9 research outputs found

    ITIL Based Service Level Management if SLAs Cover Security

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    Current level of information technology creates new perspectives for more IT service oriented market. Quality of these services requires slightly different approach then was applied for products including software. No IT services are delivered and supported in risk free environment. Risks would be considered consistently with IT services quality gaps from Service Level Management (SLM) perspective. SLM is one of ITIL modules that are widely used within the IT service industry. We identified some weaknesses in how SLM is developed in ITIL environment if service level agreement (SLA) has cover Security. We argue that in such cases Architecture modeling and risk assessment approach let us effectively control analytical effort that relates to risks identification and understanding. Risk driven countermeasures designed in a next step (Risk treatment) have significant impact to the SLM especially from responsibility perspective. To demonstrate SLM's importance in real practice we analyze SLA synthesize process in CCI (Cyber Critical Infrastructure) environment

    Informační infrastruktura telekomunikační společnosti

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    Význam telekomunikačních společností je nesporný. Pozoruhodné je množství finančních prostředků, které přes tyto společnosti proudí. Částky obratu, které dosahují miliardových hodnot, řadí tento sektor mezi finančně nejproduktivnější. Oblast mobilní telekomunikace se dostává za rámec chápání jedince. Množství systémů, kterými každá společnost disponuje je několik set. Orientovat se v problematice je velmi obtížné a udržovat si povědomí o všech novinkách téměř nemožné. Základní stavební kameny velkých mobilních operátorů jsou však stejné a to je problematika, kterou tato práce popisuje

    The GUHA Virtual Machine - Frameworks and Key Concept. Research Report COST 274

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    The report describes and developes the notion of the GUHA Virtual Machine and its general, analytical, structuring and decision support modelling frameworks. It is a contribution to the Czech part of the COST Action 274 - TARSKI

    Prognosis and optimization of homogeneous Markov message handling networks

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    summary:Message handling systems with finitely many servers are mathematically described as homogeneous Markov networks. For hierarchic networks is found a recursive algorithm evaluating after finitely many steps all steady state parameters. Applications to optimization of the system design and management are discussed, as well as a program product 5P (Program for Prognosis of Performance Parameters and Problems) based on the presented theoretical conclusions. The theoretic achievements as well as the practical applicability of the program are illustrated on a hypermarket network with 34 servers at different locations of the Czech Republic

    Identifying potential repositories for radioactive waste: multiple criteria decision analysis and critical infrastructure systems

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    An approach for the analysis and management of multiple criteria critical infrastructure problems is put forth. Nuclear waste management involves complex tradeoffs under uncertainty. Among all waste either generated by nature or human activities, radioactive nuclear waste is the most toxic to human health and difficult to manage: it is known that some nuclear waste material will be radioactive and potentially dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. This paper discusses the use of multiple criteria decision analysis techniques such as the analytic hierarchy process for recommending sites to be considered as potential repositories for nuclear waste

    Analytic network process: An overview of applications

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