray
- Mutschler
- Mutschmann
- Müller
- Nanni
- Narducci
- Newman
- Nisard
- Nisbet
- Niutta
- Norden
- Nothdurft
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Oltramare
- Osgood
- Osgood
- O’Gorman
- Paduano
- Panizza
- Panizza
- Papy
- Paratore
- Parroni
- Parroni
- Perelli
- Peterson
- Petrarca
- Petrarcha
- Phillips
- Pizan
- Pohlenz
- Pohlenz
- Powell
- Pratt
- Pusch
- Putnam
- Questa
- Quinn
- Quint
- Rabbow
- Reed
- Regenbogen
- Relihan
- Reydams-Schils
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Richardson-Hay
- Rist
- Rodríguez
- Roncali
- Roncali
- Rorty
- Rosati
- Rose
- Rosenmeyer
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rudd
- Rudich
- Russell
- Russo
- Russo
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Salmon
- Santini
- Schiesaro
- Schlegel
- Schmeling
- Schmidt
- Schofield
- Schofield
- Sedgwick
- Segal
- Sellars
- Seneca
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Shelton
- Shklar
- Shumate
- Simone
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Skutsch
- Smiley
- Smiraglia
- Smith
- Smith
- Soen
- Sorabji
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Star
- Stewart
- Steyns
- Stok
- Striker
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Summers
- Sutton
- Syme
- Sørensen
- Taoka
- Tarrant
- Tarrant
- Thévenaz
- Thévenaz
- Too
- Torre
- Torre
- Traina
- Trapp
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Ueding
- Verbeke
- Vernant
- Versnel
- Veyne
- Villa
- Villari
- Villey
- Viparelli
- Voelke
- Vogel
- Volk
- Volk
- Von Albrecht
- Vottero
- Vottero
- Weber
- Weinreich
- Westman
- Whitehorne
- Whitton
- Wildberger
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Woodman
- Wright
- Young
- Zanker
- Zissos
- Zissos
- Zwierlein
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Theory and Practice in Seneca’s Writings
- Author
- Aalders
- Abbott
- Abel
- Abel
- Abel
- Ahl
- Ahl
- Alexander
- Allen
- Allen
- Althoff
- Altman
- André
- André
- Annas
- Aquinas
- Arce
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armisen-Marchetti
- Armstrong
- Asmis
- Austin
- Bakhtin
- Bandera
- Barchiesi
- Barthes
- Barton
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Barzizza
- Barzizza
- Bauman
- Beacham
- Beacham
- Benedict
- Benferhat
- Bergmann
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berno
- Berthet
- Bickel
- Bickel
- Billanovich
- Billerbeck
- Binns
- Bloom
- Bloomer
- Blänsdorf
- Blüher
- Bobbio
- Bocciolini Palagi
- Bonner
- Bourgery
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bracciolini
- Braden
- Bradshaw
- Braund
- Braund
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Bravo Díaz
- Brink
- Brock
- Brugnoli
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Burnyeat
- Burrow
- Busch
- Buzzi
- Byrne
- Byrne
- Béranger
- Cairns
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Cancik
- Cannadine
- Canter
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Carabin
- Castagna
- Castelnérac
- Castiglioni
- Caviglia
- Cervellera
- Champlin
- Chevallier
- Citti
- Citti
- Citti
- Clark
- Codoñer
- Codoñer Merino
- Coffey
- Colish
- Connors
- Conte
- Conte
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Costa
- Crook
- Crosby
- Cugusi
- Cupaiuolo
- Damschen
- Davis
- de Bom
- de Caigny
- de Nolhac
- De Robertis
- De Vivo
- De Vivo
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Degl’Innocenti Pierini
- Delhaye
- Desan
- Dionigi
- Dodds
- Dodson-Robinson
- Dolganov
- Dominik
- Donini
- Dressler
- Due
- Dupont
- Dyson
- Easterling
- Eden
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eliot
- Elsner
- Erasmo
- Erasmus
- Evans
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fantham
- Fasce
- Feeney
- Feeney
- Ferguson
- Fillion-Lahille
- Fitch
- Fitch
- Fleury
- Fohlen
- Fohlen
- Fothergill-Payne
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulon
- Fournier
- Fowler
- Frede
- Fredouille
- Freise
- Freudenburg
- Friedländer
- Friedrich
- Furley
- Fürst
- Gagliardi
- Gale
- Gasti
- Gauly
- Gercke
- Gill
- Gill
- Goffman
- Goldschmidt
- Gottschalk
- Gottschalk
- Gowers
- Graf
- Gratwick
- Greenblatt
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Grimal
- Gross
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grund
- Gualandri
- Guidorizzi
- Gummere
- Hachmann
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Hardie
- Harrison
- Hay
- Haß
- Henderson
- Henke
- Herington
- Hermann
- Hess
- Hijmans
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hinds
- Hirai
- Horstkotte
- Hoyos
- Innocenti
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Inwood
- Jal
- James
- Jocelyn
- Jocelyn
- Kantorowicz
- Kaster
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Ker
- Ker
- Koeler
- Kohn
- Kraft
- Kragelund
- Kraye
- Krenkel
- Krenkel
- Lagrée
- Lana
- Lana
- Lanzarone
- Lapidge
- Lau
- Laureys
- Lausberg
- Leach
- Lebek
- Leeman
- Lefèvre
- Lefèvre
- Leigh
- Leo
- Letta
- Lightfoot
- Lo Cicero
- Lo Moro
- Logan
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Long
- Lotito
- Lowrie
- Lucas
- Lund
- Lyne
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Maguiness
- Malaspina
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Manuwald
- Mara
- Marchesi
- Markus
- Martellotti
- Martina
- Marx
- Maso
- Mastandrea
- Mastronarde
- Maurach
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Mazzoli
- Meerseman
- Megas
- Meyer
- Mezzadroli
- Momigliano
- Moreau
- Morello
- Moreschini
- Morford
- Morford
- Morford
- Mortureux
- Most
- Motto
- Mouchel
- Mouchel
- Mowbray
- Munk Olsen
- Murray
- Murray
- Mutschler
- Mutschmann
- Müller
- Nanni
- Narducci
- Newman
- Nisard
- Nisbet
- Niutta
- Norden
- Nothdurft
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Nussbaum
- Oltramare
- Osgood
- Osgood
- O’Gorman
- Paduano
- Panizza
- Panizza
- Papy
- Paratore
- Parroni
- Parroni
- Perelli
- Peterson
- Petrarca
- Petrarcha
- Phillips
- Pizan
- Pohlenz
- Pohlenz
- Powell
- Pratt
- Pusch
- Putnam
- Questa
- Quinn
- Quint
- Rabbow
- Reed
- Regenbogen
- Relihan
- Reydams-Schils
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Richardson-Hay
- Rist
- Rodríguez
- Roncali
- Roncali
- Rorty
- Rosati
- Rose
- Rosenmeyer
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rudd
- Rudich
- Russell
- Russo
- Russo
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Salmon
- Santini
- Schiesaro
- Schlegel
- Schmeling
- Schmidt
- Schofield
- Schofield
- Sedgwick
- Segal
- Sellars
- Seneca
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Setaioli
- Shelton
- Shklar
- Shumate
- Simone
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Skutsch
- Smiley
- Smiraglia
- Smith
- Smith
- Soen
- Sorabji
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Spanneut
- Star
- Stewart
- Steyns
- Stok
- Striker
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Summers
- Sutton
- Syme
- Sørensen
- Taoka
- Tarrant
- Tarrant
- Thévenaz
- Thévenaz
- Too
- Torre
- Torre
- Traina
- Trapp
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Trillitzsch
- Ueding
- Verbeke
- Vernant
- Versnel
- Veyne
- Villa
- Villari
- Villey
- Viparelli
- Voelke
- Vogel
- Volk
- Volk
- Von Albrecht
- Vottero
- Vottero
- Weber
- Weinreich
- Westman
- Whitehorne
- Whitton
- Wildberger
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Woodman
- Wright
- Young
- Zanker
- Zissos
- Zissos
- Zwierlein
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study