728 research outputs found

    Functionalized micro-capillary film for the rapid at-line analysis of IgG aggregates in a cell culture bioreactor.

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    A micro-capillary film has been developed that offers the potential for an at-line analytical tool for rapid aggregate analysis during biopharmaceutical antibody production. A non-porous walled micro-capillary film (NMCF) with cation exchange functionality was demonstrated to act as a chromatography medium that could be operated with high linear fluid velocities and was highly resistant to blockage by entrained particulates, including cells. The NMCF containing 19 parallel microcapillaries was prepared using a melt extrusion process from poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) copolymer (EVOH). The NMCF-EVOH was modified to have cation-exchange functionality (NMCF-EVOH-SP) and shown to differentially bind monomer and aggregated species of IgG antibody directly from a bioreactor. The use of NMCF-EVOH-SP to quantify aggregate concentrations in monoclonal antibody preparations in less than 20 minutes was demonstrated.The authors would like to thank the EPSRC for the provision of a CASE Award. This study was sponsored by MedImmune, the global biologics R&D arm of AstraZeneca.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19420862.2015.106536

    The enhanced cognitive interview: expressions of uncertainty, motivation and its relation with report accuracy

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    The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) is one of the most widely studied and used methods to interview witnesses. However, ECI research has mainly focused on increasing report size and somewhat overlooked how to improve and evaluate report accuracy. No study evaluated if witnesses’ spontaneous expressions of uncertainty are accurate metacognitive judgments, nor if witnesses’ motivation during the interview affects report accuracy. This study examined how witnesses’ judgments of recall ‘uncertainty’ and their motivation perception could relate to report accuracy. Forty-four psychology students watched a mock robbery video recording and were interviewed 48 hours later with either the Portuguese version of the ECI or a Structured Interview (SI). Afterward, participants’ motivation was assessed and items of information were classified as ‘certainties’ or ‘uncertainties’. Results suggest that our ECI protocol was effective, since participants interviewed with the ECI produced more information without compromising accuracy. ‘Uncertainties’ were less accurate than ‘certainties’, and their exclusion raised overall, ECI, and SI, accuracy. More motivated participants had better recall accuracy. Accounting for witnesses’ motivation and spontaneous verbal expressions of uncertainty may be effective and time-saving procedures to increase accuracy. These are key points that professionals and researchers should consider

    Avalanches in Breakdown and Fracture Processes

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    We investigate the breakdown of disordered networks under the action of an increasing external---mechanical or electrical---force. We perform a mean-field analysis and estimate scaling exponents for the approach to the instability. By simulating two-dimensional models of electric breakdown and fracture we observe that the breakdown is preceded by avalanche events. The avalanches can be described by scaling laws, and the estimated values of the exponents are consistent with those found in mean-field theory. The breakdown point is characterized by a discontinuity in the macroscopic properties of the material, such as conductivity or elasticity, indicative of a first order transition. The scaling laws suggest an analogy with the behavior expected in spinodal nucleation.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E, corrected typo in authors name, no changes to the pape

    Avalanche Dynamics in Evolution, Growth, and Depinning Models

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    The dynamics of complex systems in nature often occurs in terms of punctuations, or avalanches, rather than following a smooth, gradual path. A comprehensive theory of avalanche dynamics in models of growth, interface depinning, and evolution is presented. Specifically, we include the Bak-Sneppen evolution model, the Sneppen interface depinning model, the Zaitsev flux creep model, invasion percolation, and several other depinning models into a unified treatment encompassing a large class of far from equilibrium processes. The formation of fractal structures, the appearance of 1/f1/f noise, diffusion with anomalous Hurst exponents, Levy flights, and punctuated equilibria can all be related to the same underlying avalanche dynamics. This dynamics can be represented as a fractal in dd spatial plus one temporal dimension. We develop a scaling theory that relates many of the critical exponents in this broad category of extremal models, representing different universality classes, to two basic exponents characterizing the fractal attractor. The exact equations and the derived set of scaling relations are consistent with numerical simulations of the above mentioned models.Comment: 27 pages in revtex, no figures included. Figures or hard copy of the manuscript supplied on reques

    Emissions pathways, climate change, and impacts on California

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    The magnitude of future climate change depends substantially on the greenhouse gas emission pathways we choose. Here we explore the implications of the highest and lowest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emissions pathways for climate change and associated impacts in California. Based on climate projections from two state-of-the-art climate models with low and medium sensitivity (Parallel Climate Model and Hadley Centre Climate Model, version 3, respectively), we find that annual temperature increases nearly double from the lower B1 to the higher A1fi emissions scenario before 2100. Three of four simulations also show greater increases in summer temperatures as compared with winter. Extreme heat and the associated impacts on a range of temperature-sensitive sectors are substantially greater under the higher emissions scenario, with some interscenario differences apparent before midcentury. By the end of the century under the B1 scenario, heatwaves and extreme heat in Los Angeles quadruple in frequency while heat-related mortality increases two to three times; alpine subalpine forests are reduced by 50–75%; and Sierra snowpack is reduced 30–70%. Under A1fi, heatwaves in Los Angeles are six to eight times more frequent, with heat-related excess mortality increasing five to seven times; alpine subalpine forests are reduced by 75–90%; and snowpack declines 73–90%, with cascading impacts on runoff and streamflow that, combined with projected modest declines in winter precipitation, could fundamentally disrupt California’s water rights system. Although interscenario differences in climate impacts and costs of adaptation emerge mainly in the second half of the century, they are strongly dependent on emissions from preceding decades

    Precision Top-Quark Mass Measurements at CDF

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    We present a precision measurement of the top-quark mass using the full sample of Tevatron s=1.96\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions collected by the CDF II detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.7 fb1fb^{-1}. Using a sample of ttˉt\bar{t} candidate events decaying into the lepton+jets channel, we obtain distributions of the top-quark masses and the invariant mass of two jets from the WW boson decays from data. We then compare these distributions to templates derived from signal and background samples to extract the top-quark mass and the energy scale of the calorimeter jets with {\it in situ} calibration. The likelihood fit of the templates from signal and background events to the data yields the single most-precise measurement of the top-quark mass, \mtop = 172.85 \pm0.71(stat) 0.71 (stat) \pm0.85(syst)GeV/c2. 0.85 (syst) GeV/c^{2}.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Re-conceptualising talent management and development within the context of the low paid

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    Those working in organisations have choices to make not only associated with the goods and services they produce but also their wider social and economic impact. The number of employees in low skilled/low paid jobs and the high proportion of companies adopting business strategies based on low-specification goods and services are a concern for many developed and developing economies. Addressing this problem is not traditionally the concern of Human Resource Development however we argue that through exploring the role that a wider, more balanced approach to Sustainable Talent Management and Development (S-TMD) may play within the context of the low skilled in the UK provides a crucial link to enhancing an organisation’s performance and responsibility to society. At the heart of this approach lies a shift to appreciate the collective endeavour of work practices, an enhanced role for stakeholders and identification of, and participation in skills eco-systems to support sustainable development. The paper identifies the opportunity for S-TMD to move from a predominantly individualist, managerial and unitarist understanding to one grounded in the value of tacit and embedded development processes undertaken to reflect a pluralist, multi-voiced approach to understanding of a skills eco-system

    Inclusive Search for Anomalous Production of High-pT Like-Sign Lepton Pairs in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV

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    We report on a search for anomalous production of events with at least two charged, isolated, like-sign leptons with pT > 11 GeV/c using a 107 pb^-1 sample of 1.8 TeV ppbar collisions collected by the CDF detector. We define a signal region containing low background from Standard Model processes. To avoid bias, we fix the final cuts before examining the event yield in the signal region using control regions to test the Monte Carlo predictions. We observe no events in the signal region, consistent with an expectation of 0.63^(+0.84)_(-0.07) events. We present 95% confidence level limits on new physics processes in both a signature-based context as well as within a representative minimal supergravity (tanbeta = 3) model.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Minor textual changes, cosmetic improvements to figures and updated and expanded reference

    Modelling and optimization of factors influencing adsorptive performance of agrowaste-derived Nanocellulose Iron Oxide Nanobiocomposites during remediation of Arsenic contaminated groundwater

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    Nanocellulose Iron Oxide Nanobiocomposites (NIONs) were synthesized from rice husk and sugarcane bagasse derived nanocelluloses for adsorptive removal of arsenic and associated contaminants present in groundwater samples. These NIONSs were superparamagnetic, hence magnetically recoverable and demonstrated promising recyclability. Synthesis of NIONs was confirmed by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS). FTIR and XPS data together with adsorption kinetics provide insights into probable adsorption mechanism of Arsenic by NIONs. The experimental conditions for 10 different variants were modelled using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD), considering the parameters; adsorbate dosage, adsorbent dosage, pH and contact time. The results identified the best performing variants and the optimal conditions for maximal absorption (~99%). These results were validated using a three-layer feed-forward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. Both RSM and ANN chemometric models were in close conformity for optimized conditions of highest adsorption by specific variants. The standardized conditions were used to expand the study to field-based arsenic contaminated groundwater samples and their performance to commercial adsorbents. NIONs show promising commercial potential for water remediation applications due to their high adsorptive performance, magnetic recoverability and recyclability

    Measurement of WγW\gamma and ZγZ\gamma Production in ppˉp\bar{p} Collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV

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    The Standard Model predictions for WγW\gamma and ZγZ\gamma production are tested using an integrated luminosity of 200 pb1^{-1} of \ppbar collision data collected at the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The cross sections are measured selecting leptonic decays of the WW and ZZ bosons, and photons with transverse energy ET>7E_T>7 GeV that are well separated from leptons. The production cross sections and kinematic distributions for the WγW\gamma and ZγZ\gamma are compared to SM predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR