19 research outputs found

    Miocardiopatia de Takotsubo: importante diagnóstico diferencial de dor torácica na emergência

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    A miocardiopatia de Takotsubo é uma forma de insuficiência cardíaca aguda, geralmente reversível e desencadeada por um estresse físico ou gatilho emocional, cuja apresentação clínica é bastante similar às síndromes coronarianas agudas, porém sem a obstrução vascular característica da doença coronariana. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 53 anos que chegou à emergência cardiológica com dor retroesternal tipicamente coronariana, alterações dinâmicas no eletrocardiograma e aumento dos marcadores de necrose miocárdica. Cateterismo cardíaco mostrou coronárias isentas de ateromatose significativa, embora houvesse pequeno grau de aterosclerose, e achados sugestivos de miocardiopatia de Takotsubo do tipo apical. Foi realizado tratamento de suporte com drogas anti-hipertensivas, visando diminuir trabalho e remodelamento cardíacos. Os marcadores de necrose miocárdica acompanhados durante o internamento mostraram curva descendente. Paciente evoluiu com melhora clínica, recebendo alta hospitalar no 7º dia após internamento, em uso de inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina, beta bloqueador de 3ª geração, estatina e antiagregante plaquetário.Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a form of acute, usually reversible, heart failure triggered by physical or emotional stress. The clinical presentation is very similar to that of acute coronary syndromes, but without the characteristic vascular obstruction of coronary disease. Here we report a case of a 53-year-old woman who presented at the cardiac emergency room with typical coronary chest pain, dynamic electrocardiogram changes, and increased markers of myocardial necrosis. Cardiac catheterization showed coronary arteries without significant atheromatosis, despite a slight degree of atherosclerosis, and findings suggestive of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy of the apical type. Supportive treatment with antihypertensive drugs was performed, aiming to reduce cardiac workload and remodeling. Markers of myocardial necrosis monitored during hospitalization showed a downward curve. The patient had clinical improvement, being discharged on the 7th day after hospitalization, using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, third-generation beta-blocker, statin and platelet antiaggregants

    Brazilian fiction from 1900 to 1945

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    Brazilian popular literature (the literatura de cordel

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    The Brazilian novel from 1850 to 1900

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    The Brazilian short story

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    The Brazilian and the Spanish American literary traditions: a contrastive view

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    The essay: architects of Brazilian national identity

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    Brazilian poetry from 1900 to 1922

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    The Brazilian theatre up to 1900

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    Colonial Brazilian literature

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